A cross between a Chihuahua and a Spitz - history of origin, description of the breed, maintenance and care of Pomchi

The ancestor of this unusual breed can be considered the English black terrier. Dog breeders continued to breed this breed until 1920.

After which the development was successful in the USA and Canada, where, like Britain, miniature toy terriers were purchased to help in hunting, where they were noble auxiliary hunting and, of course, city dogs .

The Toy Terrier is a small decorative dog that is adapted to live in apartments or houses. This immediately becomes clear, since she does not require long walks and gets along well with people, even with small children. But he also performs well as a ringing security guard .

If you have a dog in the family, you definitely never get bored. This breed is a walking positive, because it itself is loyal, playful and obedient, rarely conflicts with family members, and with other animals in the house. “Never sleeps” is how this breed is described, always running and wagging its tail in search of new fun. These dogs are completely conflict-free and smart, they can even replace a nanny for your baby.

Despite this, they have a small drawback: these little animals are not aware of their own size, so male dogs often climb on to larger dogs. This causes aggression in them, which ends in a bad outcome for the toy terrier; they may even suffer greatly due to this (due to an unequal battle). This is explained by the fact that the breed is characterized by increased courage, which manifests itself in defense in any situation of the owner, even in an unequal battle.

To care for them, you don’t need to read a lot of abstruse books; they are unpretentious in their care, but at the same time neat. It won't be difficult for you to train your terrier to use the litter box. You can take dogs with you even while on vacation; they behave quietly.

Important! You should not keep your dog in the kitchen, bedrooms or common areas, as toxic odors from gas combustion, drafts and other unfavorable factors can harm the pet’s health.

A cross between a toy terrier and a Yorkshire terrier - description and photo

Nowadays, more and more often, breeders are crossing popular dog breeds with each other. This allows the buyer to get a pet with characteristics characteristic of expensive breeds for relatively little money.

The result of mating two different breeds is a mixed breed. A mixed breed exhibits the dominant genes of each breed.

The process of crossing two purebreds or a purebred and a mongrel is called designer dog breeding. The resulting dogs are called designer dogs.

Nowadays, the popularity of such a breed as the Yorkshire terrier (York) is increasing, and the desire of breeders to obtain new types of dogs with a similar exterior and character has given rise to the emergence of pets that are mestizos from Yorkies.

Yorkie is a small decorative dog with a weight of up to 3 kg and a height of up to 20 cm. A distinctive feature of the breed is its continuously growing long, silky coat, which requires special care.

The coat color is usually golden gray. The character is playful, active, the dog is easy to train and is non-aggressive.

The Yorkie and Toy Terrier mix is ​​often called a Tork or Yorkshire Toy Terrier. The mestizo will not be classified as a separate breed. Breeders are sometimes afraid of such mating, because the appearance may be ambiguous.

Mixed breeds of these breeds can have both a charming appearance and a repulsive one; it is impossible to predict the outcome of the crossing. The only thing that can be said for sure is that the size of the dog will be small.

The Tork would be an ideal option for those who are unable to constantly care for the long hair of the Yorkie, but are put off by the thin legs and thin body of the Toy Terrier.

Advantages and disadvantages

Both breeds are indoor decorative breeds with a lot of positive qualities. Their litter will have a number of advantages:

  • unusual appearance;
  • friendliness and loyalty;
  • sharp mind and quick wit;
  • cheerful and perky disposition;
  • ability to train and learn;
  • lack of aggression;
  • excellent empathy indicators.

Despite all the advantages, mestizos may have a number of disadvantages:

  • problems with hair and skin;
  • lack of breed standards;
  • the possibility of diseases of varying severity due to unsuccessful parenting choices.

What did the mixture contain?

Tork took over from the toy terrier, first of all, a playful, active character; instead, the dog is independent, but devoted to its owner.

Of course, the mixed breed equally inherited the small size from both breeds, since both parents belong to the breeds of decorative “pocket” dogs.

The volume of coat in a crossbreed is a trait taken from the Toy Terrier.

Although wool is present, it is much shorter and does not require constant haircuts. Also inherited from the toy terrier, the mestizo received pointed ears covered with small hairs.

Another trait inherited from the Toy is the hunting instinct, which the Yorkie has practically lost.

Dachshund mix

Puppies of these breeds grow up to be quite unpredictable. You can never guess which parent they will be like. Most often they inherit short legs from the dachshund, and the color is standard black and tan, although there may be exceptions.

