Maine Coon kittens (photo): how to properly raise and care for them

Maine Coon cats are good-natured, hardy and agile. They attract not only their peaceful and cheerful character, but also their unique appearance - Maine Coons are very similar to wild jungle cats. If you have an intention to buy a Maine Coon kitten, you definitely need to study the rules of caring for it - only in a caring and friendly family can it become happy and happy.

Maine Coon babies fall asleep instantly as soon as you lift them off the floor and pick them up

Preparing a new home

Before bringing the kitten to its new home, you need to purchase everything you need:

  • two bowls (one for food, one for water);
  • scratching post;
  • toilet and filler for it;
  • a basket where the kitten can sleep;
  • several toys.

This is a small miracle that will bring so much joy and positive emotions to every home.
It is preferable to buy dishes made of ceramics or earthenware, plastic sometimes causes allergies in cats. It is recommended to place the bowls nearby on the kitchen floor. One bowl will contain dry food, the other will contain clean water. It is advisable to place the bowls on a tray - this will make it easier to keep the kitchen clean, because kittens love to throw food around and spill water.

Usually there is no need to accustom the kitten to the litter box - by the time of sale it is already trained to do so. But the pet must be “introduced” to its toilet, since it is unlikely that it will find it on its own. The tray should be in a secluded, quiet place - nothing should scare the kitten or prevent it from doing its business.

Therefore, there is no need to place the cat litter somewhere in the hallway - the best place for it is the bathroom.

So, what three wishes should I make?
The basket should be placed in a place where the kitten will not be disturbed by anyone. It is, of course, advisable to accustom him to a specific sleeping place, but as a rule, cats choose where to sleep themselves.

It is better to install the scratching post near the wall. If it is poorly secured, a kitten (and even more so an adult cat) will easily knock it over. It is worth considering that Maine Coons are active and playful, so they need a play area, as well as a cat house.

Pet stores sell special play complexes for representatives of this particular breed - when creating them, the features of the anatomy and behavior of Maine Coons are taken into account. They love to climb up and watch everything that happens around them. If it is impossible to buy a gaming complex, you need to at least install several horizontal platforms at different heights. But this is unlikely if there was an opportunity to buy a Maine Coon - the price of a kitten is from 20,000 rubles.

Maine Coon kittens are very cute and active

If the kitten is not gaining weight

Typically, a similar problem occurs when the coon is not fed correctly. Perhaps the kitten simply does not have enough food that its owners give it. Still, this is a rather large cat. Try to gradually increase your diet and record the results in your diary every day (it’s better to weigh your cat on an electronic scale).

It is possible that the inhibition of weight gain is due to a lack of certain nutrients. This happens especially often with calcium deficiency. In any case, to find out the reason, it is better to take the kitten to a veterinary clinic and undergo an examination.

By the way, practice shows that owners who feed their pets dry food are less likely to encounter weight problems. But those who strive to feed their pets homemade food often experience problems with the balance of nutrients.

Therefore, listen to the recommendations of veterinarians, get vaccinations on time and regularly come for examination with your ward. Compliance with all the rules and recommendations will allow you to raise a beautiful, and most importantly, healthy Maine Coon!


Children should not be allowed to play with the kitten without adult supervision - they may accidentally harm it. It is also worth remembering the curiosity and activity of Maine Coons - you should hide from them all objects that could lead to injury (needles, threads, bags, etc.).

The list of dangerous items includes everything that can interest a small child and harm him.

With Maine Coon kittens there will always be spring in the house

It is also advisable to remove indoor plants from the apartment - many of them are poisonous to cats.

The most common of them are: azalea, dracaena, mistletoe, philodendron, ivy, wisteria, rhododendron, belladonna, alpine violet, orange, pink laurel, poinsettia, sweet pea.

What color Maine Coon is better to choose?

Color, as one of the main details of the exterior, determines the price of a Maine Coon, which is why kittens of the same litter cost differently. Buyer interest is due to two circumstances: the fashion for Maine Coons themselves and a certain color trend.

Now, thanks to the blue Maine Coon Non-plus-Ultra, which appears in commercials, blue solid cats have no competition. This is not surprising - blue solids look amazing, but they are also very expensive in nurseries.

