Can hamsters eat buckwheat, millet, pearl barley and other cereals?

Proper, nutritious and at the same time varied nutrition is the key to health and long life.
And this is true not only in people, but also in animals and hamsters. To make your pet's coat look healthy and shiny (and this is one of the external signs that allows you to determine the pet's current condition), you need to feed the rodent according to the following scheme: the basis of the diet is dry food, in addition - vegetables and fruits. But here the question arises about cereals; not all of them are healthy. But today all myths will be dispelled, and answers to questions will be found.


Hamsters not only can eat buckwheat, but they also need it. Buckwheat is a storehouse of vitamins and microelements. It is an easily digestible product that is high in iron, protein and low in carbohydrates.

Buckwheat has a beneficial effect on blood circulation, brain function, nervous system and the general condition of the pet’s body. Increases endurance and removes toxins from the body.

It is recommended to give buckwheat in dry form to healthy pets. It helps maintain the health of your pet's teeth. Sick hamsters are given specially prepared buckwheat. You should not cook the cereal, it will lose its beneficial properties. Soak in hot water and leave overnight. Then dry the porridge and give it to the animals.

Do not brew porridge with milk. Dairy products are poorly digestible by hamsters and negatively affect their well-being.

Article on the topic: Can hamsters have raw and boiled potatoes?

To summarize, hamsters can be given buckwheat either raw or specially prepared. But don't limit your pet's diet. It is strictly prohibited to exclude dry food, fruits and vegetables.

Useful material

Buckwheat contains many different useful substances: iron, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, copper, iodine, zinc, boron, fluorine, 18 amino acids. It contains vitamins B1, B2, B9, PP, vitamin E. Buckwheat contains a lot of protein and is a low-carbohydrate product.

Folic acid (vitamin B9) stimulates the work of red bone marrow, promotes the rapid formation, development and maturation of blood cells. Increases the body's endurance and resistance to various diseases.

Millet and wheat

Don't confuse millet and wheat. Millet is a cereal that is poorly digestible by hamsters. You cannot add it to the animal’s diet. Wheat is a grain and is useful for the animal. This product is added to many dry foods.

Sprouted wheat is especially useful. You can buy it at a pet store or germinate it yourself.

It is not recommended to buy cereals from unverified places. The hamster can be poisoned by the chemicals contained in the food.

Pearl barley

It is allowed to give pearl barley to hamsters. It is rich in nutrients and beneficial elements. Has a beneficial effect on the health of the animal.

You can prepare the cereal according to the buckwheat principle by soaking it in hot water. Barley, dry or slightly steamed, is given to the animals in small quantities and the remains are removed immediately after the end of the “meal”. If an animal steals a treat into a corner, it can cause harm later.

Rice is difficult for hamsters to digest. It is recommended to feed rice only in extreme cases, in case of digestive problems and certain diseases. Otherwise, avoid this supplement.

Other cereals

Hamsters are allowed to give oatmeal. In dry form it is especially useful. Helps keep teeth healthy and has a beneficial effect on digestion. Dry cereal contains more nutrients. The steamed one is suitable for sick and small animals.

Hercules is a type of oatmeal that is also suitable for feeding hamsters. Rolled oats are softer than rolled oats. Easier to be absorbed by the body.

Sprouted oats can be used as a dietary supplement. Contains substances that have a beneficial effect on the appearance of the coat, the condition of the teeth and bone tissue of the rodent.

You can give semolina porridge to animals, but it is not recommended. It is also difficult to digest and will not bring much benefit. It is allowed to give semolina cooked in water. Milk and spices are strictly prohibited.

Article on the topic: Can hamsters have boiled and raw eggs, white and yolk for Djungarian and Syrian hamsters

Hamsters love to eat lentils dry and steamed. Grains contain useful microelements and vitamins, as well as fatty acids. They have a beneficial effect on pets’ digestion and general condition.

Lentil porridge can be given to both healthy and sick animals. It helps with toxin poisoning and quickly removes them from the body.

