Russian Wolfhund - description and history of the origin of the breed

Is it possible to create an animal that is as smart, dexterous and strong as a wolf, but at the same time loyal as a dog? It turns out that this is quite possible. And the Wolfhund is a dog that confirms this. This is not to say that the breed is very famous and widespread. But more and more breeders are deciding to get just such a pet.

He doesn't care about snow and frost

History of the breed

The first successful attempts to cross a dog and a wolf were made by the Dutchman Lindert Saarloos - in 1925 he created the Wulfhound breed.
Subsequently, similar attempts were made in Czechoslovakia (in 1955), where a cross between a German shepherd and a Carpathian wolf was bred, resulting in a new breed. Fact! The Czech Wolfhund is also known as the Czech Wolfdog.
Finally, already at the beginning of the twenty-first century, the Russian Wolfhund appeared, a description of the breed will be given below. When creating the breed, a she-wolf and a German shepherd were used (there is also a version that a malamute was used for this). The new breed is the largest of its kind (some believe it is a Yulan dog, but in fact they are different breeds).

general description

Any wolf hybrid can only be kept in experienced hands; such a pet is categorically contraindicated for an amateur. And a dog as large and strong as the Russian Wolfhund can turn out to be especially dangerous if not properly trained.


The appearance of the Russian Wolfhund can impress anyone - this dog really looks like a wolf. The average height at the withers of an adult male is about 77 cm (females - 74 cm); the body is very muscular and strong, rectangular in format. The weight of such an animal can be up to 40 kg.

Since the experimental breed is still far from official recognition, its main characteristics are not yet strictly regulated by the standard. But the founder of the breed, Yulia Ivanovich, clearly understands the desired type of dog, the formation of which is the strategic goal of her breeding work.

Despite its impressive dimensions, the Wolfhund weighs less than it might seem at first glance.

The exterior of the Russian Wolfhund should be as close as possible to that of a wolf. He has a large forehead with erect ears and yellow eyes, like those of a wolf. The muzzle is wedge-shaped, more elongated and pointed than that of the Malamute: it must have a light “mask” on it. The bridge of the nose is straight, the lips are thin and dry.

The limbs are very strong, but lean. The tail is set high, but does not curl into a ring, like a Malamute's - it is level or saber-shaped, and when excited it rises above the line of the back. Color - black, with some nuances and shades; White spots on the chest and paws are acceptable.

A pack of Wolfhounds looks creepy and even mystical

Purpose, character and behavior

It's hard to believe, but wolf children are sometimes more affectionate and obedient than some traditional domestic dog breeds. Wolfhunds are extremely attached to their owner; they constantly scan his mood and condition, and monitor the slightest danger. Animal intuition allows one to unmistakably recognize the intentions of someone who dares to threaten their loved one - in order to protect his life, the wolf-dog is ready to sacrifice his own at any moment. It is impossible to imagine a more reliable and selfless bodyguard.

Yulia Ivanovich's Wolfhounds successfully conduct canistherapy sessions and participate in practical seminars for psychologists on this topic. They are also very effective in search work: Bruce, the owner’s favorite, has already saved several human lives - the wolfdog easily finds tourists and mushroom pickers lost in the forest. These wonderful dogs also successfully perform sledding duties and participate in specialized competitions. The breeder of Russian Wolfhounds is convinced that the breed should be used for state purposes, and not to please someone’s personal ambitions.

Russian Wolfhounds took part in the Kalevala 2012 sled dog races

Living in a human family, the Wolhund carefully builds and maintains the hierarchy of this new pack, in which the owner dominates. But with regard to other family members, options are possible - it is important to raise the dog in such a way that it occupies the lowest rung in the hierarchical ladder, otherwise problems will certainly arise.

