How to properly feed a French bulldog and its puppies, what food and how many times a day

French bulldogs are very popular: small children like them, they touch their owners with their faces and interesting facial expressions. When starting this breed of dog with Please understand that they require special care, you also need to know what to feed your French Bulldog. Proper nutrition for a pet is the most important and pressing topic for every dog ​​owner.

This article will tell you what you can feed a French bulldog , how to properly create a diet, and what nutritional features this breed of dog has. As a rule, most people try to get newly born dogs, so special attention in the article will be paid to what to feed a French bulldog puppy . Read about the features of the French Bulldog breed in our special article.

Place of eating and the right choice of dishes for the French Bulldog

When you decide to get a dog, you need to know how to properly feed your French bulldog. The place where you eat plays an important role. Every pet needs a personal space where they can relax and eat in a calm environment.

Selecting a location

Particular attention should be paid to choosing a place for feeding.

We advise you to read these important recommendations:

  • The feeding area must be permanent. The animal should not run around the apartment in search of food;
  • The bowl should be placed away from drafts;
  • The place should not be passable. The animal will feel discomfort if it is stepped over;
  • It is best to purchase a special metal stand on which bowls suitable for the age and breed of the dog will be attached.

Thus, the ideal place for feeding your dog should be located in a quiet corner of your apartment, where nothing will distract the animal from eating.

Selection of cookware

Both for feeding adults and for feeding French bulldog puppies, two bowls are required - one for water, the second for food. The bowl can be made of any material. However, it is better to purchase heavy, stable metal bowls. With this choice, the bulldog will not constantly move the bowl with his muzzle, and this will also help avoid food tipping over on the floor. A bowl made of plastic will quickly become unusable: puppies love to chew on them. The eating utensils should be placed on a slight elevation, which will make eating much easier. You should not buy a bowl that is too large and deep, which is what large dogs usually eat with. It is best to take bowls with an adjustable stand so that the bowls are always at chest level with the puppy.

How to change your dog's food

Whether you change food within one brand that your dog is used to, or decide to try another, transfer your bulldog from one to another gradually, over the course of a week or two, decreasing the proportion of the old food and increasing the proportion of the new food. Monitor your pet's health. For example, food allergies do not develop quickly, but two weeks is enough to determine whether a new food is suitable for your dog.

If your Frenchie has interdigital cysts, here is a short video from an owner with the same problem.

When to change food

  • the dog's activity has increased - for active ones,
  • decreased activity, excess weight - for those prone to obesity,
  • pregnancy and lactation - for pregnant bitches,
  • when refusing food - for picky people (if the dog is healthy),
  • risk of kidney disease - for the prevention of urolithiasis,
  • sterilization or castration - for those who are sterilized or prone to obesity,
  • for joint diseases - a diet to support joints,
  • sensitive digestion - for patients with the gastrointestinal tract or specialized dietary,
  • rashes, scratching, hair loss - hypoallergenic or for sensitive skin.

General principles of feeding a French Bulldog

French bulldogs are quite picky eaters. Owners need to find a special approach and understand the preferences of the animal. However, any dog ​​is a predator and should always remain one, so you should not spoil your pet too much. It is necessary to develop and get used to a special nutrition plan.


Any living organism loves consistency in food intake, dogs are no exception. Your French Bulldog should be fed at the same time every day. Thus, the bulldog will adapt to life in a family faster and will experience less stress.

Serving Size

French Bulldog puppies are fed small portions, but often. As the dog gets older, the portion size also changes. There should be just enough food so that the animal can eat, but not overeat. At first, it’s worth observing how much food you eat in order to adjust the portion size. If you notice that your dog is not eating enough of the food in his bowl, add less food at the next feeding. Conversely, if the bulldog eats the entire portion and continues to stand near the bowl, then you have given him too little food. Each dog has its own special appetite.


The French Bulldog's diet should include a sufficient amount of essential nutrients: proteins, fats, carbohydrates. There should be the most protein - about 50-60%. Then come carbohydrates - about 30%. There should be a minimum amount of fat - approximately 30-20%. Don't forget to give vitamins and microelements. You cannot feed exclusively meat products; you also need plant foods.

Food bans

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the list, which shows what you should not feed your French Bulldog:

  1. Potato;
  2. Pasta;
  3. Bakery products;
  4. Cookies, waffles;
  5. Candies and chocolate;
  6. Citrus;
  7. Fatty foods;
  8. Smoked products (sausages, sausages, etc.)

It is important to remember that all products from the hosts’ table are also prohibited.

Dog training

Training French Bulldogs is not difficult, but it requires special training. Even a child can do this, so you can safely leave the dog and baby together.

A young dog needs to be taught to accept commands: “sit”, “lie down”, “fu”, “front”, “place”, “near”, “give”.

The French Bulldog is an amazing dog. She is very smart, but also loves to play and have fun. You definitely won't get bored with such a puppy. But with proper care, he grows into a worthy dog. Before purchasing a dog, it is recommended to read special literature to know how to care for, feed and train it.

Types of food for a French bulldog

We can say that all dog owners are divided into two “camps”:

  • adherents of natural nutrition;
  • adherents of dry/ready food.

No one can definitively answer which food is best to feed a French bulldog, so each dog breeder will have to choose on his own.

Most veterinarians advise one thing: do not combine both types of food. Many owners prefer to give dry food in the morning, when there is no time to cook food, and natural food in the evening. With such a diet, the Frenchie, like any other breed, may experience digestive problems . In addition, the balance of nutrients is disrupted.

Factors influencing development

A puppy can develop behind or ahead of the average. This is due to the following:

  • Hereditary predisposition. There is a high probability that large parents will have rather large bulldog children. Small mothers and fathers rarely give birth to animals of impressive size.
  • Gender. Female French Bulldogs are traditionally smaller than males.
  • Individual characteristics. Just like people, dogs can be prone to being overweight or having a dystrophic, lean physique.
  • Nutrition. Animals that eat in a timely manner and have a good appetite rarely lag behind their peers in development. They grow faster and become large representatives of the breed.
  • Birth defects, hormonal diseases. Lagging behind or overtaking fellow developmental peers may have pathological reasons. A veterinarian can determine them based on laboratory tests and the results of complex diagnostics.

The puppy’s development is affected not only by the period of feeding with mother’s milk, but also by the correct diet in the new home. Feeding a puppy more often, more in the hope of raising a large bulldog, is wrong. This dog is prone to gaining excess weight - without proper physical activity, what he eats will not do any good, but will be deposited in fatty tissues.