Fans of mysticism and Bulgakov adore cats that are completely black, shell out fantastic money for them and give them infernal names. Slightly lower in the popularity ranking are white solid, snow-white Maine Coons, which might have been ahead of black ones if not for the persistent thesis about a potential hearing disorder.

Cream and red giants are also damn attractive, whose monochrome color slightly disturbs the residual tabby, which is why they still lose to black and blue solids.

If you need a cat with an aura of mystery, take a smoky kitten, whose fur seems to glow from within. Once you learn how to care for such fur, your pet will look no worse than the hyped blue Maine Coons.

Bicolors and harlequins are chosen much less often, which is due to the very unsuccessful play of spots, which do not always form an attractive pattern. And if you accidentally overdo it with white, you can fall out of favor with experts at exhibitions.

People who believe in omens will definitely choose a tortoiseshell-colored cat, which can bring harmony and happiness to the house.


The environment in the new home should be calm - moving is stressful for a kitten, so noise and screams can greatly frighten it.

It will take the kitten a couple of weeks to get used to the family, during which time you need to show as much patience and friendliness as possible.

Maine Coon kittens willingly frolic together

Maine Coons get along well with dogs and other cats.

Until the pets get used to each other, they should not be left alone - this may take several weeks. It is also unacceptable for them to show aggression towards each other.


In different standards, the description of the exterior and character of the Maine Coon breed is not too different. Let's take the European WCF system as a basis, as the most common.

Description of the breed according to the WCF standard

  • Body. Muscular, elongated and wide. Rectangular.
  • Rib cage. Wide.
  • Head. Medium size. Almost square in shape with high cheekbones.
  • Scull. Massive.
  • Muzzle. With curved profile.
  • Nose. Middle length.
  • Chin. Massive. Located in line with the upper jaw and nose.
  • Ears. Large triangular ones. Planted high and upright. With or without tassels on the tips. The presence of tassels is desirable.
  • Eyes. Slanting, oval, widely spaced. The eye color should be in harmony with the color of the cat.
  • Neck. Middle length.
  • Limbs. Out of proportion to the body, large and muscular.
  • Paws. Large, round. There are tufts of fur between the toes.
  • Tail. Fluffy and big. Wide at the base, tapering towards the tip. The length of the tail can reach at least the cat's shoulders.
  • Wool. Fluffy and very thick. Waterproof. The hair in the head and neck area is of medium length. It is desirable to have a “mane” in the neck area. The “pants” and belly are decorated with long, thick undercoat.
  • Color. Solid colors (black, white, red), merle, tortoiseshell, tabby (brindle), tricolor are allowed. Unacceptable: chocolate, lilac, fawn, cinnamon (cinnamon), color point.
  • Weight. adult cats can reach up to 9-12 kilograms.
  • Height at the withers. From 25 to 45 cm.
  • Average life expectancy. Cats – 14 – 16 years old. Males – 12 – 15 years old.


Maine Coons have beautiful long hair, which brings a lot of trouble to the owners of these cats.

Kittens need daily brushing as they cannot groom their fur yet. Furminators or regular metal combs with long teeth are suitable for combing kittens' fur (they should not be sharp).

First, the wool is combed with a comb with rare teeth, then with frequent ones. Finally, the wool is brushed with a brush with natural bristles.

Daily brushing will help prevent the formation of tangles and also promote better coat growth. It is also advisable to brush adult animals every day, especially during shedding. They can also be cut.

The cat has a gorgeous red fur coat, gorgeous thick brushes and breathtaking green eyes.

There is no need to bathe cats often; they are clean animals. This should be done when necessary: ​​if the wool is dirty or greasy.

For bathing, you need to purchase a special cat shampoo, preferably hypoallergenic (for example, Jerob, Espree). It also doesn’t hurt to have anti-flea shampoo at home, especially if the pet lives in a private home or other animals live with it.

When bathing, you need to make sure that water does not get into the ears. After bathing, the cat should be thoroughly dried and brushed.

