How to make a big cat tree with your own hands. There is a lot of space for relaxation and games, and the method is economical

If you are a cat owner, then you probably know how these furry cats love to climb, get into different nooks and crannies and look down on everyone. There is one very simple and easy to assemble cat tree project that you can DIY on a reasonable budget. Then your cat can have his own play area and place to relax. The design is much like a large cat apartment or a tree, and it has all the places your cat would want to jump on, play while hanging off ledges, or hide.

How to make a cat tree?

Cat trees are quite expensive, but with a few small changes and additions, you can customize any design to suit your requirements. The main thing is to have free space in the house. You can work with platforms by adjusting their size and number. So, for example, if you have more cats, you can add more platforms as well as houses to allow the cats to relax in their safe areas!

Each cat tree has a specific design, all scratching posts and spacious fabric hammocks are very easy to make. First, start by sketching out your design. It can be anything, so you have complete freedom of imagination. But to have a complete idea of ​​what should happen, consider the three main points described below.

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What to do if a cat climbed a tree but can’t get back down

Many cat owners panic much more than the animals themselves; if the pet has developed some climbing and descent skills, there is no need to panic. cat behaves : he is calm and does not scream, does not worry or get nervous, perhaps it is worth suffering a little. Your cat (cat), having had enough of its time, may get off on its own a little later. If the skill of conquering peaks in cats has been worked out to the smallest detail, then the descent is accessible to not many; the complex structure of the bones allows cats and female cats to quickly climb up, but to descend they have to back away; not all animals have such skills.

In what cases is it recommended to remove a cat from a tree :

  • If you don’t want to wait in vain, there are some conditions and situations in which it is simply necessary to remove a cat, these include:
  • If the pet is very worried: constantly meows, rushes about, trembles, and so on.
  • If the animal looks weak and tired. Usually this means that the cat is emotionally exhausted, fear and nerves have exhausted the animal, and in the end it will simply fall due to loss of strength.
  • If an animal is at altitude for more than a day, it can simply lose strength and fall at any moment.
  • If the cat is young and simply does not have the skills to descend, then they can only be saved with someone else's help.
  • The weather is bad outside, rain, snow, frost, it is better to remove the animal as soon as possible.
  • An animal can climb a tree with various accessories (leash, clothing, harness, etc.), and there is a risk of injury in the branches, possibly even suffocation.
  • If the descent is dangerous, it has climbed very high, there are power lines nearby, and so on.
  • If you feel that the cat will not get off on its own.

In all of the above situations, it is necessary to release the animal.

Cat tree plan

Height. This point is the most important. The cat usually likes to jump on high places and watch everything around. This plan shows a 215cm cat tree that complements the decor of the room. It already contains a tall plant of the same height, so it makes a beautiful composition. But you start from the size of your apartment and the wall.

A place to play. Cats love to chase their own tail! You've probably seen your pets grabbing their tails, especially when they're hanging off ledges. So this DIY cat tree needs to have platforms and ledges. This way, your cats can have plenty of fun, and you can take some fun photos and videos.

Shelter. Cats love to hide in small and warm places. When they are scared or unsure about something, they like to hide behind or on top of cabinets. So, a tree for pets should have an ideal shelter. If you have multiple cats, adding more cat houses can encourage them to play and relax in one place.

Tools and materials:

  • 3 plywood boards 180 cm each;
  • wooden pipe plugs;
  • 5 meters of PVC pipes 8-10 cm;
  • sisal rope (at least 50 meters);
  • about 2 meters of old carpet;
  • 5 long screws;
  • 6 locking bolts;
  • fabric hammock for cats;
  • Lots of glue sticks with staples.


I always believed that a cat is an animal ideally suited for life in trees.

Why is it that a pet is so often unable to climb down from a tree on its own?

Our beloved cats and kittens have a well-known tendency to climb trees.

Not everyone climbs back down, not always on their own, not always successfully. This often happens due to the cat’s frivolity and self-confidence.

Any cat can climb to a ten-meter height, as long as they don’t get it. The instinct of self-preservation forces you to climb the highest tree with lightning speed.

