Herding dogs: TOP 15 breeds with photos, names and descriptions

Before you become interested in the history of the emergence of herding dogs, you need to understand why this name is associated with a number of breeds. “Shepherd” is derived from the word herd, that is, to guard, protect livestock.

Cattle have always been the main source of food for their owners, providing people with durable scraps of leather and serving for transporting heavy things. Such a valuable farm needed adequate protection from frequent attacks by wild animals. It was for this purpose that the owners kept and raised herding dogs.

History of origin

Asia is considered the ancestor of herding breeds. The first “shepherds” appeared a couple of thousand years ago among the inhabitants of nomadic tribes. The dogs protected them from wolves, bears and other uninvited guests. These dogs were improved and trained in any professional skills much later in Europe.

Over time, it became obvious that the main properties (large size and harsh character) were clearly not enough for herding breeds. Significant work was required on the color of the dogs, because the domestic pet had to be very different from wild animals, so as not to inadvertently get hooked by the owner at night. To achieve results, the first herding dogs began to be crossed with other European breeds.

In addition to European countries, Rome made a significant contribution to the development of breeds. Its inhabitants tried to train dogs in harsh fights with predators.


Mudi is a Hungarian herding dog breed, considered an excellent hunter, loyal friend, and faithful rescuer. Today they are involved in the search for drugs because they have an excellent sense of smell and a unique sense of smell. It is worth knowing that the stress when pronouncing the name of the breed falls on the second syllable.

Descriptions of Moody date back to the Middle Ages, but the standard was only finally recognized in 1966. After this, Hungarian herding dogs received recognition not only at home, but also abroad. A freedom-loving dog will not do well in an apartment, so it is recommended for keeping in the countryside, where there is enough open space.

Dense, slightly shaggy fur protects the animal from any weather, including precipitation. The dog is active, hardworking, but does not tolerate strangers and may bite.

Pros and cons of herding dogs

The list of advantages of herding dogs over other breeds is quite impressive:

  1. Proportional and beautifully formed physique.
  2. Well-developed bone structure and muscles that can withstand intense physical activity.
  3. Thick coat and undercoat, designed for the harsh climate of the highlands or the north.
  4. There is no hunting instinct, so the dog protects the herd and does not attack it.
  5. An intuitive sense of danger when a stranger appears, does not trust and checks everyone who enters the house.
  6. Loyalty to one master.

Each breeder can name one of the disadvantages of keeping a shepherd dog. For example, if you raise such breeds in an apartment, then a clear disadvantage for neighboring residents will be the loud and strong barking of the dog. In addition, several tens of meters of a city apartment are too cramped for these breeds. They are accustomed to a free life; space and frequent walks in the fresh air are important to them. Otherwise, various diseases are often detected in herders.

They are often quite large and seemingly aggressive dogs, so there is no need to leave them alone with strangers. If the “shepherd” was raised with children from infancy, then most likely there will be no danger to the surrounding children, but it’s still not worth the risk. Therefore, the shortcomings of each individual are considered separately, based on upbringing and environment.

Welsh Corgi

The Welsh Corgi is a guard dog from Wales. Corgi is a small breed - its height reaches 30 cm due to its short legs, and its weight is only 15 kg. This is a friendly, cheerful, loyal breed that loves walks. She is smart, quickly remembers commands, and is easy to train.

The Welsh Corgi has excellent guarding and watchdog instincts, which is why it is still used in livestock breeding. The disadvantage of the breed is considered to be a passion for food, so it is important to control the amount of portions, preventing overeating. It is equally important to maintain an adequate level of physical activity.

TOP 33 herding dogs

Among the prominent representatives of the shepherd group are:

Australian Shepherd (Aussie)

The USA is considered the country of origin of Aussies. An adult male weighs up to 30. The height at the withers reaches 55 cm. On average, they live 13-15 years.

Because of its easily trainable disposition, it is often used as a guide or service dog. They are friendly both towards people and other animals. At the same time, having offended an Aussie, a person will quickly receive a rebuff. A breed that requires daily physical activity. When keeping an Australian Shepherd in an apartment, it needs to be walked often and for a long time.

Australian Kelpie

The breed is a cattle breed. The dog reaches 51 cm in height and up to 27 kg in weight. Life period 10-14 years. Bred in Australia, the Kelpie is quite hardworking. She is used to active work and is often used as a service dog. Hardy and adaptable, tolerates harsh climates well. It is not recommended to keep her in an apartment; she is accustomed to a free lifestyle and constant movement.

