All about the Alaskan Klee Kai or Mini Husky dog ​​breed

Little husky

  • Fact:
    Linda and her family have been selective breeders for nearly 20 years.
  • Fact 2:
    The first representatives came to Russia just a few years ago. Therefore, buying a Klee Kai puppy in nurseries in our country is very problematic.
  • Fact 3:
    The Alaskan Klee Kai has high-set ears and small almond-shaped eyes.
  • Fact 4:
    Dogs of this breed have a soft and dense undercoat. Guard hairs are straight

The Alaskan Klee Kai is a small companion dog. Kind, energetic and smart. In appearance he resembles a husky, but in character he resembles a cat. This breed is ideal for single or elderly people, large families with small children.

Alaskan Klee Kai. Video

Do you live in a small apartment and dream of owning a handsome blue-eyed husky? But this is too big a dog, and therefore I have to give up my dream. In this case, pay attention to the Alaskan Klee Kai breed. This dog is an exact copy of a husky, reduced by about half.

The mini-husky was bred by enthusiastic dog handlers especially for city residents who cannot afford to keep a large dog. He has the same perky appearance and the same charming character. He also frowns and amuses the owner. Only a mini-dog takes up much less space than a full-fledged husky. This means it will be easier with cleaning, as well as with care and feeding. These are, of course, advantages. But there is also a serious disadvantage - not everyone can buy a Klee Kai puppy. The cost of the dog is steep.

We have collected all the information about the Alaskan Klee Kai. Read and draw conclusions whether this baby is worth having.

Photo and video review

After reading the description of the Alaskan Klickey breed, you can admire the photos and clearly see the uniqueness of such cute creatures.

History of the Alaskan Klee Kai breed

The Alaskan Klee Kai is the newest breed. Work on its creation began relatively recently, in the last century, in the 70s.

The author of the miniature copies of the husky was a resident of the town of Wasilla (Alaska) named Linda Spurlin. And the ancestor of the Alaskan Klee Kai is considered to be a dog named Curious (from English this translates as amazing or curious) . Linda met the little husky while visiting relatives in Oklahoma. She noted that, despite its small size, the dog retained all the external signs and habits of a real husky.

It was around this time that Nordic dogs became extremely popular in the United States. However, keeping large and active pets in urban environments was difficult. It was then that Linda began to think about creating a new breed. The future breeder convinced her family to give her the dog. She then developed her own selection program and began breeding a new breed.

Linda Spurling persistently achieved results for about twenty years and was in no hurry to make her achievements public. In developing the new breed, she involved not only huskies. Alaskan Klee Kais contain the blood of Eskimo dogs, Malamutes and sled dogs. Linda selected and bred the smallest puppies from each litter. In the end, she achieved her goal: she got a dog that looked like a husky, like a twin, but was significantly smaller in size and had a more docile character.

The first mini-huskies were introduced to American dog breeders in 1987. The new breed created a sensation. The breeder's friends provided the widest PR for her pets; they appeared on TV screens, newspapers wrote about them and radio channels talked about them. Linda Spurling's home in Alaska has become a landmark. Everyone wanted to see miniature dogs, practically indistinguishable, except for their size, from the legendary huskies. And many dreamed of quickly getting an energetic and beautiful dog.

There were an incredible number of people wanting to buy an Alaskan Klee Kai puppy. But Linda did not pursue profit and did not give her pets to just anyone, but only into the most responsible hands. She conducted interviews with all future owners and concluded contracts. According to the document, they were required to provide information about the development of the puppy and periodically support it with photographs. If a young dog did not meet the conformation requirements or showed a bad character, it was not allowed to be bred. Thus, the breeder continued to control the development of the breed, and the owners of the first mini-huskies became her assistants.

In 1988, the American Kennel Union added a new breed to its registry. Its name did not include similarities and kinship with huskies. They wrote it down as Klee-Kai, which means “small dog” in Eskimo. Later the word "Alaskan" was added. Around the same time, an American club for Klee Kai lovers was opened, and then a similar community appeared in the UK.

In 1994, Klee Kais took part in an exhibition for the first time in Denver. Visitors and professional dog breeders really liked the little debutants. On January 1, 1997, this breed was recognized by the United Kennel Club (UKC). After this, the Alaskan Klee Kai gained worldwide fame. However, to this day this breed is considered rare even in its homeland, America. Therefore, the cost of puppies remains very high.

