5 reasons why a cat is thin but eats well - what to do



When an animal is eating consistently but not gaining weight, pet owners sound the alarm. Many people believe that if a cat eats, then weight gain is a natural process. This is not entirely true. Animals, like people, are active and dynamic, which burns extra calories and helps the pet lose weight. When a cat loses weight but eats well, this is normal. With active life, weight loss is ensured by normal metabolism. The situation is different with sedentary cats.

Don't expect your kitten to actively gain fat. During the first 9-11 months, kittens develop their skeleton and posture, and the baby gets fat and loses weight. Young cats and female cats become soft and plump 1-2 years after birth.

© shutterstock

When is it time to sound the alarm?

Cats begin to worry about being thin if:

  • the cat eats a lot and often, but does not gain weight, it is too light and small for its breed (thin cats do not gain weight);
  • the spine can be traced visually (the ridge literally protrudes outward);
  • the pelvic bones and ribs protrude, their movement is clearly noticeable when the cat moves;
  • the cat’s breath smells unpleasant (obviously, the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted, the kidneys and liver are not functioning properly, plaque or caries may have formed on the teeth);
  • there is no fat layer on the chest and back area, only bone;
  • the cat does not show usual attention to toys, sleeps constantly;
  • the animal has loose stools (if mucus, blood, or undigested parts of food are found in the stool, consult a doctor);
  • yellowness or excessive pallor of the mucous membranes is observed, they become gray in color (most likely, weight loss is due to problems with the liver and kidneys);
  • more fluid is released from the eyes, nose and mouth than usual, especially when an unpleasant odor appears, a change in the color of the animal’s tears and saliva;
  • the temperature rises (hot nose, the cat is lethargic, to check the temperature it is enough to use a regular thermometer);
  • the stomach is sunken, hard, tense.

The silhouette of an emaciated cat resembles an hourglass.

When the described signs appear, the animal is weighed (to do this, just place it in a bag and use a steelyard or in a cardboard box, cover the top with something and put it on a regular floor scale).

If the cat always eats well, but is very thin, weighs 1 kg or more less than it should, contact a veterinarian. It is first necessary to take weight measurements for several weeks in a row to make sure that there really is a reason for concern (cats are thin and do not gain weight for various reasons, but most often due to illness).

How to feed

If a cat loses body weight, the fault may lie with its owner, who incorrectly compiled his daily menu. There are rules, if followed, the cat’s weight will always be normal:

  • Mixing dry food and homemade food is unacceptable. A cat develops one type of digestion, which is aimed either at “artificial” food or at natural food. When feeding dry food, your cat needs more fluid. If you change your diet frequently, your stomach will not be able to adapt in time, and you will begin to lose weight.
  • Don't trust advertising. Such well-known brands as Whiskas and Kitiket are not a sign of quality. They are accessible to everyone, but contain attractions. These components are addictive. This is a serious burden for the pet’s stomach and intestines. You can extend your cat's life if you feed him food from a specialized store.

It is necessary to give preference to only one food option, otherwise, in addition to weight loss, various diseases may develop. This is natural food or branded industrial food.

ATTENTION! The packaging must be labeled holistic, premium and supreme. These are classes that indicate that all production standards have been met.

Pathological causes of weight loss in cats

Changes in a pet's appearance may begin due to illness. Most often, loss of appetite and thinness are caused by the following diseases:

  • Helminthiasis (worms in cats).
  • Diseases of the digestive system.
  • Stomatitis and dental problems.
  • Diabetes.
  • Infections of a viral, fungal and bacterial nature.
  • Chronic inflammation.
  • Nervous system lesions.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system.
  • Oncology.

The listed diseases are accompanied by other symptoms:

  1. Lethargy, drowsiness, decreased activity.
  2. Abnormal stool (diarrhea, constipation, mucus, blood in the stool).
  3. Vomiting, frequent belching.
  4. The appearance of a bad odor from the mouth.
  5. Paleness of the mucous membranes.
  6. An increase or, conversely, a decrease in body temperature.

Dangerous and safe symptoms

You shouldn’t worry when your cat is thinner if he has:

  1. a certain breed - Bengal, Somali, Abyssinian;
  2. active lifestyle;
  3. age more than 10 years;
  4. change of lifestyle (moving, new litter box, new owner).

