Dog breed Airedale and mini Airedale - king of terriers

The Welsh Terrier is the dog that has taken part in films more often than others, but it also has a whole host of other talents, among which the talent to be a hunter and at the same time a devoted companion for humans prevails.

What other qualities should a four-legged friend have? They say: “you don’t choose friends,” but we will try...”

History of the origin of the breed

Terriers get their name from the Latin word terra, meaning earth. Terriers were bred to "burrow" or burrow underground to get rid of prey, like badgers and rodents; as a result, many are short in stature.

By origin, the Airedale Terrier is truly British. This species is considered to be relatively young, because the breed received official recognition only in the second half of the 19th century.

From childhood, the puppies had a stubborn disposition and playfulness, which contributed to the development of their interest in catching prey.

Due to the variety of creatures plaguing the area, local farmers decided they needed a multi-purpose dog that could do the work of many, a breed of the right size to catch both a small rat and a large fox that could hunt on land or in water.

The Welsh Terrier was bred to have the traits that made it valuable to the farm: courage, tenacity, intelligence, hunting instinct, natural swimming skills and gentleness around the family. By the 1900s, the dog was considered an all-around sporting dog. Thus, the dog was able to satisfy the requirements of a pointer, spaniel and retriever in one person.

For the first time, an Airedale terrier puppy was shown to a wide audience during an exhibition in 1864, and only after 22 years, information about the genus began to be entered into the Kennel Club's card index, which led to the further spread of the breed, which quickly gained its value. Even if hunting did not attract a person, the Airedale was ready to help with everyday needs. This behavior quickly aroused the interest of representatives of the intelligentsia.

Description of the breed with photos

Dogs of this breed have an elongated body shape, a non-standard head shape, the skull of which is slightly elongated and quite flat with a wide base between the ears.

The eyes are small in size and always black. The nose is large and black.

The ears are relatively small, triangular in shape, fitting tightly to the head with drooping tips. The jaw is quite powerful, the upper row of teeth fits tightly to the lower row in a scissor-type manner.

The neck is strong with obvious muscularity, flowing smoothly from the head to the body.

The dog's paws are round in shape, small, but strong and strong. The body and lower back are quite muscular, which is characterized by endurance. The tail is short and set high.

During movement, the front legs move freely, and the hind legs provide strength and energy.

Size and weight

From birth, Airedale puppies have a square-shaped body. The Dwarf Airedale Terrier can reach 40 cm , and gain up to 10 kg . For comparison, the Maltese is smaller than the Airedale, reaching only 25 cm.

Color and coat type

Airedale Terriers differ in their color and coat type. They have a thick and wavy coat that fits tightly to the body. The length of the pile is usually within 8 cm.

The undercoat always has a special softness and density. On an elongated muzzle, the fur most often becomes longer towards the bottom, thus forming a mustache and beard. In its color, the breed has transitions in shades from light red to black. Darker shades are located on the sides of the head, on the top of the neck, on the back and near the tail. The ears and lower neck are a lighter shade of brown.

Health and illness

Representatives of this breed have good health, but their life expectancy is directly dependent on nutrition and care. A proud dog will never show his suffering. Therefore, every change in behavior should be monitored by the owner based on the dog’s already formed habits. The Welsh Terrier has the greatest predisposition to the following diseases:

  • Joint inflammation;
  • Skin cancer;
  • Lack of thyroid hormones;
  • Susceptible to various vision problems.

Airedale character

This is a very lively, energetic and positive breed. Its representatives love to communicate and be the center of attention, which is why the Airedale is suitable for people with an active lifestyle. However, behind this dog's cheerfulness and curiosity lies a high intelligence.

Erdel will not be intrusive when the owner is not in a good mood. If a person is sad, he will simply sit next to you; if he is cheerful, he will bring a ball to play with.

Airedale Terriers are affectionate and loyal dogs. But sometimes this property turns into jealousy. For example, this may be noticeable if the owner interacts with other pets.

However, Airedales are not aggressive towards animals. They are confident enough in themselves and will never start a fight first. But if another dog provokes them, the Airedale will respond in kind. In addition, he may consider that there is a threat to his beloved owner, and therefore will stand until the end.

In this regard, you should not allow him to come into contact with aggressive animals. But if the other dog is adequate and socialized, the Airedale will not refuse to communicate and play with him.

The Airedale Terrier's attitude towards strangers depends on the situation. In general, he is always positive towards others. But if a particular person causes rejection in the owner, the Airedale will definitely feel this and will not let the stranger get close.

