How to make friends between a cat and a dog and start a quiet life: useful tips for animal lovers

Can a cat and a dog be friends?

I can say with confidence that peaceful relationships between animals are indeed possible. Much depends on their temperament and the owner’s ability to teach their pets to behave correctly with each other.

In terms of devotion and level of trust, the cat-dog relationship can become similar to the human concept of friendship. By the way, in dogs, loyalty to the owner and other individuals is much higher, while cats are driven by more selfish motives. One study found that during contact with living beings, dogs release more happy hormones than cats.

I have read articles by animal psychologists who explain that attachment begins with the desire for animals to be nearby and to use the skills of another to their advantage. For example, a cat can throw food off the table for a dog, and the dog will act as a protector on the street. But not all pets are ready for peaceful coexistence.

It is easiest to make friends with puppies and kittens, because they will grow up together, and the owners will have enough time to instill communication skills. The optimal age for kittens is up to 6 months, for puppies – up to 1 year. Interesting statistics: if a dog is adopted as a second pet, its attitude towards the cat becomes friendly in 75% of cases, and the order of adoption has almost no effect on the cat.

Introducing a cat to a puppy is relatively easy, especially if you have a female. Sometimes they mistake puppies for their children and are especially patient with the baby’s games. It is more difficult to introduce adults to already established behavior.

Causes of "enmity"

Territorial claims

The main reason that cats and dogs don't get along is territorial claims. A dog is a pack animal. The ancestors of dogs (wolves) hunted prey together and protected their territory. Cats are loners by nature. But those others are also predators. And every predator (even though it has become domesticated) retains its natural instincts to defend its territory.

Hunter's Instinct

Another reason for the enmity between cats and dogs is that cats, without meaning to, can provoke a hunting instinct in a dog. Loners by nature, cats do not like their personal space being violated.

Dogs are the opposite. Good-natured and sociable, they poke their curious wet noses everywhere. A good-natured dog can approach a cat with the best intentions. The same one can either slap him in the face or run away. Well, a running cat instantly awakens the dog’s passion for hunting.

Many dogs, when chasing cats, regard it as a game or fun. Having driven a cat up a tree, the dog is unlikely to want to harm it. He simply “turns on” the hunter and wants to play catch-up. But a cat driven into a tree regards this completely differently, gets very angry and hisses. Well, as you know, cats always remember the insult caused to them. Even if a cat and a dog are on friendly terms, seeing a cat running away may awaken the dog’s natural instincts as a hunter.

Differences in behavior

Also, one of the reasons for “dislike” between cats and dogs may be differences in behavior and misinterpretation of these differences by animals. For example, when a dog wags its tail, it means a friendly mood, an invitation to play.

A cat wags its tail when it doesn't like something or is angry. A dog, seeing a cat's tail wagging, regards this as a call to play. But a cat can perceive a dog's wagging tail as a sign of aggression.


Well, another, no less significant reason for enmity is jealousy. In general, the most ideal option is a situation where a cat and a dog appear in the house at the same time, at a very early age. In this case, they grow up side by side and become allies and best friends. But this happens extremely rarely.

As a rule, a kitten or puppy is brought into a house where an adult dog or cat already lives. The likelihood that animals will become inseparable friends is very low. And here the main task of man is to create all the conditions and teach them peaceful coexistence.

Why are animals not friends?

Before we strive to make friends with pets, we must recognize that not everything depends on the owner, and some animals will not live in peace and tranquility, no matter how much we want it.

Let's be honest: not all cats are sociable and react calmly to strangers and other pets. If a stranger appears in the house, the cat hides or defends itself.

Some dogs are poorly socialized and unfamiliar with cats. They may meet cats on the street while walking and try to play with them, but such a reaction is unlikely to meet with the approval of the pet.

Cats that grew up alone and are used to being dominant in the home may attack a small puppy.

Be prepared for this scenario and take care that the dog and cat are not harmed during communication.

How to choose the right breed

If you want to add a new member to your family, it is useful to learn more about the characteristics of purebred animals and their ability to get along with other individuals.

