How cats show love to their owner - top 18 manifestations of love

Understanding how cats show love to their owner is not easy. If a dog clearly expresses its emotions and it is immediately clear who it is attached to and who its friend is, then the cat is less impulsive. It is necessary to monitor her behavior and habits; even a glance at a person can indicate her attitude towards him.

There is an opinion that from 2 to 4 months cats develop attachment to their owner. Therefore, the more often you are around the animal during this period, the more likely it is that it will love you.

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Favor and acceptance of a certain person does not happen immediately. During introductions, the cat behaves cautiously and constantly hides from people. After getting acquainted with the new house, establishing contact with the owner begins. Don't demand the cat's attention and don't bother him. Depending on the character of the animal, you will hear the first manifestations of love and the first “purr” after several weeks of living together.

This animal loves selectively. Not everyone is allowed to sit on their arms or allow their belly to be rubbed. You should understand this and not be surprised why your affectionate pet ignores other people.

People that cats love

Sometimes cats express love for only one person. The choice is made regardless of who feeds, walks and spends more time with the pet. For people who have many cats, it happens that one of them does not recognize the owner at all.

Most often, cats choose a person who is phlegmatic or even melancholic. Animals feel protection, calm and positive energy. They will be attracted to a calm, balanced family member with a quiet, monotonous voice. Perhaps your pet will like your habits with minimal physical activity. People who like to read, knit, embroider, watch TV for a long time or sit at the computer will be able to enjoy cat company to a greater extent.

Also, the pet will like a person who does not bore you with his attention and does not require constant affection from the cat. Therefore, many avoid communicating with hyperactive children. If you want to make friends with your pet, blink slowly a couple of times while making eye contact. Such a gesture is a small declaration of love.

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Do pets quickly forget their owner?

If owners are forced to place a cat in good hands, then they should know that at first the animal will experience stress, it may sit under the bed for several days, not eat, and not go to the toilet.

Some cats become very attached to their home and cannot adapt to new conditions for a long time if they move with their family, especially older animals. And the older they are, the more difficult it is to tolerate a change of environment or separation from their owner.

At first, the cat will remember the owner, especially while she smells him, but gradually the image will be erased from her memory, especially if she is well looked after in her new family. How long a pet can remember its previous owner is unknown; it all depends on the age of the animal, its character and the time it spent in the previous family.

If a cat, which is accustomed to a new home and a new owner, sees its old owner, then most likely it will not recognize him (cats do not remember faces well; they can distinguish people only thanks to their senses of smell and touch), but his smell and voice will remind him to her that this man once gave her pleasure. That is, the previous owner, who came to visit his cat, will be associated with something pleasant. The same applies to cases when an animal is placed with another family for several years and then returns back. A cat that finds itself back in its previous home quite quickly remembers the whole situation and gets used to the room much more easily.

To find out whether cats love their owners, watch the following video.

Top 18 manifestations of love

There are signs of a cat's love for its owner, which can be seen in the animal's behavior. The pet treats the person well, even if it seems that he is constantly doing dirty tricks: he tears up the wallpaper, marks your shoes and the bed. This behavior may indicate resentment or lack of attention on the part of the owner. For some pets, a full plate and a clean tray are not enough; they also need companionship and your love.

However, the character of the animal must be taken into account. Some cats do not like affection and communication, do not go to hands, do not sleep with people. The person they adopt may occasionally pet and hold the pet . In this case, the main sign of love will be eye contact. Therefore, do not require all of the items listed below from the animal. The top 18 manifestations of cat love are collectively created based on the observations of scientists and pet owners.

Memories of childhood

  • " Milk move ". Pay attention to small kittens that knead their mother while feeding. Such movements improve milk production. If the pet gently tramples them like dough before lying on his lap, he loves and trusts the owner as his own mother cat.
  • Sucking clothes, licking hair . Some cats like to bury themselves in hair or lie on their chest, sucking on their owner's jacket. Perhaps he was separated from his mother early or she abandoned the kitten. Therefore, the pet asks from you for love and attention.
  • Shows and allows you to stroke your belly . If the pet trusts its owner, it can sleep on its back, roll from side to side during play, and expose its tummy. Do not ignore such impulses and stroke them, at this moment cats express love.

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Mirror and man

When faced with a mirror for the first time, a cat, and especially a kitten, becomes completely bewildered. A moving object produces no smells or sounds. The furry predator takes an aggressive-defensive position, arches and tries to scare its own reflection. From the outside it looks very funny, but the cat is not in the mood for jokes. An unknown enemy appeared in front of her, who is also trying to intimidate her in return.

