Siamese cat: everything about the breed from A to Z. Photos, diet, rules of care and maintenance, appearance, habits, character

The Siamese cat is a popular short-haired breed with a recognizable point color. Unique beauty is combined with sociability and intelligence. A good companion for those who value open expression of feelings and constant connection with their pet. These talkative cats will not let you get bored and will participate in all family activities.

BreedSiamese cat
TypeSiamese-oriental (eastern) group
Country of originThailand
Lifespan15 – 25 years
Kitten price8000 – 35000 rubles

History of the origin of the Siamese cat breed

The homeland of these cats is Thailand. Several centuries earlier it was called Siam. In this country, cats were considered sacred. The inhabitants of Siam believed that these animals guarded their temples and were guides to the afterlife.

The Thais especially revered cats with beige fur. This country even has a Society for the Protection of Siamese Cats from Extinction. At the end of the 19th century, the Siamese cat was given to Queen Victoria of Great Britain. Later, the Siamese Cat Club was created here.

A few years later, these animals were brought to America, where a similar club was also created. And they were brought to the countries of the Soviet Union only 60 years ago. The first owners of cats of this breed were representatives of the intelligentsia. At that time it was an expensive pet, so only rich people could afford it.

Owner reviews

Many who have kept a Siamese cat at home speak only positively about them, pointing out that these animals are not aggressive and have a friendly disposition.

It is recommended to feed kittens that are separated from their mother early with cream diluted with water. Children's curd "Agusha" is also suitable for such purposes.

After just 6 weeks, babies can be accustomed to factory-made dry food, soaking it in a bowl at the first stages. Place a bowl of clean drinking water next to the food bowl.

From about 2 months, kittens can be given Royal Canin Baby Cat dry food, since it is small granules intended specifically for kittens’ teeth. Many owners indicate that they do not give their pets vegetables.

A very big problem is periodic sexual arousal. The best option if the animal does not participate in the reproduction of offspring is sterilization. The use of drugs such as Contrasex does not solve the problem, moreover, this hormonal drug negatively affects the health of pets. Other drugs, such as dopopromone or Covinan, do not solve the problem either.

To ensure that a cat’s reproductive functions always remain at a high level, he can be mated only at 10 months of age and not earlier. It must be remembered that a cat requires rest after mating, so the breaks between matings should be at least 2 weeks.

Siamese cat, is it the most evil cat breed and is it worth getting?

Description of the Siamese cat breed

In the photo of a Siamese cat you can see a beautiful and graceful animal. His head is wedge-shaped, his ears are large and set wide apart, and the irises of his eyes are bright blue. The body is flexible, graceful, proportional. The paws are long, smooth, and the muscles are well developed. The tail is long, smooth, tapering towards the end.

When kittens are just born, the characteristic coat color is absent. But within a week, pigmentation of the coat begins. At the age of six months, kittens already show their main color – color point. With age, the spots become darker.

Knowing what a Siamese cat looks like, when purchasing, you can avoid animals with defects - incorrect bite, different eye color, different number of fingers, light spots, crooked tail.


All Siamese kittens are born completely white, since the ambient temperature in the womb is high and uniform. With age, points begin to darken, which is associated with different temperature conditions in individual parts of the body. Dark markings - points - are located where it is lower - on the face, ears, paws and tail. The light background is usually formed by the albinism gene.

In total, modern felinology has identified twelve acceptable colors of the Siamese:

  • Sial point. The main background is creamy, perhaps to rich brown. The points are anthracite black.

  • Blue point. Light, fawn-gray background, blue back, points of a more saturated blue to blue-smoky. The nose and fingers are blue-gray, almost ashen.
  • Chocolate point. The background is the color of baked milk or ivory, the points are coffee with milk. The paw pads and nose are the same color.

  • Lilac Point. The main background is pale cream, yellowish, points with a pinkish tint. Fingers and nose are lilac.
  • Red point. The main background is white to apricot, the points are bright red-gold. The nose and paw pads are pink.
  • Cream point. The background is white, the points are cream.
  • Caramel point. The background is caramel, the points are a darker shade of the same color.