Meet Pavel Volya's cat - Boomer and other star PURS (Part 2)

Pavel Volya from the Comedy Club has a large mega cat of the Maine Coon breed living at home. A huge black cat named Boomer, according to the comedian, weighs at least 20 kilograms and eats more food than Pavel himself did in his student years.

Of course, the artist is exaggerating - cats of this breed weigh on average 10-12 kilograms, and Boomer looks gigantic against the backdrop of the puny comedian. The cat's size also has its advantages, Pavel jokes - Boomer will never shit in his shoes, because he simply won't fit in them.

Katy Perry and her cats Krusty and Kitty Purry

The singer dreams of becoming a cat in her next life, wears cat outfits to concerts and enjoys communicating with her two pets - Kitty Purry (literal translation - something like “Purring Cat”) and Krusty.

Striped Kitty appears in the singer's videos and goes on tour with her. The cat even inspired Katie to create her own perfume, Purr, with a bottle cap in the shape of a cat's head. And the gray-and-white cat Krusty took part in the creation of the singer’s next fragrance, “Meow.”

Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus is known for her love of animals - either a dog or a pig. But recently the scandalous singer got her own fluffy cloud - a snow-white kitten named Shanti Om.

The first word in the name of the Persian cat translates as “peace,” and Miley tried to make her pet famous throughout the world. He has every chance of becoming an Instagram star - his personal page @shantiombb already has almost 130 thousand subscribers. Charming Shanti lives like a king: her own room, three cribs to choose from, hundreds of toys and a private bathroom.

Victoria Bonya and the cat Sultan

Star and TV presenter Victoria Boni had a cat for 10 thousand euros. The exotic Savannah cat was not her first pet. She and her common-law husband Alex already had a cat, Luna, and only next to her could Victoria’s beloved one calmly fall asleep. But the cat died, and the couple immediately began looking for a replacement. The three-month-old exotic beauty immediately won the hearts of Victoria and her fans.

Even the nickname was chosen by the whole world. The options of naming the cat Cash (they gave so much money) or Schumacher (and it can be shortened to Shukher due to his playful nature) did not catch on. The exotic cat was named Sultan, but he soon had to be given away due to Victoria’s boyfriend’s allergies.

We invite you to check out the first part of our selection of celebrity cats, where you will see the furry pets of Karl Lagerfeld, Taylor Swift, Dita Von Teese and handsome Ian Somerhalder! PreviousPreviousRead another storyNext

Meet Pavel Volya's cat - Boomer and other star PURS (Part 2)

Care for eyes, ears, teeth and claws

From time to time, kittens may develop crusts in the corners of their eyes - there is no need to be afraid of this, because people’s eyes also sometimes turn sour after sleep.

These crusts can be removed with a cotton swab dipped in boiled water (it is better to buy a special product at the pharmacy), swiping from the outer corner of the eye to the inner one. But if the discharge appears frequently and is heavy, you should contact your veterinarian.

Little fluffy will happily make some noise at home

The ears should be examined regularly, at least once a week. Healthy ears are pink, clean, without discharge or crusts. If your kitten begins to scratch its ears frequently and intensively, you should contact your veterinarian. This should also be done if redness and discharge are detected.

The presence of a small amount of sulfur is acceptable - it can be removed with a cotton swab dipped in a special solution. The gums should be pinkish, without red edges along the teeth line. Bad breath may indicate the presence of the disease.

Particular attention should be paid to the teeth if the pet eats soft food. At the age of about 4 months, kittens' teeth change.

The undeniable advantage of the Maine Coon is its peaceful and flexible character.

Maine Coons have large claws, so they have to be trimmed regularly.

It is very important not to damage the blood vessels - the blood will flow for a long time, and after that the pet will limp for some time. The claws need to be trimmed only across, having carefully examined them before doing so - the blood vessels are quite clearly visible.

There must be a scratching post in the house - it will save the furniture and increase the length of the period between trimming the claws.

Complications from overeating

Overeating is not good for your cat. It leads to obesity and related diseases. An overfed pet may develop heart, liver, lung, stomach or intestinal diseases. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system may also appear, which negatively affects the activity and general well-being of the cat. Overeating and excessive weight gain contribute to the likelihood of developing cardiomyopathy, dysplasia or spinal muscular dystrophy, to which representatives of this breed may already be predisposed.