Over time, making sure that there is no real threat, she stops paying attention to the mirror

Cat's eyes perceive people in much the same way as human eyes. Except that the image is a little dimmer and blurry. But we must remember that cats have an extremely acute sense of smell, thanks to which they sense our mood and know the state of our health. Cats come to cuddle when their owner is upset. They are placed on the sore spot, finding it by the difference in temperature or smell.

Innate reflexes

  • Cat purring . A loud purr in your lap means your cat is comfortable with you. If he makes such sounds while playing, the animal loves you and expresses a feeling of devotion. Do not forget about the painful or death purring, which is accompanied by anxiety and general malaise of the cat.
  • Licking . A peculiar kiss indicates that the pet wants to care for you as one of the members of its family. Therefore, do not throw away or ignore the cat if he decides to lick an open part of the body, ear or neck.
  • Meowing . These sounds are intended only for communication with people; cats howl or purr among themselves. If you hear meowing, but the cat is not hungry, he needs communication and love. Pay attention to the animal, it is lonely at the moment.
  • Marks territory . Some cats may sometimes deliberately not go to the litter box in order to make it clear to other animals that this is his apartment and owner.
  • Removes upholstered furniture . The cat leaves its scent on the furniture, which comes out from under its nails. Most often, the owner's favorite sofa or chair is scratched.
  • Pipe tail . If an animal runs towards you with its tail in the air, it is happy to see its owner. Also pay attention to the tip of the tail. If he twitches nervously, the cat loves his owner.
  • Shares prey or toys . If a cat likes to catch mice or birds, she can share the catch with her beloved owner. A pet that shows such generosity is grateful for your care and concern. Say thank you and throw away the surprise later. Some pets may share their favorite toys, bringing them to the bed or place in the apartment where you are often.
  • Showcasing the tail and hindquarters . The most beloved and protected part of a cat’s body from strangers is the tail. Therefore, the moment he turns his back to you should not embarrass you. A cat loves and accepts whoever it allows to stroke and touch its tail.

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The pet “takes care” of you

It is important for cats to keep their fur in perfect condition so that their scent is not picked up by enemies or prey.
Some animals demonstrate love for their owner by licking their cheeks, hair, hygiene of feet and fingers. This does not mean that a person smells bad or does not wash enough, according to cats.

Licking and grooming a person speaks of exceptional love. By washing some part of the owner’s body with its rough tongue, the cat leaves its scent on it. In the wild, cats lick every member of their large family, so when caring for a person, this indicates that the animal considers the owner a relative.

How does a pet show affection?

Many breeders are interested in the question of whether cats know how to love their owner. Zoologists say that first the owner needs to teach the animal to trust him. Cats are capricious, but quite straightforward. They will not love “in spite of”, like a yard dog who sincerely expresses devotion even to the owner who constantly bullies him. The cat is a predator and loves solitude. Finding an approach to her is much more difficult; it is impossible to force her to love. But if a meowing creature recognizes its protector in its owner, it expresses this in the most accessible and understandable ways.

Presents gifts in the form of the carcass of a killed rodent or bird. Cats show that they, too, are willing to share something with their owner. Shows belly, which is unusual for these proud, independent animals. If a cat likes to roll over on its back in the presence of its owner, it means that it feels comfortable and completely safe. Gently “butts” the owner, which means an expression of ownership. The cat recognizes the person and wants to show him that she also loves him in her own way. Constantly hanging around. The cat loves to rub against your legs. This is how she demonstrates to the owner that she wants to be as close as possible

Although it's worth paying attention to her bowl. Perhaps she simply ran out of water or food.


In addition, there are several more obvious signs by which one can determine unmistakably cat love. If a meowing creature tramples its owner like dough, then this is the most pronounced sign that the animal is strongly attached. Cats have sweat glands on their paw pads. When pets actively trample their owner, increased secretion begins. They have a specific smell. It is inaccessible to the human sense of smell, but animals feel and understand it perfectly. This is how the cat cleverly marks its feeder, who loves her.

Scientist's opinion on the relationship between pets and owners

It doesn’t matter who the owner perceives his pet as. Some treat their pets as if they were their own children, others consider them true friends who brighten up loneliness.

Cute cats are entertained, cared for, loved, fed with various goodies and called daughters and sons. However, according to scientists, pets do not share such emotional impulses. These proud, independent animals perceive humans as just another cat of enormous size. Moreover, she has to live in the same territory with her.

