How to stop a dog or puppy from chewing wallpaper: simple methods

If there are pets in the house, such as dogs, the wallpaper may be subject to significant testing. Today we will talk about how to stop a dog from chewing wallpaper, what methods to use, what works and what doesn’t, what are the main reasons for this behavior, and what you need to do.

Making good, high-quality repairs is half the job, the main thing is to keep it in this condition for a long time. To do this, you will need to wash walls and floors, clean interior items, and take care of furniture. Wallpaper on the walls, occupying a large space, requires special attention from time to time.

If there are pets in the house, such as dogs, the wallpaper may be subject to significant testing. Today we will talk about how to stop a dog from chewing wallpaper, what methods to use, what works and what doesn’t, what are the main reasons for this behavior, and what you need to do.

Many families have pets, and it is very important how they treat the wallpaper

At the level of instincts, the animal begins to damage the walls and gnaw on the lime. It is imperative to show the animal to a qualified veterinarian in order to know what vitamins and minerals it lacks in its diet.

Causes of a bad habit

Before weaning begins, it is necessary to identify a number of reasons that serve as a springboard for such behavior. Dog handlers and veterinary specialists highlight the following:

  • Psychological disorders and stress factors.
  • The energy not wasted during street walks finds a splash in damaging property without malicious intent.
  • Teething is observed in puppies in the appropriate period. Such willfulness cannot be ignored, and it would be better to replace the wallpaper with special toys sold in pet stores.
  • Showing dissatisfaction - by peeling off wallpaper, a dog can show its dissatisfaction with the quality of life and its owner (behavior).

Lack of mineral and vitamin complexes in the body - an unbalanced diet is one of the most common reasons why dogs begin to chew wallpaper and furniture. Thus, they are looking for unconventional sources of missing substances in the body.

In the overwhelming majority, small puppies begin to tear up the wallpaper, thus exploring the world, tasting it and touching it with their paws. It is important to prevent this behavior in a timely manner by showing that this is a bad activity, and then in adulthood the dog will not repeat the pranks.

  • change of baby teeth;
  • banal boredom;
  • lack of toys;
  • deficiency of nutrients, vitamins, amino acids, minerals;
  • lack of physical activity, mental stress, overflowing energy;
  • fear, fright, stress;
  • protest, discontent;
  • dominance;
  • errors in behavior and education.

Regular physical training

Knowing which dogs chew furniture and why they do it, as well as the natural energy of these pets, you should provide them with an opportunity to burn off their energy every day. To do this you need to walk with them. Daily physical training is the basis for the proper physical and psychological development of a pet, and if it lacks physical activity, it begins to direct its enormous energy to the destruction of household furniture.

You can physically stress your dog in various ways:

  • long walks with your pet;
  • active games with the dog in the fresh air;
  • dog playing with other pets.

If the owner does not have the constant opportunity to spend sufficient time with his pet, then veterinarians recommend occupying his attention with various toys that will develop not only the physical qualities of the pet, but also his mental abilities.

The dog destroys the apartment in the absence of the owner

If your dog tears up wallpaper, rips off floor and wall coverings, and does this when he is alone at home, analyze what provokes this behavior. Maybe you don't spend enough time with your dog? Then try to communicate more with your pet, involve him in joint active games.

When leaving home for a long time, you can lock your dog in a separate room or a special cage, which must be taught to it from early childhood.

This character trait is inherent in puppies and many adult dogs if special work has not been done with them in time. However, this does not mean that when you get a dog, you should say goodbye to personal comfort.

What's happening

Of course, in some cases there is a way out - to make a small home enclosure or cage for your dog. However, you won’t be able to keep your pet there all the time. In any case, he will spend a significant part of his time walking around the rooms of the apartment. So, in any case, you will have to find a way to stop your dog from tearing wallpaper. Moreover, this applies not only to adults. But often also small puppies.

