6 reasons why cats sleep with their owners and what to do about it

Cats are interesting animals. They are quite independent, but at the same time insist on regular attention from their family members. They often sleep, but can be quite playful while they are awake. Sometimes they can be loud and annoying, and sometimes they can be sweet and cuddly. Luckily, most cats like to rest at night, just like their human companions.

Getting settled at night usually means going to bed. So, you might be wondering why your cat likes to sleep next to you every night. Is their own bed not comfortable enough? It turns out that cats like to sleep next to people for more reasons than comfort. Here are the reasons why your cat may like to sleep next to you at night.

They defend their territory

One of the main reasons why cats love to sleep with their owners is to protect their territory. They consider the entire house to be their territory, but they also take pride in being part of the family pack. So, when their family sleeps, they want to be there to protect them as part of their territory. Their most valuable "possession" is their people, so naturally they will want to be around you all night as well as during the day.

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What threatens the neighborhood?

Cats, especially those kept in free-ranging conditions and without vaccinations and proper care, pose a real danger to human health. They can give their owners very unpleasant “gifts”:

  • Ringworm. The disease is highly contagious and requires very long treatment.
  • Toxoplasmosis. It is extremely dangerous for pregnant women, as it causes irreversible damage to the development of the fetus. It is worth noting that most people who have contact with cats suffered from this disease in childhood and have antibodies to its causative agent, but when planning a pregnancy, it is better to undergo the appropriate tests.
  • Pasteurellosis is a serious infectious disease.
  • Various types of fungal diseases.
  • Worms.

Even if the cat is domestic, you need to pay enough attention to it, get vaccinated and contact a veterinarian if:

  • The animal suddenly began to lose hair
  • A rash has appeared
  • The cat started sneezing and had a fever
  • A lot of dirt has accumulated in the animal's ears
  • There is discharge from the eyes
  • Diarrhea and/or vomiting began.

Love your pets and be healthy!

They like communication

Another reason why cats love to sleep with their human companions is that they love companionship, and having you go to bed every night is familiar to them. If you let your cat sleep with you even occasionally, it can quickly become a habit that's hard to break, especially on nights when you don't want her to sleep with you.

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How to wean a cat from sleeping in the owner's bed?

Despite the benefits of sleeping together, not all people agree to share their bed with cats. To painlessly wean your pet from resting in the owner’s bed, follow these simple recommendations:

  1. Place your pet's area outside the master bedroom. It should be comfortable and safe. When an animal tries to climb onto the owner's bed, carefully take the animal to its resting place.
  2. If your cat jumps onto the bed and begins to get ready for bed, do not yell at it. Spend some time with your pet and cuddle her. Then take him to his own bed.

Ways to get your cat out of bed

If you don't want your cat to sleep next to you every night, there are a few things you can try to get her to startle before bed. Start by simply asking your cat to get out of bed before bed. If this doesn't help, try the following options:

  • Move the cat bed . Remove a bedside table or place a TV tray next to the bed and place one of your cat's beds on top. Hopefully your cat will sleep in her own bed and feel as if she's sleeping in yours.
  • Close your door . Closing the bedroom door is a surefire way to keep your cat out of bed at night. They may meow and howl the first few nights, but patience and persistence on your part should curb the irritation and help your cat accept his nighttime reality.
  • Offer to a friend for the night . Give your cat a new furry bedtime buddy to cuddle with in bed. With luck, they will be satisfied with the warmth, friendship and security it offers.

One or all of these options may be right for you and your cat, so it's a good idea to try them all before deciding which ones are best for your family.

Pros and cons of spending time together with a cat

It is very pleasant to fall asleep to the pleasant purring next to a warm and fluffy pet. Cats relieve stress and improve your mood. Sleeping together relieves the feeling of loneliness for both humans and cats. These are absolute advantages.

The main disadvantage of keeping a cat in bed is the high probability of contracting dangerous diseases.

Worms, fleas, scabies mites, ringworm, toxoplasmosis are an incomplete list of diseases that a cat can bring with it to its owner’s bed. Even if the animal does not walk outside, the tray serves as an excellent breeding ground for pathogens.

Not all owners can get a good night's sleep with cats. Fluffy pets often stretch out to their full height, forcing the owner to take an unnatural position while sleeping. Yes, and a person can crush, hit or throw a cat out of bed.

Final comments

Many people don't mind their cats sleeping next to them. However, not every cat owner feels the same way. I hope the information presented here will help you understand the reasons why your cat insists on sleeping with you and what you can do about it if you don't like it. How do you feel about cats sleeping with their human companions? Let us know what you think in our comments section.