If the pet is in a calm state, but is suddenly losing weight, then the symptoms of the disease may be:

  • drowsiness;
  • At first the cat led an active life, then suddenly became lethargic and apathetic;
  • loss of a large amount of hair;
  • blood in excrement;
  • nausea, constipation or diarrhea;
  • heat;
  • blanching of the mucous membranes.


Cats reach sexual maturity at about one year of age and this period is accompanied by a hormonal surge. The consequence is often a change in the pet’s behavior: it becomes more aggressive, excited, its inviting meow ceases to be gentle and rather resembles a howl. He begins to mark territory, games have sexual overtones. A decrease in appetite during this period is normal. Cats become uninterested in food - they push it into the background, putting their reproductive instincts at the forefront.

Cats sometimes do not show such obvious signs. But their sense of smell is incredibly developed, and even while in an apartment, through an open window, they are able to smell a cat in heat at a distance of several kilometers. The animal loses peace and along with it its appetite.

If you don't take action, your pet will lose weight and look unhealthy. If the breeder does not have breeding plans, the animal must be castrated. This will significantly improve the quality of the relationship between the owner and his pet. After some time, the cat will calm down, return to a normal lifestyle, and then you will need to monitor not that he has lost weight, but then that he does not gain weight. If we are talking about a rural way of life and the owner is not in the mood to castrate the pet, then the cat can be released outside, where he will solve his physiological problems himself.

When should you contact a veterinarian?

A consultation with a veterinarian is needed if the cat has suddenly lost weight and becomes lethargic, but is still eating normally. A pregnant cat that refuses food for more than three days must be seen by a doctor. Signs of infectious infection or intoxication of the body (diarrhea, vomiting, fever, convulsions, tachycardia) require immediate veterinary attention.

Out of love for affectionate animals, owners often overfeed them rather than underfeed them. Therefore, there are still more well-fed cats than emaciated ones. But sometimes owners notice that their animal is losing weight. Is this normal or not? Why can an animal lose weight and when is it dangerous?

You only need to worry when your cat is actively losing weight and becomes malnourished. In order to determine the degree of thinness of a cat, a special condition scale was developed.

It consists of 5 stages and describes the cat’s condition from obesity to emaciation:

  1. Emaciation: in adult animals, the abdomen is strongly retracted, the figure has the appearance of an hourglass. The tail is bony to the touch, without palpable muscle and fat tissue, the ribs are clearly palpable and visible, there is no layer of fat on them. The cat's waist is so narrow that its figure resembles an hourglass.
  2. Lack of weight is characterized by maintaining an hourglass figure, all bones are clearly palpable, the stomach is retracted. The amount of fat on the ribs is extremely small.
  3. With normal weight indicators, the animal looks slender, the stomach looks toned, and the waist is clearly defined. The ribs can be felt through the thin layer of fat covering them. The subcutaneous fat layer is thin.
  4. If the animal is overweight, the waist is not visible, and the stomach no longer looks toned. The fat layer is quite thick, bone structures are difficult to palpate.
  5. Obesity: the ribs under thick fat deposits are practically not palpable, the stomach hangs unattractively due to the massive fat layer, the back looks very wide. Fat is deposited even in the neck, muzzle, and paws.

At stage 2, you need to pay attention to the general condition of the animal, its age and consult a specialist. If this stage is missed and the cat is already exhausted, she needs serious treatment

Chronic form

If the kitten is very thin - does not grow, lags behind its healthy peers in development, but at the same time the above symptoms manifest themselves weakly (the eyes are a little watery, slight discharge from the nose, etc.), then perhaps the disease occurs in a chronic form. The most A dangerous cat disease with similar manifestations is coronavirus infection, especially when it causes infectious peritonitis.

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A little about cat physiology

At different periods of life, a cat moves differently. All the little kitten’s calories are used for the growth of bones and muscles, the rest are spent on games.

In older cats, the body dries out due to old age and some other reasons:

  • Stress and illness.
  • Weakness and tooth loss.
  • Lack of vitamins.
  • Parasites.

Owners of an elderly pet should carefully monitor its condition and, if there is any deterioration, show the animal to a doctor. If the origins of poor appetite are teeth, the owner needs to purchase suitable food. For vitamin deficiency - a vitamin-mineral complex.

It is necessary to periodically treat your cat for helminths.