Such dogs are always short-haired. The position of the ears also cannot be guessed, but only in rare cases do they stand up, like in toy terriers. Basically they are in a hanging position, which indicates the predominance of dachshund genes. The body of the mestizo may be slightly elongated, but not critical. Often this feature does not manifest itself at all.

The character of the mestizo

The character of a crossbreed is usually friendly and affectionate; as a rule, puppies obtained through such mating are intelligent and easy to train.

Temperament will differ among Torques, depending on which parent he is more like. If the mestizo is more like a toy terrier, then he will be active, protector of the owner, but if he is more like a Yorkie, then he will be calm and balanced.

Origin story of Pomchi

In fact, it is unknown whether the cross is the result of an accidental crossing of a Chihuahua with a Pomeranian, or whether they were crossed by breeders during careful experiments. But, despite the mystery of its origin, in 1998 the crossbreed was recognized as an independent breed.

The name “Pomchi” itself is the result of “crossing” two parts of words. “Pom” was taken from a Pomeranian, “Chi” from a Chihuahua. According to another opinion, the final name of the Pomchi cross was influenced by the northern Spitz - Lapphunds.

Appearance and dimensions

Like its parents, the tork has a compact size.

The height of the mestizo is up to a maximum of 28 cm, weight up to 3 kg. Typically, Torques have a medium-length coat and a softer, fluffier body compared to Toy Terriers.

The facial features are a cross between a Yorkie and a Toy Terrier depending on the distribution of genes.

As a rule, a mestizo has pointed ears, slightly bulging eyes, a cute little face with a slightly protruding forehead.

The coat color of one individual can contain several colors at once: black, dark brown, chocolate, golden, gray. Expert opinion Semyon Kirillovich Kozhevin Expert dog handler. Ask a question to an expert “If you are not going to breed purebred dogs and participate in exhibitions and competitions, and you need an inexpensive small dog that does not require special care, then you can safely opt for a toy terrier mixed with other well-known breeds. One of the options is a cross with a Yorkie. But with this crossbreed, be prepared for unexpected appearances as the pet matures.”

Popular nicknames for girls and boys

Whatever you name the boat, that’s how it will float. Do you believe it? Then choose your nickname very, very carefully!

Male Chihuahuas are often called:

  • names of heroes of Greek mythology: Ares, Zeus, Hercules, Achilles, etc.;

  • classic American names: Richie, Simon, Lennard, Hank, Harold, Mickey;
  • sometimes the choice falls on royal names: Louis, Bonaparte, Louis, Caesar;
  • by character trait: Shustrik, Zubastic, Helper, Funtik, Killer, etc.

Sometimes they choose really funny names! But this is not for everybody.

They strive to come up with gentle and very beautiful nicknames for Chihuahua girls. For example, their names are:

  • in tune with flowers: Rose (or Rosie), Daisy (chamomile), Flora, Lily, Iris (Iris), Jasmine;
  • foreign names, often French: Nicole, Natalie, Amelie, Jacqueline, Chantal;
  • affectionate names of treats: Bun, Bun, Cherry, Toffee, Jelly (jelly);
  • The names of movie heroines are in demand: Leia, Sarah, Ariel, Mulan, Elsa, Cinderella, etc.

Often you have to start from the nickname that the puppies were given upon registration. Then you can make an anagram from an existing name or shorten it.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages of the crossbreed are:

  • designer breed with a unique appearance;
  • calmer character compared to the toy terrier;
  • affordability compared to purebred individuals;
  • there are practically no genetic diseases inherent in purebred parents;
  • better health.

The disadvantages include the following factors:

  • Mestizos are not recognized by cynological organizations and are not classified as a separate breed;
  • crosses of a Yorkie and a Toy are not allowed to participate in exhibitions and competitions, and other events for purebred dogs;
  • unpredictability of character and appearance.

CAREFULLY! Some breeders refuse such matings, since the results of crossing are poorly predictable.

The appearance of a mestizo in some cases can be repulsive. There are supporters of the position that torques can have an uncontrollable character.

Jack Russell Terrier mix

These dogs are very similar to Jack Russells , only more sophisticated and graceful. In most cases, if the Jack Russell is long-haired, then most of the puppies inherit a long coat. Mixed breeds have a variety of colors - they can be white with spots, or plain.

The paws of the crossbreed are shortened, but they themselves are slightly larger in the shape of a toy terrier. In this case, the Jack Russell genes turn out to be largely dominant.

Dogs have a hyperactive character. They need to walk and play a lot, otherwise they start trashing the house. This hybrid loves children and does not offend them. But hypertrophied nervousness and fear of loneliness can pass from a toy to a dog, although this rarely happens.

