Why do cats sleep near their owner’s head and is it possible to wean pets from this habit?

You've just spent money on a quality cat bed to give your cat all the luxuries it deserves, and it still loves to sleep on your head. Is there a way out of this situation?

This is actually a very common situation for most cat owners. What the hell makes them act this way? Of all places, why do they insist on sleeping on your head? You would be surprised to know the reason for this strange behavior. Let's find out.

They're looking for your body heat

Your cat's body temperature is usually higher than yours. Their temperature ranges from 38 to 39 ℃ on an average day. This means that your cat gets cold very easily, so she is constantly looking for a warmer place, especially when she wants to sleep. Have you ever noticed that your cat sleeps on electrical devices, near the stove, or in an area exposed to direct sunlight?

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Well, they get the same pleasure when they sleep on your head. Your body heat leaves your head and is at a higher temperature than other parts of your body. What better place for your cat to sleep than his loved one's head? So don't be discouraged when they come to you; It is beneficial for both cats and people if they sleep together.

How to wean off if you sleep with a person?

It is best to prevent your pets from behaving this way and immediately wean them off sleeping on their owner’s pillow. Animals should not be given such privileges. Of course, you cannot use physical force, scold or throw the animal away from you.

It is advisable to try to equip the cat with a separate sleeping place. It should be such that she herself no longer wants to go to bed with the person.

To do this, it is necessary that the sleeping place meets all the interests of the furry pet. It should be warm and soft. Also from it the cat should have a clear view of the entire surrounding area. She needs this for safety.

The best measure would be to teach the kitten from childhood to sleep in a certain place, and not with the owner on the bed . It is much more difficult to wean an adult pet.

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They like your scent

Smell is one of the best things that has a profound effect on your cat. They identify their potential prey and enemies by recognizing their scent. They have scent glands throughout their bodies and use them to leave scent marks on objects. And it's amazing when they want you all the time.

Your scent tops their list because they can associate it with someone who cares so much about them. So at night they go straight to your head to fall asleep for a long night, basking in your fragrance. You may wake up to find your cat "grooming" you by licking your hair - this is an adorable trait and a clear sign of affection on their part. Give your cat a rub in the morning, he deserves it after all!

You are his property

Cats are royalty. They believe that the human mission is to look after them and provide them with everything they need. For furry household members, a person is property that he can treat as he wishes. These graceful creatures want to be the main priority of the owner, strive to capture his full attention and, speaking without exaggeration, his consciousness. That's why throwing the bed you bought for them and settling on their owner's head seems like a brilliant idea to cats.

They feel safe

Although your cat stays at home with you, bedtime is the time when she wants to feel completely safe. They want protection from any possible attacks on them while they sleep. This is typical behavior of any animal in the wild; even the lion climbs the tree before they fall asleep to feel safe and secure.

In this case, your cat believes that your head is one of the safest places they could ever sleep. Your presence makes them feel protected. After all, you are the person who provides them with food and shelter and takes care of them in every way.

Arms, stomach or chest

In this case, it is difficult to say unequivocally why the chosen place was the stomach or chest. Since almost all organs are located in this area, it is difficult to say what exactly the problem is. The maximum that can be done is to go to the clinic and get examined. But, almost always, the animal sleeps on its stomach due to the fact that this is the most convenient place for this purpose.

The cat sits in your arms - this happens quite rarely, but, as practice shows, this is an important sign. The hand on which the cat sleeps is very important because the meanings are opposite.

  1. Right hand. When an animal chooses this hand, it means that there will soon be a chance to get married. Since this is a sign, and not a direct prediction of the future, it means that it cannot be missed. It’s worth taking a closer look at the opposite sex around you, or making a new acquaintance, or maybe meeting one of your old friends.
  2. Left hand. When choosing this hand, the favorite suggests that illness is coming. Again, this is not a prediction, but a sign. This means you need to pay attention to your health, take vitamins, play sports, switch to proper nutrition, and quit bad habits. You shouldn’t be afraid that a cat is sleeping on your left hand, you need to be grateful and take action, because the animal “looks after” its owner.

They want to spend more time with you

While you are away from home all day for work, your cat misses you a lot, and you yourself don’t notice it. No matter how many cat toys and other furry companions they have, they still lack the love that only you can give them. As soon as you get home from work, they get very excited and run to rub their feet on you. Cats love physical touch and this is also one of the reasons why they prefer to sleep next to or on the top of your head. Your soft hair makes the bed very comfortable!

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Features of a cat sleeping at the owner's feet

On the stomach

Interpretations of why the pussycat prefers to sleep at the feet of its owner are mainly based on the ability of these animals to cleanse the human aura. After all, during the day a person accumulates a large amount of unnecessary things, from which pussies save their owners. Since esotericists claim that negativity that comes to a person descends, it is at the feet that a cat goes to sleep, wanting to free the aura of its beloved owner from accumulations of negative energy.

Another point of view relates to the purr’s ability to detect areas that require urgent treatment. Therefore, their desire to sleep in their legs is explained by the onset of pathology of the lower extremities. Usually these are varicose veins. But ordinary fatigue accumulated in the legs as a result of a tiring day at work can also prompt a kitten to lie down at a person’s feet.