Natural food for the French bulldog

Natural food is specially prepared food for dogs. Under no circumstances should you pour regular human food into a bowl! Our human food contains additives, a lot of salt, seasonings, preservatives - such food is dangerous for the life of a pet.

Below is a small table for feeding a French bulldog, which shows in what ratio food should be given to the dog.

Now let's take a closer look at each item in the table.


Approximately half of the diet should be lean meat. It could be:

  1. Chicken meat without skin;
  2. Beef;
  3. Turkey;
  4. Rabbit meat;
  5. Lean pork (very rare).

A French Bulldog should eat meat, but such food will be quite expensive. Sometimes you can replace meat with offal . Bulldogs like liver, hearts, and lungs.

Such products can be given well-cooked or almost raw, but after heat treatment with boiling water.


Many bulldogs love to eat milk porridges, for example, buckwheat, rice, and oatmeal.

Cereals must be washed well and cooked until digested. Porridge can be diluted with lean beef, fish, you can add some vegetables and fruits.


Fish should not be the main source of protein for a dog, but it can be given to your pet occasionally. Many dog ​​breeders claim that when they frequently eat fish, their pets' fur becomes shiny and thick.

The French Bulldog can be given both river and sea fish. But it is worth noting that river fish has a bad reputation due to the possible content of helminths in it. To protect your four-legged pet from infection, it is enough to boil the fish for 30 minutes, or freeze it for 2-3 days. Suitable for food: carp, pike, carp, bream, herring, hake, capelin, perch, etc.

Seafood is a strong allergen. If you still want to give them to your dog, then give preference to shrimp. Other seafood is difficult to digest and contains a lot of fat.


Vegetables are not the main component of a French Bulldog's diet.

We can say that they are introduced into the diet as a source of vitamins and fiber. Bulldogs can be given carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, and cabbage both raw and boiled.


The table indicates that dairy products can make up a fairly large portion of a dog's diet. However, many pets do not like dairy products, and some begin to have digestive problems.

Be careful! If your pet likes milk, then you can treat him with milk, kefir, fermented baked milk, or yogurt.


Fruit is not considered a typical dog food and there is nothing wrong with your pet not liking fruit.

If your dog still likes such treats, then sometimes pamper him with pitted cherries, peaches, apples, and bananas.


In addition to the above reasons, the following factors are also important:

  1. Constitution of a dog.
  2. Maintaining a lifestyle.
  3. Various hidden pathologies.
  4. Gender affiliation.

That is why, all these factors taken together make dog breeding specialists somewhat wary, and sometimes skeptical, about strict compliance with all the norms and rules prescribed in the table. In the period up to six months, the puppy grows by leaps and bounds. Therefore, the “pomp and richness” of a 2-3 month old baby, when it seems that the puppy is overeating, goes away naturally. From this we can conclude: you never need to put him on a diet.

Everything comes first - the health of the dog, and not the average parameters in the table.


Due to lack of mobility and constant overeating, the recently strong and active baby begins to have breathing problems, signs of laziness and lethargy appear. All these anxious calls indicate that the dog has problems leading to heart disease and excessive stress on the spine and joints. Ultimately, all this leads to the most negative consequences. You can also check the excess mass and understand whether it is thick or not using the following simple method. Just squeeze his sides. In a normal dog, the ribs can be felt and a tucked up belly is present.

If a baby’s fatness does not cause any particular concern, for an adult dog it is an anomaly that requires immediate action. If an adult dog weighs more than 16 kg, urgent adjustment is required. At a minimum, you need to reduce the amount of food and balance your diet. The daily norm should be 5 - 7% of the total weight.

The calorie content of foods should be reduced by 30 - 40%.

Everyone knows the picture when a dog touches a person’s leg with its paw and with suffering, pleading eyes asks for food. Here you need to show persistence in your intention and not succumb to overwhelming pity for the animal. After some time, the pet will get used to the diet and stop asking for food. The next step is to increase the pet's physical activity. It is necessary to increase the number and duration of walks outside. You need to try to play various outdoor games. For example, you can throw a ball or a stick, or light jogging is also useful.

But still, the best solution would be to contact a veterinarian. Because this problem may have other roots. For example, a disruption in the endocrine system, cardiac problems, hormone imbalance. Finally, bad heredity and stress. All this requires the intervention of a doctor. He will also help you develop a suitable diet and prescribe vitamin supplements.


This breed rarely suffers from this condition, but of course there are exceptions to the rule. In this case, the reasons, of course, need to be established only in the clinic. You should especially pay attention to a skinny puppy and consult a doctor immediately. The reasons for this problem may be the following:

Presence of parasites

It is necessary to contact a veterinarian and get tested. The feces are checked for the presence or absence of helminths and, if detected, deworming is prescribed.

Worms may not be detected the first time, so to be on the safe side, it is better to have them tested in 2 different laboratories.

Microflora disturbance

May be caused by poor absorption of foods in the body. One of these reasons is the simultaneous feeding of dry food and natural food. Here you need to clearly decide and stick to only one option.


Most often, puppies are susceptible to this problem. This disease is caused by a violation of the proper functioning of the endocrine glands and a lack of minerals in the young body. It can be determined by the following characteristics:

  1. There is sagging in the back area.
  2. Quite pronounced curvature of the legs.
  3. The joints are thickened.

Nutrition is very important here. If a problem is identified, therapy must be started immediately.

In winter, the dog's risk of getting sick increases!

Ready-made food: benefits and harm for the French bulldog

Ready-made food has an undeniable advantage over natural food in terms of time spent on food preparation. Another plus is that such food has a balanced amount of all essential nutrients . However, every attentive owner of a French bulldog will be able to independently prepare the right food that will satisfy all the needs of the pet.

Ready-made food makes life much easier for French bulldog owners. But you will have to spend a lot of time and money selecting the right food. Many dogs of this breed have a fickle appetite and selectivity in food. In addition, due to incorrectly selected ready-made food, the dog may develop health problems.

Ready-made food can be dry, semi-moist and wet. Dry food is not suitable for feeding puppies. As a last resort, in the absence of anything else, dry food can be soaked in boiling water until it turns into a paste. Semi-moist food consists of dry food with a small addition of liquid. Wet food is usually presented in the form of pates.

How to avoid pet obesity

Obesity is a fairly common problem for French Bulldog dogs. The owners themselves are most often to blame for this. With their love they harm their pet, and when they go to work for the whole day they leave several bowls of dry food. This is absolutely impossible to do.