In addition, this breed has a pronounced territorial instinct. If someone comes, the Airedale will immediately notify its owner. Next, the pet will look at the owner’s reaction. If everything is fine, he will let guests through without any problems, but if not, a stranger will never enter the house.

Airedale Terriers are cunning. This should be taken into account when building a relationship with your pet.

Expert opinion

Leonid Rodin

Experienced dog breeder

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The Airedale Terrier deserves the most positive reviews. There is not an ounce of aggression in his character, and his loyalty to others knows no bounds. Belonging to the terrier group endowed him with enviable health. A dog never trails a trail of faded fur. It’s even surprising that a dog with such outstanding qualities somehow disappeared unnoticed from show rings and city streets. Another unique feature is learning ability. The Airedale Terrier is inclined to dog sciences and - with proper training - easily masters them. For example, when filming 101 Dalmatians at Walt Disney Studios in 1996, the producers cast an Airedale for the role of the old colonel, although in the book this character was an old English shepherd. The replacement occurred precisely because of quick learning. Training an Airedale Terrier takes much less time.

Airedale Terrier and children

The Erdels love their family. And each of its members, regardless of age, is a member of the “pack”. Therefore, dogs of this breed have excellent contact with children. They are very patient with kids, and they communicate and play wonderfully with older children.

In addition, the Airedale will protect little people from strangers with special care.

Character and intelligence

The dog has intelligence, fearlessness, sociability, and in parallel with these qualities, stubbornness and independence coexist in its character. The dog cannot stand monotony; he prefers active walks and the learning process. He quickly gets used to one owner and is ready to obey only him.

Positive and negative aspects of the breed's character

FunnyLikes to dominate


Mini Airedale Terriers live on average 11 - 13, sometimes up to 15 years. They have fairly good health and, if properly maintained, serious pathologies and health problems do not occur. Diseases begin to appear during the aging process.

Performance evaluation and information

  • Country of origin: UK.
  • Height: males - 58-61 cm, females - 56-59 cm.
  • Weight: males - 23-29 kg, females - 18-20 kg.
  • Life expectancy: 10-15 years.
  • Litter: 6-9 puppies, average 7.
  • Group: terrier.
  • Recognized by: CKC, FCI, AKC, UKC, ANKC, NKC, NZKC, APRI, ACR.
  • Coat length: medium.
  • Coat color: black and white. The body, tail and top of the neck are black or gray. All other areas are brownish-yellow. The ears are mostly dark brown.
  • Shedding: trimming is required every 6 months.
  • Size: medium.
  • Contents in the apartment: suitable.

Attitude towards children and others

Airedale Terriers are grateful to every member of the family, including the child. Playful and energetic, they are always ready to take an active part in any game, and if necessary, they are ready to protect their little owner.

Dogs are disciplined and friendly, so they try to maintain restraint even towards those they don’t like. It is worth paying attention to the fact that Airedales love to play hide and seek with other people's things, which they can easily hide from their owners.

Pets are tolerant of children's pranks and will forgive themselves if a child treats them familiarly. They do not intend to offend in return, but they can accidentally push through carelessness, so it is not recommended to leave very young children unattended alone with a dog.

It is important to consider that this breed jealously guards its property: food and toys. The child should be taught to show respect to his four-legged friend. It is also better not to disturb the dog while sleeping.

It is necessary to educate children about all the nuances of a pet’s emotional state. This will not be difficult, since any changes in mood are reflected in the position of the ears and the expression in the eyes.

Training and teaching a dog from the movie “Adventures of Electronics”

Puppies are best trained. Airedale dogs need to be trained in a gentle but persistent manner. Things that are not allowed should always be prohibited. For training, it is best to contact a dog trainer. After all, it is very difficult for people who have never trained to separate their feelings for their beloved pet and the requirements that must be strictly observed. If the owner has a gentle character and violates the strict rules of upbringing, the dog will stop obeying him.

Learn how to make a dog house and enclosure.

The Airedale should be handled in a playful way, gently but persistently. They don't like to learn by force. They need to be attracted and interested. And only then will it be possible to properly raise the dog. It is best to train a four-legged pet in a familiar environment, for example, at home. In an unfamiliar place, he will be distracted by foreign smells, sounds, objects. You should not start training your puppy if he is busy playing, tired or hungry.


Training must be approached with the utmost responsibility and started as early as possible. You shouldn’t fall for the funny look of cute puppies for a long time, since this restless hunter requires socialization already in the first months of life.

