How much does a munchkin kitten cost on average - features and prices

The Munchkin cat breed is one of the most amazing and cutest. Short-legged cats, wrapped in soft thick fur, with a childish expression on their faces, have acquired fans all over the world. Their origin was made possible by mutation, but one should not think that the animals suffer from such an original gift of nature: this did not affect their agility, character and health in any way. It is worth learning the history of the appearance of chic fluffy dachshund cats in the world and their habits: this animal is worthy of attention.

History of the Munchkin breed

global $ads_google;
//data-ad-slot=”2475549904″ $ads_google = empty($ads_google) ? false : true; ?> if ($ads_google == false) {?> $ads_google = true; ?> } ?> The Munchkin cat is American by origin. And he could well be Russian - during the Second World War, kangaroo cats roamed Stalingrad. Their body structure was reminiscent of Australian animals with long hind limbs and greatly shortened front legs. When such a cat sat on its hind legs, in appearance it became very similar to a kangaroo. But the ancestor of the current purebred short-legged cat was the black and white cat Bramble from Louisiana (USA). So, in 1983, the history of a new amazing breed of funny cats began.

Ezhevichka had a peculiarity - very short legs, and the owner, Sandra Hochenedel, who picked up this pregnant cat from the street, considered this sign a consequence of the disease. The kittens that appeared caused even more surprise; they were a copy of their mother. A wonderful baby named Toulouse was given to Sandra's friend Kay LaFrance. Toulouse also gave the world many of its short-legged descendants.

The new breed was officially demonstrated at the TICA show in the spring of 1991. Subsequent study of the characteristics of animals revealed that short legs are a natural mutation and do not complicate the life of cats in any way. Further crossbreeding gave rise to many varieties of munchkin appearance, but the characteristics of the breed are still being improved.

Description of munchkin cats

The description of the characteristics of this breed should begin with the limbs: they are obviously short and visually look evenly spaced. The hind limbs are often longer than the forelimbs. The front legs consist of segments of equal length. From the first month of the animal’s life, it is immediately clear that this is a munchkin.

According to the standard, furry pets have an elongated, wide body, with a slight slope upward towards the tail at the back. The chest is rounded, the hips are strong and firm. Angularity of the shoulder blades is allowed. The cat's body, although small, is strong and muscular.

The head can be compared to a modified wedge with rounded shapes. The head of an adult cat appears proportional to the body. Cats have high cheekbones and no other special facial characteristics. There is a smooth transition from the nose to the flat forehead.

The breed is distinguished by its strong, dense and muscular neck, and it is larger in males than in females.

The ears are wide at the base, set wide and high, and are rounded at the tips. They can be medium or large in size, but they should look organic on the head. Semi-long-haired representatives have tassels on their ears.

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The eyes, like the ears, are medium or large in size, but have a remarkable almond shape. The eyes are widely spaced between each other, this gives the muzzle an open expression. The eyes are located at a certain angle to the ears. The color of a cat's eyes has nothing to do with its coat.

The tail is not thick, proportional to the body and always stands vertically during movement.

Munchkins can have longhaired, semi-longhaired or shorthaired coats. The qualities of the wool of each variety are slightly different from each other.

Cute short-legged cats are not included in the list of hypoallergenic breeds, so an allergy to them is not excluded.

The colors of the cat, which resembles a kangaroo, are very diverse, which is due to interbreeding.

Dimensions and weight of munchkins

This is something that cute dachshund cats cannot boast of in terms of size and weight. These creatures are small in stature: at the withers their height is about 15 cm, their length is average. The cat grows quickly, its size increases month by month.

How much a munchkin cat weighs depends on the gender of the creature and its age: the weight of a male is 3-4 kg. Females are lighter, they weigh from 2 to 4 kg.

The size of cats depends on the type: some animals show the world simply short limbs, while others have legs that are half the length. And there are special “rug huggers” cats without pronounced shoulders and forearms, they weigh no more than 2.5 kg and are very small in size.