To avoid such trouble, you need to pay close attention to the feeding regime and walk the dog correctly, giving the necessary exercise . If you notice that your French bulldog has begun to gain excess weight, then change the feeding regimen and increase physical activity. Use special dietary feeds as food, since preparing them yourself is quite troublesome.

If the measures taken do not help, then you should contact a specialist, he will select the right regime for your pet. It is better to devote more time to your pet and not take the situation to an extreme. Weigh your dog regularly and do not overfeed.

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All ready-made food is divided into several classes:

Economy class

Made from low quality products, such as hides, bones, hooves, etc. There is no natural meat in them. Most of the food consists of plant components (soybeans, corn, grain). Such food has virtually no benefit. They do not contain the necessary nutrients, but they do have flavor enhancers and flavorings.

Economy feeds are always given along with vitamins.

The French Bulldog cannot be fed with ready-made economy-class food.

The most common economy class brands:

  • Pedigree;
  • Chappi;
  • Darling.

Premium class

Premium food contains a large amount of by-products, but there is also some meat. There are much fewer plant components in them than in economical ones. It is not recommended to feed French Bulldogs this type of food.

Common representatives:

  • ProPlan;
  • Royal Canin;
  • Purina ONE.

Super premium class

These foods can be given to your French Bulldog. They contain approximately 30% meat. It also contains by-products, but these are not hooves and skins, but liver, hearts, etc. All components are balanced, there are vitamins, and usually there are no various flavors. The only disadvantage of this food is the fairly high price.

The most popular brands:

  • Bosch;
  • Nutram;
  • Eukanuba;
  • Brit Care.
  • Arden Grange


These are the most expensive and high-quality feeds. There are no by-products - only natural meat. Nutrients come from vegetables, fruits, and berries. Ideal for feeding your pet. Both puppies and adults can eat it. The most common companies:

  • Acana;
  • Now Fresh;
  • Pronature Holistic.

Thus, there is no way to save money when feeding dry food. The French bulldog is suitable for super premium or holistic food. Cheap classes of food contain soy, they lack vitamins, and contain components that are dangerous for dogs.

Bathing and litter box

Short-haired French bulldogs do not need to be bathed often ; just wipe them with a damp cloth. Full bath procedures are carried out once every ten days using special shampoos. From an early age, the puppy is taught to be neat, so that he goes to a special tray and does not make puddles on the floor.

Typically, small puppies go to the toilet after sleeping, feeding or playing. At the first sign of concern, pick up your pet and take it to a place specially prepared for the toilet. Don't forget to praise him when he makes a puddle in the tray.

Patience and affection on your part will help achieve the desired result.

French bulldog nutrition by age

The dog's diet must change depending on its age. First, the breeder monitors the dog’s nutrition, then this responsibility passes to the dog’s owner. Immediately after birth, the dog is not given dry food, only natural food.

Proper Nutrition for French Bulldog Puppies If you feed your Bulldog incorrectly when they are young, they will get sick when they get older. It is important to understand that puppies need to eat much more often than adults. The table shows how many times a day you need to feed your French Bulldog.

This routine should not be taken literally. It is necessary to take a closer look at the puppy, adjust the portions and amount of food intake .

Accessories for a puppy's comfortable life

To understand what accessories your pet really needs, it is important to answer a number of simple questions:

  • What will your pet drink and eat from?
  • Where and on what will he sleep?
  • What is needed for walking?
  • What can be useful for caring for a puppy?
  • What is needed for transportation?
  • How can you entertain your puppy?

You need a bowl for food. You can choose it based on the following requirements for dishes:

  • stability of the bowl: it should not slide, and the likelihood of it overturning is minimal;
  • the height of the chosen bowl, which depends on the height of the puppy; a good bowl should be at chest level;
  • the bowl is easy to maintain, the process of pouring food is as simple as possible for the owner, and washing dishes is not a problem;
  • The material from which the bowl is made is plastic, steel, ceramics.

A lounger can become a resting place. A puppy definitely needs its own place in the house. As with bowls, you should consider the size of your pet. Baskets, cages, containers are suitable for this, where they can rest, and for large pets, beds, pillows, rugs, and old mattresses are suitable. It is also worth thinking about setting up a booth in the yard or even in the house.
For walks, leashes, muzzles, collars and harnesses are mandatory attributes. Collars should be light and comfortable, have a clasp with a lock. Anti-flea products will come in very handy. The collar should fit loosely around the puppy's neck.

The selection of leashes and harnesses is huge. They are for running, training, and are also divided depending on the size of the pet and other parameters. It is important to remember when choosing leashes and harnesses that they should be lightweight for small dogs and strong enough for large breeds. The length is not too long or small, it is designed to give the pet a sense of freedom and provide control over it. And the most important thing is the convenience of the collar and harness for the animal itself.

You have to transport animals quite often and you also need to be prepared for this. This is where carrying can help. It should be the right size for a puppy or adult dog, not too tight or too loose. The pet should be familiarized with the carrier and accustomed to it, so that on occasion he is not afraid and feels calm and comfortable in it.

Also, we must not forget about entertainment, which will help with a variety of toys. You need to choose them together with your pet. Give some toy to the puppy and watch his reaction: if he is interested, then buy it. There are no specific requirements for toys, but you should make sure that they do not fall apart. Most dogs prefer rubber toys, squeakers, and stringy bones.

You need to remember about water procedures, which also require certain things. Here it is worth paying attention to shampoos: it is better to choose special ones for the French bulldog. Various combs, special mittens for short-haired breeds, furminators, which are excellent for removing dead hair without damaging the skin. To these things you can add nail scissors, cotton wool for cleaning ears, and brushes for cleaning teeth.

For those who adore their pets, there are also special dog clothes that can make an excellent wardrobe. Such clothing, as well as shoes, are purchased strictly according to size. The materials used to create them must be natural and soft, and, as always, the dog’s comfort is paramount. Clothes should not restrict movement or dangle.

Approximate feeding schedule for a French bulldog puppy by month

1 to 2 months

French bulldog puppies are born very tiny and bear little resemblance to the future dog. Newborn puppies feed exclusively on mother's milk. In some cases, the breeder may feed a one-month-old puppy with a mother's milk replacer.

Gradually, the puppy grows up and new foods begin to appear in his diet: first, a little meat (boiled, chopped), then porridge. Fruits and vegetables can cause severe allergic reactions in small puppies.

Since a puppy at this age needs to be fed about 6 times a day , this time should be divided into approximately equal intervals.

