Kingdom of Terriers - English dog breeds with descriptions and photos

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The British love dogs! More than 50 breeds were developed in Great Britain, and some of them were developed by the royal family. Since they are extremely careful about the purity of blood, the pets retain a unique temperament. What breeds are English?

  • 2 Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
  • 3 Clumber Spaniel
  • 4 English Bulldog
  • 5 English Foxhound
  • 6 Scottish Setter
  • 7 Labrador Retriever
  • 8 Sealyham Terrier
  • 9 Sheltie
  • 10 Corgi

English cocker spaniel

The English Cocker is larger than its American cousin and was bred to hunt woodcock.

This is a noble lord in a dog's body, whose history dates back to the mid-19th century . The distinctive features of the breed are long ears and a red color.

English Mastiff

The ancient breed of mastiffs appeared at the beginning of the 15th century and were used to protect the owner and his property, and was also used for military purposes and in dog fighting.

English Springer Spaniel

A gundog breed, it was used for hunting and delivering prey such as waterfowl. Excellent at looking for smuggling and migrant workers , a good-natured daredevil with an inexhaustible supply of vital energy.

English Foxhound

The fox (parataya) hound breed appeared in the 16th century and was used for hunting foxes. It has become widespread in the USA, Europe and Canada.

The Foxhound is the most famous breed of English hounds.

Bedlington Terrier

Known for its resemblance to a lamb, the terrier was created to hunt and kill rodents in mines. Also a champion in greyhound racing, agility and other sports, it is an excellent swimmer and can also be used in hunting ducks and other waterfowl.

English setter

The English Setter is a pointing hunting dog. He perfectly catches the smell in the air with his upper sense. Having discovered prey, it quietly takes a characteristic stance in anticipation of the shot.

The ancestors of setters were ancient English dog breeds - the photo confirms the similarity with images in ancient paintings. Representatives of the feudal nobility loved to order portraits surrounded by their pets. With the spread of firearms, they decided to make hunting assistants faster, more dexterous and more beautiful. After much inbreeding and selection, a new standard emerged in the 19th century.

The English Setter is a pointing hunting dog.

The height of males is 65-68 cm, females - 61-65 cm. Weight is 20-25 kg. Tall, graceful and elegant setters attract with their noble appearance. The joints of the paws are located in one line, strong muscles powerfully push the graceful body forward. The hair is long, slightly wavy, but not curly. The color is speckled, two-color or three-color. Usually, black, brown, yellow or orange spots are scattered throughout the body on a white background. Less commonly, the base tone is dark, with light spotting.

The Setter's character combines energy and good nature. The dog is ready to gallop for a long time in nature, enjoying freedom and the excitement of the hunt. He is friendly towards people and does not show aggression. Security and guard properties have been reduced.

Important: Setters require a lot of exercise. Frequent and thorough grooming is also necessary. It is recommended to buy a puppy if the owners have enough time to care for it, or it is possible to entrust the care of the pet to professionals.


A hunting dog breed originally from the UK, it will require a lot of time and patience to train due to its innate stubbornness.

The dog's keen sense of smell helps it hunt a variety of animals, including rabbits and deer , and the modern breed dates back to the 1830s.

Border Terrier

The Border Terrier is a miniature hunter, used to hunt burrowing animals and small pests. Tiny terriers with long legs keep up with fast foxhounds and are excellent at catching rabbits.

Review of English dog breeds with photos and names

The British people's favorite pet is the dog. This is one of the oldest animals that was domesticated many thousands of years ago. Scientists believe that the first dog breeds began to be bred in Britain. Targeted breeding work began to be officially carried out there already at the beginning of the 19th century.

A huge number of breeds were bred in England, which can be divided into three categories:

  • shepherds;
  • hunting;
  • decorative.

Less common are service and guard dogs. Below is a detailed overview of the breeds whose homeland is England, with photographs and names. They are all very different, both in appearance and in character, but equally noble, intelligent, loyal and devoted.

Bull Terrier

The dog’s memorable exterior was created gradually ; it was bred to participate in sports and used in hunting small pests.