Habits and character of the Munchkin breed

Paradoxically, short-legged cuties move around the house extremely quickly, although they sway slightly from side to side. They are especially nimble when playing with their owner or when they are invited to chat. Munchkins when communicating . They are generally very quiet and try not to meow too much.

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The character of cats, judging by the reviews of loving owners, is affectionate, sociable and completely gentle. Describing a cat as a clot of energy that is here and everywhere at the same time will be the most accurate. Little short-legged animals easily make quick maneuvers in outdoor games. What’s surprising is the cat’s desire to steal something he likes into a secluded corner—you won’t get bored with this pet.

How to litter train a munchkin

Very often, a cat, already similar to a dachshund dog, turns into another animal: a meerkat or a kangaroo - several times a day the animal sits on its hind legs, holding its front legs in front of itself, the tail helps to maintain balance. In this position, the cat's vision immediately improves.

The pet is smart, playful and not averse to hunting. A person who makes such a short friend will always note the cat’s obedience and intelligence.

How to choose and buy correctly?

Looking through photos of these cute creatures, there is a desire to buy one. But acquiring a short kitten is a difficult matter; the breed is still rare in Russia.

The Internet offers the sale of dachshund cats without documents, but at a reduced price. When purchasing one, there is no guarantee of its compliance with the breed and physical health. It is better to choose a nursery or breeders with experience to complete the transaction.

When choosing, pay attention to:

  • eye condition (not sour);
  • activity (lethargy is characteristic of unhealthy kittens);
  • stomach (bloating is a sign of illness);
  • wool (rich and shiny).

Feeding and caring for munchkins

The munchkin cat does not expect special care from its owner. Daily brushing of the coat is quickly becoming a favorite ritual; it would be nice to complete the procedure by stroking the coat with a wet hand.

In long-haired individuals of this breed, tangles are periodically untangled. Several times a year, the pet is bathed with a special shampoo, not forgetting to plug the ears with cotton wool. Washing is carried out only in the direction from head to tail. After the process, the wool should be blotted and not rubbed.

Ears and eyes are cleaned with a damp cloth once every two weeks, and teeth once a month using animal paste. Nails should be trimmed as they grow. That's all the main points in the process of caring for a cat.

What to feed a 2 month old kitten

Keeping a cat of this breed requires a balanced diet and feeding schedule. Kittens need to be fed 5 times a day, from the age of 4 months to a year they switch to 3-5 meals a day. An adult pet is fed 2-3 times a day. Food is selected strictly taking into account the age of the cat. A properly balanced diet requires an optimal ratio of proteins, fats and some fiber.

Color genetics and breeding

There is no standard for the colors of dwarf cats. They come in a variety of colors: with a solid, spotted or striped coat color. The same is observed with eye color (it can be different).

Nurseries are reluctant to take on breeding. It is genetically determined that not all kittens in a litter are born with short legs. The number of standard munchkins depends on how many kittens the female gives birth to. They are about half of the offspring. A newborn munchkin is distinguished by its front paws, which are unnaturally turned towards each other. Otherwise, the dwarf kitten grows and develops like ordinary representatives of the cat family.

A specialist should be involved in selecting a pair for breeding, as there are many nuances and prohibitions. The owner must prepare the pet for mating - treat it against fleas and get vaccinated.

There are many videos posted on the Internet in which cats freeze in surricat poses. This is a special skill of the short-legged. They are able to remain in this position for a long time.

Munchkin health

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//data-ad-slot=”2475549904″ $ads_google = empty($ads_google) ? false : true; ?> if ($ads_google == false) {?> $ads_google = true; ?> } ?> As for the health of the munchkin cat , the concern is the development of lordosis, which will negatively affect not only the spine, but also the internal organs. The disease is genetic, but very rare.

Diseases will bypass the cat if all the vaccinations included in the vaccination schedule are completed on time. This will directly affect the lifespan of a kangaroo cat, and they live for about 14 years.

It is more humane to replace sterilization with castration at the age of 8-12 months. If you want to breed a breed, you need to take into account that it is worth taking a training course to learn all the important nuances. Breeding a cat while preserving all breed characteristics is possible by mating a standard or non-standard representative of this short-legged breed.

