Correct size and weight of a toy terrier: features of adult dogs and puppies

Toy terriers are miniature dogs that look like puppies until they are old.

Like all purebred dogs, they have a standard weight and height.

The puppy's development must be monitored.

Since too small sizes can become a dangerous deviation - female toy terriers will not be able to bear offspring.

Difficulties in selecting drug dosages complicate treatment.

Find out about the norms of basic parameters in this article.

Adult pet weight

An adult dog weighs about 3 kg.

1.5-1.8 kg2-3 kg

Sometimes there are mini toys weighing 0.9-1 kg. This weight is considered normal for a boy.

But if you are going to breed puppies, the Toya girl must weigh more than 1.8 kg for gestation and birth without complications.

More often 1-3 puppies are born . Their weight is 70-170 grams, which is a lot for such a small dog.

Expert opinion

Tolkachev Andrey Mikhailovich


The standard states that the weight should not exceed 3 kg. But such precision is needed for exhibitions. If your pet’s diet is balanced and there are regular walks, then a slight excess of 0.5 kg is not dangerous. Focus on appearance and the absence of symptoms of obesity: constipation, shortness of breath, sweating. Do not forget that there is a conditional division into super mini - 1.2 kg, mini - up to 1.5 kg and standard - 3 kg.


As soon as your baby starts taking street walks with you, you should also take care of the equipment: collar, leash (or harness) and clothes. The delicate skin of toys, completely devoid of undercoat, is vulnerable to both cold and sunlight.

best to start socializing your toy by introducing him to the neighbors’ dogs from a young age .

Important! Mandatory after you have completed the second course of vaccinations.

Puppy weight and height by month

The table is indicative. A discrepancy of ±300-400 g is possible. It is worth examining the dog if the weight differs from the table by 1 kg.

Puppies grow disproportionately: in one month they gain a lot, and in the next month the weight will not change . Focus on the condition of the toy. If he is active, playful and eats well, then everything is fine.

The conventional concept of norm also applies to growth.

Puppies are sold at approximately 3 months . At this moment their height is 15-20 centimeters.

The standard toy will grow even bigger by 6-9 months, but the mini toy will no longer be there.

Weight table:

AgeToy terrier weight at birth, g
1 Week110115145160185230255270285
2 weeks145160185200255315355390415
3 weeks170200230255315400455500550
1 month200230270320370485540595650
2 months3153704555506107658309401050
3 months4605706907959101135125013901525
4 months600750880102011651450162017601900
5 months7108801025119013651705187520452200
6 months7659701150129515101900210022802500
>1.5 years100012001400170019002300250028003000

Growth chart:

MonthHeight, cm
6-9Formation is over

Mini toy terrier

There is no separate standard for this breed . Mini toy terriers are usually classified as dogs whose sizes are smaller than standard ones.

The weight of an adult dog is less than 1.5 kg, the height at the withers is about 20 cm.

Mini Toy Terrier females are not allowed to give birth.

The mini toy is no different in character from the standard one. But it requires a more careful attitude. They break limbs much more often, and if they play carelessly, they can twist their jaw.

There are advertisements for the sale of super mini toy terriers . The weight of such dogs is up to 1.3 kg.

When is a dog considered an adult?

Decorative breeds develop faster than others.

A dog is considered an adult when its period of physical development ceases.

This usually occurs at 6-9 months in a standard breed, 4-5 in a mini toy terrier..

Mental development ends at 4-5 months. Therefore, puppies are trained from a very early age.

Signs of an adult dog:

  • eyes are clean, clear, without clouding;
  • baby teeth were replaced by permanent ones;
  • the dog’s body is toned, strong, proportional; height does not change, but weight may increase.

Prohibited Products

It is important to exclude prohibited foods from your toy terrier puppy’s diet:

  • Bones, pure fat, skin, especially poultry.
  • Palm oil.
  • Grapes, raisins.
  • Soy.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Corn and semolina.
  • Raw freshwater fish.
  • Dry, salted fish.
  • Products containing sugar or sugar substitutes.
  • Products containing xylitol (chewing gum, some sweets).
  • Products containing flour or yeast.
  • Products containing caffeine, cocoa, any stimulants (sweets, tea, coffee, chocolate).
  • Products containing marinades, salt, spices.
  • Smoked products, including sausages, balyki, fish.
  • Expired products.
  • Leftovers from the table.

