Name for defenders: nicknames for Alabai girls and boys

The Alabai is a formidable breed native to Central Asia. They are indispensable in protecting the property of their owner. But, despite the serious appearance and impressive physical characteristics, Alabais often resemble cute bear cubs, especially in puppyhood.

Alabais recognize one owner, but treat all family members equally well and will stand up for them without hesitation if necessary. There is an opinion that the nickname will affect the character of the dog, so many try to put a certain meaning into it. Also, when choosing a nickname, you should refrain from overtly aggressive options.

What is an original name for an Alabai puppy? Look in our author's selection of popular and traditional Russian, funny, aristocratic names. Choose the best nickname for your pet - boy or girl!

Three "Plushies"

Top 50 popular nicknames

You can use one of the most popular nicknames for Alabais. For example, a girl can be called:

  • Hera;
  • Aurora;
  • Adele;
  • Alva;
  • Linda;
  • Vesta;
  • Dora;
  • Lana;
  • Salma;
  • Athena;
  • Lola;
  • Moon;
  • Bertha;
  • Bela;
  • Gerda;
  • Bark;
  • Josie;
  • Zara;
  • Xena;
  • Spark;
  • Isis;
  • Lizzie;
  • Stella;
  • Sherry;
  • Ashley.

As for the boy's nickname, you can use one of the following nicknames:

  • Archie;
  • Athos;
  • Ajax;
  • Hazard;
  • Baloo;
  • Wolf;
  • Viking;
  • Hector;
  • Hamlet;
  • Grant;
  • Thor;
  • Zeus;
  • Jack;
  • Dante;
  • Ermak;
  • Zabar;
  • Zagir;
  • Shukhrat;
  • Snow leopard;
  • Irkhan;
  • Caesar;
  • Spartacus;
  • Sardar;
  • Darman;
  • Porthos.

The real Athena

Traditional Russian nicknames

You can choose a nickname for the puppy that will be most familiar to a Russian-speaking person. There is plenty to choose from here.

For boys:

  • Phantom;
  • Elisha;
  • Zenith;
  • Rex;
  • Mukhtar;
  • Robber;
  • Sunset;
  • Fog;
  • Loyal;
  • Brave;
  • Dobrynya;
  • Miron;
  • Plato;
  • Ash;
  • Beast;
  • Enthusiasm;
  • Perun;
  • Emerald;
  • Tikhon;
  • Yakhont;
  • Veles.

The nicknames “Tuzik” or “Sharik” do not really fit with the appearance of the Alabai. So it’s better to refrain from them when choosing.

Well, is this “Tuzik”?

For girls:

  • Mila;
  • Lola;
  • Zlata;
  • Lada;
  • Spark;
  • Kira;
  • Mila;
  • Martha;
  • Arrow;
  • Bead;
  • Paw;
  • Shusha;
  • Zarya;
  • Fun;
  • Bully;
  • Delight.

There are many accounts on social networks that are in one way or another connected with the CAO breed. For example, on Instagram there is an account of the Turkmenkala nursery, where Alabais are bred. Here you can get a lot of useful information and see how these giants communicate with other animals and people. And also look for some nickname for your little wolfhound. Here, for example, is the “metamorphosis” of Turkmen Kala Naiza - from a puppy into a formidable dog!

View this post on Instagram
Publication from ALABAI PUPPIES | NURSERY SAO (@turkmenkala)

What breed is this?

Alabai is not at all something “newfangled” or the result of work on crossing different dogs, like, for example, Dobermans. Alabais are ancient, absolutely original animals. In the USSR they were known as the “Central Asian Shepherd Dog”.

In the world, these animals are known under the short abbreviation name SAO and, of course, under their original name - alabai. According to the classification division adopted by the FCI, Alabai belong to the Molosser breed, to the subsection “mountain dogs”, and are included in the same group with Swiss Cattle Dogs and Schnauzers.