It is strictly forbidden to give muesli to animals. The mixture is not a cereal and contains a large amount of substances harmful to babies. Salt, sugar, artificial colors and flavors are contraindicated for rodents.

Oats and oat flakes

Oatmeal is often included by pet owners in their diet. You can give your hamster oats in steamed form, but this should be done if you are sick or with small hamsters. Healthy animals are recommended to eat dry flakes, as they are digested faster and have a positive effect on the pet’s digestion.

Hamsters can eat oats in two forms:

  1. Oatmeal - rolled oats is best eaten by young hamsters, as it is softer and has a gentler effect on the pet’s digestive system.
  2. Oatmeal is useful for hamsters, but is not always well digested, especially with low immunity. It is recommended for hamsters to eat it boiled or soaked, as it can damage your pet’s teeth.

You can dilute the diet with sprouted oats; they are quickly absorbed and help improve the quality of teeth and wool.

What breeds of hamsters do these recommendations apply to?

The properties of cereals listed above and recommendations for introducing these products into the diet of animals apply to all breeds of hamsters.

Djungarians can be given the same cereals as Syrian hamsters. And vice versa. The breeds differ in external characteristics and character. Taste preferences can also be different. If the animal does not eat some kind of porridge, do not force it.

Do not limit your pet to one type of cereal or food. Feed your hamster a balanced diet. Add a variety of cereals, cereals, vegetables, fruits, cereal mixtures and dry food.

Supplement the diet with porridge, find out what cereals can be given to hamsters. This measure will help keep your pet healthy and active. A healthy hamster has shiny, soft fur. He is active and has a good appetite. If there is something wrong with your pet, check the diet. If necessary, contact a specialist.

How to cook buckwheat porridge for a hamster

We cook only with water. Milk won't do. This is too unusual and greasy a product for a hamster. I'm afraid that later he won't be able to sleep, and you'll have to clean the cage once again. In general, porridge is given to animals after illness, while they are still weakened. If your Dzhungarik or Syrian is as healthy as... And how healthy is a hamster? How's the bull? The hamster is as healthy as a bull - what's new? In short, if your pet is 100% healthy, then it’s better to give him some cereal. He grinds his teeth at the same time. If trouble happens and you just need porridge, then it’s better to just soak the cereal in water for 1 night. It will swell and soften, but will not lose its beneficial properties.

Look, he's devouring his sweet soul)))

What cereals can hamsters eat?

For normal life, the diet of a pet hamster must be complete and varied. In this article we will look at what cereals can be eaten by hamsters and what other legumes can be used to diversify your pet’s diet.

Whole grains contain vitamins such as vitamin B₁ (thiamine), B₃ (niacin), B₅ (pantothenic acid), PP (niacin) and several others. In addition, cereals contain various minerals: copper, manganese, molybdenum.

Article on the topic: What to feed a Djungarian hamster at home, what Djungarian hamsters eat, nutrition table (list: do’s and don’ts)

What if not food?

In addition to food, there are many more options for what you can feed your furry ball. First of all, this is, of course, what hamsters are used to eating in the wild: nuts, seeds and various cereals. If you look in more detail, here is a list of allowed goodies:

  • It is better to choose pine nuts, walnuts, hazelnuts or peanuts;
  • Legumes include lentils or green peas;
  • You should choose melon, sunflower or pumpkin as fodder seeds. But there is a nuance here: the seeds are very high in calories, so the amount of their consumption should still be limited;
  • You can also sometimes treat hamsters with corn as a treat;
  • Be sure to add fresh herbs to your daily diet: dill, parsley, lettuce, young sprouts of oats or wheat;
  • Of course, we can’t forget about fruits. Among them, almost all fruits growing in our country are allowed: apples, pears, plums and others;
  • You can pamper your pet with berries. The main thing is to remember that you should not give those that contain large seeds. You can, for example, choose currants, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries or gooseberries;
  • But the list of permitted vegetables is very long, literally all of them are stored in the refrigerator of every family: sweet peppers, tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, carrots, eggplants, beets, as well as cauliflower or broccoli;
  • Like any animal, a hamster cannot do without food containing protein. This could be low-fat sour cream, milk, dietary boiled fish, lean chicken, small insects or egg whites