Controversial foods in the diet of a toy terrier puppy are:

  • Lean raw pork.
  • Raw ocean fish.
  • Whole milk.
  • Honey.
  • Chicken eggs.
  • Raw and boiled chicken liver in large quantities.

Products from the “controversial” list can be given to a toy terrier puppy if an allergic reaction, diarrhea and other alarming symptoms do not occur after taking them.

Parameters of an adult toy terrier

Boys and girls of toy terriers are almost no different from each other in appearance. In some breeds, boys are more impressive and larger, but toys do not have this feature.

The height of an adult animal is up to 28 cm, anything higher does not fit into the breed standard:

HeightUp to 28 cm20-25 cm
Back length (from base of neck to beginning of tail)17-28 cm
Chest size (behind front legs)25-40 cm
Length of limbs (front)10-14 cm

According to the format, terriers are square.

For this format, the following characteristics apply::

  • The oblique length of the body is equal to the height at the withers. Oblique length - from the extreme point of the chest to the sit bones. Height at the withers - from the ground to the withers.
  • The back-lumbar-croup ratio is 2:1:1. If we conditionally divide the length of the dog (from the base of the neck to the beginning of the tail) in half, then the part at the neck is the back. Then comes the loin, followed by the croup.
  • The height of the limbs is slightly more than half the height at the withers.

Factors influencing performance

Growth and development depend on proper nutrition. The diet should contain minerals and vitamins, especially calcium, and healthy fats.

Decide on the type of food - natural or food. Mixed nutrition is undesirable.

It is better to feed your puppy on a schedule:

  • 1.5 – 3 months: 4 times a day;
  • 2 – 4 months: 3 times a day;
  • 4 – 6 months: 2 times a day.

Serving size for 3-4 meals a day is about 30 g. You cannot overfeed, otherwise excess weight will form.

Calcium and phosphorus are essential for strong bones and teeth . A calcium deficiency is indicated by the toy's ears. If they first rose and then hung, the puppy needs vitamins. Multivitamins should be introduced into the diet gradually, monitoring the pet’s health.

The puppy is taken for vaccination. The first vaccination is given at approximately 6 weeks .

This prepares the body for the next dose. The next vaccination is given at 2.5 months, it will protect the body from diseases - distemper, hepatitis, etc. If the puppy suffers some kind of disease, the consequences are irreversible.

For example, after the plague, chronic diseases of internal organs, blindness, and paralysis occur.

Every 3 months, puppies are given anthelmintic drugs for prevention . If the puppy is lethargic, eats poorly and does not grow, then this is a sign of helminth infection.

Mixed feeding

Experienced dog breeders increasingly prefer a mixed type of feeding. If you take a natural diet as a basis, and sometimes “pamper” your dog with dry food, you can better balance the diet.

When offering dry food to your puppy, monitor his reaction. If eaten willingly, they can be included in the diet, but should not be abused.

Dry food can be temporarily introduced into the diet if the dog is traveling. In this case, you need to “check” them in advance for palatability and non-allergenicity.

Lack of weight: what to do?

Being underweight is no less dangerous than being overweight. Check the puppy weight chart by month.

If the ribs and spine of the toy terrier are noticeable even without palpation, then the dog is unhealthy thin.

If the puppy has stopped gaining weight, it is recommended:

  • Give the puppy anti-helminth medications. When parasites are inside an animal, they prevent nutrients from being absorbed and suck them out themselves.
  • Try giving your puppy more exercise. Play with him more often, take him for a walk.
  • Increase the portion. Or increase the number of meals.
  • Read the composition of the food. Meat ingredients should come first, not cereals. Buy food from the premium segment, marked “for puppies”.
  • Contact your veterinarian. Weight loss is a symptom of diseases, such as hepatitis, cancer or inflammatory processes in organs.

Ready-made feed

Those specialists who have dealt with laboratory tests of feed can authoritatively state that the content of substances in feed does not correspond to what is written on the label. Unfortunately, manufacturers are well aware of how dry food testing works. Since it is not always possible to measure the quantitative composition of the substances stated in the recipe.

Both “simple” manufacturers and well-promoted product brands are guilty of inconsistency in composition. Very often, feed does not contain the required amount of vitamins and microelements, and expensive natural proteins are replaced with artificial amino acids.