This table shows an example of feeding a puppy every three hours. This is just an example - every owner has the right to make their own adjustments.

Vitamin and mineral supplements

Puppies on super premium and holistic food do not need additional vitamins and minerals.

If you feed your pet “naturally”, give him medications and feed additives with calcium, phosphorus and chondroprotectors (8in1 Excel Calcium, SA-37, Kanvit, Wetzim, Canina) during the period of active growth, vitamins for adults - in courses, in spring, autumn, during molting, during stress.


Feeding a French Bulldog puppy from 2 to 3 months

A puppy 2 months after birth can already be switched to complementary feeding with regular food. For example, this could be store-bought pates for puppies, or natural food in the form of milk, minced meat, and cereals.

Authorized products:

  • Lean meat;
  • Cottage cheese;
  • Kefir;
  • Egg;
  • Boiled fish;
  • Porridge.

The meat can be boiled or served raw, but you should first scald it with boiling water . You should not give meat in large pieces - you should chop it finely or grind it in a blender.

Feeding a French Bulldog from 3 to 4 months

At the age of 3-4 months, puppies are usually sold to new owners.

After the move, the puppies, who will now be kept in an unfamiliar home, must adapt. You should maintain the same diet for 1-2 weeks. This way, the puppy will be protected from unnecessary stress. At 3 months, you can already try all foods suitable for dogs.

Feeding from 4 to 6 months

Feeding a French bulldog at 4 months should be 3-4 times a day, portions should be slightly increased. At this age, a varied diet is needed, including vegetables, cereals, meat, fish and only boiled fish.

Feeding from 6 to 10 months

At the age of 6-10 months, the baby should receive adequate nutrition.

Some breeders believe that from the age of 8 months, a French bulldog puppy can be fed only 2 times a day.

Feeding from 10 to 12 months

At 10-12 months, the puppy has already grown up and should eat almost like an adult. This is the age that is considered ideal for switching to two meals a day. Remember that the dog should eat a varied diet and get enough protein. Avoid fatty foods, which can cause your pet to become obese.

When and what vaccinations should I get?

Newborn puppies are protected from viruses and infections by the beneficial substances of mother's milk. From one and a half months, babies begin to develop their own immunity; vaccination is necessary to protect against diseases. As dogs grow up, they receive several vaccinations :

  • At 6 weeks they are vaccinated against hepatitis, adenovirus and enteritis, and two weeks later they are re-vaccinated. Then they are vaccinated once a year.
  • At 10 weeks they are vaccinated against plague. Revaccination is carried out at 7 months.
  • At 16 weeks they are vaccinated against leptospirosis, and a second vaccination is given six months later.
  • At 8 months they are vaccinated against rabies.

Feeding pregnant and lactating French bulldogs

The French Bulldog bitch's pregnancy lasts approximately 9 weeks. In the first three weeks, a special diet is usually not required. However, you should increase your calcium intake throughout your pregnancy. So, in 1 month of pregnancy, the dog should receive approximately 70 mg of calcium per 1 kg of body weight, which will allow the formation of the skeleton of future puppies, in addition, the mother’s teeth will not be destroyed. Phosphorus also plays an important role in fruit development. Its daily dose should be increased to 50 mg per 1 kg of weight . In some cases, the dog needs to be given additional vitamins, especially groups A and D.

A month after pregnancy, you should increase the portions and feed 3 times a day. It is also necessary to reduce the amount of carbohydrates consumed. Around the 8th week of pregnancy, the dog needs to be fed 4 times a day. All foods that make digestion difficult are removed from the diet . In the last days of pregnancy, the bitch should be fed 5-6 times a day, it is better to reduce the portions a little. Meat can be replaced with fish.

It is important to monitor your dog's weight - extra pounds can cause premature birth!

During feeding, it is worth increasing the amount of dairy products given to the dog: milk, cottage cheese, etc. Special food for lactating dogs is perfect , as it contains everything necessary for the health of the mother and her puppies.

Memo for puppy owners

CONGRATULATIONS! You have become the proud owner of a French bulldog puppy!

The first thing you and your family need to remember is how to properly pick up a puppy. He is still small and his muscles and ligaments are weak, and if you drag a puppy, picking him up by the front paws, it is very easy to injure him for life. You need to take the puppy with both hands under the chest and under the seat at the same time, or from both sides, grabbing the area of ​​the chest and shoulder blades, and not under the stomach. You should hold it tightly so that the puppy does not break free and fall to the floor. It’s better to squat down to it yourself more often and not lift it unless absolutely necessary.

The sofa can pose a danger to the puppy - do not leave the puppy unattended on it, and it is better not to take the puppy onto the sofa at all until he learns to calmly jump on and off there (of course, if you generally welcome the puppy being on the sofa bed ).

It is strictly unacceptable for a puppy to walk on the street until he has received all his vaccinations! Even one time can be enough to make your puppy sick! Also, before vaccinations, do not allow the puppy to have access to, sniff or lick outdoor shoes. Only two weeks after the 2nd vaccination can you start walking outside with the puppy.


The puppy's place should be quite soft and spacious. A small mattress covered with a clean cape or sheet, which can be changed or washed as needed, is best suited for it. Nowadays there are many beds for sale in stores, don’t just buy an expensive, large bed with a lot of pillows, the puppy won’t care what to chew on and where to pee. Take something simpler that can be easily washed and dried and of such a size that the puppy can calmly stretch out there along and across.

It is best to place the place so that the puppy can watch you from there. Check that it is not in a draft and preferably not in a passageway, because... For the first time (1.5-2 months), the puppy needs a long sleep, so if there are children in the house, then they need to explain that it is better not to touch the puppy while sleeping.


The puppy must chew - growing teeth require this, and you need to provide it with appropriate items - toys, so that it does not spoil your shoes and other household items. These can be special rubber bones, rubber cast balls (which cannot be chewed), etc. Hollow rubber, soft toys, and plastic ones can be chewed, and the puppy can choke on pieces of them. For this reason, you should avoid letting your puppy play with regular toys for children. In pet stores you can buy cords (thick rope with knots), latex toys, special chewing bones made from pressed veins (not small in size, so that the puppy cannot choke when a small piece remains -it should be thrown away to avoid ingestion). In the room where the puppy will be, be sure to remove all small objects and electrical wires. By gnawing on wires, he can be injured by switched on electrical appliances (TV, refrigerator, charger, etc.). You should also not play with a rag with a puppy; he will not understand the difference between a rag and a curtain or tablecloth and will tear both. You cannot play tug of war with the puppy, because... this can ruin your bite. Under no circumstances should you let your puppy play with an old shoe or any other worn-out shoe, as the puppy will not be able to distinguish a new shoe from an old one. All chemicals should be kept out of the puppy's reach.


