Airedale terrier dog. Description, features, care and price of the Airedale Terrier

History of the breed

The historical homeland of the Airedale Terrier is located in the Yorkshire county of Great Britain, near the River Aire. The English workers who lived there were very fond of hunting river rats and otters. In this they were helped by a waterfowl hound dog - an otterhound. But one day the workers were no longer satisfied with some of its characteristics. They decided to cross the hound with a black and tan (Manchester) terrier.

The resulting breed was distinguished by its special endurance and at the same time uncontrolled aggression. To ensure that the dogs were ideal in all respects, breeders bred them with herding breeds. After a long time, the Airedale Terrier was bred, combining the best qualities of a dog: obedience, the ability to hunt on land and swamp, intelligence and beauty.

In 1880, representatives of the new Airedale terrier breed were exported for the first time - to the USA. Airedale Terrier Bruce then took first place in his class at the New York show. And in 1886, Airedale Terriers were registered with the National Dog Fanciers Club.

In Russia, the Airedale Terrier dog breed appeared during the Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905). Representatives of the embassy of the Russian Empire appealed to London so that the British would send them service dogs for signalmen and orderlies. This is how Airedale Terriers arrived on Russian soil and took root here. Their assistance in the Russo-Japanese, World War I and subsequent wars was invaluable.

Until Airedale Terriers were included in official documents, the breed was called the “Great Bedlington”.

If you want to buy an Airedale...

Puppies of this breed can be purchased in many nurseries in Russia. To the question - how much does an Airedale Terrier cost? – you don’t have to worry: relative to the price lists for other breeds, it’s inexpensive. Even with a pedigree - for twenty-five to forty thousand rubles.

Remember that below 30,000 rubles, Airedale terrier puppies will only be from the pet class (for home keeping).

That is, the breed is either there with some disadvantages, or it is absent. For a breeding puppy - for breeding or exhibitions - you will pay more, and even more for a show Airedale.

Previously, one hundred percent Airedales lost their tail in childhood and wagged an ugly stump. This procedure is no longer carried out, so the dogs have normal fluffy tails, but hold them up.

The owners of the Airedale Terriers were Russians - children's novelist Boris Zakhoder and theater and film director Mark Zakharov.

Description of the Airedale Terrier

The International Cynologique Federation (Federation Cynologique Internationale) has developed a standard on which the description of the Airedale terrier breed is based.

  1. Weight – males – from 23 to 29 kg, females – 18-20 kg.
  2. Height at the withers – for boys – 58-61 cm, for girls – 56-59 cm.
  3. The body of males is square, while that of females is elongated.
  4. The back is short, not sagging, the lower back is muscular.
  5. The skull is elongated, flat, tapering towards the eyes, the forehead is almost indistinguishable.
  6. The muzzle is not upturned, without prominent cheekbones, wrinkles, or folds.
  7. The jaws are powerful.
  8. The bite is scissor-shaped.
  9. The eyes are small, dark brown or black.
  10. The ears are small, triangular in shape, close to the head, half drooping.
  11. The nose is large and black.
  12. The front and hind legs are straight and strong.
  13. The tail is thick, elastic, set high and does not curl over the back.

Airedale Terriers have younger brothers - miniature Welsh Terrier dogs, whose height is no more than 38 cm and maximum weight is 10 kg. They are very similar because they share common ancestors in the breed's pedigree. These are also hunting dogs bred in Great Britain. Sometimes they are confused as dwarf Airedale terriers. But mini Welshies are completely different dogs.

How to train

When raising and training, it is important to know the characteristics of the Airedale Terrier breed. They tend to be stubborn, which can create difficulties for inexperienced dog owners. If the dog is stubborn, there is no way to force him to follow commands. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of each dog. Some animals can be dealt with with affection, while other animals can be dealt with with harsh (but not cruel) force.

From an early age, a puppy needs to be educated, otherwise he will be bored with following commands and training will be out of the question. At the most crucial moment, the dog will stop obeying. This can manifest itself not only in training. Therefore, it is necessary to begin training as soon as the pet appears in the house. We need to make sure that he enjoys the training.

Representatives of the breed have a very good memory, so what they learn is remembered for a lifetime. However, repetition is important. It is required to let the puppy run without a leash. Gradually, he can be accustomed to the command “come to me.” When the puppy runs up, you need to fasten him to the leash for a short time and let him go again, while giving him some kind of treat.

