Does a cat have a soul, where does it go after death, and can the spirit of a deceased person move into an animal?

Where do cats go after they die? The answer to this question worries many owners. The passing of a beloved pet into another world causes severe mental pain, leaving hope that he will be happy and peaceful in heaven.

Do pets have souls? Pets, like people, have personal characteristics inherent to a particular creature. They can be stubborn or obedient, affectionate or independent. The kitten becomes attached to the owner, feels his mood, and is able to understand speech. Animals definitely have a soul. Where does it go when the pet leaves the living world and goes to the rainbow?

Cats after death. Do cats have souls?

Of course, felines are the most mysterious creatures on Earth.
They amaze with their grace and charisma, sharpness of mind and affection for people. To answer the question: “Do cats have a soul?”, you first need to briefly define the term “soul.” In simple terms, the soul is a set of certain characteristics: preferences, affection for some people and hatred for others, individual character traits. Cats will bark at all these characteristics. Accordingly, if humans have a soul, cats also have it. It is no coincidence that these animals, which understand human speech, experience emotions, have an individual character, are deified in many religions. Thus, the ancient Egyptians buried cats with honors in a special cemetery. The bodies were mummified so that after death they could gain eternal life.


Heaven and hell for cat souls

Many people think that if cats have souls, they, like the souls of people, must go to heaven or hell. Nevertheless, this assumption should be immediately rejected. Judge for yourself, these animals are not capable of such atrocities that people are capable of. On the other hand, cats do not know how to do good deeds.

What happens to the souls of cats after death?

Biology professor Richard Ford devoted his entire life to cats. A true atheist completely changed his point of view on the world around him after one incident.

In 1986, one of my students said that there was a ghost cat in their town. It was about the Scottish town of Dunfermline; they saw a cat on the territory of the old abbey near the cemetery. The girl said that she and her friend were walking around the territory of the abbey, where they saw a snow-white cat, he was resting on a bench with an important look. The girlfriends wanted to pet him, but as soon as they came closer, the animal simply disappeared. The girls became interested, and the next day they went there again - everything was repeated one after another.

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I was not lazy and went there. Everything happened exactly as the student told me. What's interesting is that the locals knew about that cat. The story was as follows.

The caretaker of the abbey loved this cat for many years and cared for him. And one day the cat disappeared. The woman searched for her beloved cat for a long time, but then decided that the search was useless and most likely he was already dead. One day she heard a light scratching on the door. The woman was delighted, opened the door, on the threshold she saw her favorite animal, but the cat disappeared into thin air at the same moment. This cat was seen in different places throughout the year, but most often on a bench in the old abbey. And then the ghost disappeared, the cat was forgotten.

This case could not help but interest me. Since then, I have talked to hundreds of cat people and have come to certain conclusions. My main conclusion is that cats have souls. The souls of those animals that were especially emotional during life appear in the form of ghosts. For 9-12 months, the souls of animals live near their owners, and then disappear. Where? But I cannot answer this question. However, I believe in reincarnation.

Cases of people encountering the souls of deceased pets are not uncommon. Similar messages appear with enviable regularity.

Death of a beloved cat. Dasha M. Novosibirsk

I had a cat. Once I needed to go to visit relatives in the village for a few days. During this time, I left my pet with the neighbors. In the village with relatives, during lunch, I suddenly felt a cat under the table rubbing against my legs. Only there were no cats in that house! A few hours later, a neighbor from the city called me. She told me the tragic news: my cat had somehow escaped from their apartment and had been hit by a car.

Ghost cat. Yuri M. Kyiv

In 2014, my cat Nika (all black) died at the age of 14 years. I decided not to bury her, but to give her for cremation. It is impossible to preserve the ashes of an animal after cremation, since several animals are cremated at the same time. However, I kept a small piece of her wool as a souvenir, put the wool in a postcard and hid it in the closet at home.

About six months after Nicky's death, I woke up to what felt like cat paws gently kneading the blanket on my bed. At that moment I didn't have a cat. I immediately remembered those pleasant memories, how quite recently Nika did exactly the same. I don't know if it was my imagination or not. However, the most surprising thing was that the postcard with the wool was missing. Mystic!?

Multiple Lives

The nourishment of cats from the Higher Powers is reflected in their incredible vitality. It is believed that the spark of life in this animal is capable of resurrecting a body that has received fatal injuries several times.