Funny nicknames

When a small Alabai puppy sits in front of you, looking exactly like a plush toy, it naturally begs to be given some funny nickname. And here's what you can use.

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For girls:

  • Plush;
  • Barbie;
  • Bun;
  • Buska;
  • Tasya;
  • Nyusha;
  • Gadget;
  • Toffee;
  • Button;
  • Masya;
  • Nafanya;
  • Bonya;
  • Button.

Cute Umka
A for small males may be suitable:

  • Loaf;
  • Jam;
  • Cheese;
  • Ottoman;
  • Marmot;
  • Grumpy;
  • Peach;
  • Barmaley;
  • Truffle;
  • Gingerbread;
  • Bagel;
  • Chernysh;
  • Oscar;
  • Zulu;
  • Benya;
  • Cube;
  • Umka;
  • Pretzel.

Basic rules for choosing a name

A name is the main tool that allows you to control the behavior of your four-legged pet. A puppy who understands his name responds better to commands and masters training courses faster. Let's look at the main nuances encountered when choosing a nickname for a Central Asian Shepherd, and also go through the most popular name options using the example of lists for different genders.

Before choosing a nickname, consider a number of nuances:

  • choose simple nicknames that fit into a few syllables. If you give a dog a name that is too long, it will not be able to accept it. Long words from human speech are difficult for dogs to understand, so all commands used in OKD contain a minimum number of syllables;
  • try to avoid Russian names. When you try to call your pet, you can attract not only its attention, but also all the namesakes walking nearby. This confuses the dog very much and negates all attempts to master the commands;
  • Based on the characteristics of the breed. An equally presentable nickname will suit a stately and noble dog. Bobikov, Tuzikov and Sharikov are best left for simpler and more modest dogs;
  • study translations of original names in a foreign language. Not all beautiful-sounding words are euphonious in Russian.

Geographic nicknames

The geography of our planet is a wonderful source of imagination.


  • Kazbek;
  • Caucasus;
  • Elbrus;
  • Everest;
  • Amur;
  • Aragon;
  • Baikal;
  • Boston;
  • Texas;
  • Volcano;
  • Irtysh;
  • Madrid;
  • Altai;
  • Boston;
  • Yenisei;
  • Euphrates;
  • Lyon;
  • Marseilles;
  • Yamal;
  • Cairo;
  • Pamir;
  • Vegas;
  • Ural.


  • Malta;
  • America;
  • Cuba;
  • Venice;
  • Palmyra;
  • Castile;
  • Amazon;
  • Valencia;
  • Europe;
  • Volga;
  • Alpa;
  • Elbe;
  • Delta;
  • Dakota;
  • Geneva;
  • Caroline;
  • Vein;
  • Kazan;
  • Mexico.

Terrible service nicknames

But still, the Alabai is a guard dog, and jokes with it can be bad. Perhaps it is worth choosing a formidable name that will reflect the guarding and fighting qualities of the dog. Definitely suitable for boys:

  • Hunter;
  • Voivode;
  • Berserk;
  • Mars;
  • Ares;
  • Hulk;
  • Antey;
  • Cerberus;
  • Maximus;
  • Rambo;
  • Combat;
  • Arcana;
  • Ataman;
  • Diesel;
  • Watch;
  • Esaul;
  • Longboat;
  • Soldier;
  • Janissary;
  • Boatswain;
  • Ajax;
  • Brawler;
  • Sarmat;
  • Sherkhan.

You can’t get past Ajax.
For girls, you can also choose a formidable nickname:

  • Alpha;
  • Bagheera;
  • Beretta;
  • Sleeve;
  • Pandora;
  • Yara;
  • Bullet;
  • Athena;
  • Valkyrie;
  • Sparta;
  • Bazooka;
  • Torpedo.

