An amazing cross between a Pomeranian and a Chihuahua: description of the Pomchi breed and reviews from owners + photos of these dogs

Not so long ago, breeding mestizos - crosses of dogs of different breeds - became popular.

They are remarkable in that they absorb the best qualities from both parents.

At first, the Pomchi, a cross between a Pomeranian Spitz and a Chihuahua, also belonged to the mestizos.

This dog captivates with its appearance and mischievous disposition.

But as with any other breed, the Pomchi has its own nuances.

In this article you will find a complete description of the Pomchi breed, as well as photos of its representatives.

Description of the pomchi

Chihuahuas are crossed with Pomeranians. Hence the name of this cross, based on the first syllables of the breed name - Pomchi.


The Pomchi is the only mix that has been considered an independent breed since 1998. This dog is an indoor dog and is a companion by nature. The breed has good health and is also people-oriented.

Externally, the dog resembles a long-haired Chihuahua with a neater face. The head is the same rounded as that of the Mexican ancestor, the ears are the same, but more rounded, like those of a Spitz. The tail is curled.

There is an opinion that the blood of the Pomchi contains an admixture of Lapland Spitz and Pug .

Mixed breed with Spitz

Most often, to obtain original Yorkie puppies, they are bred with Spitz dogs. Puppies born as a result of such mating inherit the best qualities of both parents and have an attractive appearance and good health. Such dogs are not prone to developing genetic pathologies and, according to experienced breeders, are characterized by a high rate of survival.

Mestizos also have the following positive qualities:

  • friendliness;
  • intelligence and intelligence;
  • loyalty;
  • cheerful character;
  • ability to learn;
  • lack of aggression;
  • empathy.

All this is possible only if you carefully select purebred parents with a similar temperament, otherwise the puppy may have various deviations regarding both appearance and health.

Here are some typical photos.

Each puppy has a unique set of characteristics, so it is impossible to predict the length, color or texture of the coat. It is also impossible to judge in advance the character of the future pet, but if any undesirable traits appear, they can be easily corrected with proper upbringing, training and socialization. The only thing we can talk about with confidence is the size of the mestizos. Adults do not grow large; they have a compact, less often medium size.

Caring for the hair of a Yorkie-Spitz crossbreed is primarily aimed at regular brushing to avoid the formation of tangles and monthly cutting of split ends of hair that impede normal coat growth.

Character of dogs

This breed, like most small dogs, is a good and loyal friend for humans if they have the appropriate upbringing and training. If this is not the case, then the dog may grow up to be aggressive and disobedient.

By nature, these are very kind dogs, attached to people. They love to socialize, play, and interact with people and other dogs.

Because of their sociability, Pomchis cannot tolerate loneliness. If they are left alone for a long time, it can completely change their personality. They will become secretive, withdraw into themselves and stop trusting people.

Also, these dogs do not need much physical activity. They equally love walks and playing at home with their owner.

Pomches love to be held and have other human contact. They like it when all the attention is directed at them, so it is important not to let the dog become proud. We need to show her who's boss.


Failure to demonstrate character in establishing a relationship with a pomchi can lead to the pet beginning to manipulate the person. Dominant traits are clearly identified in the Pomchi's temperament.

Origin story

Designer breeds have been a serious hobby in America since the 1980s. Today there are a huge variety of them (maltipoo, cockapoo, pomsky, etc.). Some are on their way to becoming a breed in their own right, like the Labradoodle. It is unknown when and who first crossed a Chihuahua with a Pomeranian, but these dogs quickly gained popularity in the United States, and soon in Europe.

Accepted standard

The height of an adult dog should vary from 15 cm to 23 cm, and weight from 2 kg to 5.5 kg.

Dogs have a round, slightly wedge-shaped head.

The eyes are not bulging like a Chihuahua's, but large and dark, and the nose should also be dark or black, although this depends on the color of the dog.

The Pomchi's tail is of medium length and curls behind its back.

Coat color and length may vary.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

This is a mischievous and cheerful dog that everyone usually falls in love with at first sight. Both children and elderly people get along with her easily. The breed does not tolerate loneliness well, even if it is short-term. It shows aggression extremely rarely, but it still needs to be handled carefully.

Breed characteristics

The Chihuahua and Spitz mix has quite a bit of variation in appearance since the original dog breeds differ in characteristics. On the one hand, the small Pomeranian Spitz is a dog with a rich coat, double coat, and a collar-mane that characterizes the breed. On the other hand, there is a tiny Chihuahua that can be either long-haired or smooth-haired. Only the size of the animal remains unchanged. In these breeds selected for the hybrid, only activity, size and love for the owner are the same.