By the way, in addition to wallpaper, it is not so rare that other things that are abundant inside any apartment can become the object of a dog’s attention:

Be that as it may, the problem with the dog gnawing, tearing or tearing certain furnishings and interior items needs to be solved.


Most of the reasons why a pet is actively mischievous lie in childhood or in the psychological state at some specific moment.

Many owners believe that the puppy chews everything out of boredom, and therefore allow him to behave this way out of pity. But this is the wrong behavior strategy. Scientists have long proven that destructive tendencies are based on slightly different reasons:

Whatever the reason for the damage to the apartment’s furnishings, it is usually quite simple to deal with it by choosing a suitable replacement.

You can discourage your dog from wallpaper using one of the following distracting methods: catching your pet in the act of damaging property, clap your hands loudly, throw the keys, set an alarm clock, splash water in the face using a water pistol. The dog needs to get scared and switch to another object of attention. It can become, again, a new toy. During such games, praise your pet, scratch him behind the ear and treat him with a treat. Such actions will help improve the animal's behavior for the better.

Why a cage is good:

The dog's own space. This is a den, a house for rest and peace in the mind of the animal;

Child protection. The dog can safely climb into the crate - a place inaccessible to children, which will help it get rid of increased children's attention;

Protection of furniture and apartments. A cage is one of the most effective ways to protect your apartment from the destructive behavior of your pet.

The main thing you should pay attention to when choosing a cage is its size. It shouldn't be too tight. The optimal cage is one in which the pet can stand up, walk around and lie down. Don’t be afraid to buy a cage that is too large, the most important thing is that it is not small.

Correcting your pet's behavior

If you are often away from home, then buy your animal a chewing toy that looks very attractive and has a pleasant aroma. In your absence, the dog will be busy chewing a new object, and he will not have time to damage property.

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You can discourage your dog from wallpaper using one of the following distracting methods: catching your pet in the act of damaging property, clap your hands loudly, throw the keys, set an alarm clock, splash water in the face using a water pistol. The dog needs to get scared and switch to another object of attention. It can become, again, a new toy. During such games, praise your pet, scratch him behind the ear and treat him with a treat. Such actions will help improve the animal's behavior for the better.

Don't neglect regular walks. Walk your dog at least twice during the day - the path will be shortened. During walks, the dog will spend a lot of energy, which will allow him to behave more calmly and balancedly at home.

Visit a veterinary clinic and tell your doctor about this situation. Perhaps he will prescribe a series of tests for the animal to find out about its health. It is possible that the dog will be prescribed useful vitamins and substances necessary for normal functioning.

If your efforts are in vain, then seek help from a dog handler. But do not demonstrate your strength and superiority to your pet.

When getting a dog, remember that it needs attention. Do not leave her alone for a long time, especially in a completely unfurnished apartment.

If a prankster is caught at the scene of a “crime”

If a dog is chewing furniture, and you catch it at the scene of the “crime” at the very moment when it is chewing not a toy, but furniture, then it is at this moment, and not later, that it should be scolded.

Sternly say: “Ugh!” and pat your pet by the scruff of the neck, imitating the behavior of a mother dog. This is how she lets the naughty pet know that he did something wrong.

As soon as the puppy stops the unwanted action, praise him and distract him with a toy. I repeat once again that you need to punish an animal exactly at the moment when you catch it at the scene of the “crime”.

If you returned home from work and the sofa has already been chewed, then in this case you need to understand and forgive the four-legged one! It is no longer possible to scold and punish him. Otherwise, the tail will associate the punishment not with the chewed thing, but with the appearance of the owner.

As a result of this, the animal will only be afraid of the owner. And the task of every four-legged owner is to make sure that your pet is not afraid, but trusts you and sees you not as a threat, but as the leader of the pack, who can protect and caress him at any moment.

Thus, if a dog chews furniture, then only the owner of the four-legged dog must determine the reason for this behavior and take the necessary measures. From the very beginning, you must show the puppy what is good and what is bad.