Externally, the shepherd kelpie is compared to a fox. Optimistic, affectionate and devoted. At the same time, the dog copes well with the role of a shepherd, powerful and dynamic. Well amenable to training.

Alabai (Central Asian Shepherd)

A native of the regions of Central Asia primarily performs the role of a guard and protector. The height of an adult male is at least 70 cm. Average weight is 50-60 kg. Life expectancy is 12-15 years.

An extremely independent dog, he will never betray himself for a piece of something tasty. She has absolute fearlessness and never attacks first. Loud barking and growling seem to warn the opponent that he better stop.

You need to raise an Alabai, as they say, “from the cradle.” At the same time, you should not beat or scold the puppy over trifles. This is a very capricious and touchy breed. It is advised to entrust her education to an experienced instructor.

The breed is unpretentious in care; the main thing for it is proper nutrition and cleanliness. For good health, Alabai needs regular physical activity and long walks.

Appenzeller Mountain Dog

The country of origin of the breed is Switzerland. The height of an adult reaches 58 cm, weight - 32 kg. Average life expectancy is 12-15 years. Belongs to the group of pinschers and mountain cattle dogs.

The Sennenhund has proven itself well in training. These are quite smart guards with a loud bark. When meeting a stranger, they are not the first to show signs of aggression. Hardworking and attentive, they can make independent decisions. Adapts well to life in an ordinary family with children. It is quite difficult for this representative of shepherds to live without movement. Furniture, shoes and clothes in the house can suffer from unspent energy.

You can keep a dog in a city apartment, but the Sennenhund feels comfortable and comfortable only in a private home. However, this breed is not kept on a chain in a booth or enclosure. This is a true friend and ally who should live with the owners.

White Swiss Shepherd - BShO

Switzerland is considered the birthplace of the white shepherd. The weight of an adult male reaches 40 kg. The height of the breed reaches 61 cm at the withers. On average, BShO lives 13-15 years.

A powerful and hardy dog ​​with a “hot” temperament and “nerves of steel”. The outline is similar to the German Shepherd, only the color is different.

Behaves aggressively only in cases of obvious threat or danger. Affectionate and responsive, suitable for families with children. She treats strangers with extreme restraint, but at the same time reacts calmly to animals living in the same territory with her. The Swiss Shepherd is easy to train, it is smart and quick-witted.

Representatives of the BShO are often found in the service of law enforcement agencies, as a guide, watchman or rescuer. The breed is characterized by excellent endurance and requires regular exercise. It is better if the Swiss Shepherd is kept in the house, but if this is not possible, it can easily live in an apartment.

Belgian Shepherd

Country of origin: Belgium. The first mentions of this representative of shepherds appeared in 1891. The male of this group is not so large - up to 30 kg. The height at the withers reaches 66 cm.

Belgian Shepherds are distinguished by their watchdog qualities. They are fearless, bark loudly and carefully store the object entrusted to them. Dogs are very active, their walking should not be limited to walking. They need to run for at least an hour during the day.

The breed can be kept with other animals, with the exception of cats and small rodents. They are not as beloved by the Belgian Shepherd. The dog also behaves towards children. She calmly accepts their appearance nearby, but does not actively participate in games with them. Such a dog needs to be socialized and trained as early as possible. He is smart and trainable.

A beautiful and well-groomed appearance of a pet requires constant coat care. It is quite difficult for a novice dog breeder to cope with caring for such a friend.

Bergamasco or Bergamasco Shepherd Dog

Bergamasco comes from Italy. It grows up to 62 cm, its weight reaches 38-40 kg. Average life expectancy is 13-15 years. According to the FCI this is a herding and cattle dog.

Outwardly, Bergamasco looks quite dangerous. In practice, these are one of the most good-natured pets, they are devoted to their owner and are good with children. This is a real protector for the whole family.

The optimal living conditions for the Bergamasco Shepherd are considered to be a country house. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to put the dog on a chain; a few walks in the fresh air are enough for it.

Despite his stubborn character traits, he is well trained. The main thing is to show the purebred dog who’s boss in the house.

Bergamasco wool requires a lot of work and care. Mats should not be combed or trimmed. They serve as a kind of protective layer for the dog’s body, so they wash it only a few times a year. This procedure can only be done by a professional; it is quite difficult to properly process wool at home.

A country house is suitable for permanent residence of a Bergamasco. You can keep this breed in an apartment, but you will have to take it for long walks outside.

Bernese Mountain Dog

The Bernese Mountain Dog originated from Switzerland. The dog's weight reaches 50 kg, height - 70 cm at the withers. Sennenhunds live much shorter than other herding animals, only 8-10 years.

