Why does a Chihuahua tremble: possible reasons, recommendations for caring for animals

Decorative dog breeds are incredibly popular today. Both single people and families are eager to purchase them. When adopting a puppy, many people face numerous difficulties. Why does a Chihuahua tremble? This question is asked by many owners of small dogs.

Sometimes from the outside it may seem that they are trembling at every opportunity, completely without any reason. An attentive owner, of course, pays attention to this feature. Let's take a closer look at the possible reasons and actions that the owner should take.


The most obvious option, which suggests itself. Having thought about why the Chihuahua is trembling, you need to check whether the dog is experiencing cold. You should know that this breed freezes quite quickly due to its metabolic characteristics. In cool weather, it is better to take your dog for a walk in some clothes. This will minimize the likelihood of hypothermia. Now there is a large selection of different clothes for dogs: boots, blouses, dresses, jackets. It seems that the small animal is truly defenseless and vulnerable. The owner of a decorative breed dog should take this information into account.

Chihuahua. Breed Features

The size of these dogs is really small; adults can weigh from 0.9 to 2.8 kg. They are distinguished by a wide variety of color options, and are also considered one of the most intelligent breeds, perfectly understanding people. In communication they are unobtrusive, despite the fact that they are very playful and inquisitive. Despite their size, these dogs have enormous self-esteem and courage. In addition, this is a very balanced breed and among its representatives you rarely find empty nesters. Smart Chihuahuas are able to quickly find out your weak points and will gladly use this knowledge to achieve privileges and concessions for themselves.


Another reason why a Chihuahua trembles is some kind of emotional shock. When a pet experiences fear, its body begins to tremble. Looking at the dog, you can easily notice how it begins to shake. The reason may be a meeting with a large dog that poses a real danger, or with any unfamiliar object. The pet may remain in a state of fear for some time until the irritating factors are eliminated.

Some dogs have the habit of asking to be held by their owner as soon as they feel something is wrong. Others begin to quickly run away, not caring at all whether they will then be able to find their way home and return back.

Anticipation and associated excitement

We are talking about some pleasant event that excites your pet so much that he cannot sit still. This includes meeting a dear and close creature to whom the dog feels a strong sense of affection. For example, when the owner returns home from work, the pet may shake all over with excitement.

This is how he shows his joy. Trembling does not indicate any pathology. It will go away on its own as soon as you take your pet in your arms and show him that you are really happy to see him.

Prevention of diseases in Chihuahuas

Any disease is more difficult to treat than to prevent. Chihuahua owners should adhere to several recommendations:

  1. Do not allow your pets to become hypothermic.
  2. Do not allow them to jump from heights.
  3. Regulate your dog's physical activity.
  4. Provide the sneeze with comfortable housing and regular care.
  5. Strictly adhere to the vaccination plan.
  6. Give only high quality food.
  7. Do not leave your dog alone with small children.

Severe stress

Why does a Chihuahua tremble? This can happen as a result of severe stress. For example, the experiences associated with visiting a veterinary clinic are sometimes so pronounced that the pet becomes restless, constantly whines and shakes. After all, it’s not just people who tend to get nervous. Animals are also capable of experiences.

Unlike a person, a dog cannot explain his own fears to himself and consider the situation from different angles in advance. All the dog has is the ability to actively experience an alarming event. In most cases, this is enough for the owner to pay attention to her condition.

Main Causes of Shaking


If a Chihuahua is shivering outside in cold weather, this means that the pet is cold.

Small dogs get cold faster than large ones, and due to the imbalance of muscle and fat tissue in the body, it can be more difficult for Chihuahuas to stay warm.

Without seasonally appropriate clothing , a dog can catch a cold and get sick within just a few minutes of being outside if it is too cold, windy or rainy .


If the pet is constantly under stress, for example, if a child appears in the family of its owners or during frequent trips to the veterinarian, then the dog may begin to worry, tremble and constantly whine.

This happens because Chihuahuas are also capable of worrying and worrying, and also because of the increased nervousness that is sometimes inherent in these dogs.


When excited, your Chihuahua may begin to shake..

This often happens in anticipation of something pleasant: for example, before a beloved owner comes home from work, or when a pet sees a treat in the owner’s hands that he is going to give to the dog.


A pregnant Chihuahua may tremble not only because it becomes more emotional under the influence of hormones.

This can also happen due to the fact that the pet has developed eclampsia - a serious condition caused by a lack of calcium.

If left untreated, it can lead to the death of the pet, so in this case, it is necessary to take the dog to the doctor as soon as possible.


Trembling at the end of pregnancy can also be a sign that labor has begun.

In this case, the dog not only shakes, but also behaves restlessly, digs the bedding and breathes heavily.