But for some reason many domestic cats have lost their natural abilities for successful descents.

Unlike their wild counterparts, who move freely through the trees in pursuit of prey.

Undoubtedly, you have all seen a cat or cat climbing high up a tree and meowing pitifully from there, looking down in horror, clearly wanting to go back down...

But for some reason she doesn’t descend, but only shifts her paws.

You often see the owner (usually the mistress) of a cat standing under a tree and persuading his pet to come back: “Come back, I will forgive everything - the torn wallpaper, the sausages stolen from the table, and the pissed slippers!”

But for some reason the cat, despite all the persuasion, does not come down. Why?

No, not because she is very comfortable and comfortable there, and there is simply no better place for her to relax:

And not because she wants to annoy her owner in this way...

And not even because he is afraid of punishment for his daily crimes...

It’s simply because the claws of a domestic cat are curved in such a way that they give it support when moving up a tree trunk, but cannot hold the animal when descending.

And cats don’t like to go down backwards, because they don’t see where they are going.

It happens that in order to remove a cat from a tree it has climbed, you have to call rescuers...

But more often there is a kind person who, having heeded the cat’s owner’s pleas for help...

... climbs a tree and, at the risk of being scratched by an animal maddened with fear (at best), or breaking his legs, arms, spine, falling from the top (God forbid!),

rescues her from captivity and returns her to her grateful owner.

But in fact, if your cat has climbed a tree and cannot get down, then the best thing to do in this situation is to remain completely calm. There is no need to immediately call rescuers (believe me, our Ministry of Emergency Situations already has enough pressing tasks, much more important than saving your cat!).

Also keep in mind that if your call is accepted and they do come to help (which is very unlikely), the amount they will end up quoting is quite impressive. Therefore, before you pick up the phone, first think about whether you are ready for such unplanned expenses.

Sit on the bench and wait. And best of all, out of sight of your cat. Sooner or later, your cat, left without human help, will still get down on its own, overcoming its psychological fear.

Some of them manage to overcome this psychological barrier so much that they become skilled tree climbers.

But to learn this, the animal needs more than one training.

Only outdoor cats know how high they “can” climb.

I will add that different predators that climb trees descend from them in their own way. For example, in raccoons, when moving down the trunk, the hands and feet turn out so that the fingers with claws are turned back.

And only if the cat cannot cope with its fear within a few hours, then there is nothing left to do but resort to the help of rescuers.

As statistics from the Ministry of Emergency Situations show, there are many cases when a cat died of exhaustion in a tree, was pecked to death by crows, or fell exhausted and crashed.

In addition, an improper fall can result in numerous fractures, including the spine, and bruises of internal organs. A stressed cat will run away, but history is silent about what will happen to it next...

I warn you right away - do not delude yourself about your ability to conquer trees. And, of course, stop a child who climbs a tree after a cat and, at best, gets stuck there. There are quite a few stories when real rescuers have to be called to save the “troubled rescuer”.

It happens that the cat did not climb very high. Then you can try to remove the cat yourself. Things to try:

  • If there is a ladder of the required length, try to climb and “persuad” the animal to come to you. You can “persuad” with delicious food, calling by name, valerian, etc.

The main thing is not to show your anxiety and fear. You need to approach the cat slowly, without making sudden movements, quietly calling it and luring it with goodies.

  • If the tree is not thick, you can shake it. You can throw a rope over the branch where the cat is sitting and shake the branch. The animal will get scared and try to jump. The main thing is not to overdo it! To prevent the cat from climbing higher...

  • It happens that you can get a cat out of the nearest window with a net or push it with a stick.
  • Bring something to the tree along which the animal can climb down. This could be a long branch or a sliding ladder. It will be easier for your cat to descend if you lean the object against the tree trunk at a less acute angle, so that the descent is gentler.

Give your cat time to assess the situation and decide to take advantage of the opportunity. Make sure the new path is safe by leaning the chosen object securely against the tree trunk and step aside.

Throw a string over the branch the cat is sitting on and tie an object that can accommodate the cat to one end, such as a cat carrier. Make sure that the cat can climb into the container, then pull the rope to lift it towards the stuck animal.