Conditions of detention

  1. Dogs can be kept in urban environments. But the ideal place is a country house where the pet can roam freely in the yard.
  2. An adult animal is walked at least twice a day. The total duration is at least one and a half hours. Part of this time should be devoted to games and training.
  3. You can keep a kaya indoors, and if you have a country house, you can also keep an aviary.

Comfortable enclosures for dogs: do it yourself without waste or mistakes

Appearance of an Alaskan Klee Kai dog

The Alaskan Klee Kai is not a miniature husky. This is a separate breed with its own characteristics. For example, it has a shorter muzzle, larger ears, and the tail is located slightly higher. It is now customary to evaluate the exterior of dogs according to the United Kennel Club (UKC) standard.

The Alaskan Klee Kai dog is compact in size (its height is no higher than 43 cm, and its weight is no more than 10 kg), it looks elegant and harmonious. Typical characteristics of the breed are an expressive look, a dark mask on the muzzle and a tail curled into a ring.

There are three subtypes of the Alaskan Klee Kai based on size and weight:

  • Standard - height 38-43 cm at the withers, weight up to 10 kg
  • Mini - height 33-38 cm, weight up to 6.8 kg
  • Toy - height up to 34 cm, weight no more than 4.1 kg.

Minor deviations from the listed parameters are disadvantages; height above 44.5 cm is a reason for disqualification.

The Alaskan Klee has a neat head with a triangular muzzle, decorated with a contrasting, preferably symmetrical, without breaks mask. The nose is smooth, ends with a black or dark brown nose, let’s say “snow color” (with a pinkish stripe). The cheeks are plump and dense. Lips must be pigmented. The triangular and largeish ears of the Alaskan stand high and quite close to each other. The ears are directed forward and covered with dense fur on the outside.

The eyes are medium in size, preferably almond-shaped, but can be round or oval. The eyelids are necessarily painted with a dark pigment. It's good to have lighter eyebrows. The color of the iris is blue or brown, in various shades.

Some mini-huskies, like their big brothers, may have one eye brown and the other blue. Such multi-colored iris (scientifically called heterochromia) is not considered a disadvantage for the Alaskan Klee Kai.

The Alaskan Klee Kai's neck is smoothly curved and of medium length. During movement, it is slightly extended forward. The body fits into a rectangle. The back is straight, the lower back is strong and slightly raised. The belly is lean. The tail is fluffy, set high and curled in a ring.

The dog's limbs are even and proportional, rather thin, the hind limbs are more massive. Paws with well-developed rough pads, thick hair in the interdigital space. The Alaskan Klee Kai moves easily and naturally, without any effort. The dog is well coordinated, quickly changes pace and direction.

According to the standard, four types of colors are allowed for Alaskan Klee Kais. With white hair on the neck, chest, belly and paws, the primary colors are combined: black, gray or brown. The mask on the face should be one or two shades darker. Recently a pure white color type has been recognized.

In addition, the breed can have wool of different lengths: standard and long. The latter is a heritage from the ancestors of the breed, the husky. Special requirements are placed on the density of the undercoat. It should be so dense that it keeps the guard hairs raised. On the neck and chest the coat is thicker and slightly longer and thicker, forming a characteristic apron and collar. Feathering is allowed on the paws, along the bottom of the body and tail, as well as on the ears.

Black, gray and white Klee Kais with dark eyes are very reminiscent of wolf cubs. Perhaps for this reason, the new breed is so loved by wildlife fans. Many people dream of owning a small, affectionate wolf.

The disadvantages of the Alaskan Klee Kai breed include various deviations from the standard exterior. Among the common defects:

  • Asymmetrical (or torn mask);
  • disproportionate figure (no balance between height and weight);
  • excessively bulging eyes;
  • eyes that are too close (or wide) apart;
  • poorly developed (or too wide) breasts;
  • the fur is so long that the outline of the dog is not visible;
  • folds on the skin;
  • saggy belly;
  • eyelids without pigmentation;
  • clumsy heavy movements;
  • short, uncurled tail;
  • ears set low and hanging or not tilted;
  • drooping or semi-erect ears.

Dogs that show excessive aggressiveness or show cowardice are subject to disqualification.