Keep the litter clean. The cleaner the bedding, the better the dog. For convenience, it is recommended to have several replaceable pillowcases for the bedding, change them periodically and wash them.

After a walk, wipe your paws and belly with a damp cloth or wash with clean water without soap. You should not wash your puppy unless absolutely necessary, only if it is very dirty. If the puppy is very dirty, you can wash it with a special zoo shampoo for puppies, then rinse the coat well with water and wipe dry. After swimming, keep away from drafts.

When ears become dirty, they should be cleaned with a cotton swab moistened with a special ear lotion (if you don’t have it, you can use baby oil or chlorhexidine). The folds can be wiped simply with a dry cloth, if this is not enough, then they are wiped with chlorhexidine and lubricated with Tithe, but this is also a reason to reconsider the diet, it is possible that the puppy has a reaction to the food.

Periodically trim the claws (curved tip) with special nail clippers. The fifth toe will always have to be trimmed, despite the fact that the dog wears down the remaining claws on the asphalt while walking.

ATTENTION! You need to trim your nails VERY carefully so as not to cut off too much! If you touch living tissue and start bleeding, you must URGENTLY treat the wound with dry potassium permanganate.

Carefully monitor the condition of your baby's teeth, especially during their replacement period. If baby teeth interfere with the growth of permanent teeth, there may be problems with the puppy's bite and canines. If baby teeth do not fall out on their own, you need to contact a veterinarian to have them removed. Never pull toys out of your mouth, and do not allow him to play with a leash on the street. As your puppy grows up, make sure that he does not develop tartar, which will inevitably lead to diseases of the oral cavity. There are special toothpastes for dogs.

Allergies (red ears or dandruff) are possible due to a change in food or excess vitamins.

To keep your eyes clean, if necessary, rinse them with a swab dipped in sleeping tea or chamomile. If you suspect something serious, contact a veterinarian (especially with purulent discharge), this may be a consequence of conjunctivitis.

If your puppy rides on his butt, the cause is usually inflammation of the anal glands, and it does not necessarily mean that it could be worms. Ask your veterinarian to show you how to clean them, so you can carry out this procedure yourself in the future.


After sleeping, eating, or active play, the puppy has a natural need to empty its bladder and intestines; in this case, it is good to take the puppy outside (only after all vaccinations) or to a designated place in the apartment, where a rag or just an old newspaper is laid out. Large absorbent and waterproof sheets sold in regular pharmacies are very suitable. First, you need to cover large areas in different places of the apartment (where the puppy walks), when the puppy understands that this needs to be done in diapers and there will be mistakes - the lightly covered areas are gradually reduced.

Puppies begin to ask consciously at 4 months, but much depends on the skill and patience of the owners; they can be taught to be clean even earlier. As soon as you notice that the puppy begins to spin and sit down, you need to put him in a place prepared for this purpose and hold him for a while. After successful completion, praise him and treat him. In most cases, the puppy quickly gets used to using these “home comforts”, and there is less dirt from the puppies. And remember, the puppy will not wait until you drink coffee in the morning and leisurely get dressed. If you want to quickly accustom your puppy to cleanliness, you need to adapt to his schedule and take him out as often as possible, only after 4 months will the puppy be able to tolerate a little and you can begin to accustom him to the schedule you need.


Before vaccination, the puppy must look completely healthy and feel good. After vaccination, it is advisable to observe the puppy for 5-6 hours, and if signs of an allergic reaction appear, such as swelling of the nasopharynx, difficulty breathing, hardening of the lips, call a doctor immediately. Allergic reactions to vaccination are very rare, but, unfortunately, they do occur. Try not to combine flea and tick treatment several days before and after vaccination. It is recommended to use vaccinations from such manufacturers as MERIAL (Eurikan, PrimoDog) and INTERVET (Nobivak), Duramune (Duramun). Within 30 days, the breeder can give Nobivac Puppy DP or Primodog-P. The following vaccinations are required:

The first – about 2 months: Nobivac DHPPi (Nobivac DHPPi) + Nobivac Lepto (Nobivac Lepto)

The second - after 2-4 weeks: Nobivac DHPPi + Nobivac Lepto. Required with rabies vaccine - Nobivak DHPPi+R+L.

Third – after the final change of teeth (at 7-8 months):

Next, every year it is necessary to vaccinate the dog against parvovirus distemper, leptospirosis and rabies: Nobivac DHPPi + Nobivac Lepto + Nobivac Rabies Remember that before vaccination you must get rid of worms. If, as a result of such treatment, it is discovered that the dog has been wormed, then the treatment must be repeated and the dog must be vaccinated only after consultation with a veterinarian.


Drive away worms every three months and 10 days before vaccination. Follow the dosage specified in the instructions exactly. Weigh your dog and calculate the dosage. An overdose can lead to serious complications, including the death of the animal, and an insufficient dosage will not get rid of parasites. In cases of severe infestation, deworming must be repeated after 10 days. If there are several animals living in your house, then carry out similar activities at the same time for all of them to avoid the risk of re-infection with worms from each other.

Modern veterinary medicine can offer you the following anthelmintics:


It is used for the prevention and treatment of dogs against round and flat helminths. Dosage: 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight. For prophylaxis, it is given once. In case of ascaris infestation, treatment with Kanikvantel Plus should be repeated after 2-3 weeks.


Designed to destroy round and flat helminths. It is produced in the form of sugar briquettes, which are happily eaten by animals or dissolved in a small amount of drinking water. Dosage: for an animal weighing from 1 to 5 kg - 0.5 cubes, then - 1 cube per 10 kg of weight. Can be used once. In case of severe infestation, repeat the drug for 10-12 days.

If there are no special indications, deworming is carried out once every 3 months. It is necessary to drive away worms from bitches 2 weeks before mating.

Prazicide, Prasitel, Drontal, Dirofen are also possible


Ticks and fleas can carry various diseases. One of the most dangerous diseases transmitted by ticks is piroplasmosis. If veterinary care is not provided to your dog in a timely manner, your pet’s death may occur on the 3rd day of illness.

