How to stop a cat from yelling: simple and effective methods

It is completely natural for a cat to stay awake at night. Like all predators, it has the ability to see perfectly in the dark. Therefore, when in the dark she tries to attack your legs, she does this not out of harm, but following her hunting instincts. But, if these actions can still be explained, then finding the reason why the cat yells at night does not seem to be such a simple matter.

Moreover, if during the day this seemingly sweetest pet strives to rub against your legs, purrs and caresses. And the positive influence of cats on the nervous system of their owners has long been proven - they calm and heal with just their appearance. But to what extent they are able to drive these same owners with their heart-rending screaming at night! Even the thick walls of the apartment cannot save you and even the strongest nerves cannot withstand. Some people claim that castration solves the problem, but this is not true. Even when castrated and properly fattened after that, a cat can howl in a bad voice in the middle of the night.

But, in fact, there is a logical explanation for this cat behavior. Moreover, it can manifest itself not only at night, but also during the day.

The main reasons why cats get restless at night, why do they scream?

If we are talking about uncastrated cats and unsterilized cats, then at such moments their natural desire to reproduce prevails. Therefore, with such cries, representatives of the cat family invite potential soul mates, informing them of their readiness to reproduce.

It may happen that the animal screams because of illness or some kind of ailment that causes him suffering. For older cats, this could be a nervous disorder or Alzheimer's syndrome. Abdominal pain can plague animals of any age. And this can be understood by feeling the pet’s belly - its hardness will clearly indicate that this is the cause of concern. In a cat that has always been calm and suddenly begins to exhibit similar behavior, the cause may be common worms.

Urolithiasis bothers older animals, manifesting itself most strongly after it relieves itself. A clear confirmation of this is the cat's anxiety and screams after he leaves the tray. Neutered cats who have had part of their ovary retained may also experience anxiety and screaming.

Kittens suffering from lack of attention and trying to demand a treat or game from their owner also scream. Moreover, having received what they want, they very quickly remember the method by which they can achieve what they want and use it again and again. In addition, a kitten that has been weaned from its mother and just brought into a new home can behave very restlessly. He may refuse to eat, walk everywhere and scream, calling for his mother. If a kitten screams at night, then over time he will get used to it, adapt and stop such screams.

Also, a cat's screams can mean anxiety. It’s not for nothing that cats’ so-called sixth sense is so acute that since ancient times people have used them to predict various natural disasters, such as earthquakes. The pet's anxiety in this case may have the purpose of warning the owner about something. But such behavior, of course, is not observed every day, but only occasionally.

The possessive nature of cats forces them to mark their territory to prevent other animals from claiming it. But in order to reinforce the marks with more eloquent actions, cats declare their rights with such loud cries.

The cat constantly meows to go outside

Some cats seek more stimulation than others, while some are noisier.

If you are trying to help your cat transition from an outdoor cat to an indoor cat, it may take some time to curb this interest. You can train your cat to stop meowing at the door, just like any other unwanted behavior.

Take your cat away from the door and do something fun. Use treats to reinforce desired behaviors, such as quiet play or scratching posts.

The next step will be difficult - ignore the meowing! Although your pet's muted tones may be difficult to turn off, a lack of response to howling will send a message that these habits are not encouraged.

What else is connected with the fact that the cat does not let you sleep at night?

Banal boredom can also bring an animal to such a state that it will annoy those around it with its screams. This can happen if the other day the owner, for example, just let his cat out for a walk in the yard, without having the intention of doing this regularly. Having appreciated such a wonderful walk, the animal quite logically begins to demand it again and again. Moreover, it’s boring to sit in an apartment, and there are so many interesting things to do outside. So the cat performs a “concert” under the door.

A person is accustomed to thinking that he is the one in control of everything, but we should not forget that pets have their own nature, needs and characteristics. Therefore, in many ways, they can look at things completely differently, unlike their owners. And if a person thinks that a cat is behaving “badly” for no reason, this does not mean at all that it is so. It is worth studying your pet’s habits more carefully and observing it more closely.

Latest Chinese warning

It is possible that you are busy and cannot devote much time to your pet. At least as much as he needs. He may choose this method (by the way, not the most outrageous one) to remind you of your responsibilities: playing together, talking, ironing the back and scratching behind the ear.

As you can see, there is no paradox or mythical cat harmfulness in the “closed door syndrome”!

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Meowing at night - what to do about it?

If the cat starts yelling at night, then it is useless to shout and swear at him. Cats have more sensitive hearing than humans, so they perceive loud sounds quite painfully. And they can begin to behave completely unpredictably - for example, throwing flowers from window sills, tearing up furniture, etc. Stress can affect the animal's nervous and digestive system - it can become skittish and afraid of people.

The cat feels that there is freedom behind the door

Animals understand that thanks to the front door they can leave the house for a walk. When you open the door, many enticing aromas enter your home. There is fresh air, the birds are singing. And for a pet this is the main sign of freedom. Therefore, they try to run away for a walk whenever possible.

