DIY dog bed step by step: ready-made patterns and sewing master class (100 photos)

How to sew a dog bed with your own hands. Today Jack and I will show you a master class on how to make a cozy place for your furry friend.

You always want your beloved Barbosik to have all the best. And what could be better than a homemade accessory? Our old bed has already lost its appearance. So I decided to sew a new cozy “nest” for Jekushka.

By the way, just recently I sewed another bed for Jackushka. This is a very stylish, unusual and incredibly cool pigtail bed. I saw this model on the Internet and decided to sew another cozy nest for my favorite little dog. After all, there can never be too many beds! Is it true?

This is a new model. To be honest, apart from the manufacturers of such braided sides, I have never seen such models of beds from anyone. But, I think after our master class with Jekushka, many will want to sew such a stylish place for their furry friend.

Be sure to read the entire article. You will learn how to determine the size of the bed, how to calculate the length of the side (strands) of the side braid. And at the end you will find a video master class on sewing as many as two beds!

Each fluffy tail should have its own convenient place where it will feel as comfortable as possible. Therefore, it is important to choose the right size, style and material for making a lounger.

Obeying their instincts and setting up a place to rest, many dogs love to “dig” their “den.” Therefore, it is best to choose denser natural fabrics for upholstery: flock, corduroy, denim, twill, canvas. Thin fabrics may simply not withstand such pressure.

Most four-legged animals like to relax on soft feather beds, and even have a pillow under their head. Therefore, it is best to make a bed with sides so that the dog can lie down calmly and put his furry ears higher. In addition, the model with sides is perfect for those with tails who like to hide their curious nose.

What should a good dog bed be like?

Pets love to lie on the sofa or chair. This is not always convenient for the owners; claw marks and fur remain on the furniture. It quickly becomes unusable. To prevent this from happening, the dog is trained from the moment it appears in the house to have its own place - a lounger.

For the big dog

A good sun lounger should be:

  • made of soft but dense fabric;
  • more than the dog itself by 15-20 cm;
  • have small sides up to 10-12 cm high (dogs love to watch their owners, high sides can interfere with this, the dog will not want to use the lounger).

Important! It is unacceptable to use leather or its substitute for sewing a lounger. This is an unsuitable material that easily loses its appearance.

The service life of a leather lounger is several times less than a similar design made of another fabric, for example, denim.

Blanket and lounger in one product

What needs to be done in advance?

Make inquiries about the breeder, because you want to get a healthy puppy. Today, in order to make money, unscrupulous owners may allow matings between close relatives. Therefore, make inquiries about how long this person has been breeding and what people get by purchasing puppies from him. You definitely need to go visit and see how the mother and puppies are kept, how well-fed they are. Take an interest in the baby's diet. Based on your observations, you can make a decision.

In addition, you need to take care of administrative issues:

  1. Find a good veterinary clinic that is located as close to your home as possible. Just finding a phone number is not enough; you need to go in person and register. This is very important: if your pet gets sick and needs medical attention, there simply won’t be time.
  2. Here, at the clinic, find out about the insurance conditions. This will cover expenses in an emergency, for example, if an expensive operation is needed.
  3. For the puppy to fully develop, it is extremely important that he constantly communicates with other animals and people. Therefore, the training ground will be an excellent option for spending your free time. Here the dog handler will tell you how to master the necessary skills, and the owners will be able to make friends and increase their social circle.
  4. Buy a good collar that you can attach a special tag to. It indicates the nickname, age, and contact phone number of the owner. This helps if the dog is lost.

Let's go shopping

This can be done immediately before you go to the breeder. Today there is a huge selection of things for dogs. You will need to muster your willpower so as not to buy the entire store. For now, your task is to make the puppy’s first days in the new home as comfortable as possible. Therefore, you need to purchase the following things:

  • Two bowls. One is for food, the second is for water.
  • Leash and soft muzzle. If the collar has not been purchased in advance, then it must be purchased.
  • Grooming accessories.
  • Toys.
  • A bed that will fit in size.
  • Home aviary. Many consider this cell to be a manifestation of the cruelty of the owner. But this is not true at all. It's more like a house that puppies really like. It will have a cozy bed and toys. Yes, the enclosure is equipped with a door so that you can isolate your pet while you are away at the hospital or store. But remember that a puppy's first days in a new home are not the right time to leave him alone, locked in a house. Give your pet time to get used to it and begin to consider the enclosure familiar and cozy.
  • Feed. You will need about a week's supply. Choose the food that the breeder trained the puppies to eat.