Wolfops treat small children indifferently, sometimes demonstratively trying not to notice them. But the wolf dog will not tolerate manifestations of familiarity, so it is better not to risk it and not leave it alone with the kids. But the Wolfhund is very interested in older children - he probably feels like equals with them and willingly takes part in children’s undertakings. Domestic animals may suffer from such a neighborhood - the wolf instinct of a hunter should not be discounted.

Yulia Ivanovich’s pets actively pose for photo shoots and even star in TV series - in the movies they “play” the roles of wolves. Directors praise four-legged actors for their talent and performance.

Russian Wolfhund - Internet star

Serious shortcomings

The main drawback for any hybrid breed of wolf-dogs is considered to be unmotivated manifestations of aggression, especially towards humans. Cowardly animals are equally not allowed for breeding. A stable psyche of producers, without pathological deviations, is no less important in breeding work than a beautiful breed exterior. This is a priority when it comes to such potentially dangerous hybrids as Wolfhunds.

Russian Wolfhounds do not yet participate in official dog shows, and therefore do not risk getting disqualified for their appearance or bad behavior. But to be admitted to breeding, the producer must have good health and mental health, and fully correspond to the standard of a young breed that is at the stage of formation.

Violations of the standard include, for example, the following deficiencies:

  • any color except black;
  • brown, not yellow eye color;
  • tail too long;
  • forehead too flat, etc.

Breed standard

Any officially registered breed has certain standards that regulate every little detail in the dog’s appearance. The Wolfhound is no exception.


Proportional, quite powerful, shaped like a blunt wedge. The muzzle is very expressive, with a straight, not too massive nose.

Jaws and teeth

Symmetrical, with 42 firmly set teeth. Two types of bite are acceptable: scissor bite and pincer bite.


Straight, black.


Not too big, slightly elongated. Different shades of brown are possible - from dark to amber.


Triangular in shape, firmly standing. The tips are slightly pointed.


Dry, angle relative to the back is about 40 degrees.


Rectangular, with superbly developed muscles. The back is straight, with a top line that smoothly flows into a wide, but at the same time short, barely raised croup. The chest is powerful and does not reach the elbows.


Strong, a little closer.


Placed high. When the dog is calm, the tail is straight and slightly lowered. When active, it rises and curls slightly - shaped like a donut.


Thick and straight. There are seals on the inside of the thighs and on the neck. In winter, the coat becomes especially thick, and a powerful undercoat grows, which perfectly protects the pet from cold and wind.


Acceptable colors include black, white and brown. In addition, the color can be almost all shades of the latter.

Wolfhound Kennel

This is interesting! You can sometimes hear about a blue Wolfhund, but this color has never been officially registered.

Disqualifying faults

Any deviations from the standards listed above may result in the dog being disqualified. Also a disadvantage is the discrepancy in size (both too small and huge representatives of the breed) and lack of teeth. If the Wolfhund starts barking or otherwise showing aggression, this will become a significant disadvantage.


In terms of body strength, a wolf dog can compete with some half-breed mongrels, which are famous for their resistance to infections and viruses. Some are even able to survive canine distemper on their own, although such cases are rare.

The Wolfhound is not a sickly breed. His wolf ancestors rewarded their descendant with amazingly good health. The only thing you should monitor is the condition of your teeth and ears, as mentioned above. Periodic checking of the condition of the nose (it should be wet) will replace diagnostic trips to the veterinarian. Of course, if the owner is worried about his pet, once a year you can visit the clinic and make sure that your four-legged friend is in excellent health.

Education and training

The main thing in raising a Wolfhund is to be consistent and firm. From the very first months of life, the pet must understand what it can do and what it cannot do. And there should be no exceptions here. Once you show weakness, you won’t be able to win back positions.

Note! With proper training, the Wolfhound demonstrates no less discipline than the German Shepherd and other service breeds.

In training you need to show special firmness. If you do not teach commands to a puppy, then a mature, and even more so an old dog will be almost uncontrollable. This is not a terrier that can be easily picked up or pulled away if something goes wrong. A sharp mind allows the dog to quickly master commands. Combined with encouragement and sometimes punishment (sometimes this is required for particularly stubborn representatives of the breed), the pet will quickly learn at least basic commands.


