How do cats give birth for the first time, what should the owner do in such a situation?
Nutrition for cats A cat produces milk immediately after giving birth. This is how nature intended it. Newborn kittens
Correct size and weight of a toy terrier: features of adult dogs and puppies
Toy terriers are miniature dogs that look like puppies until they are old. Like all purebred dogs, they have
How many puppies can different dog breeds have? Review +Video
If you have a pregnant dog, you've probably started to wonder how many puppies will be due in
Basic rules for feeding the British breed - dry food, natural nutrition
Newborn British cats, what they look like, photos. Outdoor cats choose dark, warm places for giving birth, usually
British shorthair cat - features of cat care, its colors, selection of proper nutrition (110 photos)
Review author: “ZooVita” The main distinguishing feature of this cat breed, which is why it received
Puppy lies on a pillow
Causes and treatment of persistent hiccups in adult dogs and puppies
Beginning dog breeders are often frightened by the phenomenon of hiccups in dogs. Although such a violation
Poodle mixes: overview of popular species and distinctive features of pets
The picture on the left shows the original breed, and the picture on the right shows the result of crossing with a poodle.
Nutrition for a Labrador puppy: what you can cook at home and which commercial food is best to choose for your pet
The Labrador is an active, cheerful and good-natured companion dog, endlessly devoted to its owner. Like the representatives
Brown plaque in a cat's ears: what it may indicate
If blackness appears in the ears of cats, this indicates poor ear hygiene.
Pregnant Sphynx: how long does a hairless cat carry babies and how does childbirth go?
In order for a pregnant Sphynx cat to be able to bear offspring normally and give birth to kittens on time, it is important
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