Despite the size of the dog, he can often be found in the city. The puppy reaches its adult state only by two years. He gets along well with other pets, and has a special love for cats.

Sennenhunds love attention and affection, but will not ask for petting on their own. Also with maintenance, they can walk on a leash, but they will not tolerate a chain. Thus, they show their character in everything.

They are not as smart as other types of shepherd dogs, but they learn to carry out certain commands quite quickly. Sometimes they can show not only character, but also stubbornness.

The thick and long coat sheds almost all year round. For good health, the dog needs long walks and physical activity.


FCI herding and cattle dog from Great Britain. Height reaches 60 cm, weight - up to 42 kg. On average, they live up to 15 years.

The ancestor of the bobtail is called the South Russian Shepherd Dog. Further crossing and development of the breed gave the second name to the Old English Sheepdog. In subsequent years, when a dog tax was introduced in England, this group was renamed the Bobtail. The literal translation is short tail, which exactly corresponded to the description of the breed, whose tails were docked for less tax collection (depending on the length of the dog’s tail).

This breed is not characterized by aggression, it is very good-natured. When protecting a herd, bobtails do not attempt to kill the offender; they simply block his path to prey, overwhelm him with their size and knock him to the ground.

The Bobtail is an intelligent, calm and kind dog. Usually they are not trained, since harsh fighting methods do not work on them. They learn to follow simple commands and then only in a kind and gentle voice. You always need to talk to them, give them attention and play. This dog's gentle nature extends to children. She gets along well with kids and other animals in the house.

Bobtail requires careful care. His fur is constantly combed to get rid of sorcerers, he is not washed very often and his teeth are taken care of. A good undercoat allows the dog to withstand heat and cold well, so it can be kept both in the city and in the country. The Old English Sheepdog needs active games and leisurely walks in the fresh air.

Border Collie

The breed was developed quite a long time ago in Great Britain (1570). Average weight is from 15 to 20 kg. Height - 52-53 cm. Life expectancy up to 15 years.

The Border Collie is recognized as the smartest dog breed. Literally created to shepherd and protect people and animals. They often serve as guides and participate in search activities.

The apartment is too cramped for this pet. It treats other neighbors in the form of cats or rodents peacefully.

Does not accept chains and enclosures, extremely freedom-loving. Capable of mastering any training course, performs and grasps all types of commands on the fly.


Rarely found in Russia, French breed. The average weight of a dog is 30-45 kg, height is up to 70 cm at the withers. The Beauceron lives from 10 to 13 years.

Its large size and athletic build allow the animal to be strong, agile and resilient. It does not accept strangers, so you need to raise your pet from the very first days of its life. This will require a lot of effort; the Beauceron’s character is not the easiest. A tough, active and temperamental dog should live outside the city. Until two or three years of age, the Beauceron is considered a puppy.

Despite the cool disposition, the dog gets along well with children. It can play with older owners, but a Beauceron will certainly become a good and caring nanny for a baby. In any case, you need to handle your pet very carefully. Do not forget that the main ancestor of the breed was the wolf. The main functions of the Beauceron (service, workers) have not been canceled.

Bosnian Tornjak (tornjak)

The full name of the breed is Bosnian-Herzegovinian-Croatian Shepherd Dog. Bred in Croatia, weight reaches 50 kg, height - up to 72 cm at the withers.

One of the kindest dogs among all shepherds. A true “beater” and a master of his craft. A calm, balanced dog who begins to bark loudly and defend himself only in case of real danger to his loved ones.

The breed is unpretentious in care; the main thing is to keep it not in the city, but in the country, in a spacious enclosure. She needs physical activity, walks and games, even into adulthood. The Tornjak's long fur does not need to be constantly brushed. It does not get tangled and does not turn into tangles.

The dog is not only kind, but also smart. It is easy to train and quickly follows commands from even the smallest family members. The only point is that you need to start raising this pet as early as possible.


A large herding dog native to France. Average weight 35-40 kg, height - up to 68 cm at the withers. Lives for 11-13 years.

An intelligent dog that knows its worth often shows its character during training. The Briard is not very susceptible to shedding, but its long hair often gets tangled and needs to be combed very often. The Briard Shepherd is not one of those who will tolerate a quiet and modest owner. She is kind and calm, but only if she feels the leader’s strong and reliable shoulder nearby.

He is jealous of other animals and can get involved in a fight. This is an energetic and sharp dog; even in old age, the Briard is not averse to playing active games on the street.

