How to name a drathaar: a list of nicknames for boys and girls

The Drathaar is a breed of pointing hunting dog, bred in the 19th century in Germany. The stamina, endurance and determination of the character of these four-legged animals is combined with playfulness, friendliness and affection. Drathaar can be an excellent companion both for lovers of hunting and hiking, as well as for fans of leisurely walks and outdoor recreation.

Choosing a nickname for such a “versatile” pet is not easy, because it should not only please the owner, but also reflect as much as possible the character traits and habits of the ward. In this article you will find hundreds of options for nicknames for the drathaar and, undoubtedly, will choose the most beautiful name for your pet!

Handsome Ajax

Are you here

When purchasing a drathaar, the owner will certainly notice that next to him there is not just a puppy, but a four-legged friend, with his own character and individual traits. Representatives of this hunting breed require not only special education and training, but also a special name. A beautiful, euphonious nickname will definitely suit the puppy. You can also look at names with “encrypted” meanings and ringing hunting nicknames.

Drathaar Mokka:

How to name drathaar boys and girls: the best names

What nickname can you come up with for a drathaar? This question is faced by everyone who wants to get an animal. A list that includes the most original, cool, beautiful, popular, interesting and cool German, Russian, English and Japanese nicknames for the drathaar will help you solve this issue.

Every owner of a furry pet wants to choose a suitable name for it. Try to choose a simple and easy name for your pet.

Look for suitable names for the drathaar on our website. Choose worthy names for your pets, good luck!


Hunting nicknames

Drathaars are excellent hunting dogs. Therefore, you can choose a short and sonorous hunting name for the puppy. For boys:

  • Diamond;
  • Hawk;
  • Golden eagle;
  • Saiga;
  • Knight;
  • Eagle;
  • Flyer;
  • Ataman;
  • Merlin;
  • Excitement;
  • Bulat;
  • Thunder;
  • Dare;
  • Brawler;
  • Screwtape;
  • Vortex;
  • Loyal;
  • Dogon;
  • Kite;
  • Frisky;
  • Samurai;
  • Falcon;
  • Amur;
  • Bulat.

Future hunter Buyan:

For drathaar hunters:

  • Amur;
  • Chara;
  • Vihra;
  • Saiga;
  • Storm;
  • Snowstorm;
  • Arrow;
  • Divna;
  • Comet;
  • Lada;
  • Rocket;
  • Anka;
  • Quince;
  • Verna;
  • Gerda;
  • Gorda;
  • Dana;
  • Zara;
  • Inga;
  • Fox;
  • Lot;
  • Mira;
  • Nora;
  • Mayan;
  • Orsa;
  • Puma;
  • Pana;
  • Rena;
  • Rhema;
  • Torah;
  • Rome;
  • Yusta;
  • Blizzard;
  • Mila;
  • Bullet;
  • bliss;
  • Courage;
  • Dream;
  • Naida.

Little hunter Lada:

Let's summarize

We talked about the names of hunting and hound dogs. The future owner is presented with all sorts of names for the pet. Let's highlight the main aspects:

When choosing a nickname for a pet, they rely on the pedigree, color, and character of the dog.

You should not give names that contain negativity.

You can give the dog the simplest nickname. You can choose it from the proposed options.

The main thing is that the dog's name is short. And it was easy to pronounce.

Cool nicknames

Original, funny names can also suit cheerful, resilient drathaars:

  • Top;
  • Cruz;
  • Greta;
  • Gin;
  • Sage;
  • Beni;
  • Pixie;
  • Leslie;
  • Gressi;
  • Alexa;
  • Galatea;
  • Derika;
  • Melody;
  • Zhuran;
  • Laurie;
  • Dream;
  • Tato;
  • Paprika;
  • Kronos;
  • Dartha;
  • Tavda;

Baby Paprika:

  • Sam;
  • Afro;
  • Myrtle;
  • Cosmo;
  • Barney;
  • Graph;
  • Tsunami;
  • Luke;
  • Murphy;
  • Yula;
  • Jim;
  • Scythian;
  • Marshmallow;
  • Dwarf;
  • Izzy;
  • Rally;
  • Blues;
  • Jean;
  • Jela;
  • Lobster;
  • Willie;
  • Vega;
  • Pixel;
  • Harpy;
  • Dara;
  • Daisy;

Doggie Blues:

  • Yeralash;
  • Lobster;
  • Storm;
  • Juno;
  • Mirch;
  • Rico;
  • Jolie;
  • Ninja;
  • Dobby;
  • Farry;
  • Olivia;
  • Douglas;
  • Cher;
  • Shoko;
  • Gita;
  • Magdan;
  • Don;
  • Stanley.