Folklore. In the collection of wisdoms of the peoples of the world, there is a link between a cat’s vitality and the sacred numbers of a given religion or region. The number of cat lives ranges from 6 to 9:

  1. According to an old Hindu legend, an old learned cat whiled away his days dozing on the threshold of a temple. One day the god Shiva asked him: “Who are you? And what can you do?” to which the cat, lazily squinting his eyes, replied: “I’m a mathematician. And I can count to infinity.” “Then count,” Shiva asked. And the cat slowly began: “One... two... three...”. At the number “9” he fell into a deep sleep, and the supreme god declared: “Since you could only count 9, I will give you 9 lives.” And so it became.
  2. In Rus', old people used to say that only the 9th death can kill a cat, and sorcerers kept “unkillable” tailed companions with them as a human shield, protecting them from other people’s magical influences and cleansing them of negativity.
  3. The British still believe that 3 out of 9 given lives a cat plays, 3 - wanders, and the remaining 3 - lives in one place.
  4. A Turkish proverb says: “A cat has 9 souls, but a woman has 9 souls.”
  5. The Germans and Hungarians claim that “a cat has 7 lives and a single home.” In this regard, the cat intuitively finds its way home tens of kilometers away, supposedly living on the way without food or sleep.
  6. According to Jewish tradition, a terrible punishment awaits the person who takes the last 7 lives of a cat.
  7. In Islamic countries, a cat enters a mosque and lives 6 lives.

Mysterious physiology. Such statements probably became widespread due to the ability of cats to emerge unscathed from the most serious alterations.

Where another animal would invariably die, cats escape with minor injuries or simply fear, using, according to legend, one of many lives.

The miracles of cats are evidenced by:

  1. The ability to remain alive after falling from a great height. According to eyewitnesses, a kitten that accidentally fell from the window of the 32nd floor of a New York skyscraper escaped with a knocked out tooth and a bruised sternum.
  2. Ability to survive accidents and disasters. It is known that cats sense trouble and try to leave a dangerous place. But if this fails, the murki find a secret refuge without dying from suffocation, squeezing or burns. There is a known case where a cat survived a plane crash.
  3. The cat's talent for rapid recovery of the body. Cats are amazingly capable of healing their fractures, healing wounds, and even restoring the function of paralyzed limbs.

Where cats go after death - versions in different religions

Different religions are ambiguous about where dead animals go. Somewhere animals are considered soulless creatures, so they simply disappear after their death. In other beliefs, pets, on the contrary, are equated with humans and are even capable of being reborn into humans in subsequent lives.


In the Book of Genesis, animals, fish and birds are called “living souls.” This is how they differ from plants, heavenly bodies, and stones.

And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb yielding seed that is on all the earth, and every tree that has fruit yielding seed. This will be food for you; And to every beast of the earth, and to every bird of the air, and to every thing that creeps on the earth, in which there is life, I have given every green herb for food.

But there is also a mention in Scripture that “the life of animals is in their blood” (Old Testament, Leviticus 17:11). Most theologians consider this phrase to be proof that after death, cats and dogs do not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. That is, as soon as the blood freezes in the body of a dead animal, the soul disappears along with it. Man is tripartite - according to the second letter of the Apostle Paul to the Corinthians, in addition to the body and soul that gives life, people also have a spirit (or the Spark of God), which is transferred to heaven or hell after death.

“Since, according to Scripture, the soul of every animal is its blood, and condensed blood, together with decayed flesh, decomposes into the ground, the soul of animals becomes dust, but does not have the opportunity to go to Heaven.”

Alas, in Orthodoxy cats do not have the right to an afterlife, since, unlike people, they are not created in the image of God and do not possess the immortal Spirit


In Hinduism there is no Afterlife with heaven and hell, which is familiar to Christians. And the concept of soul is very specific. Man, like cats and other animals, is endowed with atman. About this sacred substance in the Rig Veda it is written: “Atman is that through which living beings see, hear, smell, pronounce speech, recognize sweet and unsweetened.” The fact that animals and people have an identical atman is supported by the idea of ​​reincarnation. Any person can be reborn as a cat, and any cat can become a man or a woman in the next life. The process of transmigration continues until the spirit achieves moksha (liberation), as a result of which it loses its individual nature and becomes part of the Absolute (Universe).

Among Hindus, a black cat represents the deity Shashtha, who is the protector of mothers and children.


Buddhism is divided into several directions, among which Theravada, Mahayana, Vajrayana, Lamaism, and Zen Buddhism stand out. Each of these directions has its own characteristics in the understanding of death. The first Buddhist movements are characterized by the concept of dharma - a combination of immaterial particles that make up the entire Universe. “In Buddhist sacred books, the soul is specific, since it is a combination of four elements: sensations, ideas, desires and cognition (or consciousness),” writes the historian of religion I. Kryvelev. And if there is no traditional concept of the soul, then there can be no question of it going somewhere after the death of a person or a cat.

The interpretation of death among Lamaists and Zen Buddhists is slightly different. According to their beliefs, earthly life, thoughts, deeds, and the degree of “enlightenment” determine the subsequent fate of the deceased. If you do a lot of evil, then with a high probability you will be incarnated in your next life as a stone or an animal, including a cat. But after the death of a cat, its soul has a chance to pass into the body of a newborn human.