Welsh Corgi

The full name of the Pembroke Welsh Corgi herding breed, it was bred in Great Britain. Maximum weight is only 13 kg. Height no more than 30 cm at the withers. They live 9-12 years.

A good friend and ally for the family. Can live both in the city and in a private house. An extremely friendly and cheerful dog. The dog is distinguished by excellent intelligence and courage. The friendly nature of the breed precludes keeping it on a leash; it needs constant and lively communication with loved ones. She accepts training well, is cheerful and active.

Corgis are great with children. There are no serious problems with care; you don’t need to wash the dog often. Periodic grooming and nutrition control.

Hungarian bullet

"Water" dog from Hungary. Males grow up to 45 cm. Weight usually does not exceed 15 kg. Lives a little longer than other shepherds - up to 16 years.

Externally, the Puli is similar to the Komondor, only smaller. The same long and thick coat of white, black or brown shades. A cheerful and devoted dog, good for family life. Agile, smart and capable of making independent decisions. He is wary of strangers and barks hoarsely at the slightest danger. It does not require special care; after the first year of life, it is enough to simply separate the fur with your hands.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

The name of the breed speaks for itself about its origin. A very large breed, reaching 100 kg in weight. The height reaches 70 cm. On average, it lives 10-11 years.

She is distrustful of others, but is friendly to loved ones. Always on the alert, smart and reacts with lightning speed to provocation. This aggressive breed is subject only to an authoritarian owner. Beginners do not need to get a Caucasian.

The Caucasian Shepherd Dog is calm in the enclosure, ready for long absences of the owner and does not require special attention.

Collie (Scottish Sheepdog)

The dog is also called a longhaired collie or an English collie. Made in Great Britain. Height reaches 61 cm. Weight - 25-34 kg. Life expectancy is 12-13 years.

Today, collies are extremely rarely seen on the street and even outside the city. She naturally barks a lot and loudly. Silence and collies are incompatible things. The long, thick coat serves as its protection from sudden changes in temperature or frost.

The Collie is a patient and peaceful dog that gets along well with other pets. It is not very whimsical in care and food, but it requires active and long walks in the fresh air.

Komondor - Hungarian Shepherd

A fluffy herding breed originally from Hungary. Excellent camouflage in a flock of sheep. Life expectancy is up to 10-12 years. Height reaches 76 cm, weight - up to 50-60 kg.

Strongly attached to the owner, calm and gentle dog. When danger comes to loved ones, he behaves fearlessly, quickly and independently makes the right decisions. If raised early with children and other animals, it takes root well in an apartment. It is better to keep the dog outside the city; he loves long and active walks in the fresh air.

Maremmo-Abruzzese Shepherd Dog

A breed of dog that originated in Italy. Often called maremma. The male's height reaches 73 cm, weight - 45 cm.

Dominant and strong animal. Often does not distinguish between friends and foes, and rushes to attack with lightning speed. A dog with such a complex character can be kept in a family with children and other pets. She will faithfully serve and protect them, but only if she is raised in these conditions from birth. Rarely shows stubbornness when raising.

Long hair does not require special care; at this size, the Maremma eats little, but it is better to feed the dog in splendid isolation.

Mudi - Hungarian Cattle Dog

Bred in Hungary. Height reaches 47 cm, weight - 11-13 kg. On average, they live 13-14 years.

A brave and courageous breed, suitable for both herding and boar hunting. Often works as a search dog. Energetic and strong, at the same time easy to train and obedient. She needs early socialization, freedom and space. Can live in an apartment or in a country house. It does not require special care; you need to periodically brush the thick coat, wipe the eyes and treat the ears.

German Shepherd

The origin of the breed is the 19th century, Germany. The weight of an adult dog is 35-40 kg. Height - up to 65 cm. On average, lives 10-13 years.

They cope well with the role of a family friend and a working guard dog. Loyal, flexible and intelligent dogs that need active physical activity and live communication. They get along well with children and can live both in a house and in an apartment. There are no special care requirements.

Pyrenean mountain dog

A herding breed bred in France. Height reaches 80 cm, weight - up to 55 kg. Lives for 10-12 years.

Outwardly, they are very good-natured and smiling dogs, with an intelligent and soulful look. They are easy to train, but must be managed by an experienced dog breeder or instructor. A beginner cannot control such a strong-willed animal.

An adult Pyrenees can be called no earlier than three years old. Due to the huge size of the dog, it is difficult to keep in an apartment; in a country house, he will be able to show his working qualities to a greater extent. Does not require special care, easily tolerates an enclosure. Gets along well with children and other pets.

