ticks on dogs
Types of ticks in dogs: structure, developmental features, routes of infection and precautions
Another common type of ectoparasite (external) is ticks in dogs. When they talk about ticks,
Heartworms in dogs
Heartworms in dogs: symptoms, treatment, best tablets for heartworms
Heartworms in dogs are nematodes (roundworms), the adults of which are found in the lungs.
The dog is lying
In what cases is it necessary to induce vomiting in dogs and what means can be used?
The situation when a dog swallows “something wrong” is a fairly common occurrence. It's good if it's
dog house
How to sew a house for a dog in an apartment with your own hands
If you are planning to get a dog or you already have a pet, then your
Height and weight of the Maine Coon by month, the size standard for this breed is
Future owners and just people who saw a Maine Coon for the first time are interested in what height and weight it reaches
Airedale terrier dog. Description, features, care and price of the Airedale Terrier
History of the breed The historical homeland of the Airedale Terrier is located in the Yorkshire county of Great Britain, near the River Aire. English
What you can and cannot feed your dog at home
Genetic features of the health of mongrels Every potential owner who decides to have a mongrel dog agrees to a unique
Changing teeth in kittens - at what age and how do new ones emerge?
When a kitten's baby teeth change, owners should pay special attention to the little teeth.
Dog blanket
Bandage for dogs: purpose and manufacturing methods
With the arrival of autumn, the fur of our fluffy little tails needs protection from precipitation and bad weather.
Cleaning a cat's teeth
Cleaning a cat's teeth. Cleaning products. Cleaning rules. Stones on teeth. Caries. Recommendations
Tips to help you brush your cat's teeth at home. Cats take first
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