Douglas poses:

Nicknames with meaning

You can look at interesting names with meaning for drathaar boys:

  • Felix is ​​lucky, lucky.
  • Nero is black, dark in color.
  • Cross - obedient, meek.
  • Theo, Ted, Theodore - God's gift.
  • Marcel - “little warrior”.
  • Fidel is devoted, faithful.
  • Max – great, first, excellent.
  • Ace – “unity” or “one”.
  • Fido is a loving home.
  • Magnus is the greatest.
  • Cash is vain, “with character.”
  • Remus, Remus - founder of Rome.
  • Forus is the one who won.
  • Nemo is a nobody, incognito.
  • Adrian is dark in color.
  • Sylvester is a “forest dog.”
  • Serge is a companion, an escort.
  • Carey is dear and valuable to the owner.
  • Benedict is blessed.
  • Alva is fair.
  • Vincent – ​​victory, winner.
  • Mili is a warrior, a fighter.
  • Anthony is something priceless.
  • Cato - smart, wise.
  • Rufus – red, cinnamon, red.
  • Mario is the embodiment of fighting spirit.
  • Carmine - reddish, red.
  • Vitus – energetic, cheerful.
  • Clark is a trainable, “learner.”
  • Clarence is the one who will become famous.
  • Cecil is dark in color.
  • Teren is flexible, obedient.
  • Basil – royal, royal.
  • Delmar - “who came from the sea.”
  • Horace - clock or time.
  • Sebastian is worthy, respected.
  • Varian is the name of the winner.
  • Fabian – “bean”, someone small.
  • Orson – having the “bravery of a bear”, a brave heart.
  • Dexter is thoughtful and smart.
  • Neptune is the ruler of the water element.
  • Jovon – magnificent, majestic.
  • Rollo is the famous wolf.
  • Cadence is a joker, a merry fellow.
  • Agapetus is a favorite.
  • Aler – cheerful, happy.

Doggie Fido:

Now - names with meanings for drathaar girls:

  • Julie is “forever young.”
  • Xena is beautiful, graceful.
  • Nola – “a ringing little bell.”
  • Alva is light in color.
  • Riva - “returning to life.”
  • Lucy is the one who brings the light.
  • Marcy - on behalf of the ancient Greek god of war (Mars).
  • Leona is quiet and thoughtful.
  • Sidra – “born of the stars.”
  • Ciri is strong, the leader of the pack.
  • Alba is snow-white.
  • Petra is “the name of fate.”
  • Vira – faithful, devoted.
  • Myra is great, famous.
  • Dina is sacred.
  • Alta is the peak.
  • Fidela is impeccably loyal to her owner.
  • Mabel is “charm itself.”
  • Augusta is the name of the ruler.
  • Ara – pure, sacred.
  • Adora – adored, delightful.
  • Margot is a priceless pearl.
  • Ondine is a sea dweller, a mermaid.
  • Lara is bright and noticeable.
  • Maxine is excellent.
  • Karita is a loyal friend.
  • Letitia is a talisman that brings happiness.
  • Camilla is a devoted companion.
  • Honor – venerable, significant, respected.
  • Miranda is wonderful, sweet.
  • Carmen – “marked by fate.”
  • Serena is peaceful and calm.
  • Nidia – protection, refuge.
  • Prima is the first, the leader.
  • Sabina is the embodiment of beauty.
  • Vita - life.
  • Riga is funny and cheerful.
  • Gloria - glory.
  • Flavia is light.
  • Ora is golden.
  • Sylvia – “child of the forest”.
  • Celeste is heaven.
  • Saga is wise, smart.
  • Orela – “voice of the Gods”.
  • Erma - princess, princess.
  • Hilary – happiness, joy.
  • Tacita – silent, thoughtful.
  • Regina is a queen, a queen.

Dear Zena:

Shorthaired Pointer food

The basis of the shorthaired pointer's diet is animal protein, so their diet includes raw or cooked meat cut into pieces. You should not give minced meat - the dog immediately swallows it without chewing, and it is not digested.

