First aid if the dog is panting quickly
Rapid breathing in dogs (causes, pathogenesis, symptoms and signs, diagnosis, treatment and prevention). What to do if your pet has increased breathing? What types of breathing problems do dogs have?
The respiratory system of dogs The respiratory system of a dog is complex and consists of several parts, including
Why dogs can’t have sweets and chocolate: what to do if your dog has eaten too much chocolate
Many loving dog owners treat them like full-fledged members of the family. This leads
Why does a cat bite its owner's legs?
Why cats bite their owners' legs - reasons for aggressive behavior
As cat owners, we know that the cost of owning a cat also means dealing with
How to stop a dog from barking for no reason: advice from a dog trainer
We express our thoughts and feelings using our voices, and dogs express their emotions
Dog's teeth being brushed
How to brush your dog’s teeth at home and what products, besides a toothbrush and toothpaste, are needed for this
Taking responsibility for the life of a four-legged friend, the owner understands that daily care will be required.
Can cats have sweets and what are the dangers of treats for pets?
Many owners of four-legged animals do not think about whether it is possible to give sweets to cats. They notice
How much does a Shar Pei puppy cost on average in Russia?
The Shar Pei is a popular pet that everyone now recognizes. This seemingly funny dog
Panties for dogs in heat
Briefs for dogs during heat – what they are needed for and which ones to choose: Review + Video
Estrus is a difficult period in the life of a pet and its owner. The character of the animal changes, the schedule
Description of the amazing Keeshond or wolf-type Spitz
History of origin As already mentioned, the Keeshond is a fairly ancient breed. It is believed that the first
Chinese desert cat: photo, description, house maintenance
The Chinese cat is a little-studied species of animal that has lived in small areas since ancient times.
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