Wolf dogs are not too picky when it comes to food. Although you understand that a strong and active individual needs a large amount of food.

True, you need to know the basic dietary requirements:

  • Babies up to 1 month old are given only milk. For up to 2 weeks, 1 glass, divided into 4 approaches, is enough, and then the dose is doubled (this is the amount for 6 daily doses);
  • 2-3 months: transition to solid food. Typically these are premium dry foods lightly moistened with milk;

Premium foods include Eukanuba, Brit, Royal Canin, Pro Plan, and Advance.

  • from 3 to 6 months they practice 3 meals a day in a total volume of 3.5-4 glasses;
  • from six months they switch to the usual 2 meals a day for adult dogs (in numbers this is 1.5-2 liters per day).

The basis of the menu is foods rich in protein: there should be about 80%.

The emphasis is on:

  • poultry meat;
  • lean beef;
  • offal in the form of lungs and liver, spleen;
  • These products are well complemented with crushed herbs (dill, parsley) and small pieces of vegetables - cabbage or carrots.

Important! Wolfhounds love a “semi-wild” menu with a minimum of boiled foods. But excessive enthusiasm for such a raw food diet threatens to result in serious disruptions in the functioning of the stomach, so maintain a balance between cooked and raw.

Eating milk or boiled fish without bones requires special attention - the share of such treats in the diet of an adult dog should not exceed 15-20% of the total volume.

You definitely shouldn’t give pasta and white bread, citrus fruits and pearl barley porridge. And candy and chocolate are considered dangerous products for dogs.

Walking, physical activity and rules of safe behavior on the street

You need to walk your Wulfhound as standard, twice a day. It is advisable that one walk lasts at least an hour. At the same time, the pet must move a lot to stay in good shape. It is very important to keep him on a leash and, preferably, in a comfortable muzzle. A tall dog may well frighten someone, and at the slightest aggression from other dogs, it can rush into a fight.

The Czech Wolfdog is a relative of the Russian Wolfhund.


The best place for normal maintenance of such a handsome animal would be a spacious enclosure in the courtyard of a private house. Moreover, we also need the possibility of free exit from it. Of course, no chains - the descendants of wolves react extremely painfully to attempts to restrict freedom of movement.

A large Wolfhound will get accustomed to a large apartment without much difficulty, but it is possible that over time he will simply get bored. Experience suggests that the situation cannot always be corrected by long (up to 2 hours) walks in the park - this dog needs space and constant movement.

A nimble and hardy pet can run for literally hours, which requires suitable physical characteristics from the owner.

Did you know? In ancient Egypt, there was a city called Kinopolis, built in honor of Anubis, the dog-headed god. And if a dog from Kinopolis was killed by a resident of another city, then this was sufficient grounds for declaring war.

Many people take their dogs on bike rides or out of town. If such events rarely appear in a busy schedule, then you will have to abandon the idea of ​​​​owning a wolf-dog - sedate walks in a collar are clearly not for them.

How to choose a puppy

It is very important to pay attention to the psychological state of the dog. The puppy should not be too cowardly. And if he demonstrates aggression, perhaps it makes sense to refuse the purchase - such a dog can cause a lot of problems as an adult.

On a note! According to the laws of Canada and the USA, a Wolfhund that finds itself on the street is not sent to a shelter where new owners can pick it up, but is euthanized.

Before buying, you need to examine the puppy externally - there should be no defects such as bald areas of skin or exhaustion.

Wolfhund price

It is quite difficult to buy a purebred Wolfhund in the CIS. In our regions it is not often possible to find nurseries for breeding these breeds. Although over time, Wolfhounds become popular and professional breeders began to increasingly focus on breeding these breeds.