Dogs in general turn out to be cheerful, active and very loyal. Due to their activity, you should not let them off the leash until you are sure that the dog will not go anywhere.

This hybrid has the habit of digging holes and also gnawing on various objects lying on the floor. To keep him occupied for a while and protect his furniture and belongings, you will need to spend a long time educating him, and also stock up on a large assortment of toys.

They are slightly larger in size than Jack Russells. Their height is about 30-32 cm, and their weight is about 4 kg.

Due to hyperactivity, many breeders do not breed such mixed breeds. Recently, the demand for them has subsided.

Features of maintenance and care

The features of caring for a crossbreed are not very different from caring for its parents, with the exception of some nuances.

Depending on the type of toy terrier with which the crossing was carried out (long-haired or short-haired), the result of the crossing depends.

If the coat of a mestizo is long and fast-growing, then additional care is necessary:

  • constant scratching;
  • removing tangles;
  • wash once or twice a week with shampoo;
  • timely hair trimming.

Otherwise, adhere to the following care rules:

  • trimming nails once or twice a month;
  • cleaning your ears once a week;
  • washing your eyes every morning with a swab soaked in water;
  • purchasing a toilet tray or diaper;
  • for full physical development, walk 2-3 times a day;
  • timely visits to the veterinarian and necessary vaccinations.

Feeding the dog

Feeding a crossbreed follows the feeding rules of their purebred parents, that is, they can be given what they are given to Yorkies and Toys. But, it is necessary to take into account the fact that Yorkies have a stricter diet.

Perhaps the stomach of a mixed breed will be stronger, but it is better to prevent possible allergic reactions and indigestion.

Given this fact, torks are usually fed the following foods:

  • meat: chicken, lean beef, veal;
  • buckwheat, oatmeal and rice porridge;
  • raw vegetables and fruits, apples rich in iron are especially important;
  • boiled sea fish;
  • dairy products: milk, kefir, cottage cheese (exclude milk after 4 months).

IMPORTANT! Approximately 80 grams of food are required per 1 kg of dog weight.

The main thing is that your pet’s diet includes a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals.

What is the price?

The cost of a cross between a Toy Terrier and a Yorkie averages from 3,500 to 5,000 rubles.

An excellent option would be to purchase a Toy Terrier-Yorkie mix for those who, at a good price, plan to get a cute and funny pet that combines the advantages of well-known breeds.

In addition, the mixed breed requires less care in terms of constant hair trimming.

The only thing worth keeping in mind is that sometimes the result of mixing breeds is unpredictable, as is the character and appearance of an adult pet.

Useful video

From the video you will find out which dog breed is better: “Toy Terrier” or “Yorkshire Terrier”:

Many people cannot afford to have a large dog. There are many reasons for this, but still many people need a faithful friend, a cheerful companion.

That is why dogs of decorative breeds appeared - small, friendly, but at the same time possessing all the qualities for which these animals are loved.

This article will describe a mixed breed of Yorkie and Toy Terrier (photo below in the article).

What breeds should not be mixed with Corgis?

Corgis can be crossed with any other breed. But there are still some dogs with whom mixing is highly discouraged. Crossbreeds undesirable:

  • corgi-english greyhound;
  • Corgi Doberman;
  • Corgi Dalmatian.

The mixed breeds of these breeds look somewhat funny and even ridiculous - an absurdly long body on low paws. In nature, such hybrids, as a rule, are not found.

It is desirable that the dog breeds crossed with the Corgi be similar to the English parent, at least in size. Otherwise, the resulting mestizo will only cause ridicule and puzzled looks from passers-by.

If you want to have a cute and loyal four-legged friend, you can choose any mestizo you like

However, having taken responsibility, even for a non-pedigreed pet, it is necessary to educate it, take care of it, give it affection and attention

Yorkshire Toy Terrier: whose mestizo, who are the parents?

Description of the Toy Terrier breed

It is difficult to confuse a toy terrier with someone else - he has long slender legs, a toned tummy, a sharp muzzle, a slightly convex forehead, round, large eyes, ears set high, triangular, directed upward and forward, a little too big for such a fragile animal.

Its size rarely exceeds 18-20 centimeters at the withers, and its average weight is 2.5-3 kilograms.

Notice! The length of the coat depends on the type of toy terrier.

Short and smooth in the English Terrier; Russian Toy can be long-haired. Various colors: black, black and tan, red, fawn.