Some illnesses can also cause trembling in Chihuahuas.


The first and most dangerous illness for the health, and often the life of a pet, is hypoglycemia, or, more simply, lack of sugar in the blood.

In Chihuahuas, due to their tiny size, this condition can develop very quickly.

In this case, the symptoms depend on the course of the disease and the individual characteristics of the animal: some dogs may only have weakness and apathy, while others, with hypoglycemia, fall into a coma or lethargy.

With this disease, the dog feels very weak and trembles, but later convulsions begin.

Kidney diseases

Your Chihuahua may begin to shake if kidney failure or kidney stones worsen.

In this case, trembling is accompanied by other symptoms, such as:

  • Blue tint of gums.
  • The smell of ammonia from the animal's mouth.
  • Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eyes.
  • The dog loses weight in a short time.
  • There is profuse hair loss.
  • The pet refuses to eat.

If the listed symptoms are detected, you need to take the dog to the clinic for examination and diagnosis.

Inflammatory diseases of the ears

If a Chihuahua has developed otitis media, this may also be the cause of the animal's sudden trembling. In this case, the trembling is accompanied by the fact that the dog constantly shakes his head and scratches his ears.

Trembling is often caused by pain that occurs with a variety of diseases, as well as injuries, including serious ones..


Trembling that begins after your pet eats may be a sign of an allergy. Itching, watery eyes, and clear nasal discharge may also occur.

The dog itches a lot, which is also an indication of an allergic reaction . If the problem is ignored, the consequences can be serious, including anaphylactic shock.

Having developed a suitable diet for your dog, there is no need to suddenly change it unless absolutely necessary.

If new products have been added to the menu, you need to feed them to your pet one at a time and in small quantities, and after eating, carefully watch how his body reacts to changes in nutrition.


It causes uncontrollable and sudden trembling, which is accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • Apathy and weakness.
  • Decreased body temperature.
  • Salivation.
  • Nausea.
  • Vomit.
  • Diarrhea.

Due to their accelerated metabolism, symptoms of poisoning in Chihuahuas develop rapidly, so that delay and untimely seeking veterinary help can be fatal for these dogs.


Due to hormonal changes associated with the body's preparation for possible pregnancy and childbirth, a Chihuahua girl may begin to shake .

The dog owner should be prepared for the fact that his pet may begin to tremble during heat.

If the dog owner does not plan to engage in breeding, this phenomenon can be dealt with by sterilizing the dog.

Excess energy

Sometimes Chihuahuas tremble simply because they are overwhelmed with energy, for which they cannot find a way out.

In this case, the dog may also begin to shake, and this happens for no apparent reason.

Calm your pet

It is best to try to immediately pick up the dog in your arms. Feeling the proximity of the owner, many animals almost immediately calm down and stop being nervous. This can be done, for example, while waiting in line at a veterinary clinic. It is important for any living creature to feel the presence of a loved one. After calming your pet, you will notice that he has stopped shaking and showing signs of fear. Why does a Chihuahua tremble in its sleep? This phenomenon also has its own explanation. He must be having a disturbing dream.

Nervous tension can cause trembling throughout the body. In this case, it is best to quietly touch your pet’s fur. Most likely, even while sleeping, he will feel your care and concern.

Consultation with a zoopsychologist

In some cases, it won’t hurt to consult a specialist. Consultation with a zoopsychologist is recommended in cases where for a long time it is not possible to find the cause of a certain condition of a pet. If the possibility of developing diseases is excluded, then you need to pay attention to psychological factors. Working with a specialist will help you come to an understanding of some reasons that remained hidden from the owner’s gaze. Today such specialists can be found in almost all major cities.

Thus, there are several reasons why a Chihuahua trembles and does not find a place to rest. Only in a few cases is this behavior caused by real health problems. In other options, the pet simply may not have enough of your attention and care. When a dog wants to attract attention, it may begin to tremble. The owner must be attentive to recognize the first signs of trouble. You should never ignore warning signs, but there is absolutely no need to panic either. You can understand why your Chihuahua trembles all the time if you carefully observe your little friend.

How to help a dog at home

It will be possible to provide first aid to the dog only after determining the true cause of the disturbance in its normal well-being. For example, if the root cause of trembling in the limbs is cold, you can turn on the heater in the room or wrap the animal in a blanket, trying to warm it up as quickly as possible. In case of more serious problems, only a veterinarian will help, but before visiting him it is worth providing the pet with the most comfortable living conditions: it is better to arrange a resting place away from noisy areas of the house, in a warm place, be sure to place a bowl of clean water nearby. Meals should be small, and the food should be easily digestible, especially if, in addition to trembling, there are signs of a disorder in the digestive system.

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