It is recommended to feed Maine Coons with elite dry food. Breeders recommend buying Arden Grange and Hills food, but you can give others, for example, Royal Canin, Pro Plan.

It is not recommended to feed your cat both dry food and natural food at the same time: the composition of the food is balanced, and mixed food can lead to an excess of certain substances. This does not apply to meat: small portions should be given in the morning and evening.

As a preventive measure, you can give your pet Polydex vitamins in accordance with the instructions.

In terms of their behavior, Maine Coons remain kittens until old age, because they are extremely playful

The water should be fresh and clean, not from the tap. The cat should always have access to water. Natural nutrition:

  • meat – in small portions twice a day (beef or minced beef, chicken and chicken offal). Meat should not contain salt or spices. Before giving it to a cat, the meat must be doused with boiling water;
  • egg – once or twice a week, raw or boiled;
  • any porridge with water or milk (except beans, peas and rolled oats), they are given together with meat or on their own;
  • any vegetables, boiled or raw (instead of porridge);
  • fermented milk products are given 2-3 times a week (cottage cheese, sour cream, yogurt, kefir, cheese).

Up to 4 months, kittens are fed 4-5 times a day, sometimes the number of feedings is increased to 6. By 6 months, the number of feedings is reduced to three.

Kittens constantly run after a person, look into his eyes and seem to be trying to say something, constantly purring

The weight of Maine Coon kittens at 3 months (at this age they begin to be separated from their mother) is about 2 kg. At 12 months, cats weigh 4.5-6 kg, males - 6-9 kg. Growth and weight gain continue up to 3 years, the average weight of adult Maine Coons is 8 kg.

Some animals can reach a weight of 12-15 kg.

Maine Coon: detailed description of the breed

In order not to mistake a mixed breed, which is often found among fanciers, for a genuine Maine Coon, knowledge of the complete characteristics of the Maine will be very useful. So:

  • The shape of the head is slightly elongated in length, whereas in other breeds it extends in width. An uneven profile, high cheekbones and voluminous ears with high-set tassels. The presence of tassels is the most important distinguishing feature of the Maine breed.
  • The eyes are set wide and shaped like an oval. The color of the eyes usually harmonizes with the color.
  • The body is represented by well-developed muscles; animals are often large and very large in size. Long, wide shapes predominate.
  • The paws are proportional to the body - just as powerful, with good muscles. There should be small tufts of wool between the pads on the paws.
  • A voluminous and very fluffy tail, sometimes equal in size to the length of the entire animal.
  • The Maine Coon's coat is thick and quite long. In the area of ​​the muzzle and on the neck, the hair is of medium length.
  • A medium-sized Maine Coon will have a total length (including tail) of 95-100 cm.

An important distinguishing feature of the Maine Coon breed is the weight of the animals, which ranges from 6 to 10 kg. The average is between 7 and 9 kg. Cats, as a rule, are lighter than cats and gain about 6 kg of weight, but there are representatives of the “heavy” weight category - about 8 kg. The largest Maine Coon can easily reach a weight of just over 10 kg, which, due to its lush fur, looks much more voluminous, creating a false impression of a 15-kilogram cat. There are very widespread opinions about how much Maine Coons weigh, attributing incredible weights of up to 20 kg to cats. In fact, not a single case has been recorded in which the weight reached such figures. There is a standard system showing the dynamics of Maine Coon weight by month, which corresponds to the vast majority of animals.

Popular colors of Maine Coons

Maine cats abound in various colors, among which in the professional environment the main one is considered to be “wild” or “black tabby”, and all subsequent ones began to appear over time, gaining wide popularity among fanciers and breeders. Coon colors:

  • Red Maine Coon is one of the most popular colors with cream, brick or red colored fur, diluted with streaks of light shades;
  • white Maine Coon - characterized by exclusively snow-white fur, without any additional shades;
  • black Maine Coon - implies an absolutely even black color with the absence of other tint inclusions;
  • Maine Coon black marble - a classic color, which is characterized by a design in the form of curls and continuous lines, made in a double color scheme;
  • Maine Coon black smoke is an original color where the roots of the coat are painted white, and the subsequent length of the coat is exclusively black.