It is recommended to start training with standard commands: “fu”, “sit”, “place”, “come”, after which it is important to have reinforcement in the form of treats and praise. Since representatives of this breed are very cunning, during the first time of training the pet may show apathy and try to deviate towards the game, but once you succumb to his tricks, it will be much more difficult to get a serious attitude.

Raising his tone or punishing him with force is not allowed. This breed has a strong sense of self-esteem and will not tolerate unkind treatment. The owner must have confidence, discipline and show respect for the pet. Only taking into account such an attitude is a dog able to express a desire to listen to its owner.

Airdeli minis are successful in sports. If the owner is interested in cycling or running, then the dog will be happy to keep company.

Maintenance, care, nutrition

The Mini Airedale Terrier is not a fussy eater, but there must be balance in the diet. Food is allowed both natural and in the form of ready-made food, which already contains all the necessary elements.

If you have chosen exclusively natural food for your pet, then it should contain the following dishes:

  1. Meat (preferably chicken or cow);
  2. Hard-boiled eggs;
  3. Buckwheat or rice porridge;
  4. Vegetables and fruits are thoroughly washed;
  5. Growth supplements;
  6. Low-fat kefir or cottage cheese;
  7. Boiled fish without bones.

Puppies need six meals a day, while adults are limited to two meals a day. The diet should be changed as often as possible. Regarding care, it is important to note that the coat of this breed does not shed, but several times a year the pet must be taken for hair plucking - this is a kind of haircut typical for this breed.

Also, every week the dog should be combed with a special brush to remove excess dirt.

Eyes and ears must be thoroughly cleaned with special wipes several times a week. Hydrogen peroxide can also be used to treat ears. It is allowed to bathe the dog as soon as it gets dirty, but the paws should be washed after each walk.

It is important to comb the fur on the face with special care and precision to avoid unpleasant odors.

What is the name of the Mini Airedale Terrier?

Sometimes on the Internet you can find photographs of a small dog that looks exactly like an Airedale Terrier. Inexperienced dog lovers mistake it for a dwarf variety of the breed.

However, in fact, this is not a mini version of the Airedale, but a separate species, and the breed is called Welsh Terrier (another name is Welsh Terrier).

Welshies are smaller than Airedales. Their height is approximately 38 centimeters and their weight is 10 kilograms. Otherwise, to the untrained eye, they are very similar, since they have common ancestors in their pedigree.

Welsh Terrier is a separate breed of dog

However, the main difference between Welsh Terriers and Airedale Terriers lies not even in size, but in character. Little Welshies are more stubborn and cocky, making them more difficult to train. In addition, the size of dogs dictates differences in their purpose.

Welsh Terriers are good hunters and companions, while Airedale Terriers are versatile dogs.

How to choose a puppy

The Mini Airedale Terrier is widely popular throughout Russia and there should be no problems in purchasing a puppy.

To evaluate a purebred Airedale terrier puppy, it is important to pay attention to the following features:

  • A flat head from the tip of the nose to the back of the head, flat cheeks, a massive, blunt face.
  • The shape of the head should evoke an association with a small brick.
  • The pile cover should have a shine and feel pleasant to the touch.

There should be no additional spots in the color. White inclusions in the toe area are acceptable. In the case where the white shade is located above the fingers, this is an indicator of breeding marriage.

A puppy that is already a month old is considered suitable for purchase; it is at this age that it can already be separated from its mother. When purchasing a Mini Airedale puppy with a pedigree, you are given a card that contains information about the puppy: date of birth, names of parents, address of the breeder, nickname and anthropometric data.

The card can be exchanged for a pedigree when the puppy reaches six months. The cost, which depends on the place of purchase, pedigree and parameters of the puppy, can vary in the range of 23 to 29 thousand rubles.

Breed standard

The Welsh Terrier belongs to the order of hunting dogs; the breed was bred in the 18th century in England. In fact, representatives of this breed are similar to the Airedale Terrier, only smaller in stature, and the color and length of their coat is different.

photo: Welsh Terrier - only similar to Airedale, but they are different breeds

Welsh Terriers have compact but harmonious proportions. The coat is wiry, hard, wavy, and lies very tightly to the body. On the face, the fur forms a beard and mustache, the back of the thighs is covered with “pants.” The color can be tri-color or two-color; the most common variation is red with black saddle. All newborn puppies have a black and tan “fur coat”, only by the age of 2 the final color is formed.

photo: Welsh Terrier puppy

The muzzle is oval, elongated, with powerful jaws and a weakly defined stop. The eyes are dark, almond-shaped, and small. The ears are triangular and set high, the nose is pigmented black and small.