Treatment methods

When a cat suddenly begins to eat a lot, it may be expecting a replenishment. Her body requires more food for the babies growing inside. Before treatment, you should make sure that the individual is not carrying kittens. In case of severe illnesses, the doctor prescribes a course of necessary medications, IVs, and injections. If there are infestations, then it is necessary to eliminate the unwanted inhabitants with the help of medications. In the absence of the opportunity to purchase special cat medications, you can use the human drug - Pirantel. As cats get older, their appetite may either increase or decrease. To maintain the health of your pet, it is recommended to undergo regular examination of the animal at the veterinary clinic. If necessary, urgently take measures to treat your beloved four-legged friend.

Symptomatic treatment

Not every slender cat is emaciated and has pathological weight loss. The body weight of a healthy animal can range from 2 to 7 kilograms. Unsterilized animals that move a lot, are very curious and playful, are usually thin and cheerful. Minor weight loss in this case should not be scary.

In general, physiological causes usually do not require correction. They require monitoring of the animal’s condition by the breeder, possibly revising the diet. But you shouldn’t overfeed your cat or offer her food when she doesn’t want it.

If the reason for sudden thinness is mild intestinal infections, then there is no need to panic either. As a rule, even special treatment is not required. The cat's body is able to overcome a mild illness. If the cat’s condition does not cause concern, the symptoms of the disease do not increase, then the animal should be monitored. Do not pick up your pet again. Perhaps everything will go away on its own in 2-3 days.

If the cat gets worse or the symptoms do not go away, and sluggish weight loss and diarrhea continue, then you should consult a veterinarian. If the owner notices tumors or blisters on the body, areas of baldness or the appearance of a scab, or any changes in the cat’s health, then he also needs urgent help from a specialist.

In addition, you should be wary of:

  • lethargy, desire to hide;
  • severe diarrhea that leads to dehydration, blood in the feces;
  • bloating, while the cat rapidly loses weight, and the stomach becomes disproportionately large and round compared to the rest of the body.

To establish a diagnosis, your veterinarian will perform the necessary tests. After diagnosis, treatment will be prescribed and, if necessary, surgery will be performed (for example, in the case of tumors).


If a cat is losing weight, its diet must include green grass. It is necessary to normalize the functioning of the digestive system. The herb contains manganese, zinc, pantothenic acid, and various vitamins that help the body get rid of parasites and strengthen the immune system.

Forcing your cat to intentionally eat more food can be dangerous. Excess weight increases the load, reduces the pet's activity and leads to the development of various diseases.

If you constantly monitor changes in your pet, you can notice the symptoms of the disease in time.

IMPORTANT! Monitor the animal’s weight and lifestyle, feed it the right food. This will not only improve your well-being, but also prolong its life.

Non-dangerous causes of loss of appetite

There are many reasons that can cause a cat to eat poorly. Some of them are completely harmless, while others are quite worrying. They range from just a pet’s bad mood to serious health problems.

Why does a cat eat poorly and what affects this:

  • suffered stress;
  • weather change;
  • change of environment or food;
  • exacerbation of the instinct to procreate.

These reasons are not serious and are quite easy to overcome. There are other factors as well, but they are not as common. To understand how to restore your pet’s appetite, you need to consider each point in more detail.

Past stress

The mood of cats can be very changeable, and anything can affect it. If the animal has gone through a move, a bath or, for example, a haircut, it is not surprising that stress has fallen on it. In such a situation, the furry friend sleeps a lot and refuses to eat. Don't worry too much about this. After some time, the pet will return to its normal rhythm of life, but if the owner wants to speed up this process, it is better for him to pay more attention to the cat. Any creature feels better from affection, so it is recommended to surround your pet with warmth, play with it or treat it with an unusual delicacy.

Change of weather

As surprising as it may sound, cats are very sensitive to weather changes. As soon as a cloud covers the sun, the animal immediately stops having fun, becomes lethargic and eats poorly. Changes in weather due to season also affect a cat's appetite.

For example, in cold times, in autumn and more often in winter, cats constantly sit near something warm. Fat reserves also help them keep warm, so pets eat every now and then. In the summer, when it gets hot, cats begin to eat much less. This is due to the fact that a large amount of food is digested and gives energy, and in order to spend it, you need to move. The animal is hot from the weather, and unnecessary movements will bring even more discomfort. Therefore, you should not be surprised that your pet eats little and drinks much more in the summer, because he is simply trying to regulate his body temperature.