It is best to use spray or drops from Frontline, Advantix, Hartz, Stronghold, Advocate. Instructions for using this product will be given to you along with the drug at the veterinary store. Please note that the entire composition must be applied to the animal's skin and not to its fur. Processing is done regularly, approximately once a month, starting from March-April and ending in November. Stronghold and Lawyer also protect against worms, pay attention to this.


The first days after purchasing a puppy, you need to feed it the same thing that the breeder fed it. After the puppy adapts to its new home, if desired, it can be gradually transferred to a diet that is most acceptable to the new owner. You need two bowls - one for food and one for water. One bowl of water should always be there. Don't forget to keep the water clean and fresh. The food is provided only for the duration of the meal, no more than 15 minutes. If the puppy is playing around, distracted, or eating poorly, the uneaten food must be removed! Under no circumstances should you coax a puppy or chase him with a bowl; this will lead to you “persuading” even an adult dog to eat. And as a consequence of this, the dog will be constantly thin, feeding will turn into endless agony for both you and your dog. The puppy will quickly understand that if he didn’t eat on time, the food is over, in this case you won’t have any problems feeding the dog. The food should be moderately warm (not from the refrigerator, but not from the stove either.

The number of feedings depends on age:

  • 1-2 months – 5 times a day.
  • 2-4 months – 4 times a day
  • 4-6 months – 3 times a day
  • 7-12 months – 2 times a day

After eating, give the puppy rest, do not disturb him, do not walk immediately after eating to avoid stomach volvulus. Under no circumstances feed him in the intervals between feedings, do not give him anything from the table, otherwise soon you will constantly see a “poor, unfortunate, hungry” dog with saliva all the way to the floor during lunch, and your own meal will turn into torture , the piece won’t go down your throat. Therefore, it is recommended that after the puppy has eaten, the command “Get out of the kitchen!” send him out. If you have patience and are consistent in your actions, then after feeding your pet will leave the kitchen on its own. If there are children in the house, then explain to them why this is being done, because... Children most often follow the lead of a “starving” animal, slipping tidbits under the table. Tell them that this will bring nothing but great harm to the puppy.

Considering that it is very difficult to balance all the components of food at home, it is strongly recommended to use ready-made/dry dog ​​food.


It is best, easier and more correct to raise a puppy using dry food, but it must be “premium” or “super premium” class food. These foods should be selected according to the age and size of the dog. It is not recommended to save on food and use “economy” class food (such as “Trapeza...”, “Chappie...”, etc.). Unfortunately, “economy” class food will not be able to provide all the needs of a growing body. In addition, they are often very allergic. So subsequent treatment will cost much more than quality food.

There are a lot of brands of acceptable dry food, for example, Hill's, Royal Canin, Eukanuba, Purina Pro Plan, Pro Pac, etc. Manufacturing companies produce a wide range of foods designed for dogs of different age groups and leading different lifestyles. Your puppy will initially eat the puppy food indicated on the food packaging, but pay attention to the protein and fat content of the food you choose. High protein foods are not suitable for bulldog puppies. After this, you will switch the puppy to a diet for juniors or young growing dogs, and only after that to a regular diet (the age category is always indicated on the food package).

Bulldogs often have an allergic reaction to one food or another. It can manifest itself as redness and excessive discharge in the ears, skin rashes, and itching. This does not mean that the food is bad, it is just not suitable for your pet. You should consult a doctor to determine the cause of the allergy and temporarily stop feeding this food. Classic hypoallergenic foods are considered to be foods containing lamb, rice, and sea fish; they are used by many brands (Royal Conin, Eukanuba, Pro Plan, Hills, etc.)

When deciding to feed your puppy dry food, you must feed ONLY dry food, no cereals, meat, dairy products, because... the above foods have everything necessary for the proper development of the puppy, and supplementation, especially protein products, will only upset the balance of nutrients in the food, which can lead to kidney and liver diseases. You can give fruits and vegetables as treats occasionally. For puppies with poor appetite, it is possible to add a spoonful of good quality canned dog food to their food.

Until about 2 months of age, dry food for a puppy must first be soaked to a mushy state, but only with warm, not hot water. Then gradually the food is given more and more dry. At the same time, drinking water should be in the bowl at all times, even if you are soaking the food! It is better to use clean filtered water. The table on the package will inform you about the exact amount of food you should give your puppy. Using it, it is not difficult to determine the daily amount of food consumed, based on the weight and age of the puppy; divide it by the number of feedings and, thus, determine the portion that is needed at the moment. However, tables are not an immutable truth. For dogs, as for people, everything is very individual. You have to navigate by looking at your dog. A bulldog puppy should not be too thin, but not too fat.

Don't forget that feeding dry food increases your dog's need to drink, so make sure your water bowl is always full.


If you decide to feed your puppy natural food, you must remember that this is a very serious and responsible decision. After all, everything that you put into your little friend from the first months of life, and proper nutrition is the foundation, you will receive for the rest of your life. The balance of necessary nutritional components, additives and minerals will be maintained - your family will have a strong, healthy animal, if something is missed somewhere - you will treat the dog for life.

The most important rule is that you need to cook separately for the dog. Food from the owner's table is absolutely not suitable for a dog, and even more so for a small puppy. The basis for a puppy’s growth are protein products: meat (including raw meat), dairy products. It is impossible to raise a good puppy on cereals and soups alone!

The following ratios should be observed in the diet of an adult dog:

  • meat – 10-20 g per 1 kg of body weight (3-4 g/kg of crude protein);
  • fat – 1-2 g per 1 kg of body weight, or 1/6 of the amount of meat;
  • carbohydrates (porridge) – 5-6 g per 1 kg of body weight, or 1/2 the amount of meat.

Minerals should make up 3-5% of dry matter. For puppies these figures are 2-3 times higher.

MEAT – give the puppy raw daily in finely chopped pieces. You cannot feed your dog meat alone. The meat must be frozen for several days in the freezer, and then, finely chopped, scalded with boiling water. Meat should not be given in the form of minced meat, but finely chopped. Minced meat is not recommended, as it does not stay in the stomach and passes into the intestines semi-digested. In the intestines, enzymes from digestive juices act on carbohydrates and fats, while proteins remain unused. Lean beef or lamb is best.

INTERNAL ORGANS (rumen, udder, heart, lungs, kidneys, liver) – can be given from 6 months, replacing part of the meat. By-products must be boiled, because... they may contain germs of worms.

