Toy poodle
A playful aristocrat and an inquisitive friend: all about the toy poodle
Decorative small dogs are in great demand among modern people. However, you cannot make a choice
Bernese Mountain Dog - an Alpine giant from a line of ancient warriors
The Bernese Mountain Dog is a friendly, calm and responsible dog that has a rare quality: it can show
Scottish fold cat
What you need to know before getting a Scottish Fold cat
Pets >> Cat breeds * Here is a photo of a typical representative of the Scottish cat breed
Key facts about the Kurilian Bobtail
Kurilian Bobtail: description, characteristics, advantages of the breed
The Kurilian Bobtail is an interesting representative of the cat family. Due to its size and morals, it has taken root well
Chow Chow: history, appearance, character and training (+ photos and videos)
Recognized throughout the world, the Chow Chow is a legend that is revered and somewhat shunned. Already
pictures of East European Shepherd
Is the East European Shepherd a twin of the German Shepherd or a separate breed?
Breed name East European Shepherd Breed name in English East European Shepherd Country of origin Russia
Characteristics of Maltese dogs. What is the difference between mini and standard?
For keeping at home, more and more people prefer small and small dog breeds.
Siamese cat: everything about the breed from A to Z. Photos, diet, rules of care and maintenance, appearance, habits, character
The Siamese cat is a popular short-haired breed with a recognizable point color. Unique beauty combined with
British cats
British cat breed: types, description, how to care
Save the article: One of the most independent cats in character, so imposing and beautiful that
what colors do cats have?
Cat colors with photos and names: from common to rare
The variety of colors of mustachioed pets is striking in its diversity. Animals differ from each other not only in their predominant
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