Change of environment or food

As mentioned above, any changes in a cat’s life can be stressful for him. This also includes a change of environment. It's not just about moving. Even the slightest rearrangement of things or furniture becomes something new and unknown for the animal, which you have to get used to again.

Also, the appearance of a stranger at home can be a reason for a sharp change in the mood of a mustachioed friend. This could be a new person or a pet. If it seems to the cat that the stranger is dangerous, vying for food or affection, then the animal may temporarily close itself off from everyone and refuse to eat until it gets used to the newcomer.

What can we say about drastic changes, if even a new bowl can cause a furry friend to eat poorly. What's in her bowl has a particularly strong influence on a cat's appetite. Often, food becomes the main factor influencing the animal’s appetite. If the food is not to his taste or is of poor quality, the pet may try to express this by refusing.

If the owner is forced to change food for any reason, it is better to do it gradually. You can mix the new food with the old one, so the cat will not notice the catch, and in the end it will completely switch to the new food. It is better to make any changes gradually so as not to shock your pet.

Increased procreation instinct

There come periods when cats put on whole shows. Then they not only eat poorly, but also have strange habits. You don’t need to think long to guess that your pet’s sexual instinct has activated. During estrus, cats almost completely lose their appetite. Hunger strikes can last up to a week, and the animal can lose a lot of weight. However, there is no reason to worry, because when the natural instinct weakens, the pet will have an appetite again.

Why does a cat lose weight with a good appetite: possible reasons

Many breeders panic if they see that a cat is losing weight with a normal and balanced diet.

In most cases there is no concern

, if, for example, your pet leads an active lifestyle and is often on the move. He simply has a normal metabolism and burns all the calories.

A skinny kitten is not always a cause for concern.

The kitten may not gain weight yet.

Up to approximately 8–10 months

their skeleton, spine, and posture are formed. During this period, the animal is still, so to speak, “stretched” to the required size, and after formation it can begin to gain weight.

If you have an adult animal, and it loses weight with a healthy diet, then the reasons may be the following.

Worm infestation

Helminths, or worms

This is one of the most common reasons. With this disease, the animal eats regular portions or maybe even more, but still looks thin. Under no circumstances should the situation be ignored
! Give your pet deworming medication immediately. There are many of them in specialized veterinary pharmacies at affordable prices.

A common cause of helminths is unwashed hands, dirty shoes from the street, and a poorly washed litter tray.

It is important to keep the house clean, wash the litter tray thoroughly and promptly, and immediately wash your shoes after going outside, especially during warm periods. Otherwise, there is a high probability of transmitting worm eggs to the animal.

To avoid worms in the future, it is better to give a healthy pet prophylaxis - give an anti-worm drug every six months.

Internal diseases

The structure of a cat.

Serious illnesses, as a rule, reduce appetite, and, consequently, the animal loses weight

Pay special attention to the color and consistency of the stool, and the presence of impurities in the urine. If there are deviations from the norm, contact your veterinarian immediately.

If weight loss is observed with normal nutrition, then the reasons lie in the disruption of food digestion and absorption systems.


Cats can begin to lose weight due to extreme stress. Everything is like people!

Stressful situations

. Yes, an animal can also experience depression, while eating normally, but not gaining weight. There are many reasons: moving, guests, the appearance of another pet in the house. In addition, changing the diet can also affect the animal’s figure.

Summer period

In the summer, cats in nature may simply not have time to eat well due to active games.

As a rule, during the warm season, many animals lose not only their fur, but also their weight. In the heat, the cat is not very hungry, his food intake is reduced, which is why he may lose weight.

Old age

If your pet is already at an advanced age, then do not expect that he will eat the same portions as a young one. Older animals spend less energy, sleep more, and therefore eat less.

Old age is not a joy; if you sit down, you won’t get up.



. Unfortunately, the cat’s body can also suffer from tumor diseases. At the beginning of the development of a dangerous disease, the animal may eat normally, but be lethargic. He may experience changes in his stool and urine. Contact your veterinarian immediately!


Flora's cat transformation happened twice. At the beginning, Flora transformed from a skinny cat into a clone of Garfield, and with the next owners - back.

The new owners put Flora on a diet: the cat was allowed to eat only 1 can of cat food a day and exercise on the fence next to the house. As a result, Flora lost more than twice her weight. Now her weight is only about 2 kg, which corresponds to the cat norm.

