The cat wakes you up early in the morning - 5 reasons for the animal’s unpleasant behavior

Owners don't like it when their cat wakes them up in the morning, especially if it happens all the time. A kitten or an adult pet gets up so early because of the desire to eat or to relieve itself. Owners should take a close look at a pet that wakes up every morning, screams and does not let you sleep, as such changes in behavior can be an early sign of a serious illness. If the problem recurs regularly, it is recommended to contact a veterinary clinic for help.

Hormonal changes

They occur at different points in the life of pussies:

  • During mating, they can use a cry to signal their partner about their passionate desires.
  • Cats that have not been spayed may scream during heat. In this way they show their difficult moral state on the eve of the birth of offspring.
  • The same situation can be observed with non-neutered cats.

In the case of changes in the pet's hormonal levels, the owners can only survive this difficult period in his life, calming emotional outbursts.


  • Food

In the early morning hours, your home is probably quiet, but your cat's food bowl probably isn't filled with food. The moment your cat comes alive in the morning, she will most likely make her way to her food.

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If you're lucky, he'll wait a few minutes. But if he doesn't eat soon, he will express his opinion on the matter by entering your room and meowing continuously. He may also jump on your bed, pat you with his paw, and generally go out of his way to irritate you into getting you to get up and feed him.

  • Attention

No matter how long you sleep, your cat does not interact unless you have other animals in his sleep pattern. This means that your cat hides around your house all night without being petted, held or talked to.

The morning will come, he is bored, and he is probably tired of silence. Cats that want attention rather than food will usually stay close to you when you're awake, rub against your leg, and show little interest in their food bowl.

  • External animals

When the sun rises, so do other animals, including birds and squirrels. Some cats are content to sit on your windowsill and watch the feathered and furry animals running around outside. Others are a little more playful, slapping their paws on the window, meowing and chasing the morning creatures from one side of the window to the other.

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Possible diseases

Depending on age, possible diseases can vary greatly.

If your pet is already old and constantly yells, then he may have nervous system disorders or even Alzheimer's disease. This may occur due to age-related changes in the body, which have an irreversible effect. In this situation, a number of medications with a calming effect can help, which must be prescribed by a veterinarian. A good doctor will prescribe the correct course of treatment and write down personal recommendations

A young cat may scream heart-rendingly when injured and painful (most often acute pain in the abdominal area). It is quite easy for the owner to determine this at home: by palpating the belly, you can feel its condition - if the abdominal part is hard, swollen and the cat is trying in every possible way to avoid contact by scratching, then you need to take urgent measures and take your pet to the veterinarian. (normally the stomach should be soft and the animal should react calmly).

The main parasites that cause screaming in cats at any age are helminth infections. These worms are very common in fauna and operate mainly in the intestines of animals, which causes pain or can even lead to intestinal obstruction. The fault of the owners in such a situation will be the lack of regular prevention of worms in their pets. Usually it needs to be carried out from the first weeks of a cat’s life.

Urolithiasis is also a serious cause of pain, this is especially noticeable every time a cat visits the toilet, accompanied by plaintive cries. In this case, contact a specialist immediately.

Why does the cat meow and wake you up in the morning?


The main source of the problem is the cat's desire to eat early in the morning. When a cat feels hungry, it behaves restlessly, constantly tries to attract the owner's attention and begins to meow frequently. Some people wean their pets from early awakenings associated with the desire to eat by giving them a double portion of food in the evening. But such a measure is not effective, since soon the animal will eat 2 servings at once, and in the morning it will start asking again. Owners should accustom their cat to feeding on a schedule. The digestive system of representatives of the cat family works at a special pace that must be adhered to.

After eating food, a cat needs 6 to 8 hours to feel hungry again. In order for a cat to stop waking up a person in the morning, it is necessary to correctly calculate the time of evening feeding.

Impact of stress

Under the influence of negative emotions, a pet behaves restlessly and can wake up its owners.
Moving, changing the feeding container, and other factors can have a negative impact on the mental state of a kitten and an adult feline. With the constant influence of stress, the animal loses peace and can awaken the owner at the drop of a hat. If the owners woke up in the morning from the meowing of a cat, then they should not scold or punish her; experts recommend setting up a special secluded place in which she could retire and feel safe.

Anxiety: does it affect the problem?

If your cat wakes you up at night, it may be anxiety. This phenomenon is associated with the lack of clear boundaries in the house regarding the territory. In the understanding of a domestic animal, the residential area is divided into the following areas:

  • area serving as a refuge;
  • place for eating;
  • protected area.