Portuguese Shepherd

Its homeland is called Portugal. Height reaches 55 cm, weight - 27 kg. Life expectancy is from 11 to 13 years. Smart, loyal animal. An active and friendly pet for the family. Balanced and even calm, does not bark idlely, and behaves warily with strangers.

The Portuguese Shepherd is hardworking and resilient. Long and thick wool allows her to live outside the city and not freeze. This breed will feel cramped in an apartment. No careful grooming is required, just occasional brushing and washing.

Giant Schnauzer

The dog is a generalist, originally from Germany. Known since the 17th century. Reaches a height at the withers of 70 cm. Its average weight is 45-47 kg. Life expectancy is 12-15 years.

The Giant Schnauzer has powerful, dominant character traits. For education and training, it is better to entrust the dog to an instructor. The dog requires long walks, brushing and regular training.

The breed is extremely distrustful of others. Previously, she was often taken into service for investigative activities.

Romanian Shepherd

A powerful and muscular dog bred in Romania. Its lifespan is 12-14 years. Weight reaches 45 kg, height - up to 73 cm at the withers.

A strong-willed, strong and fearless dog. It is difficult to keep an aggressive pet in an apartment; its owner must be strong and authoritative, otherwise he will not obey him. He is suspicious of those around him, and when attacking, he attacks the enemy instantly. A Romanian shepherd dog can be adopted by a family, as long as the dog sees a leader at home from childhood. To feel good, he needs air and space, and does not require special care. This dog needs socialization and training as early as possible.

Samoyed dog

Siberia and the northern regions of Russia are considered the homeland of the Samoyed dog. The origin of the breed was 11th century BC. Maximum weight 30 kg. Height - 55 cm at the withers. Samoyeds live 12-15 years. One of the hypoallergenic breeds.

The health of the Samoyed has remained virtually unchanged since its inception. This group was least affected by selection and crossing.

A friendly animal with an easy-going and gentle character. Brave, active Samoyeds do not live well alone; they should not be kept on a chain or in an enclosure. They love fish and seafood. The dog's beautiful snow-white coat does not need to be brushed too often.

Turkish Shepherd Akbash

An intelligent and independent dog originally from Turkey. Lives for 10-11 years. The average height is 81-86 cm, weight - up to 64 kg.

A hardy and powerful dog, it is always white. Loyal, devoted, capable of making independent decisions. They are calm in everyday life, but in a fight they can tear apart even a wolf. They are unhurried, called upon to observe for a long time, assess the situation and only then act.

Bouvier des Flanders

The breed comes from Belgium. Lives for 10-12 years. Reaches 35-40 kg of weight and 68 cm at the withers.

Cute, flexible and kind weight, conquering everyone and everything. It is leisurely, often lies in its place, but when attacking it acts quickly and clearly. It takes a long time to learn when trained. Does not like aggression and evil, understands when commands are given with kindness and affection. Gets along well with children and pets.

Croatian Shepherd

A dog with pronounced curly hair on the body, originally from Croatia. Grows up to 53 cm, weighs no more than 20 kg. Dies at the age of 12-14 years.

Unpretentious to keep, smart and quick-witted. The Croatian breed cannot be kept on a chain; it needs space. She learns quickly and is loyal to her owner. Very active, loves to play with toys and sticks. When kept in an apartment, it requires long and exciting walks.


Bred in Scotland. Lives for 12-13 years. Her average height is 41 cm, weight is 12 kg.

Externally, the breed resembles a collie, but is slightly shorter. Out of natural curiosity, Shelties are interested in all living creatures they encounter along the way. Smart and active. Suitable for families with children and single owners. Noisy and bark a lot. Not suitable for quiet owners and hard workers, as the dog does not like to be alone.


Originally from Belgium. Lives for 12-13 years. Her height reaches 35 cm, weight is only 5-9 kg.

With all its love for society, it is a rather independent breed. Active and athletic dogs. They hear very well, grumbling or barking at any sound. For single owners, the Schipperke will become a faithful friend and companion only with close communication, games and long-term joint training. It socializes well, you can adopt a puppy as early as 1.5-2 months. On walks, it is better to keep your harsh friend on a leash.

Enlebucher Mountain Dog

These shepherds were bred in Switzerland. Life expectancy is 11-15 years. Weight reaches 30 kg, height 50-52 cm.