There is no practice of cat worship in Buddhism, but Buddhists believe that the souls of ancestors can be reborn into cats, so they treat them with respect


In Islam, representatives of the cat family are respected. For example, there is a legend that Muhammad, during his campaign against Uhud, saw a cat lying in the middle of the road and feeding her kittens milk. So that the soldiers would not frighten the furry family, the prophet chose to change the soldiers’ route. According to another belief, Muhammad forbade the sale of cats as goods, for this a cat named Hazrati strangled a snake that was preparing to attack the prophet.

But what is the situation with the soul of cats in Islam - does this religion recognize its presence and do animals have the right to an afterlife? Animals have a spirit, which gives them life, but is not a “pass ticket” to heaven. And meanwhile, after the Last Judgment, cats and other animals will be resurrected along with all people to answer to Allah for each of their actions. “Everything that was once alive will be resurrected on Judgment Day to weigh their rights among themselves. Even a horned sheep will be rewarded for every harm caused by its malice” (Muslim, al-Birr).


The Torah does not clearly indicate whether animals go to Heaven. But there are works by authoritative rabbis who speak on this topic. For example, Saadia Gaon in her philosophical article “Sefer Emunot Vedeyot” writes that the animal is ultimately rewarded for all the pain it experienced and for all the happiness it brought to people. The basis for this opinion was a quote from the Talmud: “The Holy One, blessed be He, does not leave anyone without the reward due to him.” Rabbi Saadia Gaon believed that this applies to any living being, not just humans.

Opponents of Saadi Gaon's opinion claim that after death all animals disappear because they do not have a soul. To prove this, they quote from Scripture: “And He breathed into his nostrils the soul of life, and man became a living soul.” There is no indication that God did the same with cats, which means they are soulless and cannot go to Heaven.

According to some Orthodox Jews, cats are soulless and dishonest, since there is not a single mention of these animals in the Torah, which means a person should not only keep a purr in the house, but even touch them


The Orthodox Church believes that the spirit goes through certain ordeals or tests on the way to the throne of God. The traditions of the holy fathers say that ordeals consist of conviction by evil spirits that make one doubt one’s own salvation, the Lord or His Sacrifice.

The word ordeal comes from the Old Russian “mytnya” - a place for collecting fines. That is, the spirit must pay some fine or be tested by certain sins. The deceased person’s own virtues, which he acquired while on earth, can help him pass this test.

From a spiritual point of view, this is not a tribute to the Lord, but a complete awareness and recognition of everything that tormented a person during his life and with which he was not able to fully cope. Only hope in Christ and His mercy can help the soul overcome this line.

Orthodox lives of saints contain many descriptions of ordeals. Their stories are extremely vivid and written in sufficient detail so that you can vividly imagine all the pictures described.

Icon of the Ordeal of Blessed Theodora

A particularly detailed description can be found in St. Basil the New, in his life, which contains the story of Blessed Theodora about her ordeals. She mentions 20 trials of sins, including:

  • a word - it can heal or kill, it is the beginning of the world, according to the Gospel of John. The sins that are contained in the word are not empty statements; they have the same sin as material, committed actions. There is no difference between cheating on your husband or saying it out loud while dreaming - the sin is the same. Such sins include rudeness, obscenity, idle talk, incitement, blasphemy;
  • lie or deception - any untruth spoken by a person is a sin. This also includes perjury and perjury, which are serious sins, as well as dishonest trial and falsehood;
  • gluttony is not only the pleasure of one’s belly, but also any indulgence of carnal passion: drunkenness, nicotine addiction or drug addiction;
  • laziness, together with hack work and parasitism;
  • theft - any act the consequence of which is the appropriation of someone else's property, this includes: theft, fraud, fraud, etc.;
  • stinginess is not only greed, but also thoughtless acquisition of everything, i.e. hoarding. This category includes bribery, refusal of alms, as well as extortion and extortion;
  • envy - visual theft and greed for someone else's;
  • pride and anger - they destroy the soul;
  • murder - both verbal and material, incitement to suicide and abortion;
  • fortune telling - turning to grandmothers or psychics is a sin, it is written there in Scripture;
  • fornication is any lustful actions: viewing pornography, masturbation, erotic fantasies, etc.;
  • adultery and the sins of Sodom.

Important! For the Lord there is no concept of death; the spirit only passes from the material world to the immaterial. But how she will appear before the Creator depends only on her actions and decisions in the world

Why do they say that dead cats go to the rainbow?

At the very edge of the sky there is a place called the Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies, especially if it was very loved by someone in this life, it ends up on the Rainbow Bridge. There are endless meadows and hills where our friends can run and play together. There is an abundance of food, water and sunlight, and our pets are warm and comfortable there. In this region, all sick and old animals turn into young and full of energy; those who had injuries and mutilations become healthy again.

