Love for cats as an indicator of psychological health

Surely among your friends there are people who have a special love for cats. Maybe you yourself are a fan of these fluffy fidgets. Our article is devoted to a review of interesting psychological facts about cats, after learning which you will better understand your pet’s behavior and learn more about your character. Enjoy reading!

Why do people love cats?

Psychology of cats. People who love cats

Everyone has their own hobbies: some people like to spend time watching TV series, others prefer active recreation or knitting, and some people love to caress cats, play with them, and talk as if they were talking to a person. Therefore, all cat lovers have common character traits, and psychological science provides an explanation for this. The cat symbolizes both independence and devotion, character and strength and affection, grace and fragility. People love cats because they either have certain cat-like traits or want to have those traits.

Surely, in recent years, you have noticed that the number of cat lovers’ communities on the Internet has increased. There are a lot of funny pictures and videos dedicated to your favorite pets. This is explained by the fact that the cat symbolizes home comfort, happiness and tranquility. Recently, people have been focused on living comfortably and happily, and a lot of effort and resources are spent on this. And if there is also a cat in the house, happy, well-fed, affectionate, then life is good.

Cats are loved because these animals love tactile contacts: you can stroke them, scratch them behind the ears, caress them, and fall asleep with them. In this way, modern people relieve stress and make up for the lack of love and tenderness.

The cat symbolizes home comfort, happiness and tranquility

Interesting fact! Very often you can notice that young couples in love who begin to live together, first of all, have a cat in the house, and only years later children. This is explained by the fact that a cat does not require much attention and young people subconsciously perceive a cat as a child. After a while, people become convinced of the strength of their union and decide to have a baby.

Fourth: The cat is not ashamed

Never. Unlike people, the cat knows that his butt should be left in the past. That is, leaving your past behind. Preferably buried well. He is not ashamed of the tail in the coffee mug, the wool on the new coat, the dead ends on the carpet, the pissed off slippers, the broken mugs, the bitten fish, the vomit on the laptop and the torn furniture. He feels good, he is a cat, he lives like this, you can come to terms with this or live in a different place from the cat. Resistance is pointless.

Why do women love cats so much?

Exquisite women's tattoos depicting a graceful slender cat are very popular. It is obvious that for modern women the cat is the embodiment of feminine nature, beauty and sexuality, elegance and grace. Such women make it clear that they are not only beautiful, but also daring and vindictive, who know how to show off their “claws” when the occasion is right. Projecting their own, truly feminine character traits onto the cat, representatives of the fair sex love to buy shiny jewelry and tickets to specialized exhibitions for cats. In this way, women assert themselves and increase their self-esteem.

Cat Personality Traits

Idea! Therefore, if you are communicating with a woman who really loves cats, ask her a few questions about the character of her pet. A woman will be happy to talk about her favorite, and you will know that much of what is mentioned is present in the character of the woman herself.

Dependence on independents

For many avid cat lovers, unrequited love for a furry pet is tantamount to tragedy. But you really shouldn’t despair, you just need to let go of the situation and react less to dislike for you. Try to pamper her with something tasty more often. You shouldn’t wait for momentary manifestations of love, show patience and a little endurance, and you will see that the cat will give your feelings another chance. Success and reciprocity!

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Likes of the cat family: what kind of people do cats like and why?

Cats love it when people show them attention and care. Pay attention to street cats, how they crave communication and affection, how they rub against the legs of a random passerby who calls out to the animal. Domestic cats receive a lot of attention every day, so they are more selective in their contacts.

Cats love to show attention and care towards them.

You've probably heard the expression “animals look like their owners.” Often, a cat will choose one family member whom it considers its true owner, even if other people treat it well. Psychologists say that a cat will prefer a person who gives the animal his love and care, but does not require reciprocal expressions of feelings, does not force the animal to caress, play, or sit on his lap. Each cat has its own temperament, character and preferences, so it chooses the person who is most similar to itself.

Cats don't like rude, unkind people. However, if a cat lives in a family where it is not well cared for, in most cases it will still strive to communicate - this is its nature. Cats know how to forgive their owners. Some breeds, for example, Siamese, have a special character: proud, independent, aloof. Such animals rarely strive to communicate with people and do not like tactile contacts, even if the owner is kind and affectionate. This does not mean that the animal does not like you, it’s just that his psyche is structured this way.