A balanced and playful pet for families with children. It is easy to care for and is well suited for a novice dog breeder. Must live in an apartment or house, but not on the street. A leash is required for walks; at the sight of cats, the dog’s natural instinct and strong muscles are triggered; the Enlebucher Mountain Dog runs very quickly. Sometimes he is stubborn, but overall he is a friendly pet with an ideal character.

South Russian Shepherd

Bred in Russia. Lives for 11-13 years. At the withers it reaches 66 cm, weighs about 50 kg.

Suitable for experienced dog owners. She is highly devoted to her owner and requires particularly careful training and attention. A brave and strong animal, ready to protect its owner or leader at the cost of its life. It has excellent watchdog qualities and is wary of guests and other pets.

In terms of care, the dog needs careful daily brushing of its thick coat and monitoring its diet; it does not eat much. It is better for this breed to live in an enclosure.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

The Caucasian Shepherd is a large herding breed. Its height at the withers can reach 80 cm, weight - 110 kg. Such dimensions, combined with high physical strength, pose a serious threat to any ill-wisher. Shaggy shepherds can easily withstand any bad weather and are able to protect the herd from a pack of wolves.

By nature, Caucasians are brave, decisive, quickly respond to commands, and do not trust strangers. To win the devotion of an adult, the owner will have to show persistence and the will to learn. The presence of thick wool makes it difficult to keep Caucasians in southern latitudes. In the heat, the dog becomes lethargic. Good nutrition is important. If there is a lack of proteins and microelements, the giant can get sick.

How to choose a herding dog

When choosing a herding puppy, there are several factors to consider:

  1. In what climate will the dog grow? If it is cold, then choose a breed with a good undercoat. In warm weather - smooth-haired.
  2. What is a dog for? If you herd a flock of sheep and follow strictly specified commands, then you need one breed. If independent decisions are required from the dog, another one will be required.
  3. Which breed does the owner like? Maybe the color of an individual puppy caught my eye, or maybe there is a good and familiar shepherd breeder from whom it is better to adopt a dog.

Experienced dog handlers advise buying a puppy only after meeting the dog’s parents in person. It is advisable to look at the father and mother in action, to find out what working qualities they possess. It is better if the puppy has not outgrown 8-10 weeks of age. Already at this time, the “shepherd” can demonstrate his instincts, which it is also better to ask the breeder about.

A separate point needs to be mentioned is the dog’s health. The puppy should not be lethargic. They look carefully at the coat (it should be shiny), eyes (clean), navel and other features. Any talk about bad weather, allergies or overeating should go to another breeder.

The same should be done if animals are spoken of only in superlatives: the smartest, eats everything, understands everything, etc. Each breed and individual, like a person, is individual. This also needs to be taken into account when choosing a dog. After all, a mischievous and active dog is unlikely to suit a calm owner with a measured lifestyle. The owner's temperament is one of the main factors when choosing a breed.


Alabai is a shepherd dog originally from Asia. The breed was formed through natural selection over 3,000 years. These dogs are still in demand today in livestock farming, as well as in various security companies. Externally, the dog may be shaggy or have short hair.

Alabai are large individuals, weighing up to 90 kg, which poses an additional threat to the intruder. Their color can be quite varied: from white, blue to fiery red or chocolate. There are individuals with brindle or spotted coloring. Interestingly, Alabai is not the exact name of the breed. The correct name sounds like Central Asian Shepherd.

Alabai's character combines fighting and guarding skills, therefore, in the absence of training, the dog can show aggression towards strangers or other animals. The dog is quite selective in relationships and does not have a peaceful character. She will remain aggressive towards those she does not like. At the same time, Alabai is a fearless shepherd, capable of fighting a wolf and protecting the owner or herd from the enemy.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. Despite the serious size of the breeds, these are not always angry and aggressive dogs.
  2. The most intelligent herding breed is called the border collie.
  3. The main functions of the herding group are to protect livestock and accompany their movements.
  4. The working qualities of such breeds are fast running, loud barking and a wide range of vision.
  5. It is clear that herding sheep is not a priority task for shepherd puppies today, but no one has canceled their innate skills. When buying such a dog for your home, you need to understand what responsibility the owner bears and how exactly to raise a huge dog.
  6. Herding breeds are extremely active. If the owner needs a quiet, calm friend and companion, it is better to stick with other dogs.

Mountain Dog

The Mountain Dog is a Swiss herding breed with high intelligence and the ability to adapt to various conditions. Its representatives are quite large. Their height reaches 70 cm, and their weight can vary between 50-60 kg. A distinctive feature of the dog was its tricolor color, combining black, white, and red shades.