DAIRY PRODUCTS – in first place, of course, is cottage cheese. Milk is less nutritious, poorly digestible by puppies, and sometimes makes them weak. Kefir, yogurt and other fermented milk products are very good for your baby, as they have a good effect on digestion (especially with bifidobacteria). It’s better to make cottage cheese yourself, or buy high-quality, non-sour cottage cheese. You can top the cottage cheese with kefir or fermented baked milk.

It is necessary to give calcined cottage cheese for at least 6-7 months, which is very easy to prepare: put kefir (milk) on the fire, before boiling, pour in a solution of calcium chloride at the rate of 1 liter of kefir/milk - 2 tablespoons of calcium chloride, remove from heat after boiling. Stir and discard through cheesecloth (milk takes a little longer to curdle). Give cottage cheese semi-liquid, adding fermented milk products.

FISH – better than sea fish. River fish can be given only boiled, sea fish - raw, doused with boiling water. The fish must be freed from bones. Smoked and salted foods must be excluded from the diet. In dog diets, especially dietary ones, mainly lean and moderately fatty fish are used. Skinny fish (up to 3% fat) include pollock, haddock, pollock, pike perch, cod, hake, and pike. Some types of fish (merlan, hake, pollock, pollock, haddock and others) contain trimethylamine oxide, which binds iron in the feed and converts it into an indigestible form. As a result, dogs and cats develop a severe form of anemia and their coat color changes. Cooking eliminates the negative effects of fish. When feeding fish raw, ferrous preparations (ferroanemine, ferrodex, etc.) must be added to the feed.

BONES – have no nutritional value. It is not uncommon for a puppy's intestines to become clogged. Boiled ones often cause constipation and colitis. Poultry (chicken, etc.) tubular bones are dangerous: they can lead to intestinal perforation.

GREATS – cannot be the basis for a puppy’s growth, but are necessary to replenish the body’s energy costs. You can give boiled rice and buckwheat. When cooking porridge, it is very useful to add carrots, cabbage, herbs, etc. Semolina, barley, pearl barley, and corn should not be given.

VEGETABLES – You can make vegetable stews from cabbage, carrots, and zucchini. Raw fruits and berries, raw and finely chopped greens (lettuce, parsley) are good. The puppy must be accustomed to all this from an early age and not allowed to get used to it. A small puppy can be left with whole raw fruits and vegetables - like toys (apples, carrots). Beans, peas, and potatoes cannot be given, because dogs do not have enzymes that break down starch!

SWEETS - spoil appetite and disrupt digestion. Do not give it under any circumstances!

For normal digestion of food, it is also important that the puppy eats in a calm environment, without rushing.


When feeding a puppy with premium or super premium balanced dry food, as a rule, no special vitamins or additives are required. If you feed your puppy natural food, supplements are required during the growth period and then in courses.

Calcidee (USA) is a preparation containing calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D in the amount necessary for the absorption of minerals. This drug is simply indispensable for puppies during the period of active growth, determined by the physiological characteristics of each breed. Given according to instructions. Also, such fertilizers as SA-37, Kanvit, Kanina, Wetzim have proven themselves well.


On the first night in a new place, your baby may whine a little, but, most likely, will persistently cross his paws and ask to come to your bed. Until now, his whole world was contained in the “nest” in which he was born, next to him were his mother, brothers, sisters - littermates, and suddenly in an instant everything changed. The puppy is in a state of mild stress. Be patient, don't take him to bed. Do not allow from the first day what an adult dog cannot do in the future. The dog does not understand - today it is “possible”, but tomorrow it is “not possible”. If you give in, be prepared for the fact that the new tenant will always share a sleeping place with you! To distract the baby, you can put a heating pad or a bottle of warm water under the bedding, he will warm up and fall asleep. A soft toy next to him can also calm the puppy in the first days, it will remind the puppy of his littermates, as a rule, this works, try it.

The first command that is taught to the puppy is the “No” command. The puppy must know and follow this command well

Already at a very early age, you can slowly teach your puppy to follow the command “Come to me!” Reward him for following this command both at home and outside. As a reward, there may be a piece of treat, a favorite toy, and most importantly, of course, do not skimp on praise. Remember, if your baby got into trouble, but still followed the command “Come to me” and ran up to you, you should under no circumstances punish the puppy! After executing this command, all “scores” for past offenses should be forgotten. If this happens, your dog will never approach you on the street.

If you take your puppy on a leash during walks only to lead him home, he will quickly learn that “Come to me!” associated with an unpleasant termination of the walk. If it is possible to let the puppy run around without a leash, then after he has run a little, take him on a leash, walk with him, and then let him go again. This should be done several times during one walk, then there will be no problems with the leash.

In addition to practicing the command “Come to me!” These exercises will teach your dog to walk calmly on a leash. In modern cities, many dogs die under the wheels of cars. On crowded streets and alleys, a puppy and an adult dog (even a very obedient one) should only be on a leash.

A small puppy, having played, may encroach on your new shoes left in the corridor, or on the recently pasted wallpaper, leave a puddle in an undesirable place, etc. Remember, you can stop unwanted actions with your voice, under no circumstances should you spank or anything like that - to punish the puppy. He reacts very well to intonation and will understand that you are unhappy. It’s even better not to “provoke” the puppy. When leaving him at home alone, remove small and necessary things that are accessible to his teeth, especially shoes, threads, needles, etc. Raise curtains, hanging tablecloths, wires. It is better to allocate one room for the puppy (hallway, kitchen), which you can completely secure during your absence, or buy or make an enclosure, it will be needed for a while while the puppy is still small and stupid, and later there will be no need for it.

A puppy cannot immediately learn numerous prohibitions. Punishment for a “crime” can only be caught at the SCENE of the “crime”, at the MOMENT of its commission. If you come home and your favorite slippers are completely dismantled, the puppy jumps for joy when he sees you, and you start scolding him, he will decide what happened to him for such a stormy meeting, and he won’t even remember about the slippers. You can’t punish a puddle or a pile at all! You just need to show that this is not good and that you are not happy (with your voice, facial expressions). The metabolism of a growing puppy is so rapid that he will still get dirty in the apartment for up to 5-6 months. If you take it out into the yard after every nap and feeding, there will be significantly fewer puddles. In the apartment, you can take the puppy to a specially designated place with a newspaper, rag or a medicine sheet intended for this purpose on the floor.

If you need to leave for a long enough period of time, the puppy needs to be given a good walk and fed, then he will sleep most of the time before your arrival. You cannot walk with an unvaccinated puppy.