The price of a Wolfhund can be from 50 to 120 thousand rubles , depending on the purity of the breed, age and color of the animal. Before purchasing such a dog, you need to make sure that the seller is reliable and that the accompanying documents are available.

According to reviews from professional dog breeders, Wolfhund dogs are very devoted and faithful to their owners. They have a negative attitude towards violence and shouting. Some pets are great at following the trail and can help in any search. Confined spaces have a bad effect on the dog’s general condition; frequent walks in the fresh air significantly improve the pet’s tone.

Interesting Facts

Various interesting facts about Wolfhunds are known:

  • Their sense of smell is many times greater than that of a dog.
  • Unlike dogs, they do not bark, but make other sounds, in a much wider range.
  • As of May 2022, the breed is illegal in Finland.

He will grow into a strong and intelligent predator.
The Russian Wolfhund breed is really interesting. And even though it is not found very often in Russia yet, by getting such a dog and raising it correctly, the breeder will definitely not regret his choice.


Socialization of puppies from an early age is very important. They require constant attention, communication, affection and games. Under no circumstances should they be chained.

Devotion, boundless love for the owner and unconditional submission to him - Wolfhuds received all this from the dog. They inherited good health, endurance and physical strength from the wolf.

The ability to stand up for the owner is the main character trait of a wolf dog. When you communicate with this breed for a long time, you watch wolf dogs, you understand your unconscious feelings - wolfhounds return adults to childhood. I immediately remember Jack London’s well-read book about the White Fang.

Any boy would like a dog like this. It’s so great to make friends with a real wolf and enlist his protection. Find a friend who will never offend or betray. I would like to get to know such a dog better and say: “You and I are of the same blood – you and me.”


The Sarlos dog is used as a service dog, in rescue operations, in police service, to search for people under rubble, avalanches, and in other extreme natural situations. Sometimes used as a guide. The breed is distinguished by loyalty, well-developed hunting instincts, is sociable and slightly aggressive.


The Saarloos wolf dog can become a reliable friend to all family members. However, it should be noted that this is more difficult to achieve than with other dog breeds. Their upbringing may take much longer than the owner expects.

Don't forget how capricious Saarlos's wolf dog is. During training, puppies can, at the owner’s command, bring the required item twice, and the third time they can simply refuse to obey the command.

Despite the fact that good contact is usually established between this dog and a person, it seems that he never forgets his nature. Therefore, those who want to get a wolf dog need to be patient.


If the pet owner decides to feed his pet natural food, then the diet should be formulated in such a way that it is based on meat. Also useful sources of animal protein are offal, fish, and eggs. When replacing meat with offal, the serving size should be increased, since they are lower in calories and not as nutritious.

The dog is given eggs no more than 1-2 times a week and no more than 2 pieces. Every 3-4 days it is recommended to treat your pet with kefir, yogurt or other fermented milk product without additives.

The animal also needs carbohydrates; the dog gets them from cereals. But you should not give porridge every day; rice and buckwheat are best. Vegetables can be given to your dog daily, raw or boiled; they go well with meat.

Vegetable oils are useful for normalizing intestinal function in dogs. You can season warm food with fresh herbs and a spoon of vegetable oil. Tendon and cartilage tissues are rich in useful substances; they should be included in the animal’s diet. It is advisable to exclude sweets, flour, potatoes, legumes, smoked and spicy foods from your pet’s menu.

When fed naturally, dogs need additional sources of vitamins and microelements. It is better to consult a veterinarian on this issue; he will recommend a suitable multivitamin complex.

Experts advise owners who choose dry diets as food for their pets to give preference to high-quality premium and super-premium products. They have a balanced composition and a large number of meat ingredients.

Feed manufacturers indicate the daily amount of the product on the packaging, so choosing the serving size will not be difficult. If the dog is kept outside, then during frosts it is increased, and in hot weather it is decreased.