Cats have been loved since ancient times. But they were basically required to do only one thing: destroy mice and rats. Cats were close to humans, but at the same time they had an independent lifestyle. The need for emotional relationships in people has appeared relatively recently. People began to wonder whether cats know how to love their owner and how to achieve their affection. However, John provides disappointing statistics. More than 80% of domestic pets mate with outdoor animals. Therefore, overall the species still remains relatively untamed and wild.


The "Breadwinner" brings you a gift

Cats are natural hunters, catching mice, birds, small insects, chasing a ribbon, a dot from a laser pointer, and rolling toys. If a cat brings another prey from the street, do not doubt her love and generosity. This is how she shares her spoils and thanks for the love. The pet should be praised for this behavior, because he tried to surprise and “feed” the owner.

If a person scolds an animal, it may be offended and leave the owner without gifts. Likewise, you should not yell at your cat if he is playing too much. This is how cats show their love. This is especially true for small kittens, who scratch, bite, and spin endlessly right in the hands of a person. The human family member who receives the most attention is the animal's favorite.

The cat shows you its furry butt

A cat's sometimes seemingly incongruous habit of showing off its furry bottom goes back to ancient times. This is how the kittens greeted their mother, waiting for them to return from hunting for prey. This reflex remains in adult modern domestic cats, which, when meeting their owner or jumping onto their laps, turn with their tail and poke their butt in the face.

Not the most pleasant picture speaks of the true love of a pet for a person. This is how the cat shows affection and care and greets you. The procedure is very confidential and emotionally deep for the cat - she will not turn her back to the first person she meets. If she does this all the time, take care of the cat and pet her.

Lays on your clothes

It's all about the smell again, they just like your smell, for them it is a symbol of safety and comfort. And this is also one of the options for how cats show love for their owner - they strive to appropriate his smell, and at the same time gift things with their own. This way, at the moment of separation, the owner will not forget about his cat, and other animals will know that the person is already busy.

Rolls from side to side and calls to play

Cats are often in a playful mood - they roll from one side to the other, look expressively at a person, and sometimes rub against their legs, inviting the person to play. This is another way to show your love, greet your owner, or even ask for their attention. If he squints his eyes slyly while rolling, it means the cat is in a cheerful mood.

You can give your pet an artificial mouse, ribbon or other object of interest so that the cat chases and chews it. There is an option to simply stroke the cat’s soft belly to show your tenderness in exchange. Know that if a cat shows its belly, this indicates complete trust in a person, because the tummy is the most vulnerable place in an animal, and it protects this area and can become angry if handled incorrectly.

Tries to stay close to you, follows on your heels

Has it ever happened that your cat began to show increased interest in you: she tried to always be nearby, sat next to you when you went about your business, in general, literally followed on your heels. If you are still wondering how to understand that a cat loves its owner, then all the symptoms are obvious. By wanting to be closer, your pet shows that you are his best friend and he enjoys being around you. No matter what they say about them, cats are social creatures, and this is how they can compensate for their lack of attention and communication.

Real stories about the love and devotion of cats

There are many stories about the incredible devotion and love of these animals. A few of the most striking of them:

This incident occurred in Rostov-on-Don. Once a family went to visit the Lugansk region, taking their cat Barsik with them. Unfortunately, they returned home without their beloved pet, and all because the very frightened dog and the four-legged pet that had run away could not be found. Imagine the surprise of Barsik's owners when, 5 weeks later, they found an emaciated and wounded tailed wanderer on the threshold of the house.

  • An even more impressive story happened in 1963 in France. The cat Mumoussu, having gone with his owner to his parents, for some reason got lost, and he had to return alone. A four-legged stray found a home 10 months after he went missing, having covered a distance of 747 km.
  • Another cat, Mac, took longer to find his way home after being separated. It happened in the UK while walking along a canal when Mac suddenly jumped into the water and swam away in an unknown direction. Many years later, he was discovered by volunteers using a microchip sewn into his skin. Seeing his loved one, the tailed tramp rushed onto his lap. This story will certainly answer the question of whether cats recognize their owners.

Monument to the cat Semyon in Murmansk

  • One day, a mustachioed resident of Murmansk, Semyon, and his family went to visit Moscow. There he got lost, and the inconsolable owners had to return without him. However, after 6.5 years, Semyon, having covered 2 thousand km, returned home. This happy story impressed the residents of Murom so much that they even dedicated a monument to the local tailed celebrity.
  • When the saffron milkweed Poldi, who lived with the Hans family from Hacking, turned one year old, he suddenly became lost. 16 years later, when the Hanses were already living in Glonn, their missing tail was returned to them. Poldi was found in a Munich forest thanks to a tattoo on his ear.

Trampling with his paws

Another way cats show love for their mistress or owner is through characteristic movements of their paws. Experts call this the “milk step” because animals make such movements in childhood when they suck their mother’s milk (they press on the area around the nipples so that the milk flows better). This reflex persists in some cats throughout their lives and occurs when the cat receives pleasure. In addition, there are glands on their paws that secrete secretions, which is how cats also mark their territory.

There are other explanations for this phenomenon. For example, cats have very sensitive pads on their paws, shifting from paw to paw, they seem to be studying an object, receiving information about it. Which, however, can also be, albeit indirect, but still a sign of the cat’s love for its owner.


We all know this sound from childhood, like the sound of rain or the singing of birds. It is unique, it cannot be confused with anything, although this sound cannot be called a purr. Rather, it is the recognizable “urrr...” that a cat makes using its vocal cords. If a cat purrs, it means she feels good. And if she feels good when you stroke or hug her, what is this if not a manifestation of true love. In fact, these are not just signs that the cat loves its owner, but the cat expresses a whole range of feelings.


As we know, jealousy always accompanies true love, and cats are also capable of this feeling. If your furry friend lies down on a book while you are reading it, tries to sit on the keyboard or stand between you and the monitor or TV screen, then he is simply jealous

He doesn't like that you pay attention to soulless objects when you could play with him or pet him

Unfortunately, such habits of a cat, which speak of her love for her owner, can be destructive for her. Many owners say that when another animal or a small child appeared in the house, the pet began to behave strangely and even showed signs of depression.

Partner security

Because possessive behavior is so widespread in nature, experts have given it a name: mate guarding. According to them, this desire for sexual exclusivity is one of the central aspects of courtship in many species. As a rule, the male acts as a guard, protecting the female - both from illegally intruding strangers and from infidelity at the will of the lady herself. And there is a good reason for this, related to evolution. If a male manages to isolate his partner from other males during ovulation, she will bear his offspring, and his genes will be passed on into eternity.

Males of those species that form stable pairs to raise offspring have another Darwinian motive for demanding sexual fidelity from the female. From a survival point of view, it only makes sense for a male to spend precious time and energy—building a nest, protecting a female, driving away intruders, feeding the young—if the offspring has inherited his DNA. If his lady love gets confused with others, he risks becoming a cuckold. Thus, in species that practice social monogamy, males tend to react extremely strongly to intrusions by strangers during courtship and family formation. For example, the males of some species of monkeys slap their partner on the back of the head if she decides to go somewhere alone, or with the help of kicks and pushes they force her to constantly stay close. In many other species, males fiercely defend territory, while their mates do not leave its borders. The inherent human desire to hunt down an unfaithful lover, and sometimes even to kill him, is probably explained by a purely animal desire to protect a partner.

He meows

If a cat meows loudly and persistently for a long time, this does not mean at all that he wants to drive you crazy. Know that cats do not even communicate with each other by meowing; for this purpose, special chants are provided in the form of howls. Meowing is intended solely for communication with humans. Do you like to talk to people who are deeply unpleasant to you? Of course no. So cats communicate exclusively with pleasant people. You can be proud that you are among the chosen caste. Tip: next time don’t forget to give your pet some milk. Maybe this will save your ears from heartbreaking screams.

Rubbing on your legs

Tailed friends often rub their entire bodies against the legs of their owners. This is how the cat leaves its scent and, as it were, says: “Hello, how are you?” This is a real ritual for cats

What’s important is that a cat will never rub against the feet of someone it doesn’t trust, because such a person is not worthy of wearing its scent. By the way, with such behavior, cats not only show their love for their owner: they have noticed that some animals do the same actions towards guests entering the house

This is usually what cats do, considering themselves masters of the territory. They definitely need to “tag” the guest, but the message here is already changing and sounds something like this: “You came to my house, now you are mine.”

He meows

Some people don’t like long and persistent meowing, but this does not mean that the cat wants to drive you crazy or cause hostility. Veterinarians say that such cat sounds are intended exclusively for communication with humans, because even among themselves animals communicate non-verbally or through howls and sniffs. If the pet starts talking to the owner, he likes you.

There is an analogy here as with people - they only talk to those they like, ignoring unpleasant individuals. It’s the same with cats - they consider a person pleasant to communicate with, so they express their feelings by speaking their language. The exception is situations when the cat complains or begs for food - he meows persistently, loudly, looks expressively at the bowl of food, the door, or wags his tail in dissatisfaction.

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