The legend of the rainbow bridge on which dead pets cross is based on the Bifrost from Scandinavian mythology. This is the name of the transition between Asgard (the heavenly city of the gods) and other worlds, including the underground, where the souls of dead people live. In the myths of the Scandinavians there is not a word that dead animals live on this bridge - this is nothing more than an artistic invention of poets and writers inspired by ancient legends (the very first author to talk about the Rainbow Bridge for cats is Paul Charles Dame, who published in 1981 "The Legend of the Rainbow Bridge"). But readers liked this touching and beautiful version, so it quickly spread. Many began to sincerely believe that their furry pets, after death, end up in a wonderful rainbow world.

The fact that dead cats go to the rainbow is a sad and beautiful fairy tale that has nothing to do with any religion

Main reasons

There are several reasons for this phenomenon. Usually they are based on instincts and behavior patterns provided by nature.

Sexual hunting

Young cats most often leave home in the spring due to sexual heat. Due to changes in hormonal levels, their body requires mating with a cat. At such moments, neither windows, nor doors, nor high fences can stop the pets. They go in search of their soulmate. Usually cats do not return home until the partner agrees to contact. If absent for a long time, the animal may become lost in space and time and not find its way home. Cats also sometimes leave the house to satisfy their natural needs. After a spree during estrus, get ready for the appearance of kittens soon.


Cats are inquisitive animals. This especially applies to kittens and young pets who are exploring the world around them.

Their attention is easily attracted by any objects and actions: a leaf falling from a tree, a butterfly or bug on the window, a rustling branch, etc.

In a fit of curiosity, the cat forgets about caution. He may jump out of a window or run outside the area in pursuit of an object, and only after a while discover that he is in an unfamiliar place. Sometimes finding your way home isn't impossible

An angry dog ​​that chases the cat can make the situation worse. At first he experiences severe stress, and then gradually comes to his senses and looks for a new place to live.

Sometimes finding your way home doesn't become impossible. An angry dog ​​that chases the cat can make the situation worse. At first he experiences severe stress, and then gradually comes to his senses and looks for a new place to live.

He may jump out of a window or run outside the area in pursuit of an object, and only after a while discover that he is in an unfamiliar place. Sometimes finding your way home doesn't become impossible. An angry dog ​​that chases the cat can make the situation worse. At first he experiences severe stress, and then gradually comes to his senses and looks for a new place to live.

Unfavorable atmosphere

Cats react acutely to the situation in the house

Most representatives love attention, care and affection from their owners. If an animal is beaten or abused in other ways, the risk of it leaving the home is high. If there is an unfavorable atmosphere in the house, for example, frequent scandals, disagreements between family members and other problems, the pet will go in search of another place to live.

If there is an unfavorable atmosphere in the house, for example, frequent scandals, disagreements between family members and other problems, the pet will go in search of another place to live.


If other animals (puppies or kittens) appear in the house, the owners’ attention usually switches to them. The cat experiences loneliness, feels unneeded, so it leaves home in search of a better life. A similar situation can arise at the birth of a child.

A similar situation can arise at the birth of a child.

Before death

Furry pets often leave their homes before their death. To understand why cats leave home to die, it is necessary to study the behavior of their wild relatives. Lions are considered the strongest and largest representatives among cats. They live in prides. Young lionesses and lions obtain food and care for their offspring, providing them with protection from other predators.

When an animal begins to get sick or grow old, it cannot fully perform its duties, so it has to eat leftovers. Due to its weakness, it becomes a target for hyenas and other predators. In order not to bring trouble to the entire pride, sick and old lions and lionesses voluntarily leave the “family”. This way they give way to the young and protect them from attacks by predators. Natural instincts sometimes awaken in cats, and they leave their family and owners in order to protect them from perceived danger.

There is another explanation why cats leave home before they die. Some scientists believe that pets look for a secluded place to restore their strength and then return back. Although in most cases they go to Rainbow in a secluded place, and the owners do not even manage to find their corpse for burial.

People's reviews about the afterlife for animals

Animals do not have a mind similar to man, they are not the image of God, Christ did not die for animals, therefore their souls die along with their bodies.

Read Ephraim the Syrian “On Paradise.” I like what the reverend said - God knows how much we love animals, He created them for us. And if in the afterlife there are trees that have no soul at all, then our pets should probably be there too...

I had a cat named Juliette. She was very graceful, like a ballerina. And the pussy was also an excellent mouse hunter. And my other cat named Joey is a very clumsy hunter. Alas, Juliette passed away one day. But the surprising thing is that after she left, Joey immediately began catching mice. I'm sure it was Juliet's spirit who taught Joey how to hunt well, which means that cats remain close to us even after death.

