43 breeds of fold-eared dogs with photos, names and descriptions

There are many dog ​​breeds and in all their diversity, hundreds of classifications can be built - purpose, origin, prevalence and appearance are the most key aspects of the classifications. It takes a particularly long time to divide breeds according to their exterior features. From birth, all puppies are approximately the same, but day after day they develop breed characteristics that once and for all determine the appearance of the dog.
If you have ever seen puppies up to 7 days old, you have noticed that their ears are pressed to their heads. Some breeds remain fold-eared dogs, while others have to build up cartilage and change their infant image.

Why do they love fold dogs?

Dogs with drooping ears or “loop-eared” breeds are a large group whose exterior was formed artificially. The advantages of lop-eared dogs are as follows:

  • The auricle is protected from wind and dust.
  • The ear canal is protected from water.
  • During a fight, you are less likely to get serious head injuries - your ears will suffer.
  • The expression on the face of the “floppy cat” is cuter and more trusting.


  • Ears pressed to the head are a provoking factor for inflammatory processes if the dog does not receive quality care.
  • It is more convenient for ticks to hide under drooping ears.
  • Ears get dirty while eating.

American Staffordshire Terrier

These representatives of the canine world are considered a “thunderstorm” to strangers; they have a massive front part with a large head, a wide muzzle and a powerful jaw. There is a slight stiffness in movements due to the elongated hind legs, the front legs are spaced quite widely.

Cynologists allow almost all shades of “red” - from bright red to cream. Spotted dogs often have a combination of white and orange tones. Moreover, white spots should cover no more than 20% of the body. The fur is distinguished by its unique shine and thickness. It is hard to the touch and fits tightly to the body. Pets of a brick or black-and-red hue are considered a waste.

What to look for when choosing a puppy

Heredity is a heavy burden that any owner can face. There are no absolutely healthy purebred dogs. Even if a dog is not sick with anything in its youth, it has a tendency to certain diseases.

To minimize the risks of hereditary diseases, you need to check the following points:

  • “Meet” both of the puppy’s parents. The exception is mating with a male from another city/country or artificial insemination. In this case, the breeder must have a complete package of copies of the dog’s documents in his hands.
  • If the breed is prone to serious diseases (dysplasia, heart disease, brain defects), all puppies should be examined before sale.


Shiba Inus are willful and independent. You should not expect complaisance and admiration for the owner from them. The dog perceives the person as an equal. To some she may seem too obstinate and stubborn, but it all depends on her upbringing. The animal gets along well with its owner and respects him and family members.

Although the dog rarely shows violent joy. She is always reserved and calm. The Shiba Inu does not like constant petting, but sometimes the dogs themselves come to the owner so that he can scratch their back or tummy. Both puppies and adults love to play and be active. However, here everything also depends on the dog’s mood. When in a good mood, Shiba Inus are happy to fetch the ball and run with their owner.

These dogs are not recommended for families with small children. They are quite patient, but they may not be able to stand it and use their teeth for educational purposes. But the Shiba Inu will be a wonderful friend for a school-age child. The Shiba Inu is indifferent or unfriendly towards strangers. Seeing a stranger, the dog takes a wait-and-see attitude. If excessive attention is shown to her, she may become aggressive.

The Japanese Shiba Inu dog breed is distinguished by great intelligence and intelligence. If you instill in a dog respect for its owner, it will obediently obey his commands. You need to start training with simple commands. At the age of 4 months, you can begin to socialize your pet among other dogs.

If problems arise during the training process, it is better for teams to turn to professionals. All puppies are recommended to take a city dog ​​course. If serious problems are obvious, for example, the pet is too willful and even aggressive, then a course of general training and protective guard service will not hurt.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, you should train your Shiba Inu from a young age. It is important to undergo social adaptation in a timely manner. It will help the dog learn to behave correctly with other animals and people, and to react more calmly to irritating factors.

The character of the pet also depends on the breeder. You need to be careful when choosing a nursery. After all, if a puppy initially has an unstable psyche, it will not change in adulthood. It is better for a family with a child to take puppies when they are very young. The sooner he gets to know the children, the more patient and kindly he will treat them.

Choose by size

Any pet needs to be provided with a decent standard of living, because some dogs are undesirable to keep in an apartment, while others are absolutely not suitable for living in a house.

Small breeds

Small breeds are optimal candidates for living in an apartment, traveling together and having leisure time. Almost all small dogs are loyal companions and quickly adapt to the owner's lifestyle.

The Affenpinscher is an unusual, intelligent companion dog. Representatives of the breed are easy to keep and easy to train.

Griffon (Belgian, Brussels) are related breeds that are externally similar to the Affenpinscher. Representatives of the breed are good with children and travel relatively easily. Dogs of this breed have a sharp mind and good intuition.

This is interesting! The griffin is a breed group that includes small and medium-sized breeds, and the larger four-legged ones have a specialization - they are hunters.