Types of purchase

If you are planning to buy a munchkin, you should understand that the price may depend not only on the above factors.

If you need a kitten (up to 1 year), it will cost more than an adult cat; you also need to understand where you will buy the animal: on the Internet, in a specialized store, or “from hand.” It’s clear that taking it “from hand” will be the cheapest option, maybe even free, but you won’t be sure that everything will be okay with your pet, so it’s better not to rely too much on this option.

The Internet option is more reliable, there they can provide you with all the documents for the pet, if you wish, you can agree on a price that suits you, but there is one very serious problem: you can find a cat that you really like, however, the animal may be in another city, so unforeseen difficulties may arise with transportation, and neither you nor your pet need extra stress.

If we talk about specialized stores, then everything is as simple as possible: you choose any munchkin you like, receive all the documents, pay and that’s it. There is a nuance here: you cannot agree on the price in the store, therefore, you will have to pay at the maximum rate, which is not always suitable for everyone.

Buy a munchkin kitten

Breeding the Munchkin breed should only be done by professionals who understand cat genetics. Only specialized nurseries can guarantee the breed of the animal, its quality characteristics and high level of health, which affects the cost of the cat. Features of breeding cats of the breed with short legs in the correct selection of a partner: the mutated gene works according to all the laws of biology.

On third-party sites it is quite possible to buy a small non-standard representative of kangaroo cats, but what will grow out of such a kitten is still a question.

A munchkin kitten is offered by nurseries at a price of 25,000-50,000


What to name a munchkin kitten

global $ads_google;
//data-ad-slot=”2475549904″ $ads_google = empty($ads_google) ? false : true; ?> if ($ads_google == false) {?> $ads_google = true; ?> } ?> It’s not enough to get yourself a wonderful munchkin cat, you need to name it correctly. The name should not be discordant with the appearance of your favorite short-legged dog or be offensive. Nurseries already offer a list of nicknames to choose from, or indicate in the metric the name assigned to the representative of the pedigree line. But this does not exclude the fact that it is impossible to suggest calling the fluffy miracle differently at home.

There is a large list of beautiful nicknames for kittens of girls and boys that will help you make your choice.
Nickname table

Leda Ressi Stacy Dona Puffy Button Gel Pretty Baksa Zhuzha Yula Dachshund Brahma Redhead GoldieButton Vita Claire Mini Landing Gabi Linda Daisy Kappa Yunica China Quinta Oksa Blanca ClavaVizya Kuzya Dingo Kwazi Chang Boy Yukon Dwarf Ronnie Prime Smile Grem Karl Zhigan DymokGard Irbis Behemoth Leo Amor Luntik Urman Pound Pug Ike Nils Chuba Wolf Cake Kent


Munchkins are distinguished by their balanced and friendly character, moderately energetic behavior, and extraordinary playfulness.

Due to the peculiarities of their structure, they do not jump, but they run briskly. They get along easily with animals with whom they share a roof over their heads. Not subject to aggression and nervousness.

They are curious, love shiny things, and hide them in hard-to-reach places. Clean.

Munchkins are often crossed with representatives of other breeds, producing hybrids with short legs: Sphynxin (crossing occurred with the Sphynx); Genneta (with a Bengal cat); skukum (with laperma).

Conclusions about the munchkin cat breed

The original and funny munchkin cat breed is becoming more popular all over the world for many reasons:

  • the touching expression of the face and the small size of the cat evoke a desire to take care of such a treasure;
  • short legs do not make the animal clumsy; on the contrary, agility and speed of movement will be the main characteristics of mobility;
  • numerous color variations will suit every taste;
  • the kangaroo cat is very playful and loves to take part in outdoor games;

  • a peaceful disposition will be appreciated by people with small children in the house;
  • not a loud animal at all: no annoying meows at night;
  • The health of a purebred kitten and care for it guarantee the absence of serious problems in the future.

The owners of these animals can be considered happy people.

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