My parishioner’s daughter’s cat died. The girl cried a lot, and a few days later in a dream she saw her pet - healthy and cheerful. The most interesting thing is that a glow emanated from the animal. As this girl later told me: “I stopped crying because I realized that my Maryska is in a better world.” How to feel about this dream? As a fantasy, or as some kind of sign from God? There is no need to worry about this issue. There are dozens of different theories, but they are all invented by people. Only God knows how and what will really happen, and we can only accept his every decision with gratitude.

Different religions have different opinions about what happens to cats after death. Somewhere it is said that these animals do not have a spirit, so, alas, you will not meet your pets in heaven. Adherents of other beliefs are confident that animals have equal rights with humans. Eastern religions even believe that a cat can be reborn in a human body after death.


Some of the ancient Greek philosophers believed in a special doctrine - metempsychosis.

Metempsychosis is a philosophy about the transmigration of the soul of a deceased person into a newly born living being. That is, according to some philosophers, the soul evolves into human form after many lives lived in the form of an animal.

Followers of many Eastern religions believe in this concept. It seems that most mediums and clairvoyants share this view.

However, many doubts arise regarding self-awareness and the ability to maintain this awareness after death. Well, you must admit, it’s hard to believe that, for example, a flea has a soul.

One very famous medium explains what really happens to some animals after they die.

Not all animals survive as individual souls after their death. Some merge with what is commonly called group consciousness

. Their souls return to the collective consciousness of one particular species, from which different animal souls are then born.

And only when self-consciousness arises, such a soul continues after death and begins the long process of climbing the evolutionary ladder to human and angelic consciousness (to the highest degree of existence).

For many animals, this journey begins when they receive love from a human. In particular, pets acquire a sense of identity with a person due to prolonged exposure to that same person.

Our consciousness seems to influence them, so to speak, forces them to abandon their nature and begins to develop free will in them.

Some people love their pets so much that they treat them like their own children. This attitude helps the animal to advance spiritually.

The love that a person gives to his pet allows the animal to quickly find a sense of identity.

Thus, the owner of the animal, without knowing it, helps create a new soul. Some even believe that pets are, in the literal sense, children, because their souls are completely pure and new...

The soul of a cat in ancient philosophy

Philosophers, the greatest minds of Antiquity, became the founders of many directions in modern science. They were among the first people to take a step towards understanding the human essence and the world around it. Among the most prominent thinkers who raised the topic of the existence of the soul and its purpose in their teachings are Plato and Aristotle.


Plato was the founder of one of the most famous ancient Greek schools - the Academy. His students made discoveries and conquered the heights of philosophy. The concept of soul appears in Plato's works several times, but is not the main one.

According to his teachings, the entire animate world consists of matter and ideas. Matter is the physical shell of everything that exists - it is something that can be touched. The idea of ​​an entity is an invisible force that animates a certain being. In his philosophy, these two concepts exist separately.

Plato writes that the idea or soul of a living being is part of the Universe. When new matter is born, this part breathes life into it. After the death of the body, the soul returns to its origins.

According to Platonic thoughts, cat souls are also immortal, and after the death of the outer shell, they return to the Universe and can revive the body of another creature.

Aristotle's teachings

Aristotle was one of Plato's most prominent students. But in his works he does not continue the thought of his mentor, but contrasts his own teaching with Platonic ideas. In the works of Aristotle, the theme of the existence of the soul, its purpose and posthumous fate is explored in more depth. He also gave the world a treatise in three volumes, “On the Soul,” where he fully revealed all his research, theories, etc.

In this treatise, the ancient Greek philosopher refuted Plato's idea that matter and its idea exist separately from each other. But Aristotle argued that matter and form (as he calls the force that his teacher defined as an idea) are two parts of a single whole, and the form of a living being, which is his soul, appears along with the birth of matter.

He also derived a peculiar hierarchy of types of souls:

  • vegetable;
  • animal;
  • human.

According to the teachings of the philosopher, plant and animal souls perish along with the death of their matter.

There are two opinions about the posthumous fate of the cat's soul. Plato believes that she will return to the Universe in order to revive some body again in the future and become a living being. Aristotle insists that the soul is mortal, like matter.

From the research of students of the Institute of Reincarnation

But as we at the Institute of Reincarnation Sciences found out in the process of a huge number of memories of past lives of our students, “animal” souls do not always live in animals.

The fact is that people very often remember their incarnations in animals. And they do not follow a strict evolutionary sequence of “minerals-plants-animals-humans”.

Human incarnations now and then alternate between animals and plants, and even in other worlds and forms unknown to us.

We talked about this in a little more detail in the 64th issue of the “Journeys of One Soul” project.

The human soul lives the life of an animal for a variety of purposes:

to relax or gain the energy of life to master some specific quality or state to get to know the area and its inhabitants where a person is going to come to be close to loved ones whom he has already left, but it is also important to be close and support many others.