Bulldog and terrier mix gave:

  • powerful body;
  • snow-white color;
  • egg-shaped head.

After the ban on dog fighting, it is used as a companion dog.

Aggression is not typical for the breed, contrary to general opinion.


The English Bulldog, whose care does not require complex manipulations, loves attention to itself and will happily accept all manifestations of care.

At about 9 months, the dog begins to shed. Despite the short length of the coat, the bulldog must be combed to remove dead hair, dust and dirt. If a lot of them accumulate, it can cause skin diseases. Combing with a massage brush can be done 1-2 times a week; the procedure will at the same time be a light massage, from which the pet will truly enjoy.

Wetting with water is also well received by the bulldog, especially in the heat. The main thing is that the dog is not in a draft at this time. If the apartment is warm, bathe him once every couple of months; if it’s cold, then it’s better not to risk it. Swimming in ponds is also welcome, but you should not leave the dog unattended, as it is a poor swimmer due to its heavy front part of the body. In winter, wallowing in clean snow will help clean your dog's coat.

Much attention should be paid to the area between the toes. Without proper care, they begin to turn red, swell, and cause pain and discomfort. The area under the tail around the anus needs to be cleaned and washed, as the tail is curled and seems to grow into the rump.

Problems can also arise on the skin of the muzzle. Food, water, and dirt get into the folds, so it is preferable to clean them after each feeding.

English bulldogs are dogs prone to obesity. A balanced diet and moderate physical activity during walks are the two main rules that will help prolong the life of your pet. When feeding naturally, you should practice a mixed diet: vegetables, cereals, meat, and the share of meat should be at least 40% of the total food.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

This breed, along with its brother, the King Charles Spaniel, was used for hunting back in the 18th century, and now it has become a companion dog with a soft, easy-going character.

The long-eared baby is graceful, has a cute appearance - he is simply created to create comfort in the home.

Clumber Spaniel

A hunting dog with French roots, it was created as a gun dog. These affectionate and friendly dogs are strong and resilient.

The breed is named after the Clumber Park estate in Nottinghamshire.

Lakeland Terrier

Rarely found outside England, where it was bred in the mountains of the Lake District and is used for hunting burrowing animals. This is an incredibly nimble terrier with a piercing gaze and many talents.

Manchester Terrier

At the beginning of the 19th century , it was used as a guide dog, and also destroyed rats and mice that threatened human health. Originally from Manchester, the agile terrier has a strong hunting instinct.


Bulldogs are very loyal and loving pets. Their repulsive appearance is completely incompatible with their good-natured character. Such a dog will definitely suit a cheerful person who doesn’t mind spending a weekend at home with his family.

One of a dog's favorite pastimes is to sleep with its owner during the day. She likes a relaxing holiday. Yes, she is not averse to going out with her owners for a walk, breathing in fresh air, playing with a ball, and so on, but she values ​​peace and comfort above all else.

This animal has a drawback - laziness. It is extremely difficult to motivate him to do anything if he is tired or sad. Even the request of his beloved owner cannot always convince him and stir him up. Yes, the English Bulldog is one of the laziest dogs, which is also very stubborn.

Dealing with a stubborn, massive dog is not easy, especially if he masks laziness with aggression. Yes, a bulldog can growl and even strike with its teeth, but only if it experiences extremely negative emotions. The following factors can provoke their appearance:

  1. Ignored by household members.
  2. Physical pain.
  3. Lack of feeling of security.
  4. Mental irritability.

By temperament, such a dog is a mixture of melancholic and phlegmatic. She is calm, loves to lie down and relax quietly, but sometimes she doesn’t mind having a lot of fun. The owner of such a pet should not expect that he will happily run around the house every day and encourage everyone to play.

He is prone to dominant behavior. Such a dog needs to understand that he has an owner who should be treated with respect. Otherwise, he will become self-centered, overly stubborn and completely uncontrollable.

For such a pet, it is important to understand that he is a full member of the family. He will become very sad if he stops feeling the love of his household. Yes, he likes to sleep, but I’m usually the person he likes next to me. Even a sleeping bulldog should be petted and cherished. Only in such an environment will he grow up happy.

