Mating of British cats
Estrus in British cats - duration, signs, solutions
12338Pavel 1 Estrus in British cats is the first problem that everyone faces,
What to feed huskies at home
What to feed a husky dog ​​at home
Cute blue-eyed dogs, adapted to living in harsh climates, have good health. Mounts
How to help a cat or kitten who suffers from wheezing and heavy breathing
Cats rarely experience panting, and sometimes your panting cat may suffer from severe
Puppy development, main stages
Puppy development by month, socialization and education
Dogs grow and develop very quickly. From the moment of birth to the formation of an adult dog there are
Puppy on the bed
Vaccination against rabies (rabies vaccine, CoCav, Rabipur)
Vaccination of dogs not only helps to curb the growth of viral epidemics, but also protects tailed pets
Dogs on a walk
Why does a dog run away and what can be done to prevent this from happening?
A dog is a social, highly organized animal with a complex psyche. She absolutely needs to go for a walk
A dog is limping on its hind leg without visible damage: what to do?
Quite often, owners are faced with the problem of lameness in their dogs. The causes of the disease may
Diarrhea in dogs: treatment, causes, cure. How to treat and what to give your pet dog for diarrhea?
Causes of diarrhea in dogs As in humans, diarrhea in dogs can be a manifestation
Malinois dog. Description, features, care and price of the Malinois breed
The Belgian Shepherd is a dog that is popular all over the world. One of the varieties is
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Colors of Maine Coon cats with table, codes and pictures
Of course, every cat lover and owner has his own preferences regarding the color of his pet’s coat.
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