Dogs of hunting breeds do not favor small animals and often show aggression towards cats. Fox Terrier, Beagle, Russian Hound, Jack Russell Terrier love to hunt “game”. It is best to take them as puppies and raise them in the presence of an adult cat.

A British cat can be absolutely indifferent to a new resident, but sometimes behaves aggressively if the boundaries of its territory are violated. Be prepared for the fact that Persians, despite seeming calm, can scratch a dog’s delicate nose with their claws.

When choosing an animal from a breeder, ask about the pet’s character and how well it gets along with other animals. Usually breeders are attached to their babies and care about their safety, so they won’t cheat.

Outbred animals, especially those taken from the street, are calmer in relation to other individuals, but the acquaintance and life of animals together will improve more quickly if the owners take care of this, rather than leaving everything to chance.

Animal Meeting

Moving to another place of residence is stressful for any living creature. Before introducing the new arrival to the other residents of the house, give him time to get comfortable. To do this, free up as much space as possible where he will not meet other animals, and give him the opportunity to calm down. The animal may hide, not make contact, and even refuse food. Sometimes this behavior lasts for several days. When you see that the new resident of the house has already settled down, start getting acquainted with other family members.

Offer to sniff the other animal's toys or things. The reaction may vary: if the dog reacts aggressively to the smell of the cat, you should be careful when introducing them.

The meeting of animals should take place in a limited space, for example, a closed room. Remove all glass objects and make sure there are no extraneous loud sounds. Place the cat in a closed carrier and keep the dog on a leash. Animals must see each other, but the distance between them must be decent. Enlist the help of one more person.

Before introducing yourself, take your dog for an active, long walk - this will use up his strength and reduce his activity.

Take turns feeding your dog and cat with one hand. It is important that animals see each other! For them, this will mean that they are not deprived of food in the presence of another animal, which means that nothing threatens their safety and survival. During this time, you can pet your pets and also talk to them affectionately.

It will be useful to meet in the presence of a dog handler, who will adjust the situation and help carry out the procedure competently.

After this, try letting the cat out of the carrier while continuing to keep the dog on a leash. The cat can stay in your arms for a while: pet it, and let your assistant pet the dog. Release the cat on the floor - it will probably want to walk around and sniff its future neighbor.

If the dog jerks towards the cat, restrain it in the manner that is customary for you. The command “fu” works best.

The relaxed state of the dog and cat, both physical and emotional, will indicate that the acquaintance was successful.

Don't be upset if the first attempt was a failure and your pets got nervous. This is fine! Repeat the procedure periodically until you see a weakening of the nervous reaction.

If your cat is too scared, read my article on how to calm your cat.


When a cat and a dog are relaxed in each other's presence, we can assume that the acquaintance was successful. After this, try taking the leash off the dog and letting the pets go for walks together.

Even if the first stage is completed, you should not forget about safety measures and rules of living together. Aggression sometimes manifests itself unexpectedly from any side. The reason may be the problem of dividing territory, food, security, or fear of pain. Animals sense when they are being “bowed in” and will continue to behave inappropriately if action is not taken.


Most conflicts between pets arise due to food aggression. They actively defend their right to food and will seek primacy in this matter. I was able to eliminate this type of aggression by separating feeding areas.

You can feed animals in the same room, but in different areas. This way they will see that none of them is deprived of the owner’s care. Each pet should have its own bowl for food and water. It is best to feed at a certain time and remove the bowls after that so that the dog does not decide to eat his neighbor's food.


The struggle for territory is in second place on the list of conflicts. The struggle for a place near the owner can be especially fierce. Some pets love to take over their neighbor's bed, and this is not a problem if the animals get along well together. But more often the owner’s intervention is required, especially at first.

The pet cannot be the leader in the house; the owner always remains in charge. And if he stops territorial encroachments, then the animals will feel safe.

I recommend that you consider having your cat live at a higher elevation. Check out my article on how to make your own cat house. This is not difficult and will definitely not attract the dog, so the issue of territorial conflicts will be minimized.

Entertainment and communication

The dog receives more attention from the owner because it requires more care. A cat may feel a lack of affection, attention and entertainment, especially if there is another pet in the house.