Vaccination should be carried out before the teeth change, that is, up to 3.5 months. Owners of puppies need to remember that the lack of physical activity, as well as inadequate feeding before the age of 1.5 years, that is, during the period of intensive development, cannot be compensated for later, and such a puppy will not make a good breeding, working, or show dog!

A small puppy should walk often, but little by little, so as not to get tired. Gradually the number of walks decreases and their duration increases.

Long walks can be taken ONLY BEFORE MEALS. The puppy will have a wonderful appetite and his back will not sag.

Puppies need to be taken out as often as possible, but do not forget - long walks only before meals, after meals you can only go out for the sake of keeping the house clean. If possible, be sure to let them play with peers, but under your supervision, preventing dangerous moments. When walking, do not encourage aggressiveness and pugnacity, because later, due to the quarrelsomeness trained in this way, your dog will be forced to walk alone. For a French bulldog, you don’t need to buy a harness; the best choice would be a length-adjustable collar from Rogz, Trixie, Hunter and tape measures from Flexia; a tape measure for an adult bulldog should be no less than for dogs weighing 25 kg, do not forget that the bulldog’s jerk strength If the tape measure is large enough, a small tape measure will not withstand such a load.


  1. The first vaccination is given at the age of about 2 months (anthelmintic drugs are given 7-10 days before the vaccination).
  2. The second vaccination is given after 2-4 weeks with a mandatory rabies vaccination.
  3. A week or two after the second vaccination, you can go for walks. Until then, take care of the dog: do not wash it, do not overcool it, do not contact other dogs.
  4. When feeding dry food, stick to the dosage and do not feed anything else.
  5. You need to walk with your puppy wearing a collar; a harness is not suitable.
  6. All subsequent vaccinations are done once a year, with mandatory registration in the veterinary passport.
  7. You must remember that a puppy's normal temperature is between 38 and 39 degrees. The temperature is measured in the anus, it is not necessary to touch your nose! A healthy puppy is active and playful; if he is lethargic and sleepy, refuses food - measure his temperature! You should be wary if your puppy has an upset stomach, is vomiting, has a rash, or refuses food or water. Please remember that many viral diseases occur at lightning speed, and it is better to call a doctor at night than to wait until the morning.
  8. Don’t hesitate to call more often, it’s better to be safe than to miss the moment. Even if everything is fine with you, call, we worry about our “graduates” and are always happy to hear from them
  9. Don't forget to send photos of dogs!
  10. If your phone number has changed or you are moving, please notify us about it.

Feeding a French Bulldog in Old Age

At about 6-7 years old, a French Bulldog is considered an old dog. An adult and elderly dog ​​is characterized by a slower metabolism. The animal begins to move less and gains excess body weight.

Portions should be reduced slightly, and the caloric content of food should also be reduced. Now food not only serves as a source of energy, but also with its help prevents various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and musculoskeletal system.

French bulldogs at home should not be overfed with fruits and foods rich in calcium - this can lead to kidney problems.

What should you exclude from your diet?

Avoid giving French Bulldogs the following foods:

  • leftovers from the table. Your dog is not a waste disposer. Food with a high content of oil, salt, leftover potatoes and bread is very harmful for him;
  • grapes and raisins. It's dog poison;
  • spices, marinade and products that contain vinegar;
  • sugar, sweeteners, xylitol, chocolate and other sweets;
  • pasta and flour products. The most dangerous are those containing yeast and margarine;
  • sausages and sausages;
  • tubular bones - can damage the dog’s stomach and intestines;
  • Exotic fruits. They are of no benefit to dogs;
  • onion and garlic. They can become poisonous if given too often.

If your French Bulldog refuses to eat

We have already said above that French bulldogs are very picky eaters. Does your dog need milk but refuses to drink it? Try changing the manufacturer. Often dogs do not like any impurity or taste .

You did not violate the feeding rules, but your pet suddenly began to refuse its favorite treats and does not approach the food bowl? You should visit your veterinarian immediately as this could be a sign of illness.

Dogs may also refuse certain foods if they subsequently experience allergic reactions or problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Proper nutrition of a French bulldog is the key to the beauty and health of your pet. Particular attention should be paid to preparing food for the dog: food should not be given from the table, food must be heat-treated. You should not spoil your bulldog with treats too often - otherwise the dog will lose its appetite for regular food.

The French Bulldog is prone to being overweight. The dog breeder’s task is to constantly monitor the dog’s weight , not to overfeed him, and maintain health for many years.

What to feed the puppy?

Choosing the main route of nutrition is the first and main point in care when you get a puppy of this breed. Ask the breeder how he fed the dog, and do the same as he did. If you decide to suddenly change your dog’s diet, this may cause poisoning or allergies.

If you still want to change your puppy's diet, do it gradually. On the advice of veterinarians, give your dog the vitamins it needs.

If you have enough time to prepare a varied and nutritious menu, use this option. Gradually add the foods you plan to give your puppy in the future.

There are reasons when dog owners refuse natural food and switch to specialized food. This may be due to being busy at work and at home, or because you are confident that the food already contains all the necessary vitamins.

Choose your food as responsibly as you choose your food. Cheap economy-class food is best left on the store shelf. If a dog has an allergy , then feeding hypoallergenic food is the most suitable solution for it.

So what is better to feed your dog - natural products or industrial food? There is no right solution to this dilemma - both options are acceptable.

These two types of nutrition are united by a balance between proteins, fats and carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and macroelements. .

Choose the food option that suits you and is harmless to your dog.

Expert opinion

Tolkachev Andrey Mikhailovich


The most suitable food for French bulldogs is “Acana” and “Original”. Conventionally, all specialized feeds are divided into three groups - corn, rice and grain-free. Corn is a cheap feed filler and is poorly digestible by animals. Rice is much better in this regard. The name of grain-free food speaks for itself. Cheap, supposedly grain-free foods actually also contain corn. Only "Acana" and "Original" actually do not contain this filler. It is optimal to give the animal food rather than natural food. Firstly, it is cheaper and easier, and secondly, good food is already balanced.

Nutrition for health problems

  • skin problems - hypoallergenic, monoprotein foods, zinc and sulfur supplements;
  • inflammation of the gums, palate - soft, warm food;
  • obesity - less calorie foods, smaller portion sizes, chondroprotectors;
  • pancreatic diseases - low-calorie, light diet;
  • liver disease - frequent feeding in small portions at regular intervals;
  • allergies - identify a food allergen and exclude it from the menu;
  • epilepsy - eliminate hypoglycemia, constipation, enrich the diet with vitamins B and D, magnesium and manganese.
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