Cats clearly separate their sleeping territory from their owner's. If the latter arranges a comfortable sleeping place for the cat, then she will not climb into the owners’ bed and will not disturb her all night and early in the morning. A cat may become restless not only in the absence of a safe and comfortable place to sleep, but also in the presence of loud birdsong, active movements on the street, and under the influence of other external factors that may be less noticeable to humans.

A special rhythm of life

The early awakening of a pet is associated with its rhythm of life and its relationship to the family of nocturnal predators.
Before purchasing a cat, it is worth considering that representatives of this family are nocturnal predators, so it is normal for them to get up at 4 or 5 o’clock in the morning. Such pets are constant and quickly get used to living according to a certain schedule. Over the years, pets have adapted to living together with humans, but sometimes they experience a malfunction, as a result of which the cat wakes up early in the morning, can yell loudly and disturbs the owners’ sleep.

It is possible to wean your cat from waking up early if you engage it in active play for several hours in the evening. This measure will delay sleep, so your pet will sleep longer in the morning.

Some members of the cat family do not sleep at night, which is explained by instinctive behavior. At the same time, they do not disturb the owner and behave quietly. It is important to consider that in autumn and winter cats spend less energy and sleep more. And also in autumn, cats are determined to gain weight, which is required for a comfortable life in the cold.

Pathological conditions

A cat can be woken up early in the morning due to some illness that causes the pet to feel severe pain. A sleepy person would rather scold a screaming cat than understand the true cause of the problem. If this situation repeats repeatedly, and other alarming symptoms are observed throughout the day, then you should consult a veterinarian. Pain syndrome is a consequence of such pathological processes presented in the table:

UrinationInflammatory reaction in the bladder
Formation of stones in the urinary system
While eating or feeling hungryDental diseases
Deviations from the gums
Inflamed oral mucosa
Changing body positionArthritis of various types
Diseases of the spinal column
Meteor dependenceHeadache

Unreasonable shouting to attract attention

Particularly cunning adult individuals understand that they can attract their owners only by making loud sounds, so they can do this for absolutely no apparent reason. However, even this has its own problem, which is a lack of attention, affection (especially if the pet is often alone at home) or a lack of any nutrients.

Try to treat the pussy with your favorite treat, perhaps review its diet, caress it more often, but do not succumb to such tricks very often, because the animal will quickly understand what is what and will continue to show such unpleasant signals to attract attention to itself.

What should an owner do if his cat yells?

What should an owner do if his cat constantly yells? Is it even possible to deal with the screams of your pet? The owner, tired of such noisy behavior, can do the following:

  • To begin with, it is important to identify the cause of the ora
    . It is necessary to determine whether the animal is eating enough, whether it is cold, or whether it is bored? Is the cat afraid of something? If the problem is hunger, then you need to increase the volume of food portions or revise your diet by adding more protein foods to the menu. If the purr is cold, you need to turn on the heater in the house and cover it with a blanket. If you are bored, then be sure to carve out at least 10-15 minutes to communicate with the animal. If it's all about fear, it is important to calm the pet and, if possible, isolate it from the source of danger;
  • Since many pets scream, begging for food, the owner needs to take into account that one should not follow the lead of the tailed screamers
    . The animal must have a clear eating schedule (usually adult cats are fed twice a day - morning and evening). Treats can be given only as an exception (for example, for good behavior), but not at the first plaintive cry;
  • Sometimes cats are hungry within an hour or two after eating, if parasites - worms - live in their bodies. extremely important to carry out timely prevention or treatment of helminthic infestations
  • It is advisable to teach your pet the “no!” command from an early age.
    . Yes, dogs are usually trained, but cats are also capable of remembering and following simple commands from their owners. Whenever a kitten does something “illegal” (for example, shit outside the tray, bite, steal from the table, scream heart-rendingly, etc.), he needs to strictly and loudly say the word “no” immediately after the trick, and then ignore the bully for a while;
  • Cats should not be beaten for their unreasonable yelling
    , but the owner must show with all his appearance that he is dissatisfied. Looking into the eyes, you can scold the cat by calling out loudly. If you have enough patience, you can ignore the yelling, but you should not give in to the manipulative animal under any circumstances;
  • If a cat yells for no reason, but no amount of persuasion or caresses works, you can lightly spray it with water from a spray bottle
    . But you can do this if you are sure that the animal is definitely making noise not because of illness;
  • If an animal screams due to poor upbringing, it can be frightened by noise
    . You can hit the table with your palm, rustle a crispy bag, blow a whistle, play the harmonica, or squeeze a children's squeaky toy. But again, all this is not worth doing if the cause of the cry lies in the animal’s illness;
  • It is imperative to analyze whether the cat is sick. Any warning symptom is a reason to visit a doctor
    . In general, it is best to visit the veterinarian’s office once or twice a year for preventive purposes, even if the pet appears to be absolutely healthy;
  • If a cat only screams during heat, then the owner will have to make a choice between finding a sexual partner for his pet and sterilization
    . Restraining natural instincts with the help of hormonal drugs is quite dangerous, because such drugs often provoke the development of cancer;
  • Sedatives for cats
    (infusion and tablets of Kot Bayun, Catnip spray, Fitex drops, Stop Stress drops and tablets, etc.) can cope with stress or excessive anxiety and yelling
  • Some cats scream at night, preventing both the owner and neighbors from sleeping. To correct the situation, it is important not to allow the animal to get enough sleep during the daytime and in the evening
    . For interesting leisure time for your cat, you can buy a variety of toys (for example, teasers, scratching posts, interactive toys, wind-up mice, laser pointers, stuffed figurines with catnip, etc.). In addition, you can make toys yourself (the Internet is full of instructions on how to make a toy for a cat). Some cats enjoy playing on their own, while others need to be involved in the game. The most important thing is to teach the animal to stay awake during the daytime and evening hours, leaving the night for sleep and rest.