What to name an Alabai boy

Many owners, when choosing a nickname for Alabai boys, are guided by its color:

  • a black dog can be called Black, Raven, Onyx, Pirate, Angus;
  • nicknames for spotted dogs - Domino, Dots, Motley, Pockmarked;
  • For whites - Ivory, Diamond, Iceberg, Ghost, Frost, Ice;
  • males of brown shades - Brownie, Bruno, Brown, Mocha;
  • dogs of gray-yellow color are called: Banana, Blonde, Gold, Mongol, Yantar, Pharaoh;
  • reddish-red - Scarlet, Garnet, Copper, Fire, Pepper, Rusty, Fire;
  • Nicknames for gray Central Asian Shepherds: Dusty, Ash, Flint, Silver, Gray, Smoky, Graphite.

Popular names for Alabai boys are divided into the following groups:

  • Turkic names for dogs that have a special meaning;
  • menacing nicknames;
  • nicknames for Alabai boys of Greek (ancient) origin with a specific meaning;
  • menacing nicknames;
  • original names for Alabaev boys;
  • nicknames that are taken from cinema and literature.

Interesting! The history of the CAO (Central Asian Shepherd Dogs) is connected with the Turkic people. In ancient times, alabai protected their livestock from wolves, other wild animals and intruders, and also guarded property. Therefore, names in the Turkic language are very suitable for representatives of this breed. It is important to know that each nickname has its own meaning.

Antique nicknames reflect the greatness and large size of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog.

Many owners try to choose the most original names for boys' dogs in order to reflect their key features and emphasize the uniqueness of their pet.

When choosing a nickname for a boy, Alabai, you can focus on movie heroes or literary characters. The main thing is to choose a short and sonorous nickname, which will contain appropriate energy.

Owners should not forget that a large breed puppy needs a name that suits its size and size.


The CAO comes from Central Asia and is an indigenous breed. Therefore, most breeders who know the history of this breed choose nicknames of Turkic origin for their dogs. The following names with the meaning are suitable for an Alabai boy:

  • Adalat means fair;
  • Aybar – brave;
  • Akshin – strong, brave;
  • Aslan - lion;
  • Leopard - strong;
  • Batyr - hero;
  • Bulat – steel;
  • Boran - ebullient, stormy;
  • Viraj – shining;
  • Gabit is a faithful servant;
  • Giray – mighty;
  • Goshgar – majestic;
  • Demir – iron;
  • Dzhigit is a brave warrior;
  • Jasur – brave;
  • Zangar – big;
  • Zor – mighty;
  • Irek – will;
  • Irtysh - digger;
  • Kamal – future;
  • Karabek is a strong gentleman;
  • Klych - sword;
  • March – courage;
  • Narat – eternal;
  • Nuker – bodyguard;
  • Orkhan - Khan of the army;
  • Osman is a hero;
  • Rahat – calmness;
  • Sardar - leader;
  • Tamerlane - iron;
  • Tomris – life-giver;
  • Tugan – falcon;
  • Farish – guardian angel;
  • Khazar – city dweller;
  • Hanbek - ruler;
  • Emir - ruler;
  • Yuldash - comrade;
  • Yavash – calm;
  • Yavuz – formidable;
  • Yalcin – majestic;
  • Yanar – fiery.

Interesting! The word alabai is translated from Turkic as follows: “ala” - spotted, “bai” - affix (a significant part of the word that replaces the suffix -ist).

Antique nicknames

Greek names sound majestic and beautiful. Owners often choose nicknames for Central Asian Shepherds in honor of mythological creatures and heroes.

An Alabai boy can be called with this ancient name:

  • Agason, Adonis, Atlas, Ares, Achilles;
  • Barnabas, Boreas, Bronte, Briareus;
  • Basilis, Basilisk;
  • Hypnos, Hyperion, Helios, Hephaestus, Hector;
  • Deimos, Judas, Dorius, Dionysus;
  • Erebus, Ether, Aeneas;
  • Zeus, Zephyr, Zotikos;
  • Hippolytus, Icarus;
  • Kadmos, Kyros, Krios, Kronos, Klytius, Centaur;
  • Lazarus, Lefteris;
  • Menetius, Mimanthus, Morpheus, Minotaur;
  • Nestor, Nikon, Nereus;
  • Odysseus, Orpheus, Olympos;
  • Paris, Prometheus, Poseidon;
  • Simon, Sotiris, Steropes, Sphinx;
  • Thanos, Typhon, Theseus;
  • Uranus, Uziris;
  • Phorky, Phoroneus, Phobos;
  • Chaos, Charon, Hector;
  • Euclid, Euphranor;
  • Yiannis.