Pets do not tolerate loneliness well, they get along well with others, regardless of who is in front of them - an animal, a child or an adult. At the same time, they are able to instantly defend the family.

The Sennenhund has an innate sense of territory, care for others, and does not show causeless aggression. His affectionate nature captivates many dog ​​lovers.

Irish Wolfhound

The largest hunting breed in the world, its height reaches 100 cm and its weight reaches 75 kg. Listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest dog. It has a very beautiful color of different shades - black, brown, brindle. Their tall stature and graceful body make these Irish one of the most popular dogs. They have long, coarse hair that requires little grooming. The body is very muscular, strong, elegant - despite its parameters, the wolfhound moves easily and can reach great speed.

This ancient breed of dog, despite its threatening appearance and aggressive name, has a peaceful character - they love to play with children and other animals . Of course, you can’t keep such a handsome guy in a small apartment - she needs a lot of open space.

Did you know? In Ireland they are very proud of the Irish Wolfhound breed - this breed is the unspoken symbol of the country. These dogs are often taken into service to protect titled high-ranking persons - in this case, the dogs are given a special uniform.

It is noteworthy that the main purpose of breeding this breed was not to protect the herd, but to hunt foxes, wolves, and bears. This does not mean that the wolfhound does not have guarding skills - on the contrary, the instinct of protection is developed at the highest level.

This breed is ideal for families with children - it is unobtrusive, loves to play with children, is not aggressive and is peaceful. Does not require special care and is unpretentious in food.


The price for Caucasian Shepherd puppies depends on the class of the animal. Average prices vary from 10 to 30 thousand rubles. The minimum threshold of 6,000 rubles is offered by private breeders who sell puppies through private advertisements or at bird markets. Such pets do not have any breeding prospects, but they will become loyal and devoted friends and excellent watchdogs.

  1. Pet-class puppies, not suitable for breeding and participation in exhibitions, cost from 10-15 thousand rubles.
  2. Breed-class puppies, which meet the standard, are used for breeding and can become prize-winners at exhibitions and competitions, cost up to 20 thousand rubles.
  3. Show-class puppies - a litter from titled parents and future champions - will cost from 25 to 30 thousand rubles.

The cost may depend on the rating of the nursery and its geographical location.

Breed standard

The Shepherd Shepherd is not recognized by the FCI. There is only one standard, adopted in 2005 by Bulgaria. Description of the breed according to the standard:

  • General form
    . Tall, well built dog. The articles are proportional, the backbone is strong. The muscles are powerful.
  • The minimum height for a male is 65 cm. For females - 63 cm. The upper height limit for males is 78 cm, for females - 75 cm. The weight category for males is from 45 to 60 kg. Bitches are lighter - from 40 to 55 kg.
  • Head
    . The skull is massive and wide. The muzzle widens towards the base, the cheekbones are almost undeveloped. The line of the head and the line of the muzzle are parallel to each other. The ears are hanging, low set, lying close to the head. Small eyes set deep. Eye color is dark brown. The nose is large with wide nostrils. The jaws are well developed and very strong. Number of teeth - 42 pieces. 20 in the upper jaw, 22 in the lower jaw. Short and powerful neck.
  • Torso
    . The withers are developed and muscular. The chest is wide, well developed, round in shape. The back is straight and long. The stomach is taut. The croup is rounded and wide. The tail is hook-shaped, length to the knee joint.
  • Limbs
    . The shoulder is massive and wide, the front legs are rounded. The fingers are tightly clenched, the claws are strong. The thighs are muscular and wide. The hind legs are long and massive. Often there are 1-2 extra toes on the hind legs.
  • Wool
    . There are long-haired and short-haired representatives of the breed. In the first case, the length of the coat is more than 12 cm. In the second, it is from 9 to 12 cm. The undercoat is well developed.
  • Color
    . Bicolor: dark or red oblong spots on a main light background. Large, clearly defined.
  • Any deviation from the standard is a fault of the breed.

The Bulgarian Shepherd breed standard is accepted only in Bulgaria itself

IMPORTANT!!! The Bulgarian dog has been known since ancient times. Its standard is not accepted by the FCI.


Due to the fact that such animals are bred to perform physical work, especially close attention must be paid to the composition of their diet. First of all, you need to decide what type of food you will feed your pet. There are only 2 options: dry food and natural products. This issue needs to be resolved in the first months of the dog’s life. Mixing both options is strictly prohibited.

If you decide to feed your dog purchased formulas, then you are allowed to purchase only those foods that are premium or holistic. No other mixtures or formulations are suitable for the Bulgarian Shepherd.