Like all domestic cats who have lost weight, Kato lost weight thanks to his owner. To prevent Kato from being haunted by hunger pangs, the owner resorted to a trick. He gradually reduced the amount of food in the bowl until he settled on the desired amount. So the cat lost almost half of its own weight without noticing any changes in its diet.

Attention! All the cats we talked about lost weight under the supervision of veterinarians. We do not recommend limiting your cat's food without consulting a doctor, as this can lead to serious liver diseases.

Natural food

A cat's diet should contain two types of products: meat and fermented milk.

The meat diet must include beef, cut into small pieces. To get vitamins, you need to add vegetables or special additives to the meat. In pet stores you can buy special powders containing all the necessary vitamins.

ATTENTION! Fermented milk products include low-fat cottage cheese and kefir (1%). Cottage cheese should be on a cat’s menu 1-2 times a week.

In what cases should you contact a veterinarian?

There are situations when the owner should not hesitate to visit the veterinary clinic. Sometimes a cat constantly asks for food because it is suffering from serious illnesses, and hunger is just one of the symptoms. Other warning signs include:

  • vomit;
  • temperature increase;
  • digestive disorders;
  • weight loss;
  • apathetic state;
  • dulling of fur;
  • discharge from the eyes or nose.

A sick pet often seeks solitude and tries to dodge the caresses of its owner. Sometimes a suffering mustachioer cannot stand being in bright rooms, trying to crawl under a table or bed. Such signs, along with a feeling of excessive hunger, are symptoms of health problems.

The dangers of excessive fattening

For those owners who want to fatten their pet for their own aesthetic needs - to admire how funny the cat licks or runs - it is useful to learn about the consequences of feline obesity. Since obesity in cats, like in humans, is a disease, a fat cat will sooner or later face health problems, including:

  • Diabetes of the second type - being initially not prone to diabetes, your pet can develop it with an incorrect lifestyle and, in particular, nutrition. As a result, the owner will have to periodically inject insulin into the cat in order to avoid a sharp deterioration in his health; Diabetes is one of the most dangerous consequences of overfeeding a cat.
  • Cardiovascular diseases - the higher the weight of the animal, the greater the load on the heart. Overweight cats, as a rule, rarely move and prefer a recumbent lifestyle, which only aggravates the situation; Gaining excess weight is fraught with heart attacks leading to heart attack
  • High probability of joint injury - any long-distance jumps can result in dislocations, or, in the worst case, fractures. Since the bones and joints of each cat are tailored to a certain body weight, which has its own threshold, going beyond its limits is fraught with all sorts of injuries; Overweight cats have a more difficult time recovering from fractures due to the heavy load on the joints.
  • Predisposition to arthritis. Fat animals are the first at risk in terms of the likelihood of becoming acquainted with this unpleasant disease, accompanied by inflammation of joint tissues and deformation of the limbs, not to mention purulent complications; In advanced cases, arthritis can only be treated with a surgical scalpel
  • Hypertension - this disease is difficult to diagnose in the initial stages, but its harm to the entire body is very great. In its chronic form, hypertension leads to hypertrophy of the heart muscle, which, with the least favorable prognosis, ends in cardiac arrest.

Keep in mind that a deviation of one and a half kilograms from the norm is already considered obesity and unsafe for the pet’s health. Since pets differ significantly from us in size, they only need to gain a few hundred grams for this to become noticeable. You can read about the process of losing weight in cats on our portal.

Video - Consequences of obesity in cats

Why does a cat lose weight with a good appetite: possible reasons

Many breeders panic if they see that a cat is losing weight with a normal and balanced diet.

In most cases, there is no concern if, for example, your pet leads an active lifestyle and is often on the move. He simply has a normal metabolism and burns all the calories.

A skinny kitten is not always a cause for concern.

The kitten may not gain weight yet.

It is useless to expect a baby or teenage kitten to gain weight and become round.

By about 8–10 months, their skeleton, spine, and posture are formed. During this period, the animal is still, so to speak, “stretched” to the required size, and after formation it can begin to gain weight.

If you have an adult animal, and it loses weight with a healthy diet, then the reasons may be the following.

Worm infestation

Helminths, or worms. This is one of the most common reasons. With this disease, the animal eats regular portions or maybe even more, but still looks thin. Under no circumstances should the situation be ignored! Give your pet deworming medication immediately. There are many of them in specialized veterinary pharmacies at affordable prices.

The corresponding drug is given in the indicated dose in the instructions at intervals of 10 days.