When did cats appear in human life?

Advice! Therefore, when choosing a kitten for your family, you should take a close look at its character. If the cat is purebred, you need to study the characteristics of this species to avoid disappointment.

Third: if the Cat wants affection, he will return it a hundredfold

The cat comes to purr. He doesn’t care that someone drinks tea, writes an article in the night, or paints delicate work with varnish. The cat wants love. Right now. Immediately. All-inclusive. You can first behind the ear and at the tail. The cat will take his paws, whiskers, ears, purr and will love until he wins until they give in and allow him to be stroked. The cat is happy. He actually wants to be answered. He has a lot. He's bursting. He needs to share, otherwise it’s unfair for him that he gets stared at and others don’t.

How to tell if a cat loves you

Cats have a unique language with which they “talk” to people. Every owner must learn to understand the mood of their pet so that their connection is strong and mutual. To express sympathy and love, cats have a whole arsenal of facial expressions and gestures:

  1. Purring.
  2. Licking.
  3. The desire to spend all the time together.
  4. Falling asleep on your knees and in the same bed.
  5. Showing belly and tail.
  6. “Butting”, rubbing against arms and legs.
  7. Sharpening claws on furniture.
  8. “Massage” with claws and trampling on the body.
  9. Surprises and gifts.

10 signs a cat loves you

Scientific facts

  • sleep two-thirds of their lives;
  • their brains are biologically closer to humans than the brains of dogs;
  • show the ability to return home after traveling vast distances;
  • have a unique nose print, just like people have fingerprints;
  • sweat through their paws, there are no other sweat glands on the body;
  • feel subtle vibrations, react to earthquakes 15 minutes earlier than a person;
  • cats are left-footed, cats are right-handed;
  • reduce the owner's risk of stroke or heart attack by 30 percent;
  • the vibration of purring has a frequency that helps increase the immunity of the hosts and activates human protective functions;
  • body temperature is slightly higher than human, has a mild warming, analgesic effect.

We adore cats, these fluffy independent predators, beautiful and graceful creatures. They bring more peace and tenderness into our lives.

How to make friends with a cat?

The easiest way to make friends with a cat is at an early age, because the kitten perceives the person who feeds, cares and caresses it as its mother. Over time, the owner and kitten “get used to” each other, they develop joint fun and traditions. If an adult cat for some reason dislikes a person, she will not want to spend time with him and will refuse to accept his attention. In such cases, you can try to make friends with the cat, although this process is long and will require patience from you.

  1. Try to create the most comfortable conditions for the animal: a cozy bed, good food, periodic treats, interesting toys.
  2. Do not perform actions that the animal may perceive as an act of aggression: do not shout, do not make sharp hand gestures, do not create noise and a nervous environment in the house, do not throw the cat during games.
  3. Cats can remember an insult for a long time and, on occasion, take revenge on the owner, so treat the animal with respect: do not disturb it while sleeping, do not take food, do not scream, and do not hit it under any circumstances.
  4. Study special literature on the topic of cat sign language. This way you will begin to understand what mood the cat is in and what she wanted to get from you. For example, if you see that the animal has flattened its ears and retracted its head, it is better to leave it alone. And if the cat looks at you intently, blinks and moves towards you, it’s time to pet it.

Cats can remember an insult for a long time and, on occasion, take revenge on their owner.

When the cat understands that you are not a threat to it and are friendly, over time it will begin to trust you.

Advice! If you are unable to make friends with a cat, despite all your efforts, try contacting an animal psychologist or, for example, finding thematic groups of cat lovers on social networks. Experienced breeders will not refuse you useful advice.

Love for cats is a reason for conversation

Don't have anything to chat about during your lunch break? Think about cats. These adorable animals are all over social media right now, so there's always something to catch on. It’s especially nice to talk about your own pet and show photos. What if you are surrounded by cat haters? Well, you can start a conversation here too, but that’s another story.

Nanny cats

Cats love to sleep in beds with babies because they smell like mother's milk. It is possible that cats also like a soft and cozy baby bed. Of course, you should not allow a cat to be in bed with a baby: it is not hygienic. In addition, the animal may accidentally scratch the child.

Cats are very kind and caring towards small children.