Think in advance whether you can devote enough time and attention to your furry so that he does not feel lonely and abandoned. And if you are planning to adopt a Jack Russell Terrier puppy, then this is especially important, because these restless dogs require a lot of attention and communication. Read about the character of the Jack Russell Terrier. If you are in doubt, think a hundred times whether you should get a dog at all.

Good luck to you! And take care of your pets!

Frequent mistakes of owners

Start shaping your dog's habits from childhood. If you felt sorry for your puppy and were afraid to scold your baby for indecent behavior, then you can’t count on an easy-going temperament in an adult animal.

The dog will have a firmly established understanding that chewing wallpaper is not punishable, which means you can continue to enjoy the process.

The owner of the puppy should pay special attention to the consistency of his prohibitions. If yesterday you scolded your pet for damaging a wall, and today, being in a particularly good mood, you decided to “spare” it, know that this method of education will not give the desired results. Be persistent and patient.

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The third common mistake is punishing the dog after the fact. This method will not lead to results. The pet will not understand why the owner treated him so rudely. It is extremely important to punish your dog as soon as you catch him tearing at a wall.

Watch useful video instructions:

How to stop a dog from damaging walls and chewing wallpaper

You need to eradicate any bad habits of your pet gradually, consistently, but persistently and only after you have established the cause of such destructive behavior.

The following will help you stop your dog from damaging walls:

  • properly organized training;
  • availability of a variety of toys;
  • mental, physical stress;
  • maintaining a daily routine;
  • diet adjustments;
  • classes with a dog handler;
  • effect of surprise.

As already noted, dogs chew objects to express their emotions. But if you don’t stop the puppy from chewing wires, scratching furniture, walls, wallpaper at an early age, or a similar habit in the animal appears after stress or emotional shock, an adult pet will do this constantly, for example, at the slightest fright.


One option is to develop your pet's habit of playing with certain objects. Most stores that specialize in selling pet supplies sell toys that have been specially designed for such situations. By the way, you can buy several of these toys at once, since most dogs, and especially small puppies, love it when they have a certain choice and variety.

In addition, it is considered very useful not only to play, but also to praise the dog for certain actions. Your dog always very clearly senses a positive reaction from the owner to certain actions on his part.

Remember that it is advisable to carry out exercises to wean your pet from damaging wallpaper. This is done as follows: when you try to start gnawing on them, offer to play with a toy or an artificial bone. Sooner or later the dog will start to switch to these things.

Helpful advice! In such cases, you need to be sure to praise the dog and even give him a small treat. This will help form a habit and reinforce it.

Watch useful video instructions:

It's another matter when you arrive and find your home in the same condition in which you left it in the morning. The cell opens

at 4 months this is normal. We fought everything too. It’s been a year since we realized what is possible and what is not.

And I came to terms with it. We also tried everything and punished it, and no matter what we tried, nothing helped.

My husband and I found the only way out of the situation - WHEN IT GROWS, WE WILL MAKE REPAIRS.

By the way, it will become a little easier when the permanent teeth grow.

Overcoming various obstacles by a dog. Look through the topics. There is such a thing as “Club Ankur invites”. The dog and you will really enjoy working out.

Mine spoiled everything until she was two years old, so either put up with her pranks or lock her up in one place, the fact is that spaniels are very active. Another way out is to exhaust her in the morning, for example, run with her for an hour or more, so that she rests during the day.

my p/s once dug a hole for herself in the sofa, first on one side, then on the other, since then it has become her sofa

Wow. And I thought I was out of luck, but it turned out to be.

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The cell will help you! Because today the doll was gnawing on the wallpaper, and tomorrow she was gnawing at the electrical wiring, and...

And, honestly, in a crate a puppy grows up with more love. Because we are all human. You come home from work,

The day has been difficult, you are tired, hungry and out of sorts. And on the threshold you are greeted by the ruins of fresh renovation and scraps of brand new boots.

And also the wagging tail and naive eyes of the one who organized it all! You are not an angel. You bark at this tailed-eyed one.

