The most common diseases in Maine Coons and their prevention
Many are of the opinion that the life expectancy of purebred cats is almost always shorter than that of
How to properly feed a French bulldog and its puppies, what food and how many times a day
French bulldogs are very popular: small children like them, they touch their owners with their faces and
Correct size and weight of a toy terrier: features of adult dogs and puppies
Toy terriers are miniature dogs that look like puppies until they are old. Like all purebred dogs, they have
lame on his front leg
A dog is limping on a front or back leg: what to do if there are no visible injuries, proper treatment
Lameness in dogs is a change in gait resulting from dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system.
Why do cats leave home to die and where to look for a cat that left before death?
Stages of death Death is not an instant, but a process that gradually turns off the body, carrying out
Description of the Landseer dog breed: character, care, purpose
Many dog ​​experts are of the opinion that the Landseer is a type of Newfoundland. However, in the middle
cat pees on the stove
Why does a cat walk past the litter box: the main reasons and what to do
It happens in life that an adult cat went to the litter box and then stopped. Alone for now
How to train a dog to have a nickname?
How to teach a puppy to respond to its name? Here's a step-by-step guide!
Choosing a name for a puppy and teaching it to its nickname is perhaps the most pleasant and
Black cats: acquisition rules and maintenance features
What will you learn from the article Breeds of black cats Persian cat British cat Scottish Fold Siberian cat
Train your dog to a place
How to teach your dog the command “Place!” at home and on the street
It’s not at all difficult to train a dog to a place, you just need to be a little patient. In general,
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