Features of a black Chihuahua: photo, description, care rules, pros and cons + how to choose a puppy with this color?
Pure black coloring is rare in Chihuahuas. Dogs with this coat color look very elegant,
Is your dog coughing as if he was choking? Main reasons and what to do
11/13/2021 14,334 Diseases and treatment of cats Author: Olga Cats are quite often exposed to a variety of colds
Do cats and dogs get along?
How to make friends between a cat and a dog and start a quiet life: useful tips for animal lovers
Can a cat and a dog be friends? I can say with confidence that peaceful relations between
Breeders' tricks for fighting mats in dogs
If you want your Yorkshire Terrier, Biewer Yorkie or Biro to look great,
Bloating in a dog: what could be the cause and how to fix it at home?
The main causes of bloating in dogs Digestive system of carnivores, including domestic ones
Is it possible to let rabbits sleep?
What surrounds us - what kind of stuff can we feed a rabbit?
The basis of the rabbits' diet is plant food, in particular fresh grass or hay. And this
Cat with a heating pad on his head
Hypothermia in cats: the dangers of hypothermia and how to help your pet
9637Pavel 2 A cat, like a person or a dog, has a normal temperature. Only
What does a German Shepherd look like: appearance features and non-standard color of pets
Reports Animals German Shepherd The German Shepherd is a very common breed of dog. Main purpose
325+ beautiful names for miniature pinschers boys and girls
The Miniature Pinscher is considered one of the most popular breeds among toy dogs. They are distinguished by their special devotion,
Jack Russell Terrier: black, white, brown, tri-color and other colors
Bicolor Bicolor is a Beagle's color consisting of two colors - white (closer to cream)
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