It turns out that there are many more options than theoretical teachings offer us. And at a minimum, not only animal souls, but also human souls can live in animals. And animals, evolving, become human.

See First-year students of the Institute of Reincarnation remember their incarnations as animals

Opinion of world religions

In some religions, cats are sacred animals, while in others there is no mention of them. But many teachings have a theory about where the soul of a cat goes after death.

The Koran says that every righteous person should treat all animals with respect, incl. to cats. In addition, these creatures were the favorites of the revered prophet Muhammad. He spent a lot of time with cats, played with them, fed them by hand, even drank with them from the same dishes.

But despite this attitude towards cats, there is no paradise for animals in Muslim culture. In Islam, people earn their pass to Paradise if they lead a life according to all the laws of the Koran, pray to Allah and do good deeds. People have a choice about what kind of life they want to lead. And cats cannot choose whether to follow divine laws or not. They behave as their animal nature dictates, which is why the cat's soul dissolves after death.

Orthodox Church

In the Bible, the image of a cat is rare and there is no definite opinion about the posthumous fate of the cat's soul. In the Orthodox religion, it is generally accepted that the souls of animals and human souls consist of different matter. The human soul has a divine origin, therefore, after the death of the physical body, it goes to either Heaven or Hell. It depends on what kind of life a person led. The souls of animals, according to the Bible, perish along with their bodies.

But there is also an opinion that cats are the only animals that can enter the gates of Heaven after their death. This is due to the fact that during the Flood, the cat saved Noah's Ark from destruction and all the living creatures that were there. According to legend, she saw a mouse trying to chew through one of the cables and stopped it. Since then, Orthodoxy has shown especially respectful attitude towards cats.

Eastern religions

One of the most widespread religious and philosophical movements in Eastern countries is Buddhism. According to him, the spiritual body accumulates karma throughout its life, undergoes certain lessons and tests, as a result of which, having reached a certain level, it enters Nirvana.

In Buddhism, the form of a cat is just one of the stages in the formation of the soul or Consciousness on the path to endless bliss. After death in this form, the soul is reborn at a higher level or returns back to learn lessons that were not learned.

Possible new incarnations of the cat soul may include:

  • protozoan microorganism;
  • stone;
  • any plant from grass to tree;
  • another animal;
  • person, etc.

Find out the answer to whether a human soul can move into a cat.


Buddhists do not believe in the existence of the soul. For them, everything around is one big stream of Consciousness, which takes on various incarnations. Every living creature and even inanimate object has a piece of it. Therefore, heaven and hell do not exist in Buddhism. According to this religion, heaven and hell, both for humans and for cats, are a psychological state that everyone chooses for themselves. After death, the pet's soul is reborn and ends up in one of the worlds. This could be the world of hell, people, animals, hungry ghosts, lower or higher deities. The place of future incarnation also depends on the actions of the cat, that is, on how pure its karma is.

The opinion of clairvoyants and the experience of people

Among people with various esoteric and extrasensory abilities, there are those who are able to understand the language of animals. Such clairvoyants share the thoughts and feelings of animals with ordinary people. Some of them claim that cats are not afraid of death, but treat it as a transition of the soul to a new state. They know that the place where their soul goes is ideal. A happy and carefree life awaits them there.

Cats also sense well when the period of rapid departure to another world begins. They usually change their usual behavior a little. If you carefully observe the pet, it will give a signal to its owner. Shortly before the death of the physical body, they will show that they are ready to depart to a better world in order to have time to say goodbye to their owner or owners. Most cats leave home before they die.

Clairvoyants say that cats, like all other domestic animals, need their owner to be nearby at the moment when their soul leaves their mortal body. It is believed that at this moment, if you are ready to listen and look into the eyes of your devoted friend, you can hear what he is thinking about at the moment of transition.

Signs about why a domestic cat dies and what owners can expect.

There are many stories of people sharing their experiences of losing a cat. Many of them say that they continue to feel the presence of their pet even physically. One woman said that she felt her beloved cat, who had left this world several months ago, rub against her leg under the table. Others said that they saw in their children the habits and looks of long-gone pets.

Can the dead see us?

An important question when discussing the topic is whether there is an afterlife after death. Each religion has its own view on this and discussing everything will be laborious. There are three versions that say whether the souls of our loved ones are watching us and how they do it.

First version

Think about how often you see your loved ones, or maybe people you don’t know, in your dreams? Yes, there is an opinion that we saw them fleetingly in our lives.

But sometimes strangers appear, they:

  • do not belong to your nationality;
  • dressed strangely;
  • speak a different language;
  • show strange gestures.

Where do these strangers come from? There is a theory that you might have known such people closely in a past life. Another says - these are relatives who lived in the past. They watch you and communicate with you through dreams. It has been proven that dreams are an amazing human ability that allows us to travel unconsciously.