  • You can put your cat's favorite food that has a strong smell in the container.
  • Wait until the animal goes inside the container. Be patient. If after a few hours the cat still won't come into the container, you will probably need to climb the tree yourself and put the cat in it.
  • Once the animal is in the container, carefully but promptly lower it to the ground.

If you get to the cat, try to calm it down (with food, meowing, valerian), carefully but confidently try to stroke it - then it will move closer to you.

According to experienced “cat rescuers,” an effective way is to take valerian tincture, which is sold in any pharmacy, and dissolve it in a small amount of water. Then pour this solution over the tree on which your pet is sitting. An important point: if possible, you should try to water the area exactly under the branch on which the animal is located, since the “aroma” will rise directly upward. It is likely that the smell of valerian will relax the cat and she will come down on her own.

Try to look into the cat's eyes as little as possible. The animal will perceive an intense gaze (and your gaze will be so high) as a possible danger and, most likely, will begin to climb higher or will not be taken into hand.

Even if the cat is yours, be sure to wear thick clothing and strong gloves. Stressed cats can not only scratch their faces and hands; there are known cases when a “cornered cat” bit through the hand, touching the tendons, and the person could not move his fingers for several days.

It is good to have a backpack with a tightening neck (tube). Grab the cat from behind (preferably by the scruff of the neck), beware of powerful blows from the hind legs.

After this, put the animal with its back into the backpack and tighten the tube.

Those who catch a cat below should remember the following:

  • Take a larger blanket or sheet - it’s difficult to judge from below where the animal falls. It is best to use a fine-mesh net so that after landing the cat gets confused and does not run away.
  • Cats ALWAYS choose the direction of jumping away from people (and away from the blanket, respectively). Keep this in mind and be prepared to quickly move to the desired location.

  • The first thing the cat will do after landing is to try to “take off”, very likely again to the nearest tree. Try to immediately wrap the cat in a blanket, pick it up and calm it in any way.

Be sure to water and feed the animal - this will relieve stress, both for the animal and for you :).

If you don’t even plan to let your cat go outside, this doesn’t mean that she can’t get there. An accidentally opened window, a balcony, a slightly open door - all these are loopholes for the animal.

  • Try to “teach” your cat to climb at home. A piece of carpet, rope, or wooden post is perfect for this. The main thing is that the animal learns to descend confidently.

  • Walk with the cat (especially under the window) - then the yard will not be an unknown zone for it. It’s good to teach her to understand what the apartment looks like from the outside. Then the animal, being on the street, will “stick” to its window.

Based on materials from,

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When the question arises of how to remove a cat from a tree, all available methods are used. It happens that the cat is either stuck low or sitting on a branch growing not far from the balcony or window. Sometimes it happens that a person climbs the stairs to a height where a fluffy one is stuck, but the latter is not given into his hands.

Then you need to remove the victim by force. In general, the cat's tail is quite fragile and plays an important physiological role, but if pulling on it is the only way out of the situation, then you can resort to it.


To remove a cat from a tree, you can try to lure a steeplejack:

  • If your pet is sitting on the branches, he may respond to your persuasion and will go down if there are no frightening objects near you. You need to call the cat in a calm, gentle tone, moving a short distance away from the tree from time to time.
  • A strange or wild animal rarely yields to persuasion, so it is better to immediately try to attract it with food. You can offer your pet his favorite food (those who like dry food will have to rustle the bag loudly). It is recommended to offer fish or minced meat to an unfamiliar cat, as they have a strong smell. Warm food smells stronger, so if possible, the bait should be warmed up. If the shape of the trunk allows you to place the bait closer to the cat, the first portion is placed as close to the animal as possible, and the second, on the ground near the trunk. Place water nearby to prevent dehydration, and move a short distance away - the cat should make sure it is safe, but the bait must be protected from other animals.
  • The Ministry of Emergency Situations often recommends using valerian drops as bait, which should be applied to the trunk at arm's length. This method is not suitable for all cases - only 30% of cats and 60% of males react to the smell of valerian; immature kittens do not react to the smell of valerian or avoid it, and can climb even higher. In addition, valerian-based preparations have an intoxicating effect on cats, so it is better not to remove a cat from a tall tree using drops of this plant.
  • To lure down a domestic and active cat, you can use a laser pointer . The laser beam is directed into the cat's field of vision, but the movements of the beam must be smooth. If the cat has shown interest in the light source, the beam should be slowly moved towards the trunk and down the trunk. This method is not suitable for emaciated animals.