  • Cynamon Point. The body is ivory, the points are brown. The nose is brown and the paw pads are pink to brown.

  • Fawn point. Pale light cream background, points color beige. The nose and paw pads are light pink.

  • Torty point. Points with tortoiseshell pattern, all color combinations.
  • Tabby point. Stripes on points.

  • Tabby-torty-point. Spots and stripes on points.

There are four main colors in the classification: sial, blue, chocolate and lilac points.

Character of Siamese cats

The character of the Siamese cat breed is stubborn and rebellious. But with proper upbringing, you can tame your pet and reduce negative manifestations of character. It becomes attached to the owner or to a family member, showing its love and loyalty.

The owner must show reciprocal feelings, otherwise his pet will be offended. Cats of this breed do not tolerate being forced to do anything; they are vindictive and remember insults for a long time.

They are not aggressive towards small children and can take an active part in their entertainment. At the same time, she does not like to be cuddled or carried in arms. If she is forced to do anything, she may scratch or bite, showing character and discontent.

Often shows jealousy towards other pets. Reacts with caution to strangers. The life expectancy of these pets is on average 14 years. How long Siamese cats live is largely influenced by the living conditions, diet, and attitude of the owners.


In addition to external beauty, which, like clothes, we are used to meeting this or that breed of cat, the Siamese breed also has a strong character. And not everyone will like this character. Few people like it when some cat dares to demand respectful treatment, biting and grabbing with its claws those who do not understand this. The Siamese cat is, first of all, a Personality. And, like any Personality, she is not going to tolerate a bad attitude towards herself.

It was a glorious hunt and tasty prey.
But if you accept this and try to establish friendly relations with this Person, you will get a true friend who will be able to convey all his love to you. But he will have to be taken into account, just like with any friend, even a human one. Isn’t that what we expect from friendship?

Peculiarities of behavior of the Siamese cat breed

These animals are easy to train and learn quickly. They can learn to perform simple tricks. They have a very loud voice. The animal's developed intelligence allows it to demand what it wants by blackmailing its owner. The cat knows how to manipulate people by sucking up.

With proper upbringing of a purebred pet, he will get along well in the family, get along with children, and will not cause mischief. If children squeeze the animal, it may scratch it. Those who keep a Siamese cat talk about it as a vindictive and vindictive animal.

But if you love and educate him, the cat will reciprocate and will be obedient. It is a good mouser and is also aggressive towards dogs. It is not recommended to leave the animal alone for a long time. Otherwise, his character will deteriorate.


The USA is considered the birthplace of the Siamese. There, for the first time, it was possible to breed a Siamese long-haired cat. Experts believe that the birth of such kittens was the result of a gene mutation , so at first they were considered defective. But after some time, Californian specialists began selecting animals. And only in 1984, a world organization recognized the Balinese breed as independent.

© shutterstock

How to care for the Siamese cat breed

Fluffy Siamese cats have no undercoat, they have a short and smooth coat. Therefore, it is easy to care for them.

You won't need to brush it every day; just run a clean, damp cloth over your pet's fur. It is not necessary to bathe the animal; it is enough to wash the paws of those pets who often walk outside.

It is very important to pay attention to the condition of the ears. Clean them once a week using cotton swabs soaked in boiled water. Use cotton pads to wipe your eyes. Brush your teeth regularly using a special toothpaste for cats.

Character of fluffy Siamese

Many people think that Siamese are the most evil and unfriendly breed of all cats. However, this is all greatly exaggerated. Quadrupeds are really smart, they have an excellent memory. However, at the same time, animals will never do anything wrong if they have not been treated that way. Those people who raised Siamese kittens properly, but did not abuse them, will receive affection and love in the future. Otherwise, you can’t even hope for any tender feelings.

Breeders note that the female sex is somewhat colder than the male sex. They must be like this to protect their offspring. At the same time, animals become very attached to their owners and look forward to them. If a cat of the presented breed lives in the house, then it is better not to get anyone else, because the pet will be very jealous, he will begin to feel like a stranger.

Animals that are treated well literally follow people on their heels and “talk” to them. This manifests itself in loud meowing and purring, which can manifest itself differently each time.