Second version

This version should be considered from a worldview point of view. When souls enter another world, they unite with the common mind. Thanks to an emotional connection, they can observe us, communicate and sometimes help in difficult situations.

According to this theory, whether there is life after death, evidence varied. Someone said that loved ones appeared in dreams, gave advice and warned about upcoming dangers. Others argue that this is just an intuition well developed by the subconscious. The subconscious mind develops the necessary image in a moment of danger. But why does a deceased person appear, and not someone who may be nearby at that moment?

Third version

It combines the first and second. It is extremely rare to hear it, but it sounds convincing. When a soul enters the world of the dead, it remains there until the living remember it, as long as there are relatives left on earth.

Because of the blood and soul ties, the deceased tries to communicate with them and help. When there are no loved ones left, the soul leaves another world to be reborn and find new friends and family again.

Animal spirits

These signs include hearing songs on the radio that remind them of departed loved ones, or sensing their presence in the house.

Pet spirits can visit anyone, from the most hardened skeptic to the devout believer, so it's important to be open about it.

I'm sure many of us watched the movie "All Dogs Go to Heaven" as children, the idea of ​​which is that a pet will definitely visit someone they loved in life while in the afterlife.

If you are still an inveterate skeptic and do not believe in such things, in this article we will try to dispel your skepticism.

Below are 10 of the most common types of visits your deceased pet will receive.

It is worth emphasizing that all these cases were told by different people at different time periods. Some of these cases have been documented, others are told by mediums and psychics, and others are part of someone's family history.

So, here are 10 signs that the spirit of your deceased pet is paying you a visit:

Animal paradise

For animals, heaven is the same as for people - it is the place where they want to be. In most cases, for pets, heaven means being with their beloved owners or other animals that are still alive that they loved in life.

For this reason, even after death, their souls want to visit those whom they loved so much and continue to love after death.

5. You feel their presence while sitting or lying on the couch.

You feel as if something is curled up next to you at the foot of the bed.

As a rule, cat owners may experience such feelings. But dogs behave in the same way in the afterlife, especially those who were very affectionate during life, loved to cuddle and hug.

A typical feline style and sign that your deceased cat has visited you is the sensation of her curling up in your lap or at your feet, or climbing on your back. Most often, when it comes to the spirit of a deceased cat, it is in the bed that the owner feels its presence. A deceased pet can visit you at the moment of rest.

Dogs, cats and other pets tend to visit their owners in the first few months after their death, then visits become less frequent as the person's wound heals. The pain of loss gradually subsides.

Rebirth theory

Reincarnation, or reincarnation, is one of the theories of rebirth. Present in the religions of the East and claims that the soul is immortal. The finitude of earthly existence is considered only a stage of transformation, movement into another body. During this, the soul loses its memory of previous lives.

In Buddhism, reincarnation occurs, according to various sources, from 7 to 350-777 times. The concept of karma is inextricably linked with mechanisms.

According to the shamans of the northern tribes, one can move from a human body into a person, animal, or even an object. Superstitions are associated with the ancient idea of ​​​​the structure of the world: then every object was endowed with a soul.

The Wheel of Samsara shows the laws of reincarnation

The Eastern Slavs had a belief in livestock migration. Superstitions are directly related to the cult of the god Rod and nature.

  1. If a person was good, he became a useful animal.
  2. If he did bad things, he was reincarnated as a pest.
  3. Restless souls served evil spirits.

The circle is broken when the soul is taken to the other world.

Pet died

6. With your peripheral vision you detect the presence of a dead pet.

Was there anyone in your family who had supernatural powers? Perhaps your great-grandmother was a clairvoyant or your grandmother knew how to cast magic?

If you sometimes see a dead animal, this may mean the following: either you were given a gift from one of your great-grandmothers, or the deceased pet is actually visiting you.

In what form do the spirits of their deceased pets appear to people?

Most often they can be seen in the form of a glowing hologram. This is the main difference from the human soul, which usually appears as a white ghost, similar to the ghost we usually see in movies.

7. You hear a song on the radio that reminds you of your pet or that he loved so much when he was alive.

This reminder of oneself after death is typical for both cats and dogs. Sometimes the owner of a lost pet may be faced with the fact that a song suddenly starts playing on the radio in the car.

This song sounded when, for example, your beloved dog or cat was taken to the veterinarian, or this song sounded at the moment when, many years ago, you first brought a small kitten or puppy home.

Some of us choose songs for our pet, while for others it happens that the animal itself denotes its favorite song, and if, after its death, the song suddenly begins to sound at the most unexpected moment, this, of course, is a sign that the spirit of your pet nearby.

8. You feel depressed after the death of a pet, and then suddenly feel joy.

Sometimes it seems to you that their faces are smiling... even after death. This is an amazing moment that brings great joy and a sense of relief.