When the baby grows up, there is no need to limit his communication with the soft fluffy ball. Young children love cats because they are interested in an animal that is active and loves to play and jump. Some children love to pet cats, subconsciously perceiving them as their mother - gentle and affectionate. Young children may not always be able to clearly understand and explain their feelings of frustration, resentment, or fatigue. But those children who have a furry pet in the house endure stress much easier. You can pet the cat and listen to its purring, after which you will feel calm and peaceful.

Some cats are very kind and caring towards small children, show them their love in every possible way and try to spend a lot of time together. Parents from an early age should teach their child to communicate correctly with a cat, then this friendship will bring a lot of positive emotions for all family members.

Character and temperament of cats

A cat's temperament is the totality of an animal's reactions to external stimuli. This is an innate quality that practically does not change over the course of life. The character of a cat can be changed by forming certain habits in it. However, many commonalities can be found in the behavior of cats.

Interesting facts about cats

Researchers from the UK conducted a survey of more than 200 cat owners, as a result of which they were able to identify a typology of cat characters:

Cat-manIdeal for living with a family, in the company of people. She strives to spend as much time as possible with her owners and is actively interested in their affairs.
Hunter catLoves to play with his owners or with toys. This is the same type of cat that suddenly attacks its owners from around the corner, listens to all suspicious sounds, actively plays and jumps. The ideal place of residence for such an animal would be a country house or rural area.
cat-catShows an active interest in representatives of his kind. Such animals will be very happy if another animal appears in the apartment.
feisty catDoes not like tactile contact, does not play with owners and does not communicate with other animals. She makes contact only when she wants it.
Curious catHe is distinguished by his investigative disposition and studies surrounding objects, people and animals with interest. Loves to explore and smell new things, meet new people and animals

Relationships between cats and dogs

The proverb “like a cat and a dog”, which has long been known to all of us, does not always turn out to be true. Indeed, these animals do not get along well with each other, this can be especially clearly observed in the relationship between street cats and dogs. At home, you can keep a cat and a dog at the same time if you raise them correctly. True friendship between these animals is unlikely to happen (although there are exceptions), but living together is quite possible. It is desirable that each animal has a place where it can retire and relax.

Relationships between cats and dogs most often do not work out due to differences in personalities and temperaments, as well as in body language. Using the table, you can clearly assess how great the difference is in the behavior of these animals.

How to introduce animals and help them bond

Differences in body language between cats and dogs

Sign languageCatsDogs
Tail held highFriendliness, calmness, confidenceAnxiety, vigilance
Tail waggingIndignation, indignationDelight, joy
Closed mouthNormal conditionTension
drooping earsWariness, dissatisfactionJoy, humility
Body tilt to the sideThe desire to appear more aggressive and stronger than the enemyIndicator of victory in a conflict situation
Supine positionIndicator of trust in a personDesire for affection from the owner
Back archSelf-defense, gesture used during huntingPlayful mood

Bioenergetics of humans and cats

Communication with a cat is a great way to not only relieve stress and improve your mood, but also an opportunity to alleviate the symptoms of many diseases. Cats have unique energy and increased sensitivity; they can independently determine the area of ​​the human body that needs treatment. Cat therapy is carried out using purring, gentle “massage” with claws, and warming the diseased area of ​​the body with warm fur.

Relationship between cats and humans

Cats are best able to help people suffering from high blood pressure, insomnia and neurological diseases, colds, bone and joint diseases, and cardiovascular diseases. Cats know how to restore a person’s energy balance, as well as cleanse the home of bad energy.

Some cats sense places in the apartment that are unfavorable from a bioenergy point of view. Perhaps you yourself have noticed that none of the family members, for whatever reason, wants to sit in the farthest chair in the hall, and always chooses another place to rest. Nevertheless, the cat always chooses this particular chair and lies in it in the “sphinx” position, with its front legs extended and its hind legs tucked. In this way, the cat cleanses our house of bad energy, making it cozy and comfortable for all household members.

On a note! The cat is one of the most ancient inhabitants of the human home. Do not deny yourself communication with a little fluffy ball, this animal will give you a lot of joy and happy moments spent together.


Cats can deservedly be given one of the first places among animals in their ability to amuse a person. These cheerful pets often take funny and unusual poses, penetrate into any corner of the apartment, and hide in unexpected places.

If the cat shares space with other pets, the observation process becomes even more fun.

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