What you need to know before getting a Russian Blue cat
Royalty can exist not only in human society, but also in the cat world.
Cute Gargantua: Irish Wolfhound - description and characteristics of the breed, price and photo with a person
Cute Gargantua: Irish Wolfhound - description and characteristics of the breed, price and photo with a person
History and legend The history of this breed is beautiful and mysterious! There is a legend about the Irish wolfhound
German Spitz - description of the breed, character, what it looks like, size of German Spitz
The German Spitz is a breed whose history dates back about 2,500 years. Still on
Key facts about the Basset Hound
Features of the breed and rules for keeping the Basset Hound
The Basset Hound is an amazing dog with a clumsy gait and sad eyes. Thanks to his accommodating
Cornish Rex - origin, care features, feeding, offspring + 77 photos
There are cats, like cats, and then there are Cornish Rex. Strange “alien” eyes, graceful gait, proud look
Scottish cats
Scottish Straight cat breed: how it differs from the British one, Straight character, hereditary diseases
Save article: Scottish cat breeds are divided into several varieties, which have both common features,
Siberian cat (100 photos): standards and characteristics of the cat breed, history of the origin of Siberians, choice of kitten
Review author: “ZooVita” Among the 36 breeds recognized by the International Federation of Cat Fanciers,
More than 100 boy dog ​​names: choose with taste
Of course, everyone wants to name their boy dog ​​something original, in their own way. However, it often comes to mind
Asian Shepherd (Alabai) - breed standards, pros and cons.
Asian Shepherd (Alabai) - breed standard, habits, training, puppy price
Powerful, stately, selflessly devoted to its owners, the Asian Shepherd is a real dream for many dog ​​lovers. But
Reviews from owners about Labradors: a description of the pet’s character and where it is best to keep it
Description of the breed Labradors are dogs with a strong, proportional build. They have a slightly stretched body,
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