The black Maine Coons in the photo turn out excellent, embodying grace and showing off the rich coat of a timeless color. Red coons are no less photogenic, always able to lift your spirits with their sunny color.


Kittens are vaccinated for the first time at 2 months, then at 3 months, a year and then annually. The vaccines used are rabieuse + triquet or quadriquet. 10 days before vaccination, deworming is carried out with the drugs Milbemax, Kanikvantel, Drontal.

Worm prevention is also carried out once every 3 months.

Affectionate baby with a purring character

How to raise a furry giant

The weight and developmental characteristics of the Maine Coon are determined by a number of circumstances. Some of them depend only on Mother Nature, others can be influenced by the person caring for the kittens.

What influences the development of the baby coon?

  • Gender of the kitten. Small cats are born larger than their sisters and gain weight faster.
  • Weight and dimensions of the mother cat. The larger the mother, the larger her kittens are at birth and the faster they develop.
  • Condition of the kitten at birth and in infancy. If a baby baby was born weak and prone to illness, it will grow slower than its brothers and will weigh less than them. But this circumstance does not prevent the smallest kittens in the litter from turning into huge cats weighing 10 kilograms.
  • Number of kittens in the litter. The more kittens are born, the less each of them weighs compared to kittens from a small litter.
  • Genetics. The length, weight and overall development of a kitten are influenced not only by maternal genes, but also by the heredity of the father. Therefore, kittens of the same cat, born from different cats, may differ in size at birth, and subsequently in the speed of development.
  • Nutrition for a nursing mother. The more complete and varied the diet of a mother cat, the healthier and larger her kittens will be.
  • Conditions for keeping a nursing cat family.
  • Stressful situations. Any disturbances (noise, presence of other animals, change of place of residence) can affect the development of kittens. A stressed female may stop feeding her offspring, which leads to a change in the diet of growing animals, causing them to gain weight more slowly. A hormonal surge during stress also leads to the same consequences, and this applies to both cats and kittens.

Good to read: Don't like fish in cat food? But in vain!

Industrial feed

The group of industrial cat foods includes all factory-produced mixtures. Unlike feeding a Maine Coon with natural food, here the owner does not have to independently calculate the biological value of the products.

Manufacturers offer two types of industrial feed: dry granules of various sizes and wet canned mixtures. Both the first and second options are suitable for feeding all Maine Coons.

Rules for choosing industrial food for Maine Coon

When choosing industrial food for your Maine Coon, you need to consider the following criteria:

  1. Dry or wet. Experts advise feeding Maine Coon kittens wet formulas. Dry formulas are included in the diet at older ages.
  2. Feed category and manufacturer brand. There are 4 classes in total - from budget economy to holistic. In the first case, we are talking about the cheapest feed based on “recycled” meat. Whether it is correct to feed them to a purebred Maine Coon is something the owner of the animal must decide.
  3. Composition and additives. All mixtures, both dry and wet, are available with different compositions. The presence of certain ingredients depends on the type of cat the food is intended for. For example, some manufacturers produce mixtures for individual breeds, taking into account characteristic diseases. In this case, you need to take the advice of a veterinarian before choosing how best to feed your Maine Coon.

What food is best for Maine Coon?

If we put aside the issue of cost, in which the cheapest and therefore lowest-quality product will always win, all that remains is to study the composition of the components, which is described on the packaging.

Economy category food contains many substitutes, dyes, preservatives and fillers. Even the nutritional value of such mixtures has traditionally been questioned, and their impact on health and life expectancy is not discussed at all. In any case, economy class products are not what you can feed your Maine Coon.

Premium and superpremium foods are made from high-quality products; they usually differ only in the composition of the fillers. The former contain more preservatives or flavorings and lower protein content.

The holistic group is one of the most expensive industrial mixtures for cats. In them, artificial preservatives are replaced with natural ones, there are very few grains, and the composition is as close as possible to the quality of natural food.

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