Although he is not so guilty. But he was bored, yearning, waiting for you. And just like that, right out of the gate, I got lyulei!

It's another matter when you arrive and find your home in the same condition in which you left it in the morning. The cell opens

the dog goes for a walk. Everyone is happy, everyone loves each other. Beauty!

  • Flooring (laminate, linoleum, parquet, etc.)
  • Wires from TV, computer and household appliances.
  • Furniture items (tables, chair legs, upholstery and covers for chairs, sofas and beds).

The essence of the problem

We all sincerely enjoy our pets. However, in addition to joyful moments, they often cause us a lot of trouble. What to do if a dog chews wallpaper? How to wean her from tearing and tearing the covering of the walls and protect them from dog “pranks”? It turns out that both a small puppy and an adult dog often want not only to sniff various objects in the interior, but also, as they say, to taste them. That is why it is so important to wean your pet off this “hobby” as quickly as possible, which, over time, threatens to turn into a habit.

Attention! In addition to damaging the wallpaper, some dogs also chew wires, linoleum, and sometimes even furniture. Not only is this damaging, but it can also be unsafe for your pet, especially if it gets into the habit of chewing on wires.

Limit the places where the dog can be

Confine your dog to an area without furniture. Send her to an enclosed yard with a fence when you are not home. This will allow the animal to roam freely without damaging any valuable items or furniture. You can also place your dog and his toys in an unfurnished room to prevent damage. If you leave your pet outside when you are not home, make sure it is protected from extreme temperatures and bad weather conditions, and that water and food are available to it at all times.

Block access to furniture. If your pet likes to lie down on the sofa or bed when you're not home, you can block access to them.

Increasing the duration of walks

A dog may chew wallpaper due to boredom or lack of exercise. In this case, you need to spend more time outside and, if possible, let your pet off the leash. Active games (with a stick, ball), joint jogging, and chasing with other dogs give good results. The dog, which had plenty of frolic on the street, behaves quietly at home.

Treatment of wallpaper with various compositions

If the above methods do not help, you can take extreme measures - treat the wallpaper with pepper, hot mustard, or a special product from a pet store. When a dog starts doing the old thing, it will have to stop. Over time, the pet will understand that the wallpaper is tasteless and there is no need to chew it. The advantage of this method is that punishment follows immediately after the offense committed.

Many animals develop the habit of chewing wallpaper over many years, so they won’t be able to get rid of it quickly. You should be patient and prepare for painstaking work.

Sources: wallpaper-gryzt-drat-rvat.html

Creating normal living conditions

The habit of gnawing on surrounding objects is formed during puppyhood. If you do not wean your dog from this activity in time, it will be difficult to do so in the future. You can try replacing wallpaper with items designed for teeth: bones, toys, chewy treats. Every time a pet chews something allowed, it should be encouraged in every possible way.

In some cases, the animal tears the wallpaper in the hope of getting at the plaster underneath. This may be a sign that your diet does not contain enough vitamins and minerals. You may need to go to the vet and find the right supplement for your dog. It is also worth seeing a doctor if the habit of spoiling things has formed due to neurosis or stress.

Common mistakes in dealing with an animal that chews things

In attempts to retrain a puppy, dog breeders make a number of common and serious mistakes that hinder the achievement of results:

  • you should not scold or reprimand the animal for a previously committed offense, since after half an hour the dog will not correlate the result of its actions with the negative reaction of the owner;
  • your pet’s toys should be different from objects that are prohibited from chewing, so you should not give old slippers, boots and pillows to be torn to pieces;
  • you should not punish your pet excessively, excessive stress can lead to the opposite reaction, and the dog will see both the object and perhaps even the owner as a threat and an enemy;
  • move a piece of furniture from place to place, the pet will still find it and finish what it started;
  • as punishment, deprive the dog of play or a walk, since boredom will only provoke the animal to destructive behavior within the home.
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