Puppies up to three months old are given a lot of dairy products rich in calcium: cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, milk, etc. Then their content decreases. During the period of teeth change, it is important to include bones and cartilage in the diet.

Both adult dogs and puppies benefit from porridge , with the exception of pearl barley. They are cooked in meat broth without adding salt. Vegetables rich in fiber should be added to porridges: zucchini, carrots, etc.

Puppies can be fed up to five times a day. Determining the serving size is easy. If your pet leaves food, you should reduce the amount. If he greedily licks the bowl to the last crumb, increase it. Upon reaching six months of age, the number of meals is reduced to three, and by one year it is reduced to two times a day.

see also

Of primary importance for a dog's character is, of course, breed and upbringing. However, the pet’s temperament depends not only on them.

For example, American veterinarian and astrologer Donald Wood came to the conclusion that the character of a dog is largely determined by its zodiac sign.

There is also an opinion that “winter” dogs are more decisive, firm, sharp and stubborn. “Spring” are cheerful and a little frivolous. “Summer” ones are usually cunning, docile and flexible. And the “autumn” ones are often more compliant.

But in addition to breed, upbringing, zodiac sign and season of birth, the nickname is also important.

For example, Boris Khigir is convinced that a nickname is encoded information about the character of its bearer. After all, a nickname is not a random set of sounds, but a sum of phonemes that can encourage a dog to behave in one way or another.

According to this theory, when you give a puppy a name, you determine its fate and character.

To believe in this or not is, of course, a personal matter for everyone. However, hardly anyone would argue that choosing a pet’s name is a responsible matter.

What do you call a drathaar? We offer you options for names suitable for the “boy” and “girl” of the Drahthaar breed.

Choosing a name for a drathaar puppy is a responsible matter!

Funny and unusual nicknames

To come up with an original nickname for a drathaar, it is enough to remember a memorable positive and interesting moment, the name of your favorite city or vacation spot, an exotic drink or dance. Some choose the name of a famous person, others - a literary character or movie hero.

Or call it by a name denoting a precious stone:

Nicknames based on the names of literary characters, geographical and historical names:

  • Cardinal or Athos;
  • Bosphorus or Cuba;
  • Icarus or Hermes;
  • Brunei or Dante;
  • Figaro or Butler;
  • Jason or Odysseus;
  • Zorro and Goodwin;
  • Master and Gray;
  • Tiberius and Valet;
  • Scarlett, Caesar, Augustus.

Biblical names for drathaar boy:

Biblical names for drathaar girl:

  • Danae and Aurora;
  • Dina and Deborah;
  • Leah and Eva;
  • Rebecca and Martha;
  • Sarah and Rufina.

For a cheerful and resilient drathaar puppy, an original and cheerful nickname is suitable:

Naughty and game lover Carom

How to choose a nickname for a drathaar?

There is an opinion that the name for a drathaar is very important, since a nickname can program the dog for a certain behavior pattern. It’s not for nothing that there is such a proverb: “What you call a ship, that’s how it will sail.” Therefore, we wish you to give your dog a suitable nickname and so that he becomes your most faithful friend. Let's look at some tips from dog handlers on how to choose the right nickname for the drathaar:

  • Short nicknames. A short name is quickly pronounced and the dog learns its name faster. If you decide to call your dog a more serious name, then it should still have an abbreviation. This is for quickly calling the dog to you in case of emergency.
  • The name should be clear, understandable and easy to pronounce.
  • The presence of the sounds “sh”, “s”, “k” and “ch” in the nickname allows dogs to quickly respond to the owner’s call.
  • Names should not be similar to commands.
  • It is worth understanding that you will call your pet not only at home, but also on the street. Therefore, in order not to look stupid, you should take the choice of a nickname for the drathaar more seriously.
  • You should not call the drathaar by Russian-language names (Petya, Fedya, etc.), this does not apply to foreign names.
  • For fun, you shouldn’t call an animal an ugly, funny or stupid name. This is insulting to the animal and will not make you a good owner.
  • Study the appearance and habits of your pet and you can find its distinctive features that will tell you its future nickname.

Traditional German names

For “true Aryans,” drathaars are best suited for nicknames of German origin. Such names emphasize both the origin and strength of character of the four-legged animals.

We recommend watching: 333+ nicknames for Alabais

Nicknames for boys:

  • Amadeus;
  • Anobakh;
  • Adolf;
  • Arbys;
  • Arnold;
  • Bernau;
  • Bourne;
  • Brunild;
  • Walter;
  • Gustav;
  • Hans;
  • Herbert;
  • Zidane;
  • Johann;
  • Ingmar;
  • Kurt;
  • Kraus;
  • Christophe;
  • Charles;
  • Martin;
  • Otto;
  • Olof;
  • Peter;
  • Rudolf;
  • Richter;
  • Ralph;
  • Thomas;
  • Ulrich;
  • Felix;
  • Friedrich;
  • Hellmuth;
  • Schultz;
  • Ernest.

Confident Hans
Nicknames for Girls:

  • Aida;
  • Augusta;
  • Barbara;
  • Bruna;
  • Bera;
  • Verena;
  • Greta;
  • Zilda;
  • Ilda;
  • Irma;
  • Ilia;
  • Ingrid;
  • Krista;
  • Clara;
  • Katarina;
  • Martha;
  • Monica;
  • Marlene;
  • Oh yeah;
  • Sabina;
  • Selma;
  • Ursula;
  • Federica;
  • Helga;
  • Christina;
  • Hannah;
  • Steffi;
  • Erma;
  • Elsa.

Devoted Hannah
The Drathaar are friendly creatures. They are affectionate with their owners and friendly to strangers. Natalya, a “dog stylist,” admits that communicating with such dogs is a pleasure. Among her “clients” there are many owners of beautiful, sonorous names. Here is one of them - the beautiful Asta.

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Publication from Natasha (@groom_korolev)

Men's list of nicknames for drathaar

Drathaar deserves a unique name. We hope this list of names takes you one step closer to finding the perfect name for your dog.

The Kurzhaar is a hunting dog breed that was bred in Germany. They are very active and are related to the langaah and drathaar. He can rightfully be called a hunter's best friend.

Every owner, when a shorthaired pointer puppy appears in the house, thinks about its name. After all, the dog’s name will become his first guide in life and can become his guiding star. Therefore, you should not call him by the first name you come across, but seriously think about this issue. Dogs from the kennel are given club names from birth, which are included in the pedigree. All of them are chosen at random in most cases and are difficult to pronounce. Therefore, it is worth choosing a suitable nickname for the shorthaired pointer.

Nicknames in honor of German culture

Connoisseurs of Germany's rich cultural heritage can name their favorites in honor of the famous German writer, artist, philosopher, and composer. And if you are a fan of national cuisine, choose a “delicious” nickname for your ward, consonant with the name of one of the culinary masterpieces, because gastronomy is an important part of the culture of any country!

"Cultural" nicknames"

  • Bach;
  • Beethoven;
  • Ragner;
  • Hegel;
  • Dorer;
  • Sheet;
  • Mozart;
  • Marx;
  • Nietzsche;
  • Orff;
  • Hadegger;
  • Chopin;
  • Schopenhauer;
  • Schubert;
  • Strauss.

Pensive Mozart
“Edible” nicknames:

  • Icebein;
  • Eintopf;
  • Bratwurst;
  • Bluetwurst;
  • Würstel;
  • Weiswurst;
  • Laubikaus;
  • Maultascher;
  • Sauer;
  • Sowercraft.

Cheerful Eintopf

Character of the drathaar

The Wirehaired Drahthaar is a very loyal, easy to train and active dog. Representatives of this breed simply cannot sit idle, especially if the owner has a job in which they can become assistants. Dogs are not suitable for apartment living because they require significant physical exercise. If your dog is left idle, he may become bored, so it is very important to keep your dog occupied with vigorous exercise and take him on walks, picnics and hikes.

photo: Drathaar is a loyal and easily trained dog

It must be said that Drahthaar puppies are distinguished by their late maturation: an individual can be called formed and mature only by 2 years. They are very energetic and sweet creatures that are sometimes prone to excessive barking. Drathaars really do not like to be left alone at home; they miss their owner very much and sometimes experience irrational fear of being separated from him. So, if you are constantly busy at work or often go on business trips, you should take a closer look at a different breed.

Training a Wirehaired German Pointer is not too difficult, but training must be persistent and consistent. Sometimes puppies can be uncontrollable and try to dominate, so the owner needs to be especially careful at this point. The drathaar's attachment to its owner can reach the point of jealousy, so be sure to socialize your pet from an early age. Drathaars are good guards and protectors.

The German Pointer is not the best choice for families with small children; they will compete for the owner's attention. But for older children, the drathaar will be a good companion. Drathaars get along well with other pets, however, this dog’s character shows a clear tendency to dominate.

At first, dogs are wary of strangers, the main thing is that this habit does not develop into aggression or excessive shyness, which will not be so easy to cope with. Drathaars love hunting, they have an excellent sense of smell, and they will pursue prey with enviable tenacity. They easily bring game to their owner, both from land and on water. These are energetic, tireless and hardy companions.

Advantages and disadvantages of the American Akita

The advantages of the breed include loyalty to the owner, goodwill, excellent security and hunting qualities. The dog is perfectly trainable, always remains active and energetic, and has a peaceful character.

Among the shortcomings, experts of the breed highlight the fear of loneliness and nervousness, which manifests itself if the dog is not given enough attention. In addition, drathaars like to be in charge and control the territory, and also take a long time to get used to strangers.

Formation of the Drahthaar breed

The Drathaar or German Wirehaired Dog is very popular among hunters. The history of this breed begins at the end of the 19th century, when scientists came up with the idea of ​​​​bringing a completely new type of gun hunting dogs with excellent working qualities. Breeding work began, in which shorthaired pointers, Korthals griffins, poodlepointers, and stichelhaars were crossed. As a result, the drathaar appeared - a dog with waterproof fur, well-developed hunting instincts and endurance.

In 1902, the drathaar was first introduced in Hegewald (Germany). In 1924, the first standard of the Deutsch-Drathaar breed was adopted, and dogs began to be imported to other European countries. In Germany, field trials of this breed were constantly carried out, and new nurseries were opened. After the war, the number of drathaars in Europe decreased significantly. In addition, the gene pool of the breed was also very diluted, because breeders simply had no time to monitor the crossing of representatives of this breed. Since 1949, it was decided to adopt a new standard, according to which one-time crossing of Drahthaars with German pointers, including shorthaired pointers, was allowed.

photo: Drathaar means “wool like wire”

In the mid-60s, the formation of the breed was completely completed; in 1965, the practice of infusion of blood from other breeds was stopped. At the beginning of the 21st century, there are more than 40 thousand individuals of drathaar all over the world. The problem of this breed is the high level of culling, therefore, in self-respecting nurseries, Drahthaar puppies are not given away before 3.5 months; only at this age does the main culling of the litter occur.

In Russia, drathaars appeared after the war; at first, only drathaars of brown or brown-gray color were imported, but later individuals of other shades began to appear. Now there are nurseries and clubs for drathaar lovers in many countries: Germany, Austria, Russia, Belgium and others.

What influences the choice of nickname

Before choosing a name for a hunting dog - a boy or a girl - you need to understand what factors influence it. Most owners are guided by one rule: they want the dog’s name to be creative. The nickname should be easy to hear and suitable for the puppy. When naming an animal, they take into account various factors:

  • type of hunting dog;
  • origin;
  • temperament;
  • appearance.

If the dog’s parents were purebred, with certificates and documents, you will have to choose a nickname that begins with a specific letter of the alphabet.


If a person will use a hunting dog for its intended purpose, you need to choose “convenient” names. It is better to stick to short nicknames, which will make it easier for the owner to give different orders when chasing game. It is desirable that the dog's nickname have more vowels and voiced hard letters. The following names are suitable: Ray, Bim, Naida, Zaira, Kira. Hissing, dull sounds should be avoided, since shouting such a nickname will become inconvenient and will be hard to hear in the forest.

Interesting! It has been scientifically proven that dogs perceive names consisting of hissing sounds worse.


When naming a hunting dog a girl or a boy, you can start from the prevailing temperament traits. An animal can be passive, playful, curious, stubborn, distrustful, thoughtful, restless, or have a reserved character. In order for the name to best suit the hunting dog, you need to take this factor into account.

The disadvantage of choosing a nickname in this way is that in this case the owner will have to wait and watch the pet for some time. Only in this way will the characteristic features appear.

Acceptable nicknames: Clever, Naughty, Terrible, Arrow, Brave, Wind, Sly, Bullet.


Many owners, when choosing the names of hunting dogs, take into account the features of the pet’s appearance. These can be various unusual details:

  • non-standard shade of fur or eyes;
  • large spots on the body;
  • ears are too long.

Using this method, you can choose a unique nickname for a hunting dog, which will attract even more attention to the purebred dog. Successful examples of names: Smoke, Fog, Crow, Strong, Ryzhik, Buran.


Each purebred hunting dog has documents, as well as a serial number of the litter. Most breeders require that the puppy's name begin with the same letter as its mother and father's nickname. It often happens that the dog’s pedigree already contains the name that was given to the baby at birth. If you don't like it, you can shorten it or redo it.

Often new owners leave the original name on the documents, but the dog is called by a completely different name. The puppy quickly gets used to it and begins to respond.

Hunting nicknames

Drathaars are excellent hunting dogs. Therefore, you can choose a short and sonorous hunting name for the puppy. For boys:

  • Diamond;
  • Hawk;
  • Golden eagle;
  • Saiga;
  • Knight;
  • Eagle;
  • Flyer;
  • Ataman;
  • Merlin;
  • Excitement;
  • Bulat;
  • Thunder;
  • Dare;
  • Brawler;
  • Screwtape;
  • Vortex;
  • Loyal;
  • Dogon;
  • Kite;
  • Frisky;
  • Samurai;
  • Falcon;
  • Amur;
  • Bulat.

Future hunter Buyan:

For drathaar hunters:

  • Amur;
  • Chara;
  • Vihra;
  • Saiga;
  • Storm;
  • Snowstorm;
  • Arrow;
  • Divna;
  • Comet;
  • Lada;
  • Rocket;
  • Anka;
  • Quince;
  • Verna;
  • Gerda;
  • Gorda;
  • Dana;
  • Zara;
  • Inga;
  • Fox;
  • Lot;
  • Mira;
  • Nora;
  • Mayan;
  • Orsa;
  • Puma;
  • Pana;
  • Rena;
  • Rhema;
  • Torah;
  • Rome;
  • Yusta;
  • Blizzard;
  • Mila;
  • Bullet;
  • bliss;
  • Courage;
  • Dream;
  • Naida.

Little hunter Lada:

Interesting facts about the drathaar

  • Translated from German, “drathaar” means “wool like wire”;
  • The drathaar differs from other cops in its high endurance, strength and fiery temperament;
  • This hunting dog has an innate instinct to “bring prey” to its owner and needs long walks;
  • Among the ancestors of the drathaar are the wire-haired griffin, the shorthaired pointer, the airedale, and the long-haired bloodhound;
  • Representatives of this breed are perfectly adapted to the Russian climate; they have a hard and warm coat with a thick, waterproof undercoat.

Choosing a nickname by breed

The most common groups of hunting dogs are huskies, terriers, spaniels, hounds, greyhounds, and pointers. Each type of dog has its own external and behavioral characteristics, and its own purpose. Often the main criterion when choosing a nickname is the breed.


Among hunting dogs, this species has no competitors, since they easily find birds and then carefully sneak up on them. Animals are used for pursuit through swamps, thickets, and fields. Cops grow up to 65 cm at the withers, have a lean build, a wedge-shaped muzzle, and hanging ears. They are distinguished by grace and elegance, so it is recommended to give them appropriate nicknames.

On a note! Male hounds, greyhounds, terriers or mink breeds are often called by universal names such as Pirate, Ray, Caesar, Baikal.


These hunting dogs are small in size, stocky, and lean in build. Despite their miniature body, they can track game over long distances, and after the owner shoots, they bring the prey in their teeth. Thanks to its compactness, the spaniel can crawl into dense thickets, which is an advantage. Such hunting dogs are ready for any difficulties and are distinguished by their strength and endurance.

Names for males: Volak, Funtik, Jay, Zico, Bruce, Willy, Moti, Sniper, Melnik.

Nicknames that are more suitable for girls' dogs are: Lyra, Stefania, Claudia, Betty, Enigma, Mira, Laska, Bunny, Nora, Duga, Ophelia, Nani.


They are taken for hunting animals that live in burrows. These dogs are agile and mobile. Despite their average size, dogs are able to crawl into almost any hole. In addition, terriers have an excellent sense of smell and hearing, which is important for every hunter.

The following nicknames are suitable for male dogs: Thorn, Dog, Plato, Ivar, Grizzly, Screamer, Smiley, Archie, Trump, Bolt, Heathrow, Bundy, Groy.

The girls' names: Isa, Fera, Lucia, Venus, Molly, Sheri, Ushba, Tavrida, Sally, Honda, Sue.


The character of this group of hunting dogs can be judged from the name. Of all the breeds, greyhounds are considered more aggressive because they can fight back in a dangerous situation. Such dogs are not afraid of animals and are ready to pursue the victim to the end.

Greyhounds are quite large in size. They often have long limbs, due to which they develop high speeds of up to 60 km/h. The peculiarity of this group of hunting dogs is their thin, light bones, elongated skull, and lean muscles. Despite their menacing and belligerent nature, greyhounds behave affectionately with their owners and always obey.

Nicknames for greyhound dogs for girls: Athena, Geya, Groza, Strela, Millie, Lady, Ethel, Jay, Vega, Nougat, Chaika, River, Snake, Cora, Pani.


The most popular type among hunting dogs. These dogs are versatile. You can use them to hunt birds and large animals. With proper upbringing, such dogs grow up obedient and faithful. In addition, they are distinguished by strength and endurance. Laikas have excellent eyesight, sense of smell, and hearing. Thanks to their long hair, animals feel comfortable in any weather, even in cold weather. Hunting dogs of this breed have a wedge-shaped skull, erect ears, and a donut-curled tail. Average height is 45–60 cm.

Nicknames for male dogs: Bruce, Ingur, Raven, Kai, Frost, Viy, Fog, Buran, Gray, Ray, Gray, Typhoon, Mickey, Umka, Aki, Heather.

The girls' names: Ira, Vita, Kelly, Laga, Vyuga, Gerda, Freya, Snowflake, Lana.


A characteristic feature of this type of hunting dog is its ringing bark. Dogs have a very loud voice and can be heard over a long distance. The purpose of these animals is to find prey and drive it to the owner, emitting a piercing bark. Dogs in this group are taught to signal in different ways depending on their actions. Hounds are used for all types of animal catching. The main qualities of these hunting dogs are considered to be a good sense of smell, obedience to the owner, endurance, and a strong voice.

Suitable nicknames for male hounds are: Revun, Tagor, Dozor, Plakun, Poloz, Pluto, Balu, Grad, Grom, Yanyr, Bogatyr, Katai, Horn, Krent.

Girls' dog names: Alpha, Emira, Veda, Harp, Zelda, Flute, Mira, Hera, Bagheera, Nora, Thea, Alma, Shelma, Nemira, String, Diva.

Expert opinion Anna Abramenko An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009. Ask a Question

On a note!

Universal names for females that are suitable for hunting dogs of all groups are: Malika, Zara, Alpha, Jess, Nora.

Cool nicknames

Original, funny names can also suit cheerful, resilient drathaars:

  • Top;
  • Cruz;
  • Greta;
  • Gin;
  • Sage;
  • Beni;
  • Pixie;
  • Leslie;
  • Gressi;
  • Alexa;
  • Galatea;
  • Derika;
  • Melody;
  • Zhuran;
  • Laurie;
  • Dream;
  • Tato;
  • Paprika;
  • Kronos;
  • Dartha;
  • Tavda;

Baby Paprika:

  • Sam;
  • Afro;
  • Myrtle;
  • Cosmo;
  • Barney;
  • Graph;
  • Tsunami;
  • Luke;
  • Murphy;
  • Yula;
  • Jim;
  • Scythian;
  • Marshmallow;
  • Dwarf;
  • Izzy;
  • Rally;
  • Blues;
  • Jean;
  • Jela;
  • Lobster;
  • Willie;
  • Vega;
  • Pixel;
  • Harpy;
  • Dara;
  • Daisy;

Doggie Blues:

  • Yeralash;
  • Lobster;
  • Storm;
  • Juno;
  • Mirch;
  • Rico;
  • Jolie;
  • Ninja;
  • Dobby;
  • Farry;
  • Olivia;
  • Douglas;
  • Cher;
  • Shoko;
  • Gita;
  • Magdan;
  • Don;
  • Stanley.