By three months, the puppy should know its name and commands: come to me, place, no. Then the Airedale is taught to overcome barriers (first up to 10 cm in height, no more than twice). At the same time, he can be interested in a ball or a stick. If he refuses to jump, he should not be forced. Also, from three months of age, they learn commands: sit, lie down, stand.

Character and appearance of the Airedale Terrier


Airedale Terriers are sociable animals, smart and understanding. Some people consider them stubborn, classifying this property as a disadvantage. The fact is that dogs of this breed have an independent character, which is why they need thoughtful and long-term education.

Airedale Terriers love to take long and frequent walks, play, and learn new things. Despite their gambling, hot temperament, and emotionality, Airedale Terriers are balanced, patient and obedient. They can be friends, even babysit children and will become favorites of all family members.

The characteristics of the Airedale Terrier breed include the dog's amazing hunting instinct. She has everything for this: quick reaction, strong grip, developed limbs and a keen sense of smell. But due to their excellent hunting qualities, Airedale Terriers will not get along with other pets.

When you get such a dog of this breed into a family with small children, you can be sure that he will love them. But it’s worth explaining one important point to kids: you can’t take a dog’s toys or touch its food bowls, since such animals are often possessive.


From the Manchester Terrier, Airedale Terriers inherited the main colors: tan and black. They have a dark back, with the color spreading evenly down their sides. This color of the breed is called “shabrack”. The limbs, muzzle and belly are sandy in color. White hairs on the chest are acceptable.

Airedale Terriers have a soft, fluffy undercoat. The texture of the dog's guard coat resembles a stiff wire. She should not be curly or shaggy.

The calling card of the Royal Terrier breed is bushy eyebrows, a lush mustache and a beard, which makes them uniquely charming.

Airedale wool has water-repellent properties. This useful feature appeared thanks to the genes of the otter hound.

Keeping Airedale Terrier dogs

The Airedale Terrier is suitable both for keeping in a private house and for living in an apartment. As mentioned, the dog does not shed and is very friendly. Since the breed was bred as a hunting breed, Airedale Terriers are very active and playful.

They retain their mobility up to 7-8 years; later it makes sense to make walks more gentle.

  • Pets love to walk and play with children. They behave loyally towards other dogs and people.
  • The low aggressiveness of this breed gradually pushed them out of service roles, and now Airedale Terriers are perceived more as domestic companions.
  • Training an Airedale Terrier is quite simple, especially if it happens in a playful way.
  • Such dogs are rather indifferent to food rewards and value affection and verbal praise more. They love to overcome the “obstacle course”.

Skills in executing commands are consolidated quickly and for a long time. Reviews about the Airedale Terrier as a dog with a light and good-natured character are quite true. With quality care, pets practically do not get sick.

Breeding Airedale Terriers

It is recommended to breed Airedale girls no earlier than one and a half years, during the third heat cycle. Boys are ready for insemination at 12 months. Before mating, the dog needs to undergo a medical examination. It is also necessary to drive away worms from terriers. As a rule, dogs are mated 3 times during heat.

The female's pregnancy lasts approximately 2 months. To understand whether she has conceived, the owner should pay attention to the behavior of the pet: the dog becomes lethargic, passive, and refuses long walks. For an accurate determination, it is necessary to conduct an ultrasound, which will show pregnancy already on the 22nd day after mating.

A dog in a delicate situation requires special care. Toxicosis and deterioration of health are possible. It is not uncommon for Airedale Terriers to carry more than nine puppies, making it difficult for the expectant mother. The owner should think about the dog’s nutrition, increase the amount of protein, and add a vitamin and mineral complex to the diet. It is important to protect the female from stress.

A week before the expected date of birth, you need to prepare a place away from drafts where the dog will give birth and care for the puppies. It is advisable to arrange in advance with the veterinarian so that he can come to your home if necessary.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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In large bitches, childbirth occurs without complications, and owner intervention is not required. But force majeure is possible. Typically, the process of giving birth to puppies lasts from 30 minutes to several hours. Sometimes it can take a day.

In order for the owner to be informed about the progress of childbirth and preparation for it, one should read the relevant literature or consult a specialist.

Raising and training Airedale Terriers

To prevent the young Airedale from becoming an anarchist destroyer, the puppy must begin to be raised in the second month of life. Moreover, the main thing in this matter is the owner’s patience. It is unlikely that a dog will be able to perceive an overly emotional person as a real owner and leader. In addition, the owner will benefit from self-discipline and respect for the pet.