When everything is ready, we pick up the puppy from the breeder. Ask him for a piece of the diaper he slept on with his mother. Place him in a new house. The familiar smell will make his first independent overnight stays easier.

The long awaited day

The best time to pick up your puppy is on Friday. In this case, you will have enough time ahead to be at home together, and the baby will get to know all the family members. If you are such a busy person that you work on Saturday and Sunday, and taking a few days off is not possible, then think about how you will care for your dog. Believe me, waiting for the owner for 10-12 hours is not the best life for an animal.

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The first days of a puppy in a new home also mean developing certain rules that will allow you to live comfortably in the same family. After all, another member of her has appeared, who has desires and needs. Perhaps family members are impatient to cuddle or play with the baby. But don’t rush: the time will come for this, first your furry friend must get used to it and stop being afraid. Need to remember:

  1. It is important to establish a new daily routine. Walking, feeding - all this must be done on time. Today, everyone can express the desire to walk their pet every day. But it won’t be long before it becomes an obligation.
  2. Choose a name. The first days of a puppy in a new home are filled with pleasant moments, this is one of them. Start calling him by his nickname every time. Very soon the puppy will begin to respond.
  3. Develop rules that will be followed by all family members. This is important not only today, but also tomorrow, as well as every subsequent day. Remember that your dog may develop bad habits that will make you suffer. And it will be extremely difficult to retrain later. For example, once you let him take food from the table, you will no longer explain that he can’t do that. This also applies to other points. Do not allow your pet to sleep on your bed or stand with its front paws on its owner when greeting him.
  4. Accuracy. Remember, here, as with the advent of a small child, all dangerous objects, toxic substances, and then sharp, small objects that can injure or be swallowed disappear from the house. The arrival of a puppy at home is a reason for careful behavior. Teach your family to put their shoes and cell phones away on shelves so that your pet cannot damage them with his sharp teeth.
  5. After going back to work, try to arrange your schedule so that the puppy is not left alone for more than a few hours. Gradually this interval can be increased to 4 hours.

Punishment for misconduct

This is an important issue that cannot be ignored. It is necessary to punish for misconduct, but do it carefully. You can shake the puppy by the skin on the back of the neck, give a command in a stern voice, or deprive him of a treat. However, do not deny him love, do not hit him, do not poke his face into the puddle. If he chewed on something, then you left it in a visible place. Physical punishment will only cause him to become angry and add this item to his list of personal enemies.

Model selection

The model of a dog bed depends on:

  • dog size;
  • personal skills of a seamstress (a square lounger without sides is easier to sew than a round one with sides).

A dog bed can be:

  • round without sides;
  • round with sides, like a basket;
  • square or rectangular (with or without sides);
  • in the shape of a house;
  • in the form of a blanket or rug, one edge of which is not stitched so that the dog can climb inside.

Small dogs prefer houses, big dogs love freedom; a large and soft pillow is enough for them.

With sides

How to sew

Which bed option for small dogs should I choose? The answer depends on the experience of the craftswoman. Anyone who sews well will have no difficulty in making a classic version of a bed. For beginning craftswomen, a round or oval design with an elastic band or cord along the outer edge is suitable.

Oval or round bed

How to sew:

  • cut out two identical pieces for the top and bottom of the base. Size: area of ​​the dog nest plus the height of the sides;
  • natural or synthetic filler is placed on the bottom, two parts are sewn together along the inner oval or circle;
  • All that remains is to fill the side with filler, sew it, thread a strong lace or elastic band along the outer edge;
  • tighten the rope or elastic band, raise the side, fix the ends so that the dog does not untie the cord during play;
  • If desired, you can make several transverse lines, divide the oval or circle into segments: this way the sides will become even larger and more comfortable.

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Sleeping pillow

How to proceed:

  • you will need a piece of fabric taking into account the type of hair the dog has: smooth material or fleecy;
  • lay the fabric on the table, measure the length and width for the future product. It is convenient to draw with a flat piece of soap;
  • All that remains is to fold the material in half so that the wrong side is on top, sew three sides, on the fourth widest side it is enough to sew 2/3 of the total distance on a sewing machine;
  • Turn out, add filling little by little, straighten inside. Once the required density has been achieved, carefully stitch the remaining distance manually with strong threads;
  • The pillow for small breed dogs is ready. You can safely put the soft base in a basket or on a bedding so that your pet can rest comfortably.