The character of the small dog is playful, restless, it is a fearless protector and a tireless hunter - even if with its size it can only hunt with a ball or a wind-up toy.

He quickly gets used to his owner, is affectionate and smart. Life expectancy is up to 12-15 years.

Description of the Yorkshire Terrier breed

York or Yorkshire Terrier is a decorative dog weighing up to 3 kilograms and about 20 centimeters tall. There is a fashion for very small Yorkies, so the standard for this breed does not have lower weight and height parameters.

Their fur grows continuously and has a fine, silky structure, with an even parting running through the entire body, from nose to tail. The fur coat of the Yorkshire Terrier requires constant care and to facilitate this work, dogs are usually trimmed, but in exhibition specimens it is grown to the base of the paws.

Fact! The most common color is golden-gray zonal.

The Yorkie's posture is proud, as if he is aware of his perfection. The Yorkie's character is moderately playful and affectionate. The dog is easy to train, not aggressive, and friendly. Lives up to 12-15 years.

Description of the Yorkie and Toy Terrier mix

The appearance of a baby born from a mixture of Yorkie and Toy Terrier, and especially the length and texture of the fur, will largely depend on what variety of Toy Terrier one of the parents is.

The English Toy has short hair, and the coat of a mixed breed can be either smooth or fluffy, while the offspring of long-haired Toy Terriers and Yorkies will certainly have long hair.

The structure of the muzzle and body type most often represent a cross between the traits inherent in the parents.

On a note! The character of dogs from the Toy Terrier and Yorkshire Terrier is easily predictable - representatives of the parent breeds are usually friendly, affectionate and intelligent.

But their temperament is very different, since the Yorkie has practically lost its hunting instincts, while the Toy Terrier has retained them. This feature is easy to predict by the appearance of the kids: if they look more like a Toy, they will be more active; if they look more like a Yorkie, they will be calmer.

A cross between a Yorkie and a Toy Terrier (photo):

If you are not going to start breeding dogs or raising animals to participate in exhibitions, opt for a mixed breed. He will not be inferior to his purebred brothers in abilities, but will be able to boast of an unusual appearance and often better health.

Sometimes absolutely amazing dogs are born, by which it is impossible to recognize their roots. Only upon careful examination of individual features does it become clear that this is a cross between two completely different breeds. And the more differences the parents have, the more interesting the animal’s appearance.

Dog breeds similar to Spitz

There are many breeds of four-legged pets. The Spitz looks like a bear cub, and there are many varieties of this breed. Here are the most interesting ones:

  • Japanese Spitz. There are different opinions about the origin of this dog. Some believe that its ancestors are huskies; according to another version, the animal originated from a dwarf Eskimo dog. The Japanese is a good companion: cheerful, energetic, cheerful. In addition, this is an intelligent dog that knows how to behave and will not impose its company.

  • Chow-chow. This animal is considered one of the most ancient in the world: they appeared two thousand years ago and were the favorites of the Chinese nobility. Dogs have a stubborn and freedom-loving character, so they need to be trained from a very tender age. But with proper upbringing, such animals become loyal friends, and they are also good in appearance.

  • Pekingese. Outwardly, they look like Spitz dogs: long thick hair, a funny face and loyalty to their owner. This is a lap dog that loves a quiet lifestyle and does not need long walks.

  • Samoyed. Another ancient breed, descending from the Nenets Laika. The ancestors of these charming dogs participated in bear hunting, guarded herds of deer, and took part in polar expeditions. Now this is one of the rarest breeds in Russia. Their thick snow-white coat is unusually beautiful. The dogs are hardy, affectionate and loyal. Despite their hunting qualities, they do not have the slightest aggressiveness.

There are other breeds that have a lot in common with Spitz. Therefore, when buying a puppy, you need to be able to distinguish it from representatives of other breeds.

Toy Terrier and Spitz mix

Description of the Toy Terrier breed

The appearance of that terrier is probably familiar to everyone. Thanks to their slender figure, thin, slender legs, and toned tummy, they resemble a miniature greyhound.

Toys have a sharp muzzle and large oval eyes. The pointed, large ears are invariably raised up. The dog has a very modest size, but is always on the alert - its natural courage does not allow it to retreat at the sight of a larger opponent, males are especially warlike.

The coat of the Manchester or English Toy Terrier (the progenitors of the classic Toy) is short, there are many types of colors, but most often it is black and tan, the coat of the Russian Toy can be long, its color is very different. History of the Toy Terrier breed.