A good way to make friends between a cat and a dog is to involve them in joint games where you will be in charge and can set the rules. Animals will see that they are treated equally, but no one should be offended.

When you have absolutely no energy to be active with your pets, try not to drive them away from you during passive rest. Proximity to the owner is very important for our four-legged friends, and if one does not receive enough attention, then conflicts on this basis are inevitable.

Dog and cat together in one house.

Nowadays, many people have pets: dogs, cats, and sometimes all together. It is often difficult for four-legged animals to get along together. But there are times when pets live peacefully, are friends, take care of each other and protect each other.

Animal lovers are divided into 2 types. The former cannot imagine life without cats, while the latter are crazy about faithful dogs. And yet there are those who have decided to place in their home two pets that are completely different in character. The opinion that cats and dogs cannot get along together is very common. But is this really so? How to prevent your home from turning into a battlefield between pets?

Although it may seem strange, love and mutual respect for your furry friends is primarily up to you. And if you take a few tips and are patient enough, a dog and a cat can live together in the same home.

A dog and a cat are together - but how different they are!

Even a small child knows that dogs and cats together do not get along. But not everyone understands the reason for such hostility. And it lies in the fact that these animals have completely different lifestyles and views of the world. Dogs need companionship and play because in the wild they lived in packs. And graceful whiskered predators are creatures that need personal space. And they don't really want to see other animals on their territory. This is why a curious dog will hear a hiss in response to her kindness. And, of course, he will not want to communicate with the cat. It is quite difficult to constantly watch this confrontation between two beloved animals. And any owner will want to make friends with them.

Cats are very freedom-loving. They do not like intrusions into their personal space. They are affectionate and do not resist being petted, but they rarely seek the attention of their owners. They love to do their own thing. Dogs, on the contrary, require attention, while giving all their love and devotion to their owner. It is necessary to remember that a dog and a cat are together at home, they are like children: jealous, they will demand attention. So that they do not quarrel, it is necessary to devote enough time to both.

Dependence on the person.

Cats differ from dogs in a huge number of ways, but not all and not always. Many people believe that a cat chooses a person. And a person chooses a dog, which to some extent is really justified. After all, we cannot train a cat, unlike a dog. And they do not become attached to everyone, choosing first of all benefits and comfort. Cats can form packs if it benefits them. Although, due to the fact that they are very good hunters, they are generally independent loners. Therefore, you cannot train a cat, because it does not need it. And he will not want to obey you as the head of the pack, and not because he is stupider than a dog. However, some trainers successfully use the imitation method when training. Then the dog and cat learning together can even help each other in this.

It is wrong to believe that cats do not experience any affection and love for humans, which is in abundance in dogs. Cats, unlike dogs, do not tolerate bad treatment. And if your cat doesn’t purr near you and goes away for weeks, then most likely you should reconsider your attitude towards him. In addition, unlike dogs, cats are much less dependent on people. After all, even in urban conditions they can get their own food.

A strong attachment between a cat and a person can also arise. If the latter was with her from an early age and looked after her well, showing his love and tenderness. It happens that the cat was in unfavorable conditions because of people. Then she will treat any person with caution in the future. And he will only become attached if he feels that she is safe.

Lifestyle – similar requirements.

Cats, like dogs, love predictability and a clear daily routine. But only if all their basic instincts are satisfied. Hence, the formation of habits in a cat depends on whether it was rewarded for it or not. Therefore, in the case of these animals you need to be careful. After all, already formed habits are much more difficult to change, so you should constantly monitor your pet’s behavior.

When a cat enjoys something, she is likely to repeat it over and over again. For example, you may like the way your pet behaves if he scratches not the sofa, but the scratching post next to him. Then it is best to pet him or give him something tasty. After all, this will become an incentive to again choose a scratching post between a sofa and a scratching post. Here, a dog and a cat together are not much different from each other.

But if you don’t like your pet’s behavior, then under no circumstances should you use assault. After all, simply taking the cat to the scratching post, showing her that the only place to sharpen her claws is here, and petting her is much easier than winning her trust again later. It's the same with dogs. Physical punishment must not be used. Because pets will remember the pain and will show negativity towards their owner.

Features of feeding.