Many of the above names are difficult to pronounce and remember, so they can be shortened, for example, Yannis - Jan.

Terrible names

Alabai is an excellent guard dog that has a sharp mind, observation and enormous strength. Short, sonorous and menacing nicknames are quite suitable for them:

  • Admiral, Atas, Apache, Ataman;
  • Bazooka, Bomber, Greyhound, Buran;
  • Vulcan, Leader, Warrior, Whirlwind;
  • Hero, Wrath, Hector;
  • Dodger, Wild, Drago;
  • Energy;
  • Creepy;
  • Beast, Zorky;
  • Dagger, Colt, Fang, Karai;
  • Fierce, Dashing;
  • Sword, Musket;
  • Fire;
  • Pirate;
  • Sniper, Tornado, Fierce;
  • Tank, Typhoon, Thor;
  • Hurricane, Gloomy;
  • Hunter, Chaos;
  • Eugene, Yurkiy;
  • Furious, Janissary.

The owner likes the formidable name of alabai and instills fear in those around him.

Interesting nicknames for boys

The nicknames of the boys of the Northern Administrative District in honor of geographical objects sound impressive:

  • Altai, Aral;
  • Baikal, Bahrain;
  • Weimar, Vesuvius;
  • Gabon, Harz;
  • Dakar, Damascus;
  • Yerevan, Yenisei;
  • Zagreb;
  • Iraq, Irtysh;
  • Yemen, Yoshkar;
  • Qatar, Kuwait;
  • Lebanon, Laos;
  • Madrid, Moroni;
  • Nepal, Neman;
  • Oman, Oder;
  • Pakistan, Pamir;
  • Rabat, Rhine;
  • Senegal, Sudan;
  • Tunisia, Taimyr;
  • Ural;
  • Harbin, Khartoum;
  • Zurich;
  • Chimgan;
  • Shanghai, Shymkent;
  • Everest, Elbrus;
  • Yucatan;
  • Yashlyk.

Nicknames that indicate a high position in the hierarchy are suitable for these giants:

  • Baron;
  • Viscount;
  • Graph;
  • Marquis;
  • Khan;
  • Sheikh;
  • Emir.

Everyone knows that Alabai boys are large (and sometimes huge) and stately, this can be reflected in the name. To do this, just take the word “big” or “huge” and translate it into different languages:

  • Big;
  • Bozorg;
  • Grandee;
  • Grui;
  • Groot;
  • Grande;
  • Didelis;
  • Maur;
  • Stor;
  • Suuri;
  • Uki;
  • Enormi.

You can come up with interesting nicknames for Alabai boys yourself. Get inspired by various gadgets, comics or products. This is how pets get cool nicknames, for example, iPhone, Orange, Snickers, Batman or Joker.

From cinema and literature

When choosing a nickname for an Alabai boy, owners often focus on action heroes:

  • Arnie;
  • Bruce, Blade;
  • Claude;
  • Norris;
  • Rocky, Rambo;
  • Schwartz.

You can choose a name for the dog from the list of characters from science fiction films:

  • Deadpool;
  • Chastener;
  • Wolverine;
  • Strange;
  • Hulk.

You can look for inspiration when choosing a name for a boy, Alabai, among literary heroes:

  • Bond, Barabas;
  • Woland, Watson;
  • Gray, Hamlet, Gulliver, Gandolf;
  • Karabas;
  • Frankenstein (Frankie);
  • Holmes.