Description of the Spitz breed

Spitz means “spicy” in German. All representatives of the large Spitz family have a pointed nose and ears; all varieties have a strong build, fluffy, long hair with a thick undercoat, a high-set tail curled over the back.

Interesting! Spitz dogs come in a variety of sizes: Pomeranian or dwarf Spitz weighing 2-3 kilograms, German - up to 10 kilograms, Finnish - up to 16 kilograms, Japanese - up to 10 kilograms.

The American (bred by the Indians of the northern regions), Greenland Spitz, Karelian-Finnish husky, and Karelian bear dog differ in serious dimensions.

Large Spitz dogs, thanks to their wonderful, fluffy and warm fur coat, live in the coldest places on our planet, and only the Pomeranian Spitz, due to its tiny size, serves exclusively as a pet.

The loud-voiced, enthusiastic baby knows how to be gentle and affectionate towards his owner, his natural intelligence allows him to quickly remember commands and requests. Long, soft and thick even wool has 12 color options.

Important! A gentle dog cannot stand rudeness - the Pomeranian must be raised with love and affection.

Description of Spitz and Toy Terrier mix

It is impossible to predict what a mixed breed of a terrier and a Spitz will look like; the differences in the exterior of the parents are very large, and the characteristic breed characteristics are inherited independently of each other.

One thing is for sure - each dog will be unique.

But it’s not difficult to predict the character of mestizos - they are kind, affectionate, restless, smart dogs.

When walking, it is more convenient to keep your pet on a leash; natural curiosity and hunting instinct will not allow the baby to sit still.

Also, a toy terrier can have long hair, and then its mixed breeds with a Spitz are usually shaggy. At the same time, the color and shape of the muzzle are still inherited randomly.

A cross between a Spitz and a Toy Terrier (photo):

The Spitz Toy Terrier is interesting and attractive in appearance; good natural health does not require additional expenditure of money and time of the owner.

Questions and answers

Personality of the Pomchi breed
This is an incredibly energetic domestic dog. She is smart and savvy, quickly learning new things. He becomes strongly attached to people, constantly showing affection and playfulness.

What does Pomchi look like?

The appearance of a cross between a Chihuahua and a Pomeranian combines the characteristics of both dogs. They have long hair, a refined face, a round apple-shaped head (like sneezes), and large pointed ears located on the top of the head. The body is stocky, the chest is wide, the neck is strong. Pronounced muscularity and strong limbs. The tail is not wrapped in a ring, but lies on the back.

Adorable crossbreed dogs (33 photos)

The most unusual, unexpected and adorable dog mixes you might not know about. If you're thinking about getting a pet, you may find a cute crossbreed that you'll love on this list. Mixed breed dogs are not only beautiful, but also have fewer health problems. Corgi/Beagle Collie/White Shepherd/German Shepherd Corgi/Husky Chihuahua/Dachshund Labrador/Pit Bull Miniature Schnauzer/Cocker Spaniel German Shepherd/Akita Inu Shar Pei/Labrador Retriever Weimaraner/Doberman Pekingese/Poodle English Bulldog/German Shepherd Corgi/German Shepherd Labrador/Pointer English Bulldog/Shar Pei Labrador/Doberman/German Boxer Rottweiler/Husky Pug/Shar Pei Beagle/German Shepherd German Shepherd/Corgi Husky/Karelian Bear Dog Dachshund/Golden Retriever Cocker Spaniel/Shar Pei Schnauzer/Poodle Yorkshire Terrier/Poodle Pug/ French Bulldog Bernese Mountain Dog/Golden Retriever Basset Hound/Shar Pei German Shepherd/Shar Pei Bulldog/Dalmatian Golden Retriever/Husky Chow Chow/Husky Chihuahua/Beagle Miniature Australian Dog/Pomeranian via

Spitz toy terrier

Where can I buy a Pomchi puppy, how much does it cost?

You should not buy a Chihuahua cross puppy based only on its photo. You need to find out all the information about the baby: his pedigree, health characteristics, vaccinations, the food on which he grew up. The baby’s health largely depends on the health of the father’s Chihuahua dog and the Spitz mother’s dog, who were crossed.

You need to talk to the breeder, find out in what conditions the mixed puppies grew up (it is important that they are kept not in an outdoor enclosure, but in a house), ask for some advice on keeping a baby in an apartment. The purchase is carried out only under an officially concluded contract. It is necessary to stipulate points regarding the responsibility of both parties.

The price of a cross between a Chihuahua and an orange starts from 15 thousand rubles.

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