Coat and color

The coat can be either long or medium. The main thing is that it does not hide the contours of the body. The fur on the neck and hind legs grows stronger, forming a “collar” and “pants”. The tail is always very pubescent.

Dogs of this breed have a soft and dense undercoat. The guard hairs are straight. Quite tough, but not rough. Klee Kais shed heavily twice a year. They should not be owned by people suffering from allergies.

The standard allows several color options. White with:

  • black;
  • gray;
  • red.

Also solid white, cinnamon and dark chestnut.

Regardless of the color, fur should grow on the muzzle, contrasting with the main color, which forms a characteristic mask.

Mini Husky Personality

The creator of the breed, Linda Spurling, dreamed of giving the world a cheerful, friendly and active dog that would be easy to keep even in a small apartment. At the same time, the dog had to become an exact copy of a large husky. She did an excellent job. Her creation, the Alaskan Klee Kai, is a very inquisitive, energetic and devoted dog to his family. It differs from its ancestor in its more pronounced loyalty to humans. This is truly a companion who senses the owner’s mood, tries to understand him and is always ready to support him, especially when it comes to games or some other activity. At the same time, the mini-husky retained the instinct of a guard and protector. The dog is wary of strangers and will defend its territory.

Miniature copies of huskies love to communicate with loved ones, especially after separation. But they prefer not to bark, but to make other sounds. Klee Kai owners claim that their pets “speak almost humanly”; they usually snort, moo, purr and grunt, and sometimes utter similar words.

The Alaskan Klee Kai has a surprisingly easy character. This sociable and affectionate dog will not pester or impose itself if the owner is not in the mood. In this case, she will calmly go about her business or go to sleep. With its independence and independent disposition, the mini-husky is very similar to a cat.

The Alaskan Klee Kai will be a fun friend for a child. This dog is strong enough to take part in outdoor games and fun. A small dog will be an excellent gift for a young school-age owner who can already take responsibility for the pet. The mini-husky will become his devoted companion, they will grow together and educate each other.

But leaving the dog alone with stupid kids who don’t know how to handle animals is still not worth it. Most likely, nothing bad will happen. But it is difficult to predict the reaction of an animal if it is beaten like a plush toy.

You can get mini-huskies without fear for the fate of your pets. The dog will not only get along, but also make friends with the cat, find contact with another dog, and will be tolerant of rodents and other living creatures.

These sweet dogs don't cope well with being alone. The breed is not suitable for people who are away from home for a long time. If a Klee Kai is left for the whole day without the owner's attention, one must expect trouble. The wolf cub will get rid of boredom in accessible ways; he will test the strength of shoes, clothes and even furniture. To prevent disaster, make sure your puppy always has toys to keep him entertained.

Interesting Facts

  • Huskies Klee Kai can jump high. They can easily jump over a high fence.
  • The dog loves to dig in the ground. If the fence is at a shallow depth, the dog can escape.
  • In the Eskimo language, the phrase Klee-Kai means “small dog.”
  • The animal periodically washes its face with its front paws. Representatives of the cat family do the same.
  • Klee-kai communicate with each other and their owner using a specific language. It consists of a set of slurping, gurgling and howling sounds. Some dogs can parody human speech.
  • The body and fur of the animal do not smell like a dog.

Pros and cons of the Alaskan Klee Kai breed

As you already know, the Alaskan Klee Kai breed is one of the newest. Her first breeder sought to breed the ideal dog for life in the city. She tried to eliminate the mistakes that breeders made. Therefore, Klik has a lot of positive characteristics and practically no disadvantages.

Let's name some advantages that are inherent in this breed:

  • Compact, but at the same time not dwarf size
  • Spectacular appearance
  • Light, unobtrusive character
  • Good learning ability
  • Simplicity of content
  • Easy care
  • Cheerful and affectionate disposition
  • Guard instinct preserved
  • Gets along well with other pets
  • No specific dog smell
  • Good health.

The Alaskan Klee Kai is not only the newest dog breed, but also an extremely rare one. Perhaps this is why owners have not yet accumulated complaints against their pets. Happy owners of mini-huskies find it difficult to name their disadvantages. So for now, the main disadvantage of the breed is that not every dog ​​lover can afford to buy a puppy. They are very expensive, we will tell you more about the prices of the Alaskan Klee Kai further.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of the breed:

  • original appearance;
  • presence of security capability;
  • no allergies to wool;
  • ease of maintenance;
  • intelligence, quick learner;
  • cleanliness.