Despite the fact that representatives of the breed were previously used for baiting animals, they prefer to establish friendly relations with most human pets. A bulldog will even get along with a rabbit and a rat, especially if it grows up with them in the same environment.

Representatives of the breed often show intolerance towards strangers. In everyday life, they can become excellent guards, but few strangers are treated neutrally or positively, even if the owner is nearby.

Norwich Terrier

Soft shaggy dogs were created to get rid of rodents and were used for hunting foxes, but found their purpose in urban environments. The relatively young breed was developed in Norkfolk at the end of the 19th century.

Norfolk Terrier

A smaller copy of the Norwich Terrier, bred in the 60s of the 19th century, is an excellent rat catcher.

The Norkfolk Terrier differs from the Norwich Terrier in the structure of its ears : the Norkfolk has drooping ears, while the Norwich has erect ears.

This is one of the most flexible terriers, a loyal family friend.

Patterdale Terrier

A hunting breed bred in the 60s of the 20th century, it was used in inaccessible mountainous areas. It was widely used in fox hunting, and after its abolition it achieved success in dog sports.


Bulldog sad

  • Dry eyes. Individuals often experience lacrimation. This can cause a "blue haze" to appear on the eyes, which damages vision and causes pain. To combat this problem, contact your veterinarian, who will prescribe the necessary medication.
  • Sneezing. Sneezing, in most cases, is normal in both dogs and humans. Reverse sneezing, also known as an inverted sneeze, occurs when nasal fluids drip into your pet's soft palate. At this point, pets may cough and choke. This is usually not serious, so the best way for your dog to escape from you is to comfort the animal during an attack.
  • Brachycephalic syndrome. With the syndrome, your pet's airways are closed. This may be due to problems in the nose or roof of the mouth. The dog is breathing with difficulty, coughing and sniffing a lot. Contact a specialist immediately.
  • Shakes his head. Your animal will begin to shake its head up and down or from side to side for no apparent reason, and a slight tremors will appear. This is caused by stress as well as low blood sugar. Give your pet a spoonful of honey. If this doesn't help, contact your veterinarian.
  • Hip dysplasia. Hip dysplasia is an inherited disease. In this problem, the femur does not fit tightly into the hip joint, causing it to move abnormally. Most English Bulldogs have hip dysplasia based on their natural build. Therefore, consult a specialist for a diagnosis.
  • Allergy. Animals may be allergic to certain foods, chemicals and other irritants. The dog develops rashes and hair falls out. Contact a specialist who can help identify the cause.


The smooth-haired pointer dog has been accompanying humans since the mid-17th century and specializes in bird hunting. Graceful movements are complemented by physical strength and endurance.

Flat-Coated Retriever

A successful cross between a collie, a spaniel and a Labrador retriever. It was bred to hunt both on land and on water.

The breed type appeared in the 19th century, the breed standard was recognized in 1880. Active and intelligent, has good working qualities.

Staffordshire Bull Terrier

Staffordshire Bull Terrier

A cross between a bulldog and an English terrier, bred in Great Britain back in the 17th century, it is the best bait hunter, participant in dog fights, and then a companion dog.

Sussex Spaniel

A small but strong spaniel bred for hunting, bred in 1795 in Sussex in southern England. This is an inveterate phlegmatic dog, very popular among spaniels.

Curly coated retriever

Main characteristics:

  1. Height: 64-69 cm.
  2. Weight: 36-45 kg.
  3. Coat and Color: The fur is liver or black with strong curls on the body and smooth hair elsewhere.
  4. Personal qualities: self-confident, intelligent, noble.
  5. Life expectancy: 9-14 years.

Being one of the oldest retriever dogs, this dog is a golden retriever with a poodle coat. With impressive swimming abilities, these dogs are some of the best water retrievers England has to offer.

These English dogs usually sport a black coat or a liver-colored coat. The curly coat is designed to protect the body from the cold while in cold water or other harsh conditions. Representatives of the breed are more resilient than they seem at first glance.