The ideal relationship between owner and dog is friendly, partnership. But, naturally, order and obedience are mandatory. Training in norms of behavior should be carried out by the owner in an affectionate manner, without shouting or physical force.

The first lessons should be given in a calm home environment so that the Airedale puppy is not distracted by unfamiliar smells and sounds. Before training, be sure to feed the dog and make sure it is in good health. Classes should not be long or tire your pet.

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Five important nuances of effective training of Airedale Terriers:

  1. You need to scold your child strictly and firmly, but not in a raised voice. You can shake the dog by the scruff of the neck when he does not perceive words.
  2. If your Airedale terrier puppy commits illegal actions, for example, chewing wallpaper, you should try to distract him with an interesting game. This is more effective than any punishment. When the dog's attention switches, you need to praise the Airedale.
  3. It is highly not recommended to beg your puppy to follow a command. The maximum number of repetitions is 3 times. If the third terrier refuses to obey, you should use a trick, and then reward the dog “for obedience.”
  4. Without consistency you can't go far. Having established rules, the owner should never allow the dog to break them. Otherwise they have no meaning.
  5. Training an Airedale Terrier for each skill should be divided into several small stages. It will be easier for the dog to gradually move from simple to complex. You can move to the next level only after successfully mastering the previous one.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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When the Airedale puppy gets stronger, you need to take him out into the fresh air. An Airedale's exercise should last at least 1.5 hours. Royal terriers are simply a bundle of energy inside. It is vital for dogs to use up this reserve.

Training on a special site, combined with communication with relatives, would be appropriate. It is also good to consolidate the completed exercises and play active games outside.


In new conditions, the pet adapts well and can become a guard and protector. She loves children, but, nevertheless, it is better to explain to the child when the dog is angry and when it is in a playful mood. This will help avoid unwanted consequences, as the pet can easily become irritated.

The character is brave, courageous. The dog in the family is calm, it just doesn’t bark. If guests come or something unexpected happens, she will give a voice. He is neutral towards other animals, but can fight with dogs of the same sex.

An emotional, intelligent dog. Sometimes he is stubborn, which can be corrected with training. It is important to show the pet that the owner is in charge, otherwise the puppy will become uncontrollable, although it will be attached to the family.

The Airedale Terrier has a good memory, so you should not use physical punishment and humiliation on your pet, otherwise its character will become aggressive.

The dog is confident, friendly, and always on the alert. The Mini Airedale Terrier is obedient, friendly, and the puppies are inquisitive.

Care and maintenance

If we are talking about a private house, then it is worth setting up an enclosure for the dog. In the apartment, the dog’s main habitat will be a comfortable lounger.

Airedale Terriers are easy to care for - this is one of the important advantages of the breed. But, of course, you cannot do without attention to the dog. In order for the dog to always delight its owners with tireless energy, cheerful disposition and excellent health, you need to pay attention to some points.


The coat of Airedale Terriers does not cause allergies and does not have an unpleasant odor. Also, King Terriers do not shed. Caring for their coat is minimal: you only need to comb the dogs once a week with a natural bristle brush or a metal comb with even teeth. Or better yet, use both instruments in turn.

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Washing Airedale Terriers is often completely unnecessary, since their fur repels dirt. It is enough to bathe the dog only once a month, using a mild shampoo. After a walk, it is advisable to wipe the dog's paws and belly.

It is also recommended to take your Airedale to a zoo groomer twice a year (in spring and autumn) for hygienic trimming - painless plucking. This is necessary because in dogs with coarse hair, dead hairs do not fall out on their own.

After trimming, the Airedale Terrier will look well-groomed and neat. Between hygiene procedures, cosmetic trimming can be done to maintain the dog’s beautiful image.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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You should not trim Airedale Terriers: this will cause their coat to lose its natural structure and stop repelling water. The normal ratio of the soft undercoat and the coarse outer coat is disrupted.


To clean your ears, you need to drop 1-2 drops of a hygiene product into each ear canal. Then carefully, with a slight rotational movement, insert a cotton swab for a few seconds. Periodically, to ventilate and prevent infection, it is necessary to bend the tips of the ears over the cartilages.

If a dog owner plans to take his pet to events, it is important for the Airedale Terrier to develop the correct ear position at an early age. To do this, the ears are glued with special glue or massage is used.


Once or twice a week you need to clean your Airedale Terrier's eyes by wiping them with a cotton pad soaked in chamomile infusion. Excessively long hair around the eyelids should be trimmed to prevent hairs from getting into the eyes.