The disadvantages include:

  • price;
  • small age of the breed (not fully studied);
  • learning will require patience;
  • there are many fakes on the market;
  • It will take time to wait for a quality copy one by one.

Raising and training mini-huskies

If you believe the reviews of breeders, Alaskan Klee Kais are real excellent students of the dog school. They learn everything with ease and learn their lessons with pleasure. It is especially good if the teaching takes place in a playful way, and the owner does not skimp on affection and rewards the pet with something tasty. Then the mini-husky will be ready to perform any commands or even tricks.

However, like their full-sized relatives, Alaskan Klee Kais require consistent training from early puppyhood. As soon as the baby gets into a new home, he needs to patiently and persistently explain the rules and regulations. Under no circumstances should you allow a young dog to do something that you will have to wean off later. The most common mistake novice owners make is allowing their pet to sleep with them. Of course, you want to warm up and cuddle the puppy, but he will grow up pretty quickly. And an adult dog will not understand when you refuse to let him under your blanket. In addition, mini-huskies still inherited a share of stubbornness from large sled dogs. It is very difficult to discourage them from a bad habit. It's much easier to avoid problems.

The first thing a puppy must learn is its own name. Then toilet chores and the simplest commands. It is very important to train your Alaskan Klee Kai to use a collar and leash. It is not recommended to walk your dog without them. She might get lost in the city.

Like other dog breeds, Klee Kais have a difficult age. When they are a year old or a little older, a docile and obedient dog can suddenly show a rebellious character. He will try to escape, may spoil things, make tunnels, and behave arbitrarily. The owner will have to be patient and calmly stop this festival of disobedience. Harsh punishments or yelling in such a situation can only do harm. But a severe reprimand, demonstration of dissatisfaction and temporary isolation will help curb the presumptuous teenager. Alaskan Klee Kais are people-oriented dogs, so they have difficulty withstanding loneliness and neglect. Although each dog will have to find its own approach.

Alaskan Klee Kais are very sociable by nature. But for a puppy who lives in the city, additional early socialization will be useful. If he is actively introduced to other people and dogs, he will grow up to be friendly, tolerant and not display inappropriate aggression or cowardice.

Mini-huskies have adopted agility and agility from their larger relatives. These are very athletic dogs, they will enthusiastically chase and jump for a Frisbee, learn to overcome obstacles and will accompany their owner on a run or bike ride. If desired, they can master the science of agility.

Education, possible mistakes

Nature has endowed Klee Kai with tireless liveliness, playfulness and curiosity, which can interfere with their normal upbringing. This is a perpetual motion machine, and if you do not turn its energy into the right direction, then it will no longer be possible to cope with an adult individual.

An uncontrolled animal will cause a lot of inconvenience to the owner and everyone around him. It is advisable to take a standard obedience course with your Alaskan puppy when he is young.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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The dog should be trained to use a leash from the first day of its arrival in the house. If you miss this moment, as adults, freedom-loving little huskies will not take the harness seriously.

Care and maintenance of the Alaskan Klee Kai

The Alaskan Klee Kai breed was originally created as an indoor dog. She doesn't need a lot of space, so even a small apartment will do. Although, thanks to the thick fur, the fluffy dog ​​will be able to live in the yard and will be happy to frolic freely on the site. But still, he will feel more comfortable next to the person.

The owner must be prepared to walk an active dog for at least one and a half to two hours a day. Ideally, you should allow mini-huskies to run around on their own. But you can only release him in a fenced area or outside the city. Apart from a leash and collar, you will not need any other accessories for walking. According to the rules, a small dog does not need to wear a muzzle. These fluffies do not need clothing in the cold season. You can only dress them in waterproof overalls in rainy weather to protect their fur from dirt.

Mini-huskies are true northern dogs. They are not afraid of frost, and they simply adore snow. They enjoy snow baths, roll around and tumble in the snowdrifts, and taste the snowflakes.