Bichons (Frise, Havanese) are small, companion dogs with luxurious coats. Bichons are cut in a variety of ways, giving their silhouette an unusual shape. The special structure of the coat allows the hairs to rise when shortened. If a dog has long hair, it falls down, and when clipped, the dog looks like a ball of fluff.


The breed originated in Japan. Judging by archaeological excavations, Shiba Inu began to be bred more than 2 thousand years ago in rural areas. Representatives of this breed are excellent hunting helpers. The main advantage of the Shiba Inu over large hunting dogs is its small size. The animals easily maneuvered among the small bushes that grow in the forests of Japan. It would be difficult for large dogs to hunt with a person in such conditions, but the Shiba Inu copes with this task perfectly.

The word “shiba” in Japanese means “small”, and “ina” means dog.

The breed is considered universal. The dogs were good at hunting both small and large game. However, cities gradually grew and people left the countryside. The need to hunt and breed large numbers of dogs for this purpose disappeared. At the same time, ties with European countries strengthened. Hunting dogs were brought from them and crossed with the Shiba Inu. This affected the purity of the blood. As a result, the Shiba Inu dog breed is under threat.

To avoid its disappearance, breeders actively engaged in breeding work, in which they attracted kishu and tea-chow. The blood of other breeds had virtually no effect on the appearance of the Shiba Inu. They were used solely to avoid gene mutation, which often occurs in closely related matings. The breeders managed to breed purebred representatives. They fully corresponded to the preserved description of the breed.

Since 1934, the Shiba Inu has been a national treasure of Japan. In the same year, a breed standard appeared. During World War II, the Shiba Inu population declined again. Although the livestock was soon quickly restored.

In Japan, the Shiba Inu is highly regarded. Special attention is paid to the development of the breed; it is no coincidence that it is a national treasure. In this regard, dog owners have a great moral responsibility for raising their pet. When purchasing a Shiba Inu puppy in Japan, you need to be prepared to provide him with everything he needs and pay enough attention.

Today, the largest cynological organizations are monitoring the fate of this breed. She is popular among breeders and the number of Shiba Inu owners is growing daily. Dogs are active participants in exhibitions, receiving high marks from judges. They are popular all over the world. Thanks to caring breeders, the Shiba Inu dog breed is also represented in Russia.

Hunting breeds

Hunting breeds with drooping ears:

  • American Water Spaniel.
  • Cocker spaniel (English, American).
  • English Springer Spaniel.
  • Afghan Hound.
  • Pointer.
  • Setter (English, Irish).
  • Beagle.
  • Basset Hound and Bloodhound.
  • Burton epañol.
  • Weimaraner (long-haired and short-haired).
  • Irish Water Spaniel.
  • Norfolk Terrier.
  • Jack Russell Terrier and Parson Russell Terrier.
  • Dachshund (mini, rabbit, standard).

Among hunters there are large, medium and small dogs, but they are all very active and need increased physical activity.

Pomeranian Spitz

The red color of this breed is widespread in Russia. Fluffy fur is characterized by both rich fox and light orange colors. Usually puppies are born lighter in color, and after a few months their little “fur coat” darkens.

The standard assumes the presence of fur of varying intensity on individual parts of the body: chest, muzzle, paws. If you want to buy a red pet, thoroughly check the pedigree and pay attention to the ears. They will remain the same after molting.

Smooth-haired and short-haired breeds

Smooth-haired and short-haired breeds of fold-eared dogs:

  • English bulldog.
  • Pointer.
  • Basset Hound.
  • Bloodhound.
  • Boxer.
  • Dogue de Bordeaux.
  • Bullmastiff.
  • Weimaraner shorthair.
  • Dalmatian.
  • Mastiff (English, Neapolitan).
  • Pug.
  • Rottweiler.
  • Dachshund (mini, rabbit, standard).

All dog breeds are suitable for keeping in an apartment, subject to active walking. Short-haired dogs with service inclinations are successfully used in protecting private property, but they must be able to freely enter the home, especially in winter.

Rhodesian Ridgeback

Experts note several colors of this pet. The shade of the coat varies within several limits: from honey, wheat to bright burgundy. The Ridgeback is only black when it is a puppy. Gradually its color changes and becomes close to red. A dark mask on the face and ears is allowed. They have short, shiny fur that lies close to the body.

A characteristic feature of the breed is the “ridge” (from which the dog is named) on the back, formed by hair growing in the direction opposite to the rest of the dog’s coat. The dog's build is muscular, with a strong back and neck with a slightly curved loin. Long front legs allow it to rush quickly and push off the ground powerfully.

Short-legged fold breeds

Short-legged, fold-eared breeds are especially popular because they have an extraordinary appearance. If you are looking for a small dog, the following breeds are worth considering:

  • English bulldog.
  • Basset Hound.
  • Pug.
  • Pekingese.
  • Norfolk Terrier.
  • Jack Russell Terrier.
  • Dachshund (mini, rabbit, standard).
  • Shih Tzu.
  • Japanese Chin.