Cats are incredibly playful, and at different ages. Therefore, it would be a good idea to make them a few simple toys so that they can keep themselves occupied throughout the day.

Animals' eyes are incredibly sensitive to light; a bright beam aimed at the “apple” can blind a pet.

Nutrition for Siamese cats

It is best to feed your pet premium ready-made factory food. You need to pay attention to the composition, it must be balanced, with vitamins and minerals. It is better to use two types of food - dry and wet, but always from the same company.

The diet should also include: lean meats and fermented milk products. You should not give fresh milk to your pet as it can cause intestinal upset. Pork is also prohibited.

Where can I buy

You can buy a Siamese kitten in Moscow from one of the nurseries:

  1. "Sharess-Ori" (cattery of Oriental and Siamese cats);
  2. "Salambo" (oriental and Siamese cattery);
  3. "Marsiori" (oriental cattery).

You can choose the baby you like among the ads on Avito or use. Of course, in this case it will be difficult to find a purebred kitten with a pedigree, although there are exceptions - for example, if the owners move to another country and cannot take their pet with them, it will be very important for them that it ends up in good hands.

If it is not the pedigree that is important to you, but the point color, this is a good choice. But you must be prepared for the fact that the kitten you choose is only half Siamese. As he grows up, he may become aggressive, and you will have to make a lot of effort to correct his character.

Cat health

Siamese cats often have genetically determined developmental defects:

  • strabismus, impaired quality of vision;
  • amyloidosis – disruptions in protein metabolism;
  • bronchial asthma and calcivirosis;
  • heart defects;
  • knots, hooks and kinks at the end of the tail;
  • narrowing of the esophagus; adenocarcinoma; respiratory cancer.

It is important to pay attention to the health of your pet. It is imperative to vaccinate on time and periodically visit the veterinarian for preventive examinations.

Cats of this breed may develop an allergic reaction caused by cigarette smoke, aerosols, food, or insect bites. It is necessary to regularly carry out antiparasitic treatment of wool and deworming.

The female becomes sexually mature at the age of 1 year. She carries kittens for 64 days. If you do not plan to breed the animal, it is recommended to sterilize or castrate it after it becomes sexually mature.

When purchasing such a pet, you need to pay attention to the availability of documents - pedigree, veterinary passport, medical certificate of vaccinations. Pay attention to the kitten's habits. He should be playful, active and curious.

Choosing a kitten and cost

The cost of a kitten varies from 200 to 800 dollars, depending on the purpose of the purchase. A pet-class kitten is cheaper, but has no pedigree and can only be a pet. For breeding work and an exhibition career, it is necessary to choose a blue-eyed baby with a good pedigree and excellent health.

The price of individual pedigree cats can exceed a thousand dollars.

All kittens from the nursery must be accompanied by veterinary passports with notes from the state veterinary clinic on vaccination against rabies and all known feline infections.

Life expectancy of the Siamese breed

If you provide your pet with proper living conditions and good care, its life expectancy is on average 16-17 years. Spayed females and neutered males live longer.

To prolong the life of a Siamese cat, you need to properly care for it, provide a balanced diet, and exercise.

Hygiene procedures

Caring for little Siamese is surprisingly easy. Their short coat, devoid of even a hint of undercoat, looks great without any water treatments. It is enough to rub it with a special mitten, and from 4 months - with a soft brush.

Carefully monitor the condition of your pet's ears and eyes. Wipe them daily with a damp cotton pad. If you find the slightest sign of discharge, immediately show the kitten to a doctor. Any disease in children is much more severe than in adult animals, so the sooner treatment is started, the better.

Photos of all types of Siamese cats

Prices for kittens

Buying a Siamese kitten is not a problem, since many nurseries breed these animals. On average, the price of cats varies in the range of seven to forty thousand rubles .

The cost of Siamese cats depends on the color, class and gender of the animal.

Our young Siamese friend.

For example, rare and exotic black Siamese will cost a potential buyer much more than representatives of this breed with a regular cream or gray color. The price of females is slightly higher than male kittens.

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