Required materials and tools

To pattern the bed and sew it you need:

  • any suitable class (type) fabric for the base;
  • fabric for the cover (it is wise to sew the cover in advance, it can be removed and washed, the life of the lounger will increase);
  • filler (foam rubber or silicone);

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Important! It is advisable to choose natural fabrics for the cover.

For sewing, you also need scissors, thread, an awl, needles and paper to make a pattern for the lounger (optional). Not everyone knows how to sew a dog bed, but you can always learn quickly and easily with the right materials.

Different types of sleeping bags

Material selection

Natural lint-free fabrics are best suited for making dog beds with your own hands according to a pattern. It can be teak, jeans, raincoat fabrics. No less carefully choose the material for the production of the cover - pillowcase. Smooth-haired pets love fur bedding.

If the apartment is cool and the floor is cold, then fleece, cashmere or wool are used to sew a bedspread for the sunbed. To prevent the dog from getting too hot to sleep on it in the summer, cotton and linen are used for pillowcases.

Important! It’s better to sew several pillowcases at once and wash them about once every 1.5-2 weeks.

From a sweater

Features of the material for large dogs

The fabric should dry quickly, be resistant to digging and attempts to tear it to shreds, and not electrify. It's best to stop at:

  • corduroy;
  • flock;
  • matting.

The color of the material does not matter.


It is necessary to clean the “place” at least once a month, preferably more often. If it seems to you that the bed is clean, this does not mean that there are no parasites invisible to the eye. If the type of bed allows it, use replaceable covers (you can sew them yourself or purchase them). Steam, vacuum or wash your dog bed periodically. Special bactericidal sprays are also sold that will get rid of unpleasant odors and disinfect the sunbed.



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Lounger with sides: step-by-step sewing instructions

This type of lounger is difficult to make. You will need any waterproof fabric or jeans, holofiber or foam rubber to fill the pillow, and a zipper. Then follow the instructions:

  1. A large piece of fabric is laid out on the floor and a basin is placed on it, tracing its contours with chalk to form a circle (two more circles are cut out of waterproof fabric, they are necessary for the pillow).
  2. Cut out the bottom of the lounger from the fabric.
  3. The jeans are cut at the seams, each leg has 2 halves (long rectangles of equal width are cut out, they will be used to sew the sides).
  4. Sew the two halves of jeans together from the wrong side and turn them over onto the face.
  5. Lay out the finished sides and mark with chalk on them the location of the vertical seams necessary to give the product rigidity and maintain its shape (every 20 cm, not forgetting to fill the space with foam rubber before sewing).
  6. The bottom is attached to the sides, with the seams inward.
  7. Circles of waterproof fabric are sewn together, leaving room for filling with foam rubber, and turned “on the face.”

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The pillow is placed on the bottom of the lounger and the pet is invited to try it out. You can leave a hole in the side of the pillow by inserting a zipper there. As soon as the fabric becomes dirty, remove the foam rubber and wash the pillowcase.

From a sweatshirt

Bed with sides and ties for a small dog

This is one of the simplest tutorials on how to create a dog bed. This crib is suitable for any size pet, but small dogs feel best in it.

Step 1 . The first step is to make a pattern. The basis is shown in the figure below. Be sure to consider the size of your animal when creating your diagram.

Pattern of a dog bed with sides

Step 2 . Transfer the pattern onto a piece of paper. Then you need to cut the fabric, transferring the pattern to the material, and then cutting out the necessary parts. You will need two parts of this format.

Required parts cut out

Step 3 . Place both pieces with right sides of the fabric facing each other and sew around the edges. Don't forget to leave room for sewing in ties - they will help you assemble the bed later. You can immediately sew in straps, one for each corner. You also need to leave a hole for stuffing and turning the couch inside out.

You can sew the straps in right away

All edges are stitched

Step 4 . Turn the bed inside out through the stuffing hole.

The bed turns inside out

Step 5 . Fill about a third of the sewn bed with soft filling (in this case, padding polyester is used, since the bed is designed for a small dog). Carefully spread a layer of stuffing inside. Sew several seams around the perimeter of the bottom of the bed to secure the padding inside the product and form the lines of the bottom.

Seam pattern around the bottom perimeter

Step 6 . Add more filler after stitching the seams around the bottom. By the way, you can simply make seams around the perimeter before the stuffing, but leave gaps in them through which the stuffing will be placed in the bottom of the bed. These places can then be additionally stitched after the final stuffing.