Using a laser pointer

This method will work best with a young cat or kitten stuck on a tree branch. Growing animals are naturally more playful than their adult relatives. And almost everyone knows the love of cats for the red dot from a laser pointer.

When a cat is removed from a tree, it is not a fact that he will not climb it again

If the steeplejack is sitting in a place where the leaves do not block the view, you can try to lure him down using a laser pointer. You just need to shine the light first on the tree where the cat is sitting. Then, when the animal notices the red dot, slowly move it to the lower branches.

Important! In this situation, the person has the responsible task of choosing the safest route to descend. An enthusiastic cat may forget about caution and inadvertently fall or jump onto an unstable branch. The person must move the pointer so that the cat climbs only along a safe path.

Do I need to take it off?

If a cat that has experience descending climbed a tree, then most often there is no need to call the Ministry of Emergency Situations or start a rescue situation yourself. Recommendations from felinologists for rescuing an animal should be applied only in cases where the cat is stuck and shows signs of panic - meows, tries to get off but cannot, runs from one branch to another, or shows symptoms of exhaustion. If your pet isn't thrashing around, it probably doesn't want to be rescued. Special situations when you need to quickly lower a kitten or an adult cat from a tall tree include the following:

The baby’s lack of experience will not allow him to spend much time in such conditions.

  • Bad weather. Critically low temperatures, strong wind or rain will weaken the pet and he will not be able to get down without injury. The jump is fraught with life-threatening fractures for the cat.
  • The presence of a collar or leash. The rope can get caught in branches or bark, which can suffocate the animal.
  • Young age. Cats become climbers with age, but a baby does not have enough experience to climb down on his own without falling. Kittens will not be able to sit for long in uncomfortable conditions, so you need to seek help and quickly get them out.
  • Staying at altitude for more than 1 day. You need to get the cat before hunger leads to severe weakening of the body and provokes gastrointestinal diseases. Being without food for more than 24 hours is dangerous for predatory animals.

A weakened cat that is stuck on top can become a victim of crows. Aggressive birds will easily peck a kitten or small animal.

How to persuade a cat to come downstairs

Anti-scratchers for cats: how to put on and remove claw caps

The first thing to start a rescue operation is to try to talk to the stuck animal. It will be better if he hears the voice not of a stranger, but of the owner or one of the family members.

This method does not work often and may be effective when:

  • the cat had not been sitting on the tree for very long and had not yet had time to get very excited;
  • the furry one is stuck low and just needs support to decide to jump;
  • the animal trusts its owner so much that it is ready to take a risk and jump to him from a height.

However, as mentioned above, talking to a cat stuck in a tree is one of the most ineffective methods and rarely helps.


It is easy to remove the cat if it has not risen too high and is at arm's length. But if the pet is on top, you need to remove it carefully and carefully. To do this you will need:

  1. Look around carefully. Perhaps there is a dog near the tree, the cat is afraid and does not get down.
  2. Find out the reason for the cat’s reluctance to go down; perhaps it is worried about the crowd of people below. The crowd must be asked to disperse.
  3. Clear the area under the tree, spread blankets or cardboard under it.
  4. The owner should put on thick clothing, since a frightened cat may behave inappropriately and begin to scratch its savior.
  5. Talk to your pet calmly so that he calms down, after which you can begin active actions.

Which rescue service will remove a cat?

There are no special organizations whose activities are aimed at rescuing animals from trees in the CIS countries, but employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations can help. The rescue service provides such services only for money. Cat owners can also turn to private companies that cut down old trees, as the employees have access to climbing equipment and have climbing skills. Another option to save your pet is to call your utility company and check if they have climbers on staff. There's no point in calling the fire department.

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