Airedale Terriers' teeth require careful weekly hygiene. If they are not cleaned, plaque and a strong odor from the mouth may appear. At the pet store you need to purchase a dog teeth cleaner in the form of a paste or gel.


When Airedale Terriers are often taken for a walk, their claws themselves grind down on the surface of the ground or asphalt. But once a month, it is still advisable to cut them with a special tool, and then file them with a large file to remove unevenness.

Mustache and beard

After the dog has eaten, it is necessary to wipe the fur on its face with a damp cloth so that no food particles remain there. Since the Airedale Terrier's mustache and beard consist of the same thick hair as on the body, they must be combed. To avoid snags, the dog needs to trim long hairs near the lower lip and corners of the mouth.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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Veterinarians recommend treating your Airedale Terrier with a flea and tick preventative every month. After this, the animal cannot be washed for 10 days.

Key points in training

The main negative trait of the breed is stubbornness, so standard methods of motivation do not work with these dogs.

Read about how to properly train a dog in the article: “Training a puppy: effective methods from dog handlers, learning commands at home.”

There is also no point in beating animals; they practically do not feel pain.

In the case of Erdeles, you need to look for a special approach, be able to negotiate and communicate with the dog. It is important to accustom your pet to training from childhood, to interest him in games and entertainment. If you miss the moment, this dog will become uncontrollable.

The animal must be accustomed to the rules of behavior in the house and on the street. The dog must understand the hierarchy in the family; it must not sleep, jump on the owner’s furniture, beg, or steal. By 3-4 months, the terrier will have already learned its schedule and nickname, then you can start learning commands.

Airedels are great at agility. They can become service dogs and protect the territory entrusted to them. But for this you need to work more seriously with the dog, take training courses in kennel clubs.

It is important to properly socialize your pet. To do this, he is introduced to people and animals, taken for walks in crowded places, and taught to use a leash. An unsocialized dog can become aggressive or timid.


In the first months, it is advisable to feed Airedale Terriers natural food with a puree-like consistency. Up to six months, you should give your puppy food in small portions 5-6 times a day. Then he is transferred to four meals a day. By the first year, the dog should eat only 2 times a day. The owner must avoid unscheduled feedings that violate discipline.

Table of permitted and prohibited products:

CanIt is forbidden
Chicken, beef, rabbit meatPork, lamb
By-productsSmoked meats
Lean fish (boiled)Tubular bones
EggsPasta, baked goods
Porridge (millet, buckwheat)Sweets
Dairy productsSalty, spicy food
Onions and green onions, citrus fruitsOnions and green onions, citrus fruits

If a dog owner wants to give his adult pet ready-made food, you need to know the following:

  1. Only high-quality premium or super-premium products are acceptable (read more here).
  2. It is necessary to purchase specialized food for large dogs.
  3. The food already contains vitamins, no additional additives are required.

Attitude towards children and pets

The Happy Airedale Terrier is a cheerful and energetic family dog. In some cases, it can even become the protector of children in the home, but its large size and high activity level may not be suitable for very young children. Always supervise any interactions between dogs and small children. Teach your child never to approach any dog ​​while it is sleeping or eating, or to try to take food from it. No dog should be left unattended with a child.

The Airedale Terrier gets along well with other dogs. However, he can be aggressive with unfamiliar dogs that he perceives as threatening. And given the Airedale's reputation as a hunter, it is likely to chase animals it perceives as prey, including cats, rabbits, gerbils and hamsters.

Airedale Terrier Health and Lifespan

This breed has enviable health. These are hardy and strong dogs. They are less susceptible to diseases. But the owner of the dog must vaccinate him on time, deworm him and send him for routine examinations.

Health indicators:

  • the wool does not lose its natural appearance and beauty;
  • the dog’s energy and activity during games and walks;
  • cool wet nose;
  • excellent appetite;
  • sparkling eyes.

The absence of these signs, and especially the dog’s apathetic behavior, is a reason to urgently consult a veterinarian. Diagnosis of the disease at an early stage facilitates rapid treatment.

What ailments occur in Airedale Terriers:

  • hip dysplasia;
  • dislocated knee;
  • demodicosis;
  • melanoma;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • allergies.

Typically, Royal Terriers live 9-15 years. But attentive attitude and love for the dog will definitely prolong its existence.

Selection rules and cost

It is better to buy a royal terrier from a kennel. There the owner will be given a veterinary passport and a puppy card with the necessary information. Subsequently, it can be exchanged for a pedigree, which is the dog’s passport. In addition, the nursery will tell you about raising a puppy and provide advice on questions of interest.