If your choice falls on natural products, then you should adhere to strict limits and give the animal only approved food, namely:

  • lean boiled meat;
  • rice;
  • buckwheat;
  • oatmeal;
  • carrot;
  • zucchini;
  • boiled cabbage;
  • apples;
  • low-fat fermented milk and dairy products;
  • chicken eggs (no more than 2 eggs per week);
  • boiled fish without bones.

You can also give your animal boiled sugar seeds as a treat, but not more than once every 2 weeks. It is necessary, among other things, to provide the dog with unhindered access to fresh and clean drinking water.

If possible, try to organize a specific feeding schedule so that the animal receives food at the same time every day - this way it will develop an instinct. It is also important to follow the rules of a balanced and comprehensive diet so that the shepherd dog, along with food, receives all the minerals and trace elements necessary for its body.

Portuguese Shepherd

The Portuguese Shepherd has a thick, curly coat that gives it the appearance of a teddy bear. enhances the analogy and the color of the dog, which varies between brown and black shades. The Portuguese are quite large. Their height reaches 55 cm, weight - 25 kg.

The shaggy shepherd is inquisitive, devoted to its owner, and distrustful of strangers. She will not bark a lot, in most situations she will remain calm and reasonable. A dog, like a collie, requires careful grooming. Otherwise, the cover falls off and is taken with cleavers. The Portuguese have a sharp mind, are friendly, and hardworking, which is why they are used in security companies, despite the labor-intensive nature of their care.


The Caucasian Shepherd has excellent immunity. This is bad and good. A resilient organism for a long time prevents the development of an incipient disease and the manifestation of symptoms, and when there are no reserves left, the disease begins to progress rapidly.

The Caucasian Shepherd Dog breed has the same diseases as other large dogs:

  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The most common disease is hip dysplasia, which can be diagnosed even in puppyhood. If your pet has an unnatural sitting position, or refuses to play outdoor games or gets tired quickly, then you should consult a veterinarian. Also, a shepherd dog may exhibit lameness, club feet, paw spacing, and “sagging” limbs.
  • infectious diseases. Leptospirosis, adenoviral hepatitis, plague, tuberculosis. One of the most dangerous infections is coccidiosis, which is manifested by vomiting, refusal to feed, diarrhea, and lethargy. The best prevention of infectious diseases is vaccination.
  • Diseases of the Caucasian Shepherd are the result of a genetic predisposition. These include diseases associated with metabolic disorders. If your dog has allergies or has been diagnosed with agammaglobulinemia, this may be a consequence of metabolic disorders.
  • Nervous diseases: seizures, epilepsy and neuroses, which a dog can get at any age.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system: obesity, dwarfism, diabetes, cryptorchidism.
  • Sometimes dogs are born with albinism of varying degrees of severity: ocular, cutaneous, or combined.


The Briard is a French herding dog breed. It is quite large in size - up to 65 cm at the withers, and its weight reaches 35 kg. Briards have a very long, dense coat that covers the eyes and requires regular brushing. They are playful and cheerful by nature, but sometimes stubborn and capricious. Excellent for protecting both small and large livestock. Briards have their ears cropped - this is done to avoid injury during a fight with wild animals.

Despite their outward sloppiness, these dogs look attractive - their coat color is beautiful, noble shades. Briards are real French gentlemen : they behave with dignity when walking and do not rush at cats and small dogs. High intelligence, agility and courage are constant behavioral traits of Briards. These dogs are overly loyal to their owner - so they can sometimes experience feelings of jealousy. Briard gets along very well with children and is an excellent nanny for them, who will always watch over the child and protect him.

For comfortable maintenance, in addition to regular brushing with a stiff brush, Briards need a large space where they can frolic - therefore it is not recommended to keep them in small city apartments. Briards are unpretentious in food, but do not overfeed them: this can cause digestive problems.

Did you know? Briards were actively used during the First World War - both as cargo haulers and for guarding supplies.


The Collie is a popular Scot who differs from most dogs in having a narrow muzzle and elongated body. Since the dog always demonstrates excellent endurance, strength, and agility, it is often used for canine competitions. Collie takes 4th place in the ranking of the smartest breeds and has excellent endurance. Can run all day without getting tired.

The Scottish Watchdog does not show aggression, gets along well with others, and is considered an excellent nanny. However, sometimes she can be lazy. This must be taken into account during the training process. Its long coat requires special care; the dog needs to be brushed constantly. Also, long pile can cause trouble for allergy sufferers. The collie is unpretentious in nutrition and happily consumes any food.

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