Curly-haired dogs are very hardworking. However, they also have a tender, loving side. At home they are playful and cheerful with people they know, but can act aloof with strangers. And unlike the Labrador or the same golden retriever, they demonstrate greater independence. However, this does not mean that they are difficult to train. In fact, the breed is very smart, obedient and therefore responds well to commands.

Interesting Facts:

  1. The Curly-Coated Retriever is considered to be the oldest of all the dogs in this group.
  2. The breed is believed to have descended from the English Water Spaniel, Setter and Irish Water Spaniel.
  3. Despite the predominance of curly hair, the face of the English dog is covered with straight hair.

Fox terrier

Smooth-haired type

Another avid hunter, it was used to hunt foxes, badgers, and raccoon dogs. There are also wire-haired foxes, but smooth-haired ones are considered a classic variation of the breed type. The dogs are temperamental and suitable for people leading an active lifestyle.

Wire-haired type

It was used for fox hunting - a nimble dog climbed into a fox hole, grabbed the prey, and the hunter pulled it out by the tail. He showed himself excellent in agility and other dog sports.

Education, training

If your chosen future pet is an English bulldog, raising a dog will be associated with a number of difficulties. The innate stubbornness of the representatives of the breed will not allow him to be raised and trained as quickly as the owner wants. To learn commands you must be more persistent and patient. Basic commands that are useful when communicating with a dog - Come to me, Beside, Sit, Place, Let, lie down, Fu. As you can see, it is not at all necessary to know the entire OKD.

When you bring a puppy into your home, it is important to let him know that there are rules and they must be followed. Consistency and consistency of requirements and prohibitions will help to form the right habits: go to the litter box, do not sleep on the owner’s bed, do not chew furniture, do not take food from the table or from the hands of strangers, do not bite while playing, do not lean on people with your front paws.

English bulldog puppies adapt to a new place very quickly; within a few hours he will feel in the apartment as if he had lived here all his life. The dog should not be isolated, chained or placed in a cramped enclosure, otherwise you will cease to be a friend to him who can be trusted.

It is worth considering that English bulldogs are very lazy; to start training him, you need to understand his incentives. Use his need for food or praise to teach him what you want. Training a bulldog is not a game by your rules, but by his. That's what the English Bulldog is all about: he won't please you and lives in his own world.

In order to make a bulldog run or at least move more actively, motivation is also necessary. It is not so easy to move him, but it is necessary to do this, since dogs are prone to obesity and they need moderate exercise like air.


The Airedale Terrier originated in the fabulous valley of the River Aire in Yorkshire. The giant among terriers was bred to hunt otters and also as a guard, police and military dog. He successfully starred in films - “The Adventures of Electronics”, “The Life and Adventures of Four Friends”, etc.

In conclusion, there are approximately 30 breeds of purebred dogs of English origin , mainly hunting dogs, companion dogs and guard dogs.

The most popular English dogs are Yorkies and English bulldogs , which are still the national symbol of England.

Additionally, check out a short video about the English Cocker Spaniel breed:

Welsh Corgi Pembroke

The Pembroke Welsh Corgi is the favorite dog breed of the Queen of England . As a child, her father, the then King George VI, gave her her first puppy.

Favorite breed of the English Queen

Miniature sheepdogs helped shepherds in Wales herd sheep a thousand years ago. But they first came to the exhibition only in 1892, where they immediately received universal recognition. The height of dwarf shepherdesses does not exceed 30 cm, weight - up to 14 kg. They have a hard coat and a thick, non-wetting undercoat. Welshies feel better in cold climates than in warm ones. The color is usually white below, red above, sometimes with black. A saddle-shaped spot on the back is characteristic.

The Pembroke differs from its related cardigan by having short legs and a fox-like face with brown eyes. Their character is more active and sensitive; they are excellent companions for walks and at home. The English Corgi dog breed is friendly and devoted to its owners. Gets along well with other animals, including cats, loves children and protects babies. Plays a lot and prefers long walks.

Pembrokes easily learn complex tricks, copy the behavior of their owners from an early age, and subtly sense a person’s mood. They know how to charmingly beg for food.

Attention: It is important not to overfeed pets who tend to overeat and gain noticeable weight.

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