The Airedale Terrier breed can be used in different ways. Therefore, it is necessary to consult with the breeder which dog to choose for specific tasks. Already from 1.5-2 months you can understand the potential of an Airedale puppy. Usually it is at this age that the babies are taken away from the female. It is important to look at the parents of the chosen puppy and the character of the dogs.

The cleanliness of the baby's fur matters. At birth, his hair should be black and tan. With age, the color changes.

The paws of an Airedale terrier puppy are allowed to be straight, the head is flat, there should be no discharge or redness in the eyes, ears, nose, anus and genitourinary openings. Healthy puppies are also lively and curious.

Sometimes Airedale Terrier dogs suffer from genetic diseases. It is advisable to ask the breeder for test results for hyperuricosuria and degenerative myelopathy.

Prices for Airedale terrier puppies vary from 25 to 70 thousand rubles. depending on the place of purchase and the quality of the dog.

Interesting facts about the Airedale Terrier breed:

  1. Airedale Terrier Jack rescued a British battalion in 1918. He went through fire, was seriously wounded, and still completed the mission. The dog was posthumously awarded the Victoria Cross and a monument was erected in her honor.
  2. Airedale terriers Wolf and Prince served in the British police.
  3. At Arkansas High School, the Airedale Terrier has become a permanent symbol of the school.
  4. Nobel Prize winner Konrad Lorenz said that Airedales are considered among the most loyal.
  5. The royal terrier Chingiz starred in the Soviet film “The Adventures of Electronics.”
  6. Airedale Terriers were adored by some American presidents. Even Theodore Roosevelt loved them. And monuments were erected to Warren Harding's pets.
  7. To breed the “black terrier” breed, Stalin’s dogs included Airedale terriers.

Frequent illnesses and problems

Sometimes they may be susceptible to skin diseases. Allergic reactions can be caused by improperly selected feed and, as a rule, disappear when the diet is adjusted. The general recommendation would be timely adherence to the vaccination schedule and anthelmintic prophylaxis.

Despite its large size, the Airedale Terrier is often kept in apartments. They do not need a lot of space, are extremely unpretentious and not intrusive. Friendly and playful, they will become the best friends for children. There is never a dull moment around Erdel; he will always work and have fun with joy and readiness. Such a dog is able to fill the life of its owners with positive emotions and new impressions.

The homeland of the French poodle is not France.

The homeland of the poodle is Germany. The name "poodle" is derived from the German "pudel" or "pudelhund" and means "splashing dog." The world-famous haircut of poodles appeared when hunters cut their hair for ease of swimming, leaving only a little fur to keep warm.

Dogs' sense of smell is 100,000 times more sensitive than humans' sense of smell

Humans have about 5 million olfactory receptors in their noses, while bloodhounds have up to 300 million. You can't hide a bone from them!

A dog is the first animal to orbit the Earth

Laika became the first living creature to orbit the Earth. Her flight on Sputnik 2 took place in 1957. Although she herself died during the flight, her daughter, Pushinka, gave birth to 4 puppies from the terrier Charlie, whose owner was US President John F. Kennedy.


Oleg, 41 years old: “My wife and I recently decided to buy a dog – an Airedale girl. Since we have small children (3 and 5 years old), we were afraid that problems would arise. But it's okay. The dog is playful and sociable. The Airedale Terrier treats children kindly.”

Elena, 54 years old: “Our family has not changed the Airedale terrier breed for more than 15 years. Such dogs are intelligent, self-sufficient, independent, fearless. They themselves will not start a fight, but they know how to fight back against offenders. Sometimes dogs can be disobedient, we need a competent approach.”

Pros and cons of the breed

It is not for nothing that the dogs of the classic English terrier group are loved all over the world. They are very smart, energetic and attractive in appearance. Sometimes too emotional and active. But these are small representatives of FCI Group III. And a large terrier is a maximum of advantages.

For those who love and understand terriers, the Airedale terrier will be a source of continuous positivity:

  • He is not stubborn or self-willed.
  • Moderately active.
  • Enjoys and successfully studies.
  • Handsome!

The only thing that discourages this breed is the need for regular trimming. The problem can be solved with the help of a groomer and money, or you can master the technique yourself.

The versatile abilities of Airedales do not allow them to be recommended as a purely guard dog, much less a bodyguard. Perhaps this is a minus?

Photo and video review

Photos and videos of these charming Airedale Terriers will certainly help doubting people make the right decision about choosing a dog.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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