Poodle mixes: overview of popular species and distinctive features of pets

The picture on the left shows the original breed, and the picture on the right shows the result of crossing with a poodle.


Saint Bernard + Poodle = Berdoodle


Labrador retriever + poodle = labradoodle

Yorkshire strudel

Yorkshire Terrier + Poodle = Yorkshire Strudel


Boxer + poodle = boxedoodle


Golden Retweaver + Poodle = Goldendoodle


Bichon Frize + Poodle = Bishpoo


Cocker Spaniel + Poodle = Cockerpoodle


Lhasa apso + poodle = Lhasapoo


Chihuahua + poodle = chipoo


Cavalier King Charles Spaniel + Poodle = Cavapoo


American Eskimo dog + poodle = escapoo


Maltese + Poodle = Maltipoo


Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier + Poodle = Voodle


Rottweiler + poodle = roodle

Giant Schnoodle

Giant Schnauzer + Poodle = Giant Schnoodle

The undying popularity of Yorkshire terriers and the desire of breeders and breeders to obtain other breeds of dogs with a similar exterior and character caused the appearance of quite a large number of mixed breeds.

All puppies born as a result of crossing Yorkies with other breeds have their advantages and disadvantages.

In this article we will look at the most common crosses of Yorkshire terriers with other breeds, and also show photos of these dogs.

Popular types of mestizos

To get mixed breed or designer dogs, breeders cross representatives of different breeds with each other, taking into account the main condition - both individuals must be purebred.

Breeds with which Yorkshire Terriers are most often bred :

There are also frequent cases of crossing Yorkies with poodles and shelties.

As a result of all these matings, quite attractive puppies may be born, but this, of course, cannot be confirmed or known in advance.


Since the Pomsky is actually a cross between a Spitz and a Siberian Husky, second and third generation hybrids are not mated to each other. Only the first generation of mixed breeds are considered true Pomskies . Subsequent hybridization leads to fragmentation of genes, and the puppies turn into ordinary “mongrels”, losing all the exterior attractiveness of the breed.

Mating is carried out only in specialized nurseries of hybrid dogs, through artificial insemination. In order for the gestation of puppies and childbirth to take place safely for the litter, parental roles are distributed as follows:

  1. The mother is a female Siberian Husky.
  2. Father is a male Spitz.

At home, without special equipment for artificial insemination, it is impossible to breed a Pomsky.

Read a detailed article on the topic: “Everything you need to know about breeding dogs: appropriate age, what to do if it doesn’t work out, rules and tips.”

Toy Terrier mix

This cross is one of the most controversial among Yorkshire Terriers. The only thing we can talk about with confidence is size. Both Yorkies and Toy Terriers are small dog breeds, so their Torque puppies do not grow to large sizes.

Otherwise, nothing can be said in advance about the appearance of the puppies - they can be either cute or not so cute.

As for character, these are usually active and independent dogs.

Where to buy and how to choose a Pomsky puppy

Buying a real Pomsky in Russia is not the easiest task. Only 2 hybrid dog kennels are engaged in breeding the breed. Therefore, it is useless to look for representatives of cute mestizos in advertisements. To buy such a puppy, future owners stand in line, which is why the price is very high (up to 4.5 thousand dollars).

When purchasing a puppy (this applies to all breeds without exception), you need to check for a veterinary passport and look at deworming and vaccination records. Check with the breeder on what date the next immunization is scheduled. Look at the state of health of the parents, both mental and physical.

Puppies must be kept warm and clean. Be cheerful, cheerful, with a good appetite. The baby's coat should be clean and smooth, without bald spots or dandruff. Excessive discharge from the eyes, nose or ears is unacceptable. The abdomen is normally round and soft, not distended, and there is no umbilical hernia.

Since the breed is very young and it is not bred in Russia by “all and sundry”, it is almost impossible to buy a sick puppy if you take it from a professional. When choosing a Pomsky, you can safely rely on the breeder.

Chihuahua mix

The popularity of Yorkshire terriers and Chihuahuas led to the emergence of mixed breeds of these dogs - the so-called Chorkies.

The weight of a Chorkie depends on the weight of its parents and averages 1.5-4 kg. They have a compact, well-built body, a small head and erect ears.

Read about what a Yorkie's weight can be and what it depends on here.

Most often, the wool of mestizos is golden or black, however, this is impossible to determine in advance. There are also individuals with red, fawn or black fur with white spots. Chihuahua genes are usually responsible for the color of the Chorkie's coat .

The length of the coat of puppies resulting from crossing a long-haired Yorkie and a short-haired Chihuahua is also not predictable, but most often mixed breeds have long and straight hair.

These are smart but stubborn dogs that are practically impossible to train. They are fearless, get along well with children and pets and are very attached to their owner; they cannot stand loneliness.

Yorkies passed on a predisposition to hypoglycemia and joint diseases.

Chorks live no more than 15 years.


Of course, character largely depends on the individual.
This is especially true for mestizos, whose behavior can vary greatly between different animals of the same breed. But at the same time, some features that are characteristic of almost all Pomchi can still be traced. As a rule, these dogs are friendly and affectionate. They are devoted and loyal to their owners, and more often to one specific person, but they are very wary and distrustful of strangers. They do not get along well with children and other pets.

They behave quite well on walks, but it is still better to keep Pomchis on a leash to avoid conflicts with other dogs. The habit of barking at everything that moves, adopted from Pomeranians, may appear. However, this can be easily corrected during the learning process.

Smart, understanding, intelligent, obedient. They respond well to training. There will be no problems with them such as chewed shoes and wallpaper. Active, mobile, inquisitive. Requires regular walks and exercise. At the same time, do not forget about the size of the dog and overload it.

They tolerate loneliness quite well, but they still get bored without their owners. It is better not to leave them alone for a long time. If there is often no one at home, you can take a second dog of the same breed and the same gender to accompany you. You can also have a Spitz or Chihuahua as your second pet, but it is advisable to take both pets together, otherwise it will not be easy to accustom them to each other.

Maltese mix

Morkies, or Yorkies, are designer puppies obtained by crossing Yorkies with Maltese dogs.

These are hardy and persistent dogs, characterized by an affectionate, friendly disposition, devotion and fidelity.

Morkies have a long, straight and silky coat, the texture and color of which resembles that of Yorkshire terriers.

Spitz mix

One of the most common mixes of Yorkshire terriers are those obtained as a result of mating with Spitz dogs.

Both of these breeds are indoor decorative and have a lot of positive qualities, among which they especially highlight:

  • friendliness;
  • intelligence and intelligence;
  • devotion;
  • cheerful disposition;
  • ability to learn;
  • lack of aggression;
  • the ability to capture the owner’s emotions, empathy.

In addition, both Yorkies and Spitz dogs are famous for their beautiful exterior.

Puppies born from such a union take the best qualities from their parents - they inherit the most attractive features of appearance and health. The risk of developing genetic diseases in such dogs is minimal, and experienced breeders claim that mixed breeds have better health and a high survival rate.

How to distinguish a mestizo from a purebred animal

Try to purchase pets only from large certified nurseries

Buying from someone else is always fraught with deception, so in such situations it is important to understand the difference between a purebred and outbred animal:

  1. Check your documents. Mestizos are discarded from breeding and do not have a pedigree.
  2. Meet the parents. A conscientious breeder has all the necessary documents not only for puppies, but also for breeding parent dogs.
  3. Check out all the brothers and sisters. If your relatives are clearly different, refuse to buy. The purebred litter is remarkable for its identity.
  4. Carefully go over the appearance of your future pet. A purebred dog should not have: close-set ears; round head and long angular muzzle; closely spaced bulging eyes; bite other than scissor bite; thick and massive paws that bend at an angle; curled tail.

Mixed breeds should be purchased only as a gesture of goodwill, exclusively free of charge and with the condition of mandatory sterilization.

The pain and difficulty of predicting size and disposition outweigh the asking price.

Such animals are not recognized by cynological organizations, which excludes the correct breeding technique.

If the breed of the animal is not important, then it is better to get an ordinary mongrel, which is considered an aboriginal individual. Unlike new-fangled chihuahua mixes, classic stray dogs that have survived natural selection are distinguished by excellent health and require less care.

Shih Tzu mix

To obtain designer dogs, breeders also breed Yorkshire Terriers and Shih Tzus. Puppies born as a result of such crossing are called Shorkies.

Distinctive features of these dogs are their compact size, wide but cute muzzle and body type, reminiscent of a Shih Tzu.

Most individuals have the same color as the Yorkshire Terrier, but some individuals have spots of different shades on the coat.

Pekingese mix

Mixed breeds of Yorkshire terriers and Pekingese (Yorkinese) have a very pretty appearance, complemented by an aristocratic character, but they are quite rare, because... These dogs have fragile health.

It is also absolutely impossible to predict what the puppies resulting from such crossing will be like, because the best qualities of their parents are not always passed on to them.

Often an undesirable mixture of characteristics is found in puppies, which is determined by poor coat, squinting eyes, an unformed skull, a non-closed fontanel and other problems.

Distinctive features

There are several types of breed: the Deer (or Deer) and the Cobby Chihuahua. The deer type is characterized by a small chest, narrower muzzle and large ears. She is lighter in weight compared to the stocky Chihuahua Cobby. Both types have an apple-shaped head, but the cobby has a more massive head, the ears are widely spaced, and the bones are larger and denser. The body itself is muscular.

Unlike its predecessor, it has shorter legs and its coat is thicker. They also differ in character. Huashka Kobi will not bark for any reason. She has a calmer character and is better at obedience.

It is impossible to say that there is a pure type of cobby in Chihuahuas, because this is not correct. Professional breeders subdivide the breed only by its coat type. Representatives of one type may exhibit some characteristic features of another type.

Two representatives of the same breed

What dog breeds are similar to Yorkies?

There are several breeds that are similar in appearance to Yorkshire Terriers:

  • Australian Silky Terriers (Silky Terriers). Small dogs, weighing on average 3.6-4.5 kg and about 23 cm tall, have long, silky fawn-blue fur. Silkie Terriers are active, intelligent, loyal and fearless. They love children, are easy to train, and get along with pets;
  • Biewer Yorkshire Terriers. A breed that originated in Germany in a litter of regular Yorkies as a result of a mutation in one of the genes. They have a long, straight coat, colored white-black or white-blue on the body and white-golden-blue or black-white-gold on the head. Beavers have a calm character and a stable psyche; they are agile, affectionate, inquisitive and loyal.

Australian Silky Terrier:

Characteristics of pomchi

For the first time, a mixture of Pomeranian and Chihuahua was obtained, and later recognized as an independent breed, in the late eighties of the last century. Pomchis are classified as companion dogs that are clearly human-oriented. They are small and compact, which makes them easy to keep even in a small apartment. Externally, Pomchis are similar to Chihuahuas with long hair, but with a neater face. They also have other distinctive features.


The body of the Pomeranian and Chihuahua mix is ​​the same as that of its ancestors - compact and stocky. The chest is wide, well developed, the neck is muscular, strong, the legs are strong. The pomchi's tail should not be wrapped in a ring. Height and weight correspond to the breed lines of German Spitz and Chihuahua.

Breed standard

According to the approved standard, pomchas have the following characteristics:

  • apple-shaped head;
  • the muzzle is short, pointed, the stop is clearly defined;
  • eyes dark, round, without protrusion, not widely spaced;
  • ears are erect, with rounded tips;
  • nose black or brown;
  • scissor bite;
  • the neck is graceful, broadly based;
  • the body is short (longer in the female than in the male);
  • limbs are smooth, straight, located perpendicular to the surface;
  • tail of moderate length, flat, tip touching back;
  • the coat consists of two layers, there is a mane on the neck, and feathering on the ears;
  • varied color;
  • height at the withers is 15-23 cm, weight – from 2 kg to 5.5 kg.

Character and behavior

The result of a mixture of Pomeranian and Chihuahua was a dog that can be called a faithful and devoted friend to man. This is guaranteed only with proper upbringing and regular training. Otherwise, the little Pomchi becomes aggressive and uncontrollable. By nature, the dog is active, loves to play, loves to communicate, contact people and other pets. The Pomeranian-Chihuahua hybrid has a hard time with loneliness. If you leave him alone in the apartment for a long time, his character changes - the dog becomes distrustful and secretive.

Dogs do not need serious physical activity, although they love to walk and frolic on the street. They love to be held and receive maximum attention. It is important to prevent the pomchi from manipulating the owner by regularly showing him who is boss in the house.

Popular colors

Pomeranian and Chihuahua mixes have thick fur and dense undercoat. The color is not fixed by the standard; dogs can be of any color, from snow-white to charcoal and spotted. Among the main colors: red, orange, white, black, gray.

The Pomchi's coat is shorter than that of the Pomeranian, but thicker and fuller than that of the Chihuahua. It needs to be brushed regularly to maintain its impeccable appearance.

Health, frequent illnesses

According to reviews from breeders, crosses of Pomeranians and Chihuahuas have good health and a strong immune system, but there are individuals who inherit pathologies. Among the most common ailments of pomchi:

  • dental diseases;
  • hydrocephalus;
  • heart problems;
  • allergy;
  • patellar dislocations;
  • epilepsy;
  • Perthes disease.

The Pomeranian Spitz mix is ​​susceptible to injury, so it is necessary to create comfortable conditions for the safety of the animal. You should regularly examine your pet's mouth and contact your veterinarian if tartar appears. To avoid food allergies, the diet and regimen are carefully prepared, taking into account a possible painful reaction to food.


The orange-chihuahua hybrid is considered a long-liver. A full and long life is facilitated by comfortable keeping, proper feeding, regular vaccinations and preventive examinations at a veterinary clinic. On average, they live 15-18 years, but it is not uncommon for pomchis to reach the age of 20 years.

Useful video

The video shows mixed breeds of 15 breeds, including the Yorkshire Terrier:

Due to the great popularity of Yorkshire terriers and the interest of dog breeders around the world in them, breeders and breeders are striving to develop other breeds that have similar external characteristics and character traits. This is the reason for the appearance of quite a large number of mestizos - dogs born as a result of crossing representatives of different breeds.

By the way, crossbreeds are also gaining popularity, and many dog ​​lovers prefer such pets rather than purebred representatives of any breed. Below we will look at the most common types of mixtures; you will see photos characteristic of each type.

Pros and cons of Chihuahua mixes

Metis is the result of crossing 2 dogs belonging to different breeds, or a purebred pet with a mongrel.

Among the disadvantages of puppies from such matings are:

  1. No guarantees. It is impossible to predict in advance either possible defects, or the psyche, or even parameters. A mixed-breed litter always comes out as varied.
  2. Shortened lifespan. Compared to purebred parents, the resulting mixed-breed baby has poorer health and requires careful care.

Due to the popularity of the Chihuahua, dog breeders are interested in creating mixed breeds with its participation.
The advantages include an attractive price, inferior to purebred puppies.

A responsible breeder is obliged to give away such puppies for free.

Litter from random matings is subject to mandatory culling and sterilization, so they are disposed of by euthanasia or handed over to good hands.

Chihuahua mix (Chorki)

Chorkies are a mix of Chihuahuas and Yorkshire terriers. Their appearance is due to the widespread and high popularity of both breeds. They are small dogs with a compact, well-built body, a small head and erect ears. Their weight varies from 1.5 to 4 kg and depends on the body weight of both parents. The color of Yorkshire terriers is genetically stable, but the Chihuahua genes are most often responsible for the color of the Chorkie's coat, and it is impossible to predict what the puppy will be like.

As a rule, the coat of mixed breeds is golden or black, but dogs with fawn or black coats with white spots are also not uncommon. The length of the coat is also unknown in advance - a Chorkie may have a long coat and stubble on the face or medium-length hair, but most often in adult individuals the coat is long and straight. These dogs are characterized by high activity, friendliness, devotion to the owner and fearlessness.

Chinese Crested Dog. KHS

There are two varieties: naked and puff.

KHS hairless puppy

Downy Puppy KHS

Adult naked CHS

Adult downy KHS

The dog is small, very active, loves long walks. Extremely elegant and graceful, very cheerful and distinguished by a strong attachment to its owner, it is wary of strangers. Visually resembles a miniature horse. Very interesting in appearance!

If you want to have an active and playful friend at home with a non-standard appearance, then KHS is definitely for you! You will undoubtedly attract the glances of passersby!

All that remains is to choose - naked or puffy. Here you already need to start from the nuances of care. If you have time to brush your dog and take it to the salon for a haircut every two months, then you can safely choose a puff. And if you plan to spend a minimal amount of time on grooming, combing only the mane and tail, then a hairless dog is ideal for you, as it does not require such careful daily care. But still, we must not forget to trim the nails, clean the ears and anal glands. A naked dog will need to be dressed much warmer, since it does not have hair on its body.

Personality : Lively, Playful, Alert, Soft, Contented, Affectionate


The result of crossing Yorkshire terriers and Maltese dogs became Morkies or, as they are also called, Yorkties - affectionate, friendly and devoted designer puppies, characterized by high endurance and stamina. These dogs have a long, straight and silky coat, similar in color and texture to that of a Yorkie. Disadvantages include a tendency to early tooth loss, so it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of your pet’s oral cavity, teaching them to hygiene procedures and brushing their teeth from a very early age.

Morkies are stubborn dogs and difficult to train. They are not suitable for people with a soft character - with such owners, Yorkies will feel like leaders of the “pack” and behave according to their status.

Character traits

Mini Pomeranians are characterized by such character traits as courage, loyalty and playfulness. But at the same time, they also have such negative qualities as stubbornness, cockiness, cunning and selfishness.

Mini Pomeranians most often become attached to only one person in the family, and they are not going to share their beloved owner with anyone else.

Therefore, they are less suitable for keeping in a home where other pets already live. Also, mini Pomeranians are slightly more emotional than standard dogs of this breed.

Mini Pomeranians do not like to be teased or caused discomfort and, on occasion, may bite their offender.

This is why this variety of Pomeranian is not very suitable as a pet for families with children.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

“Mini Pomeranians are a currently fashionable dog breed. Some owners consider their pets to be something of a fashion accessory, forgetting that even the smallest dog is a living creature. Without training, mini Pomeranians become stubborn, disobedient, capricious and even aggressive. If such a Spitz is raised correctly, then a funny, teddy bear-like baby will grow into a loyal and friendly pet. However, due to the selfishness inherent in mini Pomeranians, they cannot be recommended as a gift for children, since these dogs do not tolerate rough treatment and can bite the offender.”

Mixed breed with Spitz

Most often, to obtain original Yorkie puppies, they are bred with Spitz dogs. Puppies born as a result of such mating inherit the best qualities of both parents and have an attractive appearance and good health. Such dogs are not prone to developing genetic pathologies and, according to experienced breeders, are characterized by a high rate of survival.

Mestizos also have the following positive qualities:

  • friendliness;
  • intelligence and intelligence;
  • loyalty;
  • cheerful character;
  • ability to learn;
  • lack of aggression;
  • empathy.

All this is possible only if you carefully select purebred parents with a similar temperament, otherwise the puppy may have various deviations regarding both appearance and health.

Here are some typical photos.

Each puppy has a unique set of characteristics, so it is impossible to predict the length, color or texture of the coat. It is also impossible to judge in advance the character of the future pet, but if any undesirable traits appear, they can be easily corrected with proper upbringing, training and socialization. The only thing we can talk about with confidence is the size of the mestizos. Adults do not grow large; they have a compact, less often medium size.

Caring for the hair of a Yorkie-Spitz crossbreed is primarily aimed at regular brushing to avoid the formation of tangles and monthly cutting of split ends of hair that impede normal coat growth.

Appearance of a Yorkie

Dogs born as a result of crossing two subspecies do not have specific standards. The final appearance can be anything, but fans of the Yorkie claim that the pets combine the best qualities of both parents (inherent in the Spitz and Yorkie).

A cross between a Husky and a Spitz: the name of the mestizos breed

A hybrid may have:

  • erect ears;
  • strong long paws;
  • tail bent into a ring;
  • any size - but no more than the height of the mother or father.

The coat color can match that of a Yorkie or Spitz or be a mixture of colors. It is impossible to determine the final shade in children - it can change with age.

Important! The International Canine Association has a negative attitude towards hybrids. Such dogs do not have the right to participate in exhibitions; they are not classified as purebred animals.

Shih Tzu (Shorki)

The practice of mating Yorkshire terriers with Shih Tzus is also widespread, also aimed at producing designer puppies called Shorkies. These dogs are distinguished by their compact size, wide, pretty muzzle, body type, reminiscent of a Shih Tzu, and the color of a Yorkshire terrier. At the same time, some individuals may have spots of various shades on their fur.

Some sources note that Shorkie wool is hypoallergenic.


After a sharp drop in prices for Pekingese at the end of the 20th century, in well-known kennels, bitches of this breed began to be bred with Yorkshire terriers, which were expensive and had a small number at that time. Females born after such matings were again crossed with Yorkies. Such puppies were more expensive than Pekingese, but cheaper than Yorkshire terriers.

Mixed breeds of Pekingese and Yorkies (Yorkinese) have the following features:

  • loud, booming bark;
  • desire for self-affirmation;
  • no need for long walks;
  • bad reaction to one's own kind;
  • difficulty in learning;
  • fearlessness;
  • jealousy of the owner and his attention;
  • intolerance of loneliness;
  • luxurious coat.

Yorkies have an attractive appearance and an aristocratic character, but due to their poor health they are rare. Puppies obtained as a result of crossing Yorkies and Pekingese do not always inherit only the positive qualities of their parents, so it is impossible to know in advance what they will be like. Often, mestizos have an undesirable set of characteristics and, as a result, poor hair, squint, non-closed fontanel and other problems.

Mestizos are not recognized by any canine organization, therefore they cannot participate in exhibitions and official breeding, they do not have a pedigree.

History of the origin of the Pomsky breed

The history of the Pomsky as a breed is just taking shape. For the first time, photos of cute mestizos appeared on the Internet in 2013, from an American breeder . And after 4 months, a club for breed lovers appeared in the USA, but this did not help the Pomsky become an official breed. But in 2022, Spitz and Husky mixes began to appear on the European continent.

Pomsky is not recognized as a breed by any cynological association in the world.

The development of the breed is greatly hindered by the lack of standard and diversity of appearance in litters. Only kennels participating in experimental selection engage in breeding, and only 2 organizations recognize Pomskies - the American Hybrid Dog Club and the Pomsky Fanciers Club. But enthusiasts predict a great future for mestizos, as the fashion for small, photogenic dogs is now in full swing.

Jack - Russell

A cross between Yorkshire Terriers and Jack Russells, these are small dogs growing to a maximum of 30 cm at the withers, with a long and soft coat of black-brown or white-black-brown color. Yorkie Russells have a friendly and fearless personality and get along easily with other animals and people. These pets do not tolerate loneliness well and need constant attention from their owners, the lack of which is reported by loud howling and destructive behavior.

These dogs cannot tolerate cold and are not suitable for outdoor living. These are exclusively domestic pets, which, however, require regular walks and exercise. The coat requires careful care, as it tends to get tangled and very dirty after walks. In addition to possible genetic pathologies, Yorkie Russells are prone to dental diseases, which means it is necessary to monitor the condition of the pet’s oral cavity and brush its teeth 2-3 times a week.

Life expectancy is on average 12 - 16 years, subject to proper care and comfortable living conditions.

Features of maintenance and care

The Yorkie mix does not come in large sizes and feels comfortable in small city apartments. To prevent the dog from feeling loneliness, the bed should be within walking distance of the owner. Dogs are not kept in the yard - they require communication, and they are not adapted to living in unfavorable conditions.

Dogs do not need long walks; they can be taught to visit the cat litter box from early childhood. If desired, walking takes place for half an hour, twice a day. The dog is led on a leash so that it does not get lost or fall under the wheels of a car.

A combination of characteristics of the coat can cause problems with its care. The coat grows quickly, young animals need to be combed daily. To prevent tangles, brushes with a massage effect are used.

The condition of the hair depends on:

  • from air humidity;
  • diet - if there is a lack of vitamins and minerals, it will become faded, sparse, like in old photographs;
  • influence of ultraviolet radiation.

Important! Dogs have their ears and teeth cleaned and their eyes wiped regularly. You can wash your dog no more than once a month.


A cross between a dachshund and a Yorkshire terrier (dorki) is the result of research carried out presumably at the end of the 20th century. breeding work in the USA. The choice fell on these dogs, since both of them belong to decorative and hunting breeds and are suitable for each other in size. Dorks are small rectangular dogs, weighing about 4 kg and reaching a height of more than 30 cm at the withers. They are similar in appearance to dachshunds, but have a wider muzzle and small, semi-erect, triangular-shaped ears.

Today, there are 2 varieties of these mestizos, differing from each other in coat. The first type has long, soft and slightly wavy hair, which is easy to comb and does not tend to bristle in different directions, making the dog look neat. The coat of the second variety is shorter and very hard; caring for it requires regular brushing only with metal brushes and haircuts at least twice a year.

Almost any coat color is allowed, but the most common is black and tan with a little gray.

The hunting blood of Dorks is the cause of some problems in their character:

  • stubbornness and willfulness;
  • jealousy of other pets;
  • the need to dig holes;
  • constant barking;
  • hunting instinct aimed at small animals.

Any character flaws can be corrected with proper upbringing, socialization and training. In addition, Dorks need regular active walks and games, which help get rid of accumulated energy and extinguish the hunting instinct. Basic care for these pets consists of feeding them a high-calorie diet appropriate for their activity, daily cleaning of the ears and eyes, and trimming their nails as they grow back.

Spitz and Husky

Pomeranians can also crossbreed with huskies - beautiful and intelligent dogs, formerly sled dogs, and now increasingly playing the role of companions and family pets. A Husky and Pomeranian mix is ​​called a Pomsky. The size of such dogs is most often small, closer to a Spitz. Huskies often inherit the characteristic black and white coloring, blue eyes and erect ears. The thick and soft coat is consistent with both breeds.

Similar article: Description of a friendly and inquisitive Finnish Spitz

The shape of the muzzle can be equally likely to be inherited from one or another breed.

The character is bold and friendly. These dogs are independent and very smart.

There is also a semi-official hybrid, bred in 1970, and already recognized by a number of federations. Many promise him quick international recognition. This is an Alaskan Klee Kai - a dog that almost completely reproduces the Husky, but “in miniature”. The color of Klee Kais can be not only black and white, but also red and white, as well as chestnut, but the presence of a “mask” is required.

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