Table 1. Main characteristics of the Chihuahua and Spitz mix

Breed typeHybrid
SizeUp to 25 cm, no minimum size
WeightUp to 5 kg
LifespanUp to 20 years
Learning abilityAverage, requires early socialization
ActivityAbove average, love games, walks
WalkWithout a collar, on a harness, preferably in fenced areas
  • Combing wool depending on the structure;
  • standard care: trimming nails, cleaning ears and eyes.
Interaction with other animalsGood subject to early socialization
Interaction with childrenGood, preferably children over 5 years old
BarkingLoud, sonorous
Tolerance of lonelinessPoor tolerance, frequent barking possible

Advantages and disadvantages


  • a small breed that can comfortably fit into a small apartment;
  • excellent health;
  • easy to train;
  • does not require long walks, can go to the toilet using a diaper or tray;
  • gets along with children;
  • has a cheerful and good-natured disposition;
  • smart;
  • becomes attached to the owner, devoted.


  • due to its small size, problems may arise during childbirth and pregnancy;
  • prone to joint and bone diseases;
  • fragile dogs that require careful handling;
  • Long-haired Pomchis shed;
  • touchy and jealous;
  • difficult character and the need for education.


After a sharp drop in prices for Pekingese at the end of the 20th century, in well-known kennels, bitches of this breed began to be bred with Yorkshire terriers, which were expensive and had a small number at that time. Females born after such matings were again crossed with Yorkies. Such puppies were more expensive than Pekingese, but cheaper than Yorkshire terriers.

Mixed breeds of Pekingese and Yorkies (Yorkinese) have the following features:

  • loud, booming bark;
  • desire for self-affirmation;
  • no need for long walks;
  • bad reaction to one's own kind;
  • difficulty in learning;
  • fearlessness;
  • jealousy of the owner and his attention;
  • intolerance of loneliness;
  • luxurious coat.

Yorkies have an attractive appearance and an aristocratic character, but due to their poor health they are rare. Puppies obtained as a result of crossing Yorkies and Pekingese do not always inherit only the positive qualities of their parents, so it is impossible to know in advance what they will be like. Often, mestizos have an undesirable set of characteristics and, as a result, poor hair, squint, non-closed fontanel and other problems.

Mestizos are not recognized by any canine organization, therefore they cannot participate in exhibitions and official breeding, they do not have a pedigree.

Basic colors

Pomchis have a thick coat with undercoat. Its color is not fixed.

The breed can be any color of its ancestors - from white to jet black. The dog can also be spotted.

Primary colors:

  • black;
  • white;
  • grey;
  • orange;
  • red;

Pomcha color can be intermediate.

Life expectancy and health

Pomches, like Chihuahuas, live quite a long time. Their lifespan is 12-18 years.

The health of the breed depends on the condition of the parents. Basically, almost all puppies are born healthy and remain healthy throughout their lives.

Pomchis have inherited a tendency towards food allergies from Chihuahuas. Therefore, you need to be careful about their nutrition.

Read about what diseases a chihuahua can inherit from a chihuahua here.

Also, this is a small dog that can be easily injured.


Another weak point of small breeds is their teeth. It is necessary from time to time to inspect the dog’s mouth for the absence of tartar and, if necessary, contact a veterinarian to remove it. If this process is started, the dog may lose teeth at a young age.

Attention should be paid to the state of the pet's cardiovascular system. Heart disease is directly related to breathing, which is where respiratory pathologies can arise.

Pomchis have adopted weather dependence from Chihuahuas, so they may feel unwell when the weather changes. This also needs to be kept in mind in order to understand why the dog suddenly lost his mood.


The Chihuahua's unique appearance—its small size and more proportionately large head—has made it popular around the world, but has also caused some health problems.

Breeding to determine the health of dogs often aimed to create individuals with even larger ears and shorter muzzles, which led to increased eye sensitivity, breathing problems and teething problems.

Other health problems arose as breeders tried to breed smaller and smaller dogs. Individuals weighing only 500 grams cannot protect themselves from infections or other diseases, while ordinary Chihuahuas are naturally resistant, as evidenced by the fact that they survived on the streets of Mexico.

The unnaturally small representatives of the breed often get sick and die prematurely. Even seemingly invisible viral diseases, manifested by diarrhea or vomiting, can endanger the life of such a dog.

Failure to comply with breeding rules and refusal to prevent diseases leads to the reproduction of the Chihuahua breed with hereditary diseases. These include congenital malocclusion, premature tooth loss, heart valve problems, hydrocephalus, or patellar luxation.

To reduce the risk of these diseases to a minimum level, a potential buyer of a dog of this breed should be interested in purchasing an individual only from a certified professional breeder. She will have all pedigree documents and all necessary vaccinations. It should be understood that the prices for purebred dogs, especially the Chihuahua breed, are high - serious breeding entails a lot of costs.

However, investing in a puppy from a good kennel is usually beneficial as it prevents possible subsequent treatment costs and, of course, