Central Asian Shepherd or Alabai
Is there a difference between the Alabai and the Central Asian Shepherd?
The Central Asian Shepherd Dog or Alabai is one of the oldest breeds of dogs among all existing in the world.
How long should you walk your dog - once a day and duration of walks?
Regardless of the breed, size or personality of the dog, daily walks are vital
Features of Pekingese puppies: photos of babies, their development by month, rules of care. first vaccinations and choosing a pet
From childhood, Pekingese puppies are calm, phlegmatic and stubborn. These little dogs are often
Caraquet cat
Most cat breeds, more than 70 of them in total, are the result of random mutations
Helping your dog with seizures
Causes of seizures in dogs and what to do about it
For a dog owner encountering seizures in a dog for the first time, this sight comes as a real shock.
3 reasons why your dog is drooling from his mouth: reasons and how to help
Dogs have lived next to humans for more than 10 thousand years. During this time people artificially
Original, beautiful, Slavic and other names when choosing a nickname for a pit bull
Russian nicknames have always been popular with domestic dog breeders and still remain relevant. Among the huge
Useful tips for choosing bones for an adult dog and puppy
Why are dogs given bones to chew on, whether they are healthy or not? As a food product they are for
Reasons why your dog's breath smells
Why your dog's breath smells: 7 common reasons
Dogs, like cats, often suffer from unpleasant oral odor. Unpleasant smell from
How to measure a cat's blood pressure at home, reasons for high and low results at home
Like humans, the average blood pressure in a cat is 120/80 mm Hg.
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