The number of feedings depends on various factors: puppies are given food more often, depending on their age, service dogs - 3-4 times a day. And for pets leading a passive lifestyle, it is enough to feed them twice a day - in the morning and evening hours.

Canaans need a lot of water, so you should make sure that your pet has access to it around the clock. To avoid problems with the gastrointestinal tract, the dog must rest after a meal.

Buy | sell

50000 October 25, 2020

puppies born 08/28/2022 boys and girls and also a teenage girl

50000 July 24, 2018

Irish Wolfhound puppies, date of birth May 24, 2022. RKF/FCI documents, brand, veterinarian. passport. Father: ADMIRAL MC NAMARA. Russian Champion, RKF Champion, …

I'll give it to good hands Moscow May 13, 2018

Moscow and MO Zhusya is a small, good-natured and affectionate dog that really needs a home and a loving owner. Melon is 2 months old, she is completely...

I'll give it to good hands Moscow November 23, 2017

We are looking for good homes for Irish Wolfhound mix puppies. Two girls: Mia and Gina, and two boys: Butch and Baloo. Treated for parasites...

I'll give it to good handsMoscowNovember 6, 2017

We are giving away a beautiful 3.5 month old puppy as a gift. The Metis boy is very handsome! He will be big and strong. The wool is high quality. According to the characteristics of the supposed...

70000 March 13, 2016

three boys and a girl, brindle color, were born on 11/09/15.

40000 Lipetsk28 January 2015

Grown-up puppies of the Irish Wolfhound breed, 3, 5 months old, 1 boy and 3 girls from titled parents, are looking forward to their new owners. Photo…

45002 January 21, 2015

I offer high-breed Irish Wolfhound puppies in gray and brindle colors. choice, reservation, conditions are democratic, prices are adequate...

October 22, 2013

We offer for sale high-breed Irish Wolfhound puppies from award-winning producers, mating FCI-CKK, father Zolotoe Fleece Ural Night Star, mother…

October 9, 2013

A grown up Irish Wolfhound puppy. Boy Show Class-exhibited, winner of BEST, BIS of his group, 7 months. , vaccinated, from titled...

45000 October 5, 2013

pedigree Irish Wolfhound puppies. with vaccinations and veterinary passport. with documents . six month old large males. tender. cute. perfectly grown.

I will accept as a gift August 31, 2013

I will accept an Irish Wolfhound puppy as a gift. I guarantee love and proper care. m

60000 Moscow August 20, 2013

Kennel Magic Forest - The best kennel of the European Congress of Irish Wolfhounds' 06, '08, '10, '12 - offers Irish Wolfhound puppies...

July 13, 2013

Irish Wolfhounds! We offer for sale high-breed Irish Wolfhound puppies from award-winning producers, mating FCI-CKK, father Zolotoe Runo...

July 13, 2013

High-breed Irish Wolfhound puppies, from parents - Mari Huana s Sirenevogo Tumana - Champion of Kazakhstan, Russia, Eurasia, Junior Champion of Kazakhstan, ...

July 13, 2013

High-breed Irish Wolfhound puppies, promising for exhibitions, the pedigree includes the best representatives of the breed in Europe, puppies are 3 months old. , vaccinations according to...

Kaliningrad13 July 2013

Wolfhounds from Ireland. The oldest and most beautiful breed - the Irish Wolfhound - is rare in Russia - we offer you Irish Wolfhound puppies from titled...

Yoshkar-OlaJuly 12, 2013

High-breed Irish Wolfhound puppies, from parents - Mari Huana s Sirenevogo Tumana - Champion of Kazakhstan, Russia, Eurasia, Junior Champion of Kazakhstan, ...

buyYuzhno-SakhalinskDecember 9, 2012

I will buy or accept an Irish Wolfhound as a gift.

55000 St. Petersburg5 June 2012

Irish Wolfhound puppy, maintenance male, show class. Color grey. A very large baby, waiting for affectionate and caring owners. Father Kirgoff Jean-Baptiste...

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