The bed is almost ready

Step 7 . The bed is almost ready. All that remains is to tie bows on the corners of the product, and you will get a crib like this.

Ready bed for a small dog

How to make your own dog bed from an old sweater

The house cannot do without old things. You can make a beautiful dog bed from a large, unwanted sweater. To do this, perform the following steps step by step:

  1. Take a sweater and place a piece of soft fabric or foam inside it.
  2. The neck is rolled into a sausage.
  3. The sleeves are folded inward (the sides will be folded at the same time) and tied in a knot, hiding the ends in the holes that appear on the sides.
  4. The bottom of the sweater is folded up and hidden behind the sleeves, and the same is done with the corners.

Any clothing with long sleeves, even a jacket, is suitable for sewing a bed.

Knitted rug

Lounger made from a sweatshirt

To make a sleeping place for a medium-sized dog from a sweatshirt, use it:

  1. Turn it inside out.
  2. Sew up the collar, leaving a small opening.
  3. The sleeves are sewn to the sides, but not to the very end, and they are filled with foam rubber.
  4. Give the sides shape.
  5. Place a pillow in the center.
  6. Throw any fabric on top as a blanket.

The simplest lounger is ready.


The advantages of a homemade lounger-house

Small dogs prefer house-shaped beds. It can be made from an ordinary cardboard box covered with fabric. The advantages of self-production are as follows:

  • low cost (the price of a finished bed is 3-4 times higher than the cost of fabric purchased for a homemade bed);
  • dogs love warmth and comfort, they sometimes also want privacy, just like people, a lounger-house provides this to the fullest.

The dog will definitely not freeze, even if you take the house out onto the loggia or veranda. A small house can easily be converted into a carrier.

Foam lounger

Suitable for large dogs. Enough:

  1. Cut two identical pieces of fabric.
  2. Sew on three sides (the seam is made on the wrong side), turn over.
  3. Sew the zipper to the edges of the remaining open hole.
  4. Fill the resulting bag with foam rubber.

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The snake is fastened, the lounger is given to the dog.

House pattern

Useful tips

If the owner does not know how to sew a dog bed, it is better to seek recommendations from specialists. So:

  • round beds for large dogs must have sides;
  • the side for the oval-shaped lounger is sewn separately, attached to the main product at the end;
  • A cover is required, it’s better to have several at a time;
  • if the sleeping bag is filled with sheepskin, then it must be ventilated in the snow in winter;
  • straw and hay harbor insects and need to be changed frequently;
  • The bed is regularly fluffed to make it more comfortable for the dog to sleep.

The puppy can use the sleeping bag as a diaper, so it will have to be supervised. The bed is always sewn to the size of an adult dog.

Regular rectangular sleeping bag

You can sew a dog bed with basic cutting and sewing skills; you don’t need to be a master. It's not hard at all. If you have an old sweater on your household, then you don’t have to sew anything; a sleeping bag is made from it, simply by folding the sleeves in a special way. Experts advise regularly cleaning and ventilating blankets and the place where the dog sleeps.


Giving your dog his personal territory is an important aspect of raising an animal. It is important to choose a comfortable and high-quality bed that suits your pet and place it correctly. If you follow these principles, your dog will have a place where he will feel comfortable and safe and can take a break from people. This will also provide comfort to the owner, since the dog will know where to go after a specific command from the owner.

Where to place

If possible, place the bed in the area where your dog sleeps most often. If this is difficult, then when choosing a location, use the following tips:

  • This should be a secluded place where household members rarely go; but the dog must observe the movements of people in this room.
  • Place the lounger at a height of at least 8 - 10 cm from the floor to avoid drafts.
  • Avoid batteries, electrical appliances, air conditioners, doors and windows.
  • You may need to place several sun loungers in different rooms.

How to train a dog

Small puppies are easiest to train to a bed. After active games and food, when the puppy is about to sleep, take him to the bed and say “Place,” thereby marking his territory. With older dogs it can be a little more difficult, but if you place the bed in the dog’s usual place for sleeping, then there should be no problems.

The main rule: never scold the dog when it is on the bed. “Place” is an inviolable zone where the animal should feel protected and know that it will not be exposed to danger. Also, never occupy your dog's bed with other things. Even for a while. Don't allow other animals to be there. “Place” is the territory of only one dog.

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