Hamsters can eat the following grains and whole grains


Used to prepare barley and pearl barley. Barley is rich in vitamins, macro- and microelements. It contains vitamins A, B₃, B₉ and K, other vitamins are contained in smaller quantities. Lots of potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and copper. You can give your hamster both cereal and whole grains - but always without the shell, because it contains a lot of fiber.


Has a wide variety of varieties. Wheat contains the most potassium and phosphorus, copper and iron, and folic acid. Dry grain is poorly digestible, so you need to add sprouted or soaked grains to the feed. Some experts believe that hamsters should not eat wheat. However, eating wheat porridge is acceptable.

contains B vitamins, as well as potassium, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus. It is preferable to feed oats at the stage of milky-wax ripeness or in the form of oatmeal.


Easily absorbed by the body. It contains iron, potassium, phosphorus and magnesium.

From legumes, hamsters can:

Young green peas are a source of amino acids, iodine, phosphorus, vitamins A, E, C

  • Lentils contain niacin, potassium, phosphorus, iron and zinc;
  • Green beans are rich in carotene, iron, zinc;
  • Chickpeas need to be soaked overnight before giving them to your hamster. It contains a lot of proteins, vitamin C, choline, potassium and iron;
  • Only sprouted mung beans It contains a large amount of B vitamins, folic acid, magnesium and sodium.

The range of cereals that hamsters can eat is quite wide, and cereals can be supplemented with legumes and other grains. It is important that when porridge is included in the diet, it should be cooked in water without adding salt. Sometimes you can flavor them with vegetable oils.

Article on the topic: Can hamsters eat tomatoes?

Differences between the Djungarian hamster and the Syrian

This section was added so that the reader does not have questions about what grain each species eats.

All of the above about cereals applies to both Djungarian and Syrian hamsters, because they both differ only in a few ways:

  • coat color;
  • size and portion (Syrian hamsters eat a lot);
  • speed of attachment (the Syrian hamster will quickly get used to a person);
  • space; a big Syrian hamster needs a big house!

We are what we eat. It's the same with hamsters. It is necessary to add more different cereals and fruits to the diet of a small rodent and monitor the usefulness of the food offered.

The food must be nutritious and balanced. In addition, it is necessary to calculate the dose so that the hamster does not leave large “deposits” in the house.

This whole thing is not easy, since the food on the counter does not always bring maximum benefit to the pet’s body, but the mission is feasible.

Can a hamster eat buckwheat and rice?

Since childhood, we have all been familiar with the taste of porridge with buckwheat and rice, and the words “I ate little porridge” are no less familiar. But indeed, porridge is not only an easily digestible product, but also very healthy and necessary.

Buckwheat is famous for its reserves of vitamins B, PP and E, fiber, protein, iodine, iron and phosphorus. This is a very useful product, especially for the younger generation. Can a hamster eat buckwheat and in what form (in the form of cereal or porridge)? This frequently asked question is not difficult to answer.

It would not be amiss to remind you that the basis of the correct diet of any hamster is dry food: grain mixtures. Buckwheat is grown in fields on an industrial scale; local wild hamsters use it with pleasure and benefit. So why not treat your pet rodent to buckwheat?

Buckwheat can be given to without fear in the form of dry cereal . In this form, it is part of the usual diet. However, it is worth noting that it is impossible to completely switch to a buckwheat diet; use the golden rule - what is too much is not healthy. We recommend using high-quality grain mixtures, where all components are proportionally balanced according to the hamster’s need for them. This way, you don’t have to worry about what food and how much to feed your furry pet.