Posted by Christian Adams An American expat living in Metro Manila, Philippines for over a decade, Christian is a lifelong cat lover and the proud father of two rescue cats, Trixie and Chloe. Both girls used to be among the crowds of homeless people who roam the cities and countryside. Three-year-old Trixie was rescued from a litter found under a neighbor's porch, and two-year-old Chloe was brought home by Christian's young son, Henry, who discovered the crying kitten in the parking lot.

Desire to keep warm

Livestock breeders and zoologists are sure that domestic cats sleep with their beloved owner because the bed is simply cozy and not cold, and they are very heat-loving creatures who adore comfort and coziness. The bed, heated by the human body, is the warmest corner in the room if there is no spacious radiator or heating pad nearby. The average body temperature of a furry animal is approximately 38.6 °C. He needs more warmth, which is why four-legged pets can so often be found on windowsills and balconies illuminated by the sun's rays.

At night, they move to a warm bed, using a person in the form of a huge soft heating pad. They are primarily located above the head or on the stomach. During sleep, it is these zones that radiate heat as much as possible, since active blood flow is maintained in them. Thus, cats do not treat headaches or migraines, as is commonly believed, but take care of their own comfort.

Desire to show superiority

For many cats, lying on a human body is evidence of dominance over him. A furry friend marks his territory this way, leaving his scent on the pillow. Shows that the person belongs to him, and he can feel like an emperor. This especially happens if there are other animals in the family. A narcissistic pet demonstrates to its fellow tribesmen a special closeness to its owner, thus showing a certain amount of its selfishness. In addition, the cat's instinct tells who is dominant in the house. For its own safety, the four-legged friend chooses to sleep together with members of the household.

Fragrance theory

For many pets, the owner's scent has a calming effect. They have a sensitive nervous system and sometimes do not even sleep, but simply doze, catching sounds around them. Adequate sleep for cats is possible only in conditions of complete safety. This feeling is given to them by their beloved owner. In addition, furry friends love the smell of hair, especially housewives who use sweet shampoos and conditioners. Dizzying and fragrant aromas work on the purr better than any valerian.

Attention! You should not allow your cat to lick your hair. Many styling products, shampoos, gels and varnishes contain synthetic compounds that are dangerous to the animal's gastrointestinal tract.

A little about cat psychology

There are cases when the owner, having acquired a long-awaited cat, cannot achieve her favor. Everyone knows that cats are quite freedom-loving creatures and it makes no sense to force them to do anything. To avoid disappointment and be able to manipulate a cat, it would be nice to get acquainted with cat psychology:

  • Cats don't like it when the house is too noisy. If I, as an owner, am thinking about training a cat to sleep with me, then I need to create a quiet, calm environment in the bedroom.
  • It is necessary to devote free minutes from your time to petting the kitten. He loves when people talk to him, it’s not the words themselves that are important to him, he reacts to the tone. It is better to talk in a gentle, dreamy voice.
  • It will be better if the conversation is accompanied by stroking and scratching.
  • You can't punish cats because they never feel guilty. They only get offended by the owner, and then there can be no question of the cat going to sleep with the owner.

Medicinal properties

Many people believe that a cat comes to sleep on a person in order to cure him of illnesses and rid him of negative energy. Although the reasons for this behavior are not yet fully understood, the beneficial effects of animals on the body have been scientifically proven and are used in the fight against various diseases, such as Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, autism, and depressive disorders. Treatment with cats is called feline therapy. It has the following effects on the body:

  • static electricity that occurs when rubbing and stroking wool helps reduce inflammation and heal wounds;
  • the sound of rumbling calms the nerves and helps you fall asleep easier, and the vibration helps relieve spasms and pain;
  • when a cat “massages” a person, light tingling claws help relax muscles and relieve swelling, and also activate nerve endings, similar to acupuncture;
  • in case of sore throat, colds, flu and similar diseases, the pet warms the parts of the body affected by the disease;
  • cats are capable of making sounds at special frequencies - their effect on the body can be compared to ultrasound therapy, which is used in the treatment of inflammation, injuries, problems with bones and joints;
  • contact with animals brings positive emotions to the patient, relieves stress, helps to relax and calm down - this helps normalize blood pressure and reduce heart rate;
  • Regular communication with cats helps people with psychological illnesses and neuroses overcome uncertainty, get rid of negative emotions, and make it easier to endure loneliness and stress during treatment.

Cats are very sensitive to changes in temperature and pressure, so they can sometimes “predict” their owner’s illness in advance. For example, if a pet lies on its stomach, its owner may soon experience problems with the gastrointestinal tract. If a cat suddenly “fancies” a specific part of the body for no apparent reason, it is worth undergoing a preventive examination.

The attitude of scientists and doctors towards feline therapy is ambiguous. Some consider it an effective addition to treatment, others consider it an example of the placebo effect.

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