This form of communication that deceased animals can have with their owners is very similar to the type of telepathic communication that many pet lovers have with their pets during their lifetime.

There is also evidence that spiritual connection continues to work in the afterlife through psychic senses, and although this rule is formulated more for humans, it works for pets as well.

9. You wake up to the feeling of their whiskers on your face.

A man who lost his beloved father said that immediately after his death he woke up with the feeling that he saw his own face. His father was combing his hair.

This can also happen after the death of a beloved pet. The owner can feel its presence during awakening or when he is in the interval between wakefulness and sleep.

At such moments, the spirits of the dead visit the living especially often. This can be explained by the fact that it is during this time period that a person is especially susceptible to such things and is open to visits from spirits.

10. Soon after the death of your pet, Fate gives you a new friend.

Shortly after the death of your beloved pet, a stray cat suddenly appears at your door. Or maybe one of your friends gives you a hamster or a kitten, or asks you to sit with his parrot while he is on vacation.

These are all signs that your deceased pet wants you to be happy again and wants you to make a new friend. This means that the spirit of your beloved dog, cat, or hamster personally approves of the new messenger given to you from above.

The truth is, our pets love us more than we can imagine, and even more than we sometimes love them.

They are the true embodiment of unconditional love and they teach many of us how to love unselfishly and from a pure heart. They allow us to be ourselves, because they love us for who we are.

Pets are some of our greatest teachers in this life.

For many, pets are their best friends, as well as emotional guides in their current life, and they continue to be so in the afterlife, continuing to visit their beloved owners even after their death.

Be sure to pay attention to the above signs. Most likely, your pet is trying to contact you.

Do cats have souls?

The word soul is understood by people in different ways. For those who do not believe in God, this is the consciousness, emotions, character of a person, his personality, which will die along with the body. For believers, it is a link between life and expected eternity. Let us consider the question of the existence of the soul in animals from different points of view. By the way, if you can’t help the four-legged one, then it’s worth looking at the information on the site, which is needed only in the most extreme and hopeless situations.

It will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with other articles of this project, which provide answers to numerous questions from the owners of such cute and beloved pets, and also highlight the most interesting aspects of their life, their care and treatment of diseases.

Do cats, cats, kittens and dogs have souls?

Those who have ever kept pets will say with confidence that all the signs of personality can be observed in them.

They understand human speech, experience emotions, and have an individual character. This means that animals have all the signs of having a soul.

Where does the soul of a kitten go after death?

To answer the question of where the soul of a deceased animal goes, you need to know where the human soul will be after death. It is useless to convince a person who does not believe in God that after death his beloved kitten will go to heaven.

Where does a cat's soul go after death? Psychic answer

For some reason, psychics in our age are considered people with special knowledge and gifts. But in fact, these are either charlatans or those who communicate with demons. The soul of a cat, according to psychics, can haunt its owner or help him after death. If this bothers you, the psychic will know what you need to say to be believed.

Do cats have a soul and at what time and where does it go after death?

It is possible to say that the soul of a cat goes to some place after death only if one believes in immortality and the existence of God. The Bible, the book left to people by God, does not specifically say whether animals have a soul and where it goes after death.

Of course, when you get to heaven, you want to meet your beloved cat, who got there after death.

Does a cat have a soul according to Orthodoxy (Orthodoxy) church opinion

According to the church, the connecting link between God and man is the spirit, which comes to life after repentance and baptism and is immortal. Therefore, the Orthodox Church cannot recognize the existence of a cat’s soul.

Is it possible to pray for an animal and how to pray for animals

You can pray for an animal if it gets sick. Pray for recovery. If the animal has died, you need to pray for yourself in order to calm down and humble yourself.

Soul of a cat after death 9 and 40 days

Funeral services for a deceased person are traditionally held on the 9th and 40th day after death, in order to intercede for him with prayers before God. There is no such tradition for remembering dead cats.

Soul of a cat after death ancient Egypt

The ancient Egyptians deified the cat. After her death, she was buried with honors in a special cemetery. The body of a deceased cat was mummified so that after death it could gain eternal life.

Rosicrucian opinion

The Rosicrucian Order was a medieval theological and mystical organization of scientists and philosophers. They believed that the animal soul differs from the human soul in its lack of individuality. All animals behave the same. An idea of ​​a whole species of animal can be obtained by studying the habits of a single representative.

But a person and his soul are a much more complex spiritual substance. for example, one cannot judge the northern peoples by the habits of an African tribe, and vice versa. That is, human souls are all different, even within the same race or nationality. People of the same nationality in similar situations can act differently, which cannot be said about animals.

Animals have collective management, a collective spirit. A person is the whole world, the universe, he is individual and unique. You can write down the biography of a person, but there are no biographies for animals.

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