Buckwheat rice and rice porridge are slightly less popular. Many people like it just as much, but can it be given to a hamster? Rice is also a very healthy product, however, it will be heavier for the hamster’s body than buckwheat. Experienced hamster breeders recommend giving rice to feed young animals and in case of illness. Rice porridge and its broth will come in very handy in case of smuggling.

Rice water has the ability to effectively restore the balance of water in the body. It is recommended not only for hamsters, but also for their owners to take it if they carry it. You can give a little in the form of porridge, boiled until sticky.

Article on the topic: Rating of the best food for hamsters (Djungarian and Syrian)

Possible harm from rice

In rare cases, the benefits of snow-white cereal may be ignored by the body. Harmful properties can manifest themselves in three ways:

  • allergic reaction to rice;
  • strong fixing effect;
  • risk of developing diabetes.

If diabetes mellitus threatens humans more, then for hamsters the issue of constipation becomes relevant. Do not feed your rodent grains too often, as cracks may form in the intestinal walls and chronic constipation may develop.

Buckwheat and other cereals

The usefulness of buckwheat for hamsters does not even need to be proven. The vegetable protein, minerals and vitamins present in it make it truly the No. 1 dish for hamsters. In addition, it is also useful for the hamster’s teeth, which need to be loaded with solid food. Buckwheat approaches from all sides. As, indeed, other cereals, such as rice, millet, barley, oats, pearl barley. You can eat buckwheat in dry form, or you can cook porridge. Only it should be cool and cooked in water, not milk. Milk is poorly digested by the delicate digestive system of hamsters. Other types of porridges are also useful: wheat, oatmeal, rice, semolina. Naturally, they should be without sugar and oil. Porridge is usually prepared for sick, weakened hamsters. Dry cereals are more suitable for healthy people. We believe that the question of whether hamsters can eat buckwheat has been sufficiently covered.

All about porridge

When adding porridge to your diet, consider their beneficial properties. However, what can be given to hamsters is recommended to be administered carefully to prevent your pet from having an allergic reaction. This is rare, but there is a risk of deterioration in his health.

Also, do not forget that wet mash of cereals quickly turns sour; it should be cooked before use.

Cereals can only be eaten by animals in their natural form. When preparing for use, you cannot add salt, sugar and other spices to them, or season them with oil. Milk has a negative effect on the health of hamsters, so porridge should be cooked in water.

Boiled porridge is given to weakened and sick hamsters, because in nature they do not eat it. Regularly clean the cage from the remains of porridge, as animals often take leftover food into burrows and hide them, and if they are stored for a long time, there is a risk of poisoning the animal.

More about the benefits of cereals

Sprouted grains, in particular wheat, are also very useful for hamsters. It is not difficult to germinate. The wheat grains are first soaked for some time, and then, covered with a lid, placed in a warm place for a couple of days. You can do it another way: rinse and place the wheat grains on a flat plate. Cover the top with gauze moistened with water. In a day, two of the grains will sprout. Dry the sprouted grains and give it to your hamster - it will be better than any vitamin complex.

Article on the topic: Can hamsters eat fresh peas, beans and corn?

Pamper your hamster with vitamin salads and rice

Having decided whether hamsters can have rice, it’s time to talk about delicious dishes for your pet that can be easily and quickly prepared. For example, a rice and bean salad, which will require:

  • lettuce leaves;
  • parsley sprigs;
  • boiled beans;
  • undercooked rice

The greens need to be torn into small pieces and mixed with beans and rice. You can set the proportions yourself, giving most of it to greens, a little less to beans, and a very small part to rice.

With the addition of cereal, you can prepare a delicious fruit dessert for your pet. In this case you will need:

The pear and apple should be cut into small slices, the banana into slices. Mix the fruits and sprinkle with grains of rice. As a measure, you can use a tablespoon, observing the proportions: 1 spoon of hard fruit and 2 spoons of bananas. A delicious dessert will help your rodent strengthen its immune system and recharge its energy.

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