It is better to choose a nickname for a boy, Alabai, and focus on positive characters.

Nicknames from the natural world

However, you don’t have to think long about what to name your pet. Remember how beautiful nature surrounds you. Perhaps this is where you can find what you need.


  • Barkhan;
  • Typhoon;
  • Buran;
  • Bear;
  • Storm;
  • Thunder;
  • Chestnut
  • Cyclone;
  • Saffron;
  • Golden eagle;
  • Vortex;
  • Geyser.


  • Storm;
  • Snowstorm;
  • Christmas tree;
  • Jasmine;
  • Palm;
  • Rose;
  • Aster;
  • Squirrel;
  • Lavender;
  • Orchid;
  • Panther;
  • Violet;
  • Flora;
  • Liana.

E, F and G - the spirit of Europe for Caucasian dogs

You can find a suitable one among the names listed below.

Echik, Eddie, Edek, Eden, Edison, Edo, Edor, Edward, Ephesus, Efi, Egal, Ego, Egon, Eiko, Eini, Einstein, Eke, Eco, Elfi, Eliat, Eligo, Eliot, Ellis, Elmer, Elmo, Elton, Elvis, Emet, Emil, Andy, Eniro, Enter, Erbus, Ergo, Ernie, Eros, Erwin, Esi, Esi, Eskimo, Espaniol, Essi, Esther, Everest, Elo, Evo, Exxon.

Fabi, Fabian, Fabio, Fabrisi, Fade, Fado, Fafel, Fafik, Fago, Fagot, Fajter, Fakir, Faco, Falco, Falmi, Fanto, Fargo, Faro, Fart, Faster, Fazi, Fafel, Fedor, Felek, Felichan, Felix, Fenech, Phoenix, Ferb, Ferdek, Ferdi, Ferdinand, Ferris, Fidel, Fido, Fifi, Fifik, Fiphon, Fifty, Fifus, Figiel, Figo, Fik, Philip, Filo, Filut, Fin, Phineas, Finek, Fino, Finto, Fedor, Fjord, Physio, Flapi, Flash, Flo, Flopi, Flofi, Florian, Floyd, Fox, Focus, Forli, Franek, Fred, Fritzel, Frodo, Fris, Fuji.

Gabor, Gabru, Gasek, Gambit, Gandalf, Gandolf, Gandor, Gapsio, Gapchu, Gapi, Garbi, Gareth, Garfield, Gary, Garo, Gaspar, Gasper, Gaston, Havel, Gavi, Guyver, Gazda, Gazi, Gebels, Geyser, Herman, Gero, Gibbon, Gilo, Gimli, Giza, Gizmo, Globi, Glyer, Gleto, Gobi, Gold, Goldie, Goliath, Gonzalez, Gonzo, Gorbi, Gordon, Gozo, Goral, Grafi, Graphite, Grall, Gram, Grant, Grand, Grapper, Gratis, Greg, Greg, Gremlin, Grandy, Gray, Gringo, Thunder, Grosik, Grot, Grove, Grubas, Grif, Gryzak, Gryzek, Gregory, Gatek, Guapo.

Aristocratic nicknames

Majestic posture and unhurriedness in a state of rest simply encourage you to give your Alabai an aristocratic name, thereby emphasizing these qualities. Moreover, the Alabai has a well-developed sense of self-esteem and deserves to be given a beautiful name.

Below are similar nicknames for girls:

  • Ursula;
  • Olympia;
  • Miss;
  • Lady;
  • Hilda;
  • Princess;
  • Aphrodite;
  • Adele;
  • Gertrude;
  • Galatea;
  • Odelia;
  • Ophelia;
  • Eleanor;
  • Grace;
  • Adele;
  • Alba;
  • Aria;
  • Salma;
  • Ethel.

