How to raise broilers at home and on farms?
Breeding chickens is a profitable business. When properly organized, it shows its effectiveness in both
Cat and small child in the house
Is it worth getting a cat if there is a small child in the house?
Many parents are concerned about the issue of small children and pets living together. For example, cats. Reasons
Broilers - growing at home from scratch: feeding, breeds, technology
Inexpensive and high-quality meat for your own needs or for sale can be obtained by raising broilers.
Dog is lethargic after rabies vaccination
Vaccination of a dog and its well-being after vaccination
Although immunization of dogs against rabies is accompanied by a number of side symptoms and complications, refuse it
A selection of breeds with long (fluffy) hair with photos and descriptions
Almost half of the four-legged population of the planet are fluffy dog ​​breeds. For some, a fur coat serves as clothing
The best ways to stop a cat from climbing into flowers and chewing them
The article was verified by a practicing veterinarian. Have you ever come home and found vandalism committed against defenseless
How to teach a kitten to walk and go to the toilet outside
Thousands of owners never received their pets back from “self-walking” – that’s a fact. Argument
Nicknames for every taste for girls dogs: 285 exclusive names
It has been proven that the color red has a beneficial effect on the state of the psyche. All shades between yellow and
angry cat
Vaccinations for Scottish kittens and cats: types, schedule, revaccination
Many generations of domestic cats lived without vaccinations and did not get sick. And some pets died,
How to choose and install an enclosure for a dog in an apartment
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