Most breeds are companions. All dogs, except burrow hunters, need special care and a proper rhythm of life.

Chow chow

The breed has an unusual appearance: a large collar of soft wool, a massive head with wrinkles, and a somewhat sad expression on the face.

As for the color, the red color with red tints is considered classic for the Chow Chow. Coat color varies from deep orange to light apricot. Moreover, the mane, part of the tail and fur in the area of ​​the lower jaw should be much lighter than the rest of the body. Dark eyes, a large nose and a bluish tongue are the calling card of this dog. Initially red puppies are born brown and later become fiery red.

Shih Tzu

These little ones are distinguished by amazing devotion, sociability and photogenicity. Shih Tzus are very patient and will wear almost any dog ​​clothing and various accessories. In the latter case, this is more likely not a whim of the owner, but a necessity, because the dog’s long fur often hangs over its eyes, blocking its view. The fashionable status of the pet is also confirmed by the fact that among the lucky owners of Shih Tzu there are world celebrities such as Mariah Carey and Beyoncé.


The beagle deservedly takes its place among the most fashionable dog breeds. The dog is famous for its eternal puppy-like appearance coupled with a curious, playful character and sad look.

The pet has adorable puppy dog ​​eyes, floppy ears and soft facial features.

The main advantage of beagles is their olfactory abilities. They were originally bred as bloodhounds and raised to rely primarily on their sense of smell to hunt. This feature has remained relevant to this day: the corgi’s olfactory talents are used by customs services to detect contraband.

Beagles are very loyal dogs, but at the same time there is a degree of independence in their character. This trait is especially pronounced in those moments when the dog smells something interesting. Following a trail, a beagle can jump over a fence or crawl under it. This is why you should not let your pet off the leash, otherwise the pet will simply run away.

Siberian Husky

It is important not to confuse the breed with Alaskan Malamutes (or wolves). The breed is very hardworking, hardy, and energetic. Huskies are literally designed for long-distance running, and their warm fur is ideal for living in harsh climates.

One of the most striking features of the Siberian Husky is its expressive blue eyes.

Red Coonhound

The breed got its name due to its short, shiny coat of a rich red hue. The Red Coonhound has a beautiful appearance. He will definitely not go unnoticed and will receive compliments from passers-by. The pet has a strong build, a deep chest, straight long legs and a high head.

A pronounced feature of its appearance is its wide drooping ears, reaching to the nose. Eyes are dark in color. The most common coat color is reddish-burgundy or dark red. The standard states that light spots may be present on the surface of the wool. This dog is characterized by folds on its neck and webbed paws that help the pet swim.


Polina Semyonovna, 65 years old I have kept dogs all my life, as long as I can remember. In my old age, I wanted a wise, self-confident dog, with whom it would not be scary to live at the dacha, spend the night there, and receive guests. Friends suggested we look at the Great Dane puppies. I arrived and my heart melted as soon as I saw the mother of the dogs. Beautiful, calm, peaceful. Now our Sam is 3 years old. This is our pride. A stranger will definitely not come to the dacha, but the children and grandchildren will have freedom. He is always next to us, wherever we go. Hefty, stately, courageous. I learned everything, all the commands. I adore Samik and am ready to take the same one again. An extra incentive for me to move, take a walk, wander around.

Lyudmila, 32 years old I love Tom Hanks, especially the film with the Dogue de Bordeaux playing his partner, which was released back in 1989. Then I was a teenager and thought: “When I grow up, I will definitely buy myself such a dog.” I dreamed about him. My Hooch is already 6 years old. I'm afraid to imagine what will happen if my pet is gone. They don't live very long. We adopted him as a puppy at 2 months of age. I won't say there weren't problems. It’s good that then a young man appeared who took education into his own hands. He taught Hooch to commands and obedience. There were many acquaintances who fell in love with the “saffron milk cap” at first sight. Despite everything, this is the sweetest, beloved dog with whom there is no sadness. Even if there are problems, he will come, put his huge muzzle on my lap, wink and it becomes easier. It’s good with such a dog, reliable, interesting and funny.


This breed can be considered one of the unique ones, since it cannot bark, expressing its emotions by purring and howling. The standard determined the presence of mandatory white elements in certain areas of the body. White spotting on the pet's paws, tail and chest is allowed. The presence of grooves between the eyes, neck and limbs is allowed by the canine association.

One of the most common colors is deep red and white. Individuals with a base cream color are considered defective and are excluded from the breeding process. The characteristic features of the Basenji are a wrinkled forehead with numerous wrinkles and a curled tail.

Why are my ears drooping?

The ancestor of all domestic dogs is the wolf, which is why many breeds have erect and triangular ears. Then why do many dogs have drooping ears? Breeders explain that pets received downward-hanging ears during the process of domestication.

The appearance of many breeds has changed significantly. Modern domestic dogs differ from their ancestors in the structure of the skull, the size of the teeth, the quality and type of coat. Fold is also a consequence of long-term selection.

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