Douglas poses:

Care and maintenance of the drathaar

The Drathaar does not require special care; it does not require regular haircuts or trimming; it is enough to brush its fur with a coarse brush at least a couple of times a week. If you are preparing your dog for a show, you need to trim any loose hairs on the head, neck and tips of the ears. There is no need to bathe the drathaar often - twice a year is enough. After a walk, it is enough to wash your pet’s paws and belly. If your dog takes part in hunting, carefully examine the animal's eyes and paws after each race: while running, your pet may have stepped on thorns, or plant seeds may have gotten into its eyes.

photo: Drathaar - a dog created for hunting

Nails should be trimmed regularly, and be sure to inspect and clean your pet's ears and teeth. As for feeding, it should be complete; you can successfully combine dry and natural food, and give mineral supplements and vitamins more often. The best option for keeping a drathaar is an enclosure near the house; if you want the pet to live in an apartment, provide it with regular and long walks.

These dogs love to run, swim, and have a great passion for hunting, so you need to be especially careful when walking. The average life expectancy of representatives of this breed is from 12 to 15 years.

It’s easy to buy Drathaar; just go to a specialized nursery. The price of Drathaar puppies can be found on the notice board

Small puppy

If you got a boy’s dog, and even of the smallest breed, the face should be as simple and small as your puppy.

It should emphasize the character of the pet, and sometimes its appearance.

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Names for boys dogs:

  • Atigor;
  • Amen;
  • Anji;
  • Bibo;
  • Buffy;
  • Lenny;
  • Malek;
  • Pin;
  • Ponty;
  • Peter Pan;
  • Reggie;
  • Ressi;
  • Reno;
  • Sid;
  • Swappy;
  • Teri;
  • Chips;
  • Chief;
  • Shirley;
  • Emai;
  • Joy;
  • Elfik;
  • Yucca;
  • Yunkas;
  • Yank.

Nicknames for small girls dogs

Tiny girls enjoy no less love and popularity than boys. They also need to be given a name that would correspond to affectionate, gentle pets. The variety of names for girls is no less extensive than for boys, and the imagination that goes into choosing nicknames is simply amazing.

Beautiful names and nicknames

The baby can be called:

  • Abbi, Ava, Avis, Aurora, Aggie, Agatha, Agnessa, Aglaya, Ada, Adis, Azalea, Quince, Ivory, Aika, Aimi, Aisha, Alegra, Alika, Alma, Aliya, Alusha, Alfi, Alba, Alka, Asti;
  • Babette, Britta, Brigita, Butterfly, Banga, Banzi, Baroness, Basya, Basta, Buffy, Baby, Becky, Bee, Biya, Turquoise, Blackie, Bonnie, Brandy;
  • Vaida, Wanda, Varda, Vega, Very, Vesta, Vivienne, Vizi, Wilma, Virta, Whoopi;
  • Gabby, Gadget, Gamma, Gwen, Gale, Geisha, Gertie, Gipsy, Gladys, Goldie, Grana, Greza, Gracie;
  • Dakki, Damka, Dana, Dara, Darlene, Daffy (from Daphne), Dasha, Debbie (Deborah), Devi, Daisy;
  • Ezhenka, Egoza, Elga, Elsi, Erra, Eshka;
  • Zhanna, Jeanette, Zhuzhu, Zhelana, Zhesi, Givenchy, Zhuzha, Joly, Julya;
  • Ida, Raisin, Illada, Ilga, Inga, Irisa, Ipsi;
  • Kama, Carmen, Kalva, Capa, Country, Caprice, Kara, Caramelka, Kasya, Kashmira, Kashtanka, Questa, Kelly;
  • Lavender, Lovely, Lada, Lucky, Lala, Lamia, Sweetheart, Swallow, Lady;
  • Madame, Maggi, Baby, Malinka, Baby, Margot, Martha, Mask;
  • Naira, Naida, Nani, Naomi, Nevelichka, Nelga, Nelma, Nessie, Nefertiti;
  • Oda, Odalisque, Oira, Alsi, Only, Orsa, Person, Charm;
  • Pava, Palma, Panna, Passion, Patricia, Peggy, Penny, Peach, Patsy;
  • Rada, Radmira, Rummy, Rasta, Rachel, Rea, Reni;
  • Tabby, Tavi, Tabitha, Tanita, Teyla, Thelma;
  • Oopsie, Clever Girl, Urima, Uslada, Ussimusi.

Cool nicknames

Funny and cute nicknames for small dogs of girls - varied and weight

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Lubomira lionLumiere
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