How to care for a Klee Kai

Caring for an Alaskan Klee Kai is very simple, but it should not be neglected. The dog needs to be brushed at least once a week. During the coat change, which takes place twice a year, it is better to carry out the procedure daily. Otherwise there will be tangles and shreds everywhere. There is no need to specifically wash the dog, only if it is thoroughly dirty. By the way, mini-huskies do not have an unpleasant dog smell.

Many Alaskan Klee Kais can wash themselves like cats. The dogs wipe their faces with their paws and lick their fur. And they can do hygiene procedures for quite a long time, sometimes for about an hour straight.

The owner of such a clean dog can only add examination and treatment of the ears, eyes and teeth to the care. The inside of the ear must be checked after a walk; parasites can attach there or dirt can accumulate there. It is better to wipe the auricle with a cotton pad soaked in hydrogen peroxide or veterinary lotion. Eyes can be washed with chamomile infusion or tea. For dental hygiene, you need to use a special toothpaste and give your dog cleansing treats.

In the summer, the claws of nimble Klee Kais wear down on their own; in winter, you will have to make sure that they do not overgrow. If necessary, trim off the excess with a nail clipper. Sometimes cracks appear on the paw pads, usually dogs immediately lick them. But to avoid inflammation, you can treat the surface with an antiseptic.

Mini husky food

The nimble Alaskan Klee Kai have a good appetite, they are completely unpretentious and even prone to overeating. The owner of the puppy must find out what the breeder fed him and stick to the same diet for at least a month. Then you can choose one of two options: natural food or ready-made dry food. Cynologists do not recommend combining both types of food, as this can provoke diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The easiest way to organize meals is with ready-made food. You just need to choose a quality product from a reliable manufacturer and follow the recommendations. As a rule, the mixture contains all the components necessary for the dog’s health.

With any diet, drinking water should always be available to the dog. Don't forget to check its availability and freshness.

It is quite difficult to create a natural diet on your own. The menu should contain proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the required proportions, as well as a full set of vitamins. The main sources of protein foods are meat and offal (beef or poultry), sea fish. Carbohydrates and fiber are vegetables, cereals, and fruits. All this can be given fresh or lightly boiled (steamed with boiling water).

Dishes from the master's table are contraindicated for the Alaskan Klee Kai. Sweets, smoked meats and similar delicacies should be excluded from the menu. You should not give your dog these foods:

  • raw eggs;
  • pork;
  • spices;
  • legumes;
  • products made from yeast dough;
  • tubular bones;
  • bony fish.

Dairy products can be fed to puppies, but with caution to adult dogs. When eating natural food, it is very important to ensure the norm of vitamins and microelements. Therefore, you need to give your pet special veterinary supplements.


Alaskan Klee Kai puppies are easy to train. They easily remember and carry out a huge number of commands. They love to study. The process brings joy . They can't stand being teased. They do not accept rude treatment.

Kicks and pinches force them to respond. Capable of biting. And yet, these little ones get along well with children and tolerate their pranks and pranks for quite a long time. If they grow up with a child who is taught the rules of treatment, true friends will grow up.

With all this, they retained the qualities of a security guard. It is clear that they will not be able to stop the thief. Didn't come in the right size. But it won’t be difficult to notify the presence of a stranger with a ringing bark. At the same time, the voice is clear. However, the main purpose of the breed is friendly loyalty. Merry fellows and companions. It is advisable to train under the supervision of a specialist.

Faithful, devoted to the family where they live. It's important for them to be part of it. Therefore, they should not be left at home alone. Out of boredom they turn into real destroyers. Get ready to see the furniture chewed. There will be many complaints from neighbors about whining and howling. Believe me, their volume is very good, so even those who do not pay attention to extraneous sounds will hear.

The hunter's instinct, even after good training and socialization, is not suppressed. This means they will hunt small animals. Rabbits, hamsters, birds are their prey, which will not be difficult for them to kill. When breeding these cuties, you should take into account all the characteristics, habits and instincts. It is important that they are comfortable both in small spaces and in the vast expanses of a suburban area.

Health and illness of a miniature husky replica

The first breeder of Alaskan Klee Kais, Linda Spurling, carefully monitored the health of her pets. She dreamed that dogs would grow up strong, with good immunity and not be susceptible to genetic diseases. I must admit, the breeder-enthusiast completed this task.