A common cause of helminths is unwashed hands, dirty shoes from the street, and a poorly washed litter tray.

It is important to keep the house clean, wash the litter tray thoroughly and promptly, and immediately wash your shoes after going outside, especially during warm periods. Otherwise, there is a high probability of transmitting worm eggs to the animal.

To avoid worms in the future, it is better to give a healthy pet prophylaxis - give an anti-worm drug every six months.

Internal diseases

The structure of a cat.

They can be in various organs - stomach, liver, pancreas, intestines, kidneys, bladder, etc.

Serious illnesses, as a rule, reduce appetite, and, consequently, the animal loses weight

Pay special attention to the color and consistency of the stool, and the presence of impurities in the urine. If there are deviations from the norm, contact your veterinarian immediately.

If weight loss is observed with normal nutrition, then the reasons lie in the disruption of food digestion and absorption systems.


Cats can begin to lose weight due to extreme stress. Everything is like people!

Stressful situations. Yes, an animal can also experience depression, while eating normally, but not gaining weight. There are many reasons: moving, guests, the arrival of a newborn in the family, the appearance of another pet in the house. In addition, changing the diet can also affect the animal’s figure.

Summer period

In the summer, cats in nature may simply not have time to eat well due to active games.

As a rule, during the warm season, many animals lose not only their fur, but also their weight. In the heat, the cat is not very hungry, his food intake is reduced, which is why he may lose weight.

Old age

If your pet is already at an advanced age, then do not expect that he will eat the same portions as a young one. Older animals spend less energy, sleep more, and therefore eat less.

Old age is not a joy; if you sit down, you won’t get up.

It’s another matter if a cat is rapidly losing weight for unknown reasons - this is a compelling argument to have it checked by a veterinarian for the presence of chronic diseases.


Neoplasms. Unfortunately, the cat’s body can also suffer from tumor diseases. At the beginning of the development of a dangerous disease, the animal may eat normally, but be lethargic. He may experience changes in his stool and urine. Contact your veterinarian immediately!

What to do if the cat becomes thin

If the owner has changed several types of food and given the animal an anti-worm medication, and the kitten is thin and continues to lose weight, contact a veterinarian. He will conduct the appropriate diagnostics (the animal’s blood and feces are taken for analysis, the cat is given an ultrasound, its organs are x-rayed, a laparotomy is performed) and will advise how exactly the pet should be treated.


The animal is treated based on the diagnostic results. To begin with, in order to restore normal body weight and support the body, the following are prescribed:

  • infusion therapy. Its essence boils down to the artificial introduction into the body of an animal of a medicinal solution or biological fluid - blood, plasma. Method of administration: intravenous or subcutaneous. Treatment allows you to replenish the loss of plasma or blood, the lack of individual elements, restore the balance of electrolytes and maintain the acid-base balance. This type of therapy is prescribed to animals whose kidney function is impaired, blood poisoning has been detected, and there are all signs of severe shock. During treatment, the cat's weight is measured regularly;
  • intravenous nutrition. Nutrients are administered intravenously if the animal is unable to eat food on its own. The mixtures used completely replace natural food, preventing the cat’s body from weakening. Food is also administered through a nasogastric tube.

Simultaneously with maintenance therapy, measures are taken to eliminate the problem. So, if the cause lies in an upset stomach, then the cat is given medications that help eliminate inflammation of the mucous membranes and relieve pain. If the reason for thinness is that there is a foreign object in the animal’s mouth, surgery is performed. If the cause of exhaustion is worms, then the specialist will prescribe a course of medications to remove them from the body as carefully as possible.

Important! You should not try to cure a cat on your own, since even a specialist with modern equipment at his disposal is not always able to make an accurate diagnosis. If a cat’s body is heavily infected with worms, then using an anti-parasite drug can cause its death.

To prevent this from happening, the animal is placed in a hospital and given only dosed medications.

Non-infectious factors

Thinness can appear from the first days of a baby’s life, or it can develop during the first months. The reasons can be exogenous (external), which include insufficient supply of nutrients (the mother does not have enough milk, little food, poor quality food) and endogenous (internal). Newborn kittens may have congenital malformations, including insufficient production of enzymes that digest milk - such babies need special artificial feeding, because in this case, exhaustion develops from the first days and very quickly. If the baby was born weaker than his brothers and sisters, especially with a large litter , he may simply not get food.

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