The neck is quite long and muscular, smoothly blending into the shoulder body. The chest is deep, but not barrel-shaped, the loin is strong, large, the limbs are muscular and strong, with oval paws. The height of the Welsh Terrier at the withers is up to 39 centimeters, weight is 8-9.5 kg.

photo: Welsh Terrier height at the withers reaches up to 39 cm.

Color and coat type

The color of the Airedale Terrier is called saddleback: the dog’s back is black, with a gradual transition to the sides and sometimes to the top of the thighs of the hind legs; the rest of the body is covered with reddish-brown or sandy hair. A splash of white hair on the chest is acceptable.

Airedale puppies are born completely black. If, over time, red tan marks do not appear on the dog's chest, this is a disqualifying sign.

Erdeles have a soft undercoat. The main hair is hard, like wire, and has water-repellent properties.

Important! When properly cared for, the Airedale Terrier's coat does not have an unpleasant dog odor.

Character, maintenance and care of the Welsh Terrier

An energetic and curious Welsh Terrier, he has a calm and peaceful disposition, although he sometimes displays excessive territoriality. In order for your pet to get along with other pets, early socialization is necessary. The hunter's instinct makes itself felt, so it is better to keep the Welshman on a leash when walking, otherwise he may chase cats and other small animals. The Welsh Terrier is not afraid of water, is unpretentious, and easily adapts to life both in an apartment and in a country house. Dogs treat children favorably, but it is better to immediately explain to the child that the animal is not a toy. Representatives of this breed do not like idleness: they like long walks, jogging, and games with their relatives. If a dog is left alone for a long time, it can become depressed. Welshies are excellent guards and brave defenders.

photo: Welsh Terriers are very active dogs

As for care, it consists of maintaining a neat appearance of the coat: 2-3 times a week it needs to be combed or simply trimmed. There is no need to bathe your Welsh Terrier often; be sure to trim its nails and keep its eyes and ears clean. These dogs need regular exercise and should not be overfed, so follow a feeding schedule. Welsh dogs are easy to train, but they also have natural cunning, so be strict.

Pros and cons of the breed

High intelligenceStubbornness, cunning
Suitable for families with small childrenMay be jealous of the owner of other animals in the house
Cheerful, energetic dogNot suitable for people with a passive lifestyle
Hypoallergenic woolA lot of time is spent on grooming
Good health

The Airedale Terrier is a versatile dog. She is smart, energetic and requires some attention. This breed is not suitable for passive and busy owners. But with proper upbringing, such a pet will become a full-fledged member of the family and the most faithful friend.

Interesting facts about the Welsh Terrier

  • The historical ancestor of the Welsh Terrier is considered to be the Old English Black and Tan Terrier;
  • Purebred breeding began in the mid-19th century, the standard was approved in 1885;
  • Welsh terriers are active pets, but also big fighters: if you don’t train the baby, he will fearlessly rush even at shepherd dogs or Alabais, earning serious injuries;
  • Welsh Terriers practically do not shed; excess hair can only be combed out of the dog’s thick “fur coat”.

About this and other breeds of hunting dogs, watch this interesting video:

It’s easy to buy a Welsh Terrier; just go to a specialized kennel. The price of Welsh Terrier puppies can be found on the bulletin board.

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Interesting facts about Airedale

There are several interesting facts associated with this breed:

  1. The Airedale Terrier is the largest living terrier. That’s why he is often called the “king of terriers.”
  2. Dogs of this breed served on the fronts not only of the Russian-Japanese War, but also of the First World War. Many soldiers of those times owed their lives to these brave orderlies, who pulled the wounded out of the battlefield and managed to deliver medicine in the most difficult situations. The working qualities of the breed were also appreciated by signalmen: Airedale terriers served as postmen, and also laid kilometers of cable where humans could not get through. There is a known case when a seriously wounded Airedale terrier named Jack brought a report to his owner and then fell dead at his feet. That data saved an entire battalion, and the dog received the Victoria Cross posthumously.
  3. The front-line exploits of the Airedale Terrier made it so popular that this breed settled in the White House for a long time. Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Warren Harding, Calvin Coolidge all owned Airedales. And Ladyboy, Harding's dog, even had her own chair for official meetings. In addition, Ferdinand Porsche, the founder of the automobile concern of the same name, was a fan of Airedale terriers.
  4. For Soviet people, the most popular representative of the Airedale terrier breed was a dog named Chingiz. It was he who played Ressi in the film “The Adventures of Electronics”.
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