It’s good if the pet is accustomed to this and returns home in a timely manner. Otherwise, you need to constantly watch so that the cat does not escape through the doors or through the window. Some pets communicate in advance their own plans to escape through the door. They wait for any opportunity to jump out in the following situations:

In this case, the owner does everything possible to block the animal's access to the environment. But it hopes that it will seize the moment when they will not pay attention to it, and it will be able to slip out unnoticed.

Sometimes an adult cat, which previously had a place at the front door, may lie down in the passage out of habit.

Each animal has its own requirements, desires and character. And loving owners put up with this. Therefore, there is no need to scold an animal if it has chosen a place at the front door.

Folk remedies

Some cat owners advise feeding their pet in such cases. Because after a heavy meal the cat will become lethargic and sleepy. But, firstly, feeding at night can have a negative impact on digestion - there is a high risk that the animal will become very fat and will continue to wake the owner at night to get food. And secondly, this method does not work on all cats - there are individuals known that, having had enough, begin to scream with triple force, falling silent only closer to dawn.

As you know, cats do not like water and try to avoid contact with it, and some owners take advantage of this. So, against a screaming pet they use a regular flower sprayer. This “weapon” can reach your pet at a distance of up to 5 meters. But the animal, not lacking in intelligence, quickly understands where it is simply impossible to reach it with a stream of water, and continues its concerts from there. If, every time the cat starts yelling at night, you take it to the shower, then the animal can catch a cold.

Many cat owners are discovering their own ways to deal with cat shows. For example, smear sour cream on your pet's face - the animal will immediately stop yelling and start washing itself until it eats every drop. Then he might just get tired of washing his face and go to bed. The method, of course, is quite unique, and there is no guarantee that it will work with every cat. There will definitely be those on whom it will not work. But this once again confirms that you can find an approach to every animal.

Another feature

Many of our kisuls have it, but... you will never get tired of it, but will always be welcome - it is a joy to greet you at the doorstep, tired after a hard and busy day, with a loud or quiet, long purring greeting out of great love and tender affection. To you!

Peace and happiness to your home! Write questions - we will be happy to answer. See you!

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The main thing is to try to make sure that the cat spends as much energy as possible in a day. Even if she waited all day for her owner to get home from work, bored at home. Usually in such cases the pet sleeps all day, and when the person returns, the animal begins to frolic. This means that while no one is at home, the cat should be provided with activity in the form of various toys, scratching posts, stairs and houses that it can climb.

It’s also a good idea to use videos from the Internet made specifically for animals - a fly or mouse moves across the screen in them, and the cat enthusiastically catches them.

It is advisable to set up a place for your pet on the windowsill so that he can observe everything that is happening on the street. Well, pay attention to it in the morning and evening - talk to the cat, whenever possible, allow it to participate in household chores, do not forget about caring for the pet. In general, demonstrate an emotional connection with him in every possible way so as not to wonder why the cat meows at night.

You shouldn’t lock your cat in the bathroom or kitchen at night if she could freely walk around these rooms during the day. It will logically strive to regain control over the territory that has become inaccessible.

When nothing helps, and medical causes are excluded, it is better to consult a zoopsychologist. He will determine whether the cat's behavior is the result of severe stress, illness, excess or lack of nutrition.

Why does the cat constantly yell?

Why does the cat constantly yell? Determining the causes of destructive behavior is the best method for solving the problem. Eliminating the cause of irritation is much easier than changing your pet's habits.

Let us immediately note that there are three main reasons for constant yelling:

Instincts cannot be changed through education; you need to come to terms with this right away. Physiological reasons are most often accompanied by discomfort, which the cat expresses by meowing. Psychological problems are always accompanied by stress, which can provoke both behavioral and physiological problems. Let's take a closer look.

Health reasons

In addition to simple situations that any owner can cope with, there are dangerous ones that threaten the pet’s health:

  • Infection with worms. Most often, kittens are susceptible to it. In addition to general malaise and plaintive meowing, you may notice trembling and bowel movements.
  • Diseases of the urinary or digestive system. Emptying the bladder and bowels accompanied by meowing is a reason to sound the alarm. You should also check your stool and urine for blood.
  • Spinal injury. Loud screams are accompanied by weak trembling of the whole body.
  • Mites or allergies. The cat jumps around the apartment, shaking its head, itching and meowing constantly.
  • Viral infections, indicated by hoarse meows.

How not to behave

Of course, the patience of any person is by no means unlimited. Your cat has been treated kindly, fed, watered, neutered - and still continues to scream? Do not rush to grab a broom or, even worse, raise your voice at your pet. Violent measures will not help here. The cat may become frightened or offended, and in this case he may begin to take revenge. It is almost impossible to predict exactly how. Animals are subtle psychologists. They know your most vulnerable spots very well. Rest assured, this will not end peacefully. New wallpaper torn to shreds, puddles in the bed and unattractive piles in shoes are just a small part of what an angry cat is capable of.

Therefore, we kindly request you! – don’t make your life more difficult by punishing him. Try to understand the reason for his behavior and do everything possible to eliminate it.

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