The Lord is in charge of order.
Here are the nicknames for boys:

  • Khan;
  • Prince;
  • Sultan;
  • Shah;
  • Duke;
  • Caliph;
  • Prince;
  • Marquis;
  • Lord;
  • Kaiser;
  • Kagan;
  • Graph;
  • Viscount;
  • Bay;
  • Baron;
  • Lord.

It’s interesting that sometimes the nickname suggests itself. For example, one alabai even became famous thanks to the media due to its impressive size. The nickname “Bulldozer” perfectly reflected the power of this Alabai. As the owner said, this name appeared when the little Alabai puppy was shoveling snow like a bulldozer in order to get where he needed to go. He grew into a real giant, participated in various competitions and won many awards.


About character

In the Soviet Union in the 30s, there was a whole program aimed at using Alabais for guard, security, guard and other services. However, this idea was abandoned, and German shepherds began to carry out working government duties. The Alabai received their resignation due to the complexity of their character, difficulties in training and other nuances.

Quite often there is an opinion about the complexity of the character of Central Asian Shepherds among modern dog breeders. However, this is not entirely true. Alabais do not have complexity in their character; their owners have it. And this complexity lies in the stereotype of the dog as a whole, its role in human life and behavior.

If a person’s idea of ​​an animal is that of a robot that automatically carries out all the owner’s whims and commands, then there is no point in owning an Alabai. These animals have their own opinions, intelligence and make their own decisions in any situation. This does not mean that the animal is not trainable. Central Asian Shepherds learn willingly, with enthusiasm and with pleasure, but only if the process is interesting to them.

"Space" nicknames

Looking at the night sky, you may have the idea to give your Alabai the name of a space object. Moreover, they sound solid and are perfect for a large and serious dog.

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For boys:

  • Asteroid;
  • Meteor;
  • Jupiter;
  • Uranus;
  • Pluto;
  • Neptune;
  • Mars;
  • Space;
  • Satellite;
  • Phobos;
  • Titanium;
  • Atlas;
  • Fenrir;
  • Oberon.

For girls:

  • Comet;
  • Venus;
  • Star;
  • Andromeda;
  • Moon;
  • Planet;
  • Aurora;
  • Callisto;
  • Diona;
  • Miranda;
  • Ariel;
  • Belinda.

Interesting names

Often for a dog, for an Alabai in particular, you want to choose an original, unusual name. So that it is interesting, beautiful, unique, like the dog itself.

Based on color

The simplest way is to name the dog based on the color of its coat. It will always sound beautiful and appropriate. Especially when you consider that the coat color of Central Asian Shepherds is quite diverse. Examples of nicknames according to the color of the animal:

  • white color - Ice, Ak, Zhubar, Ravshan, Shiro, Bafri;
  • black color - Black, Torik, Kymir, Tara;
  • yellow wool - Gold, Amber, Zard;
  • motley - Saras;
  • gray - Gray, Chal;
  • red dog - Byshtai, Chiprar;
  • spotted dog - Nokot, Ala;
  • brown color - Gonur.

For your information! Nicknames for female Alabai dogs can be identical to the nicknames of males, since in the Turkic group of languages ​​there is no strict division of names by gender. And Alabai is a breed from Central Asia.

Selecting a nickname taking into account the dog's zodiac sign

Naming dogs according to their zodiac sign is a recent trend. It's fashionable, stylish and original. A few years ago such an idea would have been surprising, but now it is absolutely normal. How to call an Alabai by zodiac sign:

  • Tobik is suitable for Leos and Aries, but will not suit Aquarius, Libra or Cancer;
  • Karat is a name for Cancers and Taurus, but not for Scorpios and Capricorns;
  • Monk is suitable for Aries, Capricorn or Scorpio, but not suitable for dogs born under the sign of Cancer or Libra;
  • the name Sao is suitable for Libra and Scorpio, but is contraindicated for Aries and Cancer;
  • Monarch is a nickname for Pisces, Aquarius and Sagittarius, but it is better not to call animals born under the signs of Leo and Gemini this way.
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