High temperatures during production “kill” even heat-stable vitamins. Consequently, such food cannot fully provide the body with everything it needs.

When choosing food, you cannot rely on someone else’s opinion and experience. The food may be suitable for one dog, but cause pathology for another.

In any case, when deciding to feed dry food, you should give preference to:

  • professional;
  • designed for small breeds;
  • labeled (indicating the composition, standard, date of production, address of the manufacturer).


Without a doubt, feeding ready-made food is easy. If decent food is found and the puppy is cheerful, energetic, has good growth, and has no problems with the skin and mucous membranes, then it can be used.

Disadvantages of ready-made feeds

The disadvantages can be listed as follows:

  • uncertainty of composition;
  • imbalance of components;
  • even expensive food contains preservatives and emulsifiers, which can cause pathology in the body;
  • frequent replacement of natural ingredients with artificial additives.

Excess weight: causes and treatment

When a Toy Terrier becomes overweight, the stress on fragile bones increases . The risk of heart and liver diseases increases. The risk of diabetes increases.

Examine the dog yourself. While standing, feel the sides and back of the animal. If the ribs and spine are weak or cannot be felt at all, then the toy is overweight.

Constipation, excessive sweating and shortness of breath also indicate excess weight..

Causes of obesity:

  • Poor nutrition. Overeating is unacceptable. Toys may not feel the measure. Limit access to food, introduce 2 meals a day.
  • Sedentary lifestyle. Even if the dog goes to the tray or on a diaper, arrange walks in the air.
  • Malfunctions of the body.

What to do:

  • Consult your veterinarian. If a disease is detected, he will prescribe a course of treatment.
  • Stick to your diet. Do not feed toy from the table, reduce the portion size. Change the food to something special for overweight dogs.
  • Increase your physical activity. Play with your dog, buy toys. Go for walks regularly. If you have a lot of excess weight, start gradually. At first, just walk 30 minutes a day. When the dog becomes easier, introduce running and games.


The required caloric intake for a dog can be calculated using an online calculator.

You will need to enter the dog’s parameters, activity level and find out the number. The calorie content of one serving is usually indicated on the package; if eating natural foods, calculate the number of calories manually, for example, using a mobile application and scales.

Meeting height and weight standards is required to participate in shows . If you don’t plan to visit them, then don’t exhaust your dog in pursuit of the ideal. The most important thing for a toy terrier is the care of the owner.

Follow the basic rules - meals 2 times a day, no handouts from the table, physical activity and regular monitoring by a veterinarian.

Read more detailed information about caring for a toy terrier here.

How to choose?

If you decide to purchase a toy terrier puppy, then you should do this no earlier and no later than eight weeks after birth .

Why is it so important to stick to these deadlines? The fact is that at this age the puppy will already have acquired certain habits that will be very difficult to re-educate. It will also not be possible to adopt a puppy before this time, since he will still be dependent on his mother due to the fact that his baby teeth have not yet erupted and he will not yet be able to eat on his own.

Attention ! A puppy offered for sale must be branded and, if it is already two months old, must be vaccinated.

Before buying a puppy, you must clearly define the purpose for which you are buying it.

Whether it’s visiting exhibitions with a pet or just a pet. Based on the purpose of purchasing an animal, you can determine the criteria for its selection.

If you decide to get a toy terrier to perform at various exhibitions, then it is important to find a serious and responsible breeder who has puppies in factory or exhibition condition. If this is your pet, there is no particular need to choose a show animal.

Let's take a closer look at the criteria by which you need to choose a puppy.


This is the most important thing to pay attention to. It is very easy to recognize a healthy puppy . He will be curious, playful, cheerful. If you find just such an animal, it means that everything is in order with its health.

A puppy's behavior like this would be a bad signal: he wags his tail, but does not show much interest in strangers, avoids them and barks. This is a possible signal about problems with his health.

You can try to come at another time and look at the baby’s reaction again; if it remains unchanged, then it is better to look for another breeder.


Male puppies and female puppies have a number of positive and negative qualities . For example, a male dog will look more impressive at an exhibition. And bitches are characterized by a calmer character. In addition, they are easier to train and educate. Males, in turn, are more conflict-ridden and stubborn.

Another significant problem will be that uncastrated individuals mark everything and it is not always possible to solve this problem by castration.

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