What to do

It turns out that your cat jumps on your head several times during the night. Unlike us humans, cats do not sleep for hours on end. If you can't sleep because your cat is nocturnal and she keeps moving or playing, here are a few things you can try that will help you and your cat sleep at night:

  • Make sure your cat's bed is warm and cozy before she will be attracted to sleep. Otherwise, they will still hang around your head.
  • It's important to have your cat exercise or do something else before bed. This will exhaust them physically, after which you can feed them good and tasty food. The combination of a satisfying meal and tiredness will help them take the next steps, meaning they will eventually prepare themselves for sleep.
  • However, it is best to train your cat to stay outside your room all night. Just close the bedroom door, although they may scratch at the door or whine to let them in for a few days and they will get used to it. Make sure your cat has everything they need: water, food, cat bed, litter box and scratching post, and they won't bother you anymore.

The head is a favorite place

If a cat sleeps in its head, on a pillow, this may be a sign that the owner spends too much time on mental work. Perhaps this is a job that requires special attention and concentration. The pet feels that it is necessary to give its brain a rest, so it lies down on its head. Headaches also include negative thoughts that occupy almost all the space in the head, spreading poison throughout the body. Migraines and any other medical illnesses in this area attract the animal.

To stop your cat sleeping near your head, you need to control your thoughts. Block negativity, think about work only at work. If the cat no longer sleeps in this area, it means that the person has gotten rid of some problems in his head. When two people share a bed, the animal may be jealous of one of them. In order for the cat to calm down and understand that a person he doesn’t like will not replace him, you need to say: “Between husband and wife, my protector sleeps. But don’t be afraid, this is a friend, the chosen one of my love. I don’t need help, go, cat, sleep alone. Amen".

Potential dangers of having a cat in the owner's bed

Do not forget about the dangers of sleeping together with a cat

  1. Cats that roam freely on the street can be carriers of diseases that are dangerous to humans.
  2. Timely vaccination prevents infectious diseases, but does not provide a 100% guarantee.
  3. There are feline diseases that are dangerous for pregnant women and children (toxoplasmosis), for which they are not vaccinated.
  4. A pet that considers the bed to be its own territory will mark it.

Where cats sleep: energy

Cats are a source of bioenergy. The intersection of different energies in one house can be a positive and negative factor.

  • Cats are sensitive to places where biofields intersect. Such points can negatively affect human health.
  • The animal chooses a similar point for sleep and normalizes the energy, transforming it into a favorable one.
  • The cat's biofield has a positive effect on humans. Pets neutralize negative waves.
  • The cat tries to stabilize places with negative energy and locates itself in them.

Do not try to force your cat to sleep in a specific place in the apartment. He knows where to go to bed. Since sources of negative energy tend to change location, sensitive cats follow these movements.

How to arrange a place for a cat to sleep

Perhaps the cat does not have a cozy sleeping place for a comfortable night's rest. To prevent your pet from freezing, place it near a radiator or in another warm and not accessible place. A special basket from a pet store, a mattress, or an old warm sweater are suitable as a bed. If a cat likes to hide in secluded places, then an enclosed cozy house is suitable. If the animal prefers to be more in the company of people and observe, then an open basket is better. Buy a basket for a cat who can't stand closed spaces.

The bed should be cozy, soft and dry, of a suitable size. Your pet will enjoy relaxing on the bed if you sprinkle it with mint and put your favorite toys on it. If the cat appreciates the furnished corner for relaxation, he will stop visiting the owner’s bed.

When you take a kitten into your home, let him determine his own place to sleep. Felines intuitively find the most suitable corner - perhaps on a hill - to observe what is happening. The main thing is that the cat is allowed to be in this place. If there is no battery nearby, use a heating pad.

The meaning of sleeping on the table

The desire of a pussy to sleep on the table is interpreted in different ways by omens. In one case, this is the desire to get a man out of the house. In another - predicting someone's death. You can even find information about large financial profits. Probably the most terrible prediction about death is associated with the custom of placing only the dead on the table, that is, people who have fallen asleep in eternal sleep. In other cases, the person does not sleep on the table.

But this sign has a serious counterbalance - knowledge of the basic psychology of cats, which by their nature feel more protected and confident if they are at an elevation above the ground. The table is an almost ideal place. Everyone is clearly visible, the surface is stable, wide, and practically inaccessible for small children and dogs.

To wean your pussy from lying on the table, she needs to create normal sleeping conditions that will not be inferior in comfort to the table. Usually they buy a house on a stand, with two entrances, ladders and scratching posts. Such houses fully satisfy the needs of purring fluffies.

Can cats detect pregnancy?

Many years ago, when tests had not yet been created, cats were used to determine pregnancy. Women really believed that this way they could find out the presence or absence of an interesting position.

When a woman wanted to determine whether she was pregnant or not, she placed a cat on her stomach.

Conclusions were drawn based on the animal's behavior. For example, if the cat lay down on her stomach, curled up and fell asleep, then the baby should be expected soon. When the cat ran away, it meant that the woman was not pregnant.

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