Nutritional issues may cause some difficulty. The family in the house has grown larger, and the owner wants each of his pets to be healthy. A dog and a cat should not eat the same food together. Of course, there are universal foods that can be fed to both cats and dogs. But experts do not recommend this approach to their nutrition, since tailed animals have completely different needs for vitamins and nutrients.

When it comes to nutrition, a cat won't eat if it doesn't want to, even if its bowl is full. A dog, on the contrary, can eat everything that is put in front of it. In such a situation, the cat will immediately understand that it is better to eat everything. Since the dog, having eaten its food, will also grab the cat’s portion. Besides, dogs are terrible beggars. They love it when they are given tasty treats after eating.

The main law of pets living together is love and attention to both. Everyone should have their own area for relaxing and eating. It is important that the dog and cat learn to eat together, so that they are close. This way the animals will get used to each other and will not be afraid.

A cat and a dog together are the cause of disagreement.

The feud between cats and dogs has its basis. The fact is that next to the latter, the former do not feel safe. Big dogs are not always friendly. After all, most often the instinct of a predator manifests itself in them. Unless, of course, your dog has been accustomed to living with a cat since childhood. And she didn’t repeatedly go down on the cat that got into your room. Cats, when they see dogs, always try to climb higher. After all, even in a quarrel, it is rare that a dog, having received minor injuries, will retreat. A dog and a cat can be at odds together for several reasons:

  1. Jealousy of the owner. To prevent this from happening, it is important to pay attention to each animal, that is, not to give a reason for this very jealousy.
  2. The dog or cat is already an adult and will not accept a new pet. In fact, difficulties can only arise with kittens or puppies who are placed with already adult animals. Usually friendly dogs can get along with even the simplest cat. However, if the dog is aggressive, it is better not to introduce other animals to it at all, otherwise it can turn into a disaster.
  3. A dog and a cat together cannot share territory between themselves. This usually happens in small apartments. Then it is better to free up a few upper shelves for the cat. Also, the cat should be able to calmly go to the toilet without attracting the attention of another animal.

Selection of neighbors.

Let's imagine that a dog and a cat will soon live together under one roof. This proximity must be taken into account in advance. It is best to adopt animals when they are still very young. Because, growing up side by side, the pets will begin to get used to each other and life will begin without conflicts. If you decide to find company for a bored, adult pet, it will be much more difficult for him to make friends with other four-legged animals. Their introduction must be done correctly, keeping the animals at a distance from each other. Because it is difficult to predict the behavior of a new neighbor. And the first conflict can usually remain in the pet’s memory for a long time.

If you get a kitten and already have an adult dog, you should remember that it is better to keep them separately at first. At the same time, little by little letting them get used to each other. You can let your dog sniff the new tenant's belongings. And it is better to divide the food place first. It is important to designate the pets' places, otherwise they will start sharing it themselves. And this will lead to a deterioration in relations between them.

If an adult cat and dog appear in the house at once, it is difficult to bring them together, but it is possible. You shouldn’t let your dog get close to your cat right away. Because he will think that she wants to attack and will defend herself. It is important to let them be together for a while while observing their behavior. Even if they aren't hostile, don't immediately leave them alone together. They can still quarrel and fight.

Friends, not enemies.

First meeting.

At the first stage, it is advisable to keep the cat and dog away from each other. They should be kept in different parts of the house so that they can get used to each other's smell. The introduction of a cat and a dog should take place under the strict control of the owner. It is advisable that both animals are in good spirits. To do this, it is better to feed them and, if necessary, take them for a walk.

However, it is still better to keep the dog on a leash, especially if it is already an adult. On the contrary, it is better to give the cat complete freedom of action. If the dog does not show visible aggression towards the cat, you can let it off the leash.

The first meeting should not last long - a few minutes will be enough. It is worth gradually increasing the duration. Please note that one of your pets may have a complex character. Then you must put the dog on a leash and put on a muzzle, and the cat must have its claws shortened.

If you introduce a small kitten and a puppy, you need to make sure that the dog does not try to play too actively with the kitten. But the kitten was not afraid of the puppy and did not try to scratch it. The main task of getting to know each other is to let the animals understand that they have nothing to fear from each other. That a dog and a cat can feel comfortable together.