Symptoms accompanying dry mouth

In the absence of saliva, the body is unprotected, and therefore “attracts” many accompanying symptoms. Dry mouth is accompanied by: Thirst, a person cannot get drunk;

Feeling of “sticking together” of the tongue, gums and palate;

Bad breath;

The appearance of cracks and sores on the lips;

Tooth decay;

Difficulty swallowing food and water. The throat feels closed and hurts;

Irritation on the tongue;

Loss of taste in food;


With a constant lack of saliva, the digestive system begins to suffer, teeth and gums suffer, and problems with the ears and nasopharynx begin. At this time, it is dangerous to move along the street without a mask, as there is a high risk of catching any infection.

If you have dry mouth, the reasons may be natural.

How can a cat learn to wake you up in the morning?

The script of this drama is as follows. In the morning the cat gets bored and decides to play. For example, he throws something off the table with a crash. You immediately get up and decide to feed him so that he will let you soak in the bed. The cat understands: if you wake up a person, he will give you something to eat. Next time, the mustachioed one will take note of this and will, with special zeal, throw off everything that comes under his paw.

There is another scenario. Let's say the cat didn't want to play, but just wanted to have a snack early in the morning. He climbs into your bed or starts meowing loudly. You get up and give him food. It worked! So, next time you have breakfast, you need to do the same!

Both of these examples clearly demonstrate how we ourselves reinforce the habit of waking us up in the morning in our pets. So the surest way is to change your behavior and break the cause-and-effect relationship between attempts to wake you up and the reward for this in the form of food.

Top How to stop your cat from waking you up in the morning?

The first thing you need to do is make sure that the cat gets his breakfast regardless of whether you wake up or not. This means that food should not be given by you, but by an automatic feeder .

An automatic feeder is a great way to stop your pet from bothering you in the morning.

Program it so that it opens just when your pet starts to bother you. If this time falls in the middle of the night or early morning, it can be adjusted. Simply set your meal service time a few minutes later each week. If at some point the trick did not work, install it again earlier and switch to a later version a little later.

This technique will help your pet understand that it is not necessary to wake you up to get a portion of food. After all, she will appear on her own. Scheduled!

Top What other ways are there?

If the option above does not work, it makes sense to try other methods.

How to satisfy a cat during heat?

How to calm a cat during heat?

  1. First of all, remember, NO CONTRA-SEX, SEX BARRIERS, ETC. ...
  2. - Distract your cat
    with games. ...
  3. - Reduce the amount of food. ...
  4. - Classical music. ...
  5. — Try pheromones, for example, Feliway. ...
  6. - Homeopathy. ...
  7. - Sedatives. ...
  8. - Induces ovulation.

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Don't forget to feed your pet!

Hunger is the main reason for the early awakening of your four-legged friend. Not finding food in the bowl, he begins to loudly signal this. So try to fill your cat's bowls before you go to bed. Make sure your pet has a hearty dinner. And do not refuse him a treat if he asks for it in the evening. This will save you energy and nerves. After all, a well-fed cat will not wake you up earlier than expected.

Don't forget to feed your kitty in the evening

It happens that the owners forget about dinner, and then the pet feels very hungry in the morning, which he lets know by loud meowing. The solution is to monitor the feeding regime . To avoid forgetting anything, you can set an alarm on your smartphone or buy an automatic feeder.

Top Ignore attempts to wake you up

Remember that when you stand up in response to meows and give your kitty food, you are rewarding this behavior . Therefore, the surest tactic is to ignore. Don't get out of bed. Do not add water. Do not pour in food. Continue to lie down, and to ensure you fall asleep, get earplugs and a sleep mask.


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