Mini-huskies very rarely get sick and have a fairly long life, their lifespan is 15 years or more. Although critics of this breed claim that health problems have not yet appeared, the dog population is too small and has not existed for long.

Be that as it may, for now the owners of Alaskan Klee Kais are happy with the excellent health of their charges. And dog experts advise not to forget about prevention; dogs need to be vaccinated on time, and also regularly treated for parasites. You also need to provide your pet with sufficient physical activity and not overfeed him. It’s difficult to resist giving an extra piece; miniature huskies know how to find their way to a person’s heart. They are, one might say, “professional beggars.”


They also don’t need special clothing and food. Easily tolerates severe frosts. Check the eyes and ears periodically to exclude inflammatory processes. As children, dogs love porridge, fermented milk products, meat, and bread. Not picky about food. You can buy food recommended by your veterinarian.

Klee Kai are not picky eaters and have good health.

How to choose an Alaskan Klee Kai puppy

The Alaskan Klee Kai is a charming breed and incredibly easy to keep. But let us remind you once again that it is rare. Therefore, the future owner must decide why he needs a pet. If he plans to show the dog and then start breeding the breed, he needs to look for a puppy in a reliable kennel and choose it especially carefully. It is important that there are no external flaws. It is advisable that the pet's parents already have titles. This must be documented in the puppy card. Later, based on this, the dog’s pedigree is issued. Be prepared for a high price.

Alaskan Klee Kais do not usually have many offspring. Most often, there are no more than three puppies in a litter. On the one hand, this is good, every newborn receives maximum care, care and love. On the other hand, this very circumstance is the reason why the breed is not widespread, but remains extremely rare.

Conscientious breeders strive to ensure the purity of the breed and ensure that the puppies meet the standards. If the baby does not meet the requirements, it is discarded. Such dogs are subject to sterilization and fall into the “pet” class. If you are not interested in medals and titles, and you are not going to engage in breeding, pay attention to these puppies. You will not be able to take part in exhibitions and dog shows, but you will get a real Alaskan Klee Kai. With the same funny character and toy-like appearance, but much cheaper.

There is an even more radical option, but it is not at all reliable. You can buy a dog from so-called “breeders”. On the Internet there are advertisements from individuals who offer a dog of a fashionable breed without documents, and therefore at a low price. At best, you will buy a full-size husky, at worst, a dog of unknown origin.

Tips for choosing a puppy

The main rule is not to buy a dog secondhand, on the Internet, or through friends. This is the surest way to get a mestizo or an unknown breed. It is advisable to buy Klee Kai only in certified nurseries, from trusted dog breeders.

You should decide for what purpose the puppy is purchased: as a pet or for exhibitions. Only at the age of 8 months will it be possible to talk about the quality of a certain cub.

Then the correct mask is formed around the eyes, but if it is not symmetrical or not completely closed, then the puppy is considered to have a defect. Such individuals are immediately sterilized to prevent further breeding.

Before buying a puppy, it is recommended to carefully check its coat. A hard cover indicates improper maintenance. It is better to choose a well-fed Alaskan baby. It is also taken into account that you will have to wait in line for up to several months, the demand for puppies increases exponentially, and on average a female gives birth to 2-3 cubs.

It is also advisable to carefully study the documents of the little husky. The puppy must have mandatory vaccinations, pass all tests for common diseases and have a chip inserted.

How much do Klee Kai or mini husky puppies cost?

Let us repeat again, the Alaskan Klee Kai is an elite, and therefore expensive, breed. Its first representatives were brought from America to Russia in 2011. Since then, only five nurseries have appeared in our country where mini-huskies are officially bred. Therefore, now the demand for these interesting dogs significantly exceeds the supply.

Prices for Alaskan Klee Kai puppies from Russian breeders start from 150 thousand rubles and end at about 350,000.

Therefore, some lovers of miniature copies of huskies prefer to establish contacts with foreign nurseries. And although delivery and paperwork are expensive, sometimes it is more profitable to buy a Klee Kai puppy in its homeland, America. But even overseas, these dogs are still exotic.


Considering the rarity and novelty of the breed, prices in Russia for purebred mini-huskies range from 350 thousand rubles.

There are two key myths found on the Internet:

  1. A defective puppy can be bought for 30-60 thousand rubles. A purebred, properly bred and pedigree Klee Kai, even if not suitable for show standards, cannot be worth that much. Breeders spend enormous efforts to maintain breeding dogs of this rare breed.
  1. It is cheaper to buy a mini-husky puppy in the USA. No American breeder sells dogs privately. But if a miracle happens and someone manages to reach an agreement, you will have to study the laws on the export of dogs from the States. One of them says: you cannot export animals that have not been vaccinated against rabies. In Russia, dogs are vaccinated at 2 months, and taken from three months. The dog is given to American buyers at 2 months, and the necessary vaccinations for import into Russia are given to the dog at 3.5, plus 30 days of quarantine. It turns out that the puppy is taken away at 4.5 months. These 2.5 months. above are considered overexposure at the expense of the buyer, which includes feeding, care, etc. We add these expenses to the price of the dog.

And this is just one nuance that you will have to thoroughly study when buying a Click Kai in the USA.

Photos of Alaskan Klee Kai from our visitors

Reproduction and lifespan

In Russia, you can currently buy a puppy only in nurseries, of which there are currently three: Song of ice in the Moscow region, Severnaya Luna in Ryazan and Artsympatiya in Podolsk. Handsome people live 10-15 years. Compared to other breeds, they are distinguished by good health.

To this day, typical genetic diseases have not been registered with them. Although miniatures can suffer from medical problems. But at the moment the disease has not manifested itself. This is most likely a result of their young age and limited gene pool.

Perhaps the pathology includes:

  • different iris colors;
  • a disease that can lead to partial or complete destruction of the joints;
  • bleeding that is difficult to stop due to low blood clotting caused by a deficiency of plasma thromboplastin.

The natural health of dogs is excellent, but it is still necessary to take care of vaccinations. This is first done by the breeder at the age of eight to nine weeks. The next one is at twelve. Then revaccination every year.

The dog must be prepared for the procedure. Be sure to treat for internal and external parasites. If you don't do this, everything will be in vain. Doctors recommend an integrated approach: protection against rabies, leptospirosis, distemper, hemorrhagic enteritis.

Klee Kai gets along well with children and pets

Man and dog

The Alaskan Klee Kai is a companion dog. It is not designed for hunting and intense sports walks.

Klee Kai is suitable :

  • for a family with children: active and mobile, they become partners in games and walks, and can take on the functions of a security guard, as they are distrustful of strangers;
  • for older people, such dogs are simply ideal: you will inevitably have to take them for walks regularly; click-kai will make up for the lack of communication;
  • homebodies.

The breed is not suitable for very busy people who are rarely at home, as dogs love the attention of their owner, and if it is lacking, they can become uncontrollable.

Rules of care

The coat, especially if the dog has long hair, needs to be brushed daily. During shedding, this procedure must be repeated several times a day, since otherwise it will not be possible to efficiently remove the abundantly falling out undercoat.

Klee Kais are bathed infrequently, only when necessary, and it is recommended to use special shampoos intended for dogs.

The dog's eyes, ears and teeth are cleaned as needed, although they should be examined every day. The ears are cleaned with cotton swabs, the eyes with cotton pads soaked in a special composition for cleansing them.

You usually take care of your pet’s teeth yourself, cleaning them while chewing on toys or treats purchased at a pet pharmacy. If plaque has formed, which cannot be removed in this way, then the dog’s teeth are cleaned with dog toothpaste and a toothbrush.

Claws, if necessary, should be trimmed with a nail clipper, but not with nail clippers and, especially, not with scissors.

Mini Huskies are very clean, in addition, they have the habit of washing themselves with their front paws, thanks to which they themselves keep their fur clean.

Photos of color options

of colors are currently acceptable :

  • Black and white.
  • Grey-white.
  • Red and white.

At the same time, black-and-white and gray-white dogs should have black pigmentation of the nose, as well as the edging of the eyelids and lips. For red and white mini huskies, the pigmentation of a dark brick or brownish-liver shade is desirable.

White markings are located in places strictly defined by the standard - on the head and muzzle, as well as on the neck, chest, limbs and stomach. In this case, it is desirable to have a narrow groove on the head, a closed mask and white eyebrows.

Not long ago, AKC was recognized as the standard for mini huskies and pure white color. However, individuals with this coat color are not yet allowed for breeding, even in their homeland.

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