The struggle for the main place in the house will also be active. Even if it is on the owner's lap. As long as the animals get along together, the owner will have no peace. If there is already a dog in the house, then it will be difficult for the cat. She needs to pay more attention, let her get comfortable in the apartment. And it is important that they understand that the boss in the house is their owner.

To ensure that a dog and a cat get along well together, there are a few rules.

  • It is desirable that the dog be trained or at least listen and respect the owner.
  • At first, it is better to separate the animals’ bowls or even feed them in different rooms.
  • Dedicate sufficient time to each of them separately.
  • To prevent unpleasant situations, it would be better to trim both animals' claws.
  • It is better to buy each animal its own toys, and conduct the first joint games under strict control.
  • For good behavior you need to treat the animals.
  • Dogs are usually more active than cats. So it's worth giving your dog time and space to release energy. This is important so that she remains calmer at home. And I didn’t try to play with the cat on my own. To do this, you need to walk and play with dogs more often and longer.
  • It is strictly forbidden to use force against animals. It is also impossible to allow one animal to hunt another. Under no circumstances should you encourage aggression or pit a cat and a dog against each other.

If you follow these simple recommendations, a dog and a cat together in the same house will become best friends. A tailed family is a responsibility, but at the same time it is an addition of joy and love to the home.

Cynologist instructor Yagovitina Yu.A.

When to take action

Friends, let's be realistic: sometimes peaceful coexistence between pets is impossible. If a dog regularly tries to attack a cat, and the cat constantly scratches the dog, it is worth taking action.

For dogs, the owner is the authority, and a good way to keep him in line is to remind him of the rules of behavior. Training will help with this. If you have already completed it, it is worth repeating or teaching new commands so that the authority of the owner prevails over instincts. But you need to be extremely careful and understand that at some point you will not be around and the animal may react to the cat.

When you leave home, be sure to place your pets in different rooms or place the dog in an enclosure.

Different languages ​​of communication

The nonverbal signals of both animals are similar, but have completely different meanings. For example, wagging a dog's tail indicates a playful and high spirits, while in cats, the same tail wagging indicates aggression and readiness to fight.

The purr of a cat, which is caused by the vibration of the vocal cords, speaks of his calmness and tranquility, and the vibration of the dog's vocal cords, which causes a growl, indicates his readiness to attack.

It is the above-mentioned differences in perception that constitute a serious problem in the question of how to make friends between a cat and a dog in the house.

Prohibited actions

Friends, there are rules that are very important for animals living together. Remember them and teach them to your children.

  • Never pit your pets against each other.
  • Don't encourage aggressive behavior.
  • Do not practice commands on another pet.

Failure to follow these rules will lead to uncontrollable behavior of the cat and dog, for which you will be to blame.

An equally important aspect: if the animal is sick, be sure to isolate it from other pets. Unfortunately, instincts can play a cruel joke, and the dog will perceive a weakened neighbor as a victim.

Introducing an adult cat to a puppy

Puppies cope more easily with adults and do not need special protection. Cats show open aggression only in cases where the puppies become importunate and begin to pursue the self-sufficient pet everywhere. If you see this behavior, try to separate the puppy from the cat and engage in some kind of games, since the manifestation of importunity is nothing more than a lack of attention.

In rare cases, cats are able to adopt puppies and raise them along with their kittens.

A puppy raised in the company of a cat or cats does not show aggression towards them and is not prone to conflicts. However, this rule applies only to cats of his “pack”. If this dog meets any other feline, it will be quite difficult to predict his reaction, so there is no point in experimenting.

Otherwise, the rules for getting a puppy used to a cat are exactly the same as in the case of a kitten and a dog. Let the animals get used to each other's smell, divide the apartment into non-intersecting zones in which the pets will rest from each other, and feed them separately, without giving additional reasons for aggression.

Cats are supportive of puppies, except in cases when they begin to actively impose themselves and bother them.

Important! The greatest difficulties occur when two adult individuals get to know each other. If possible, avoid starting a relationship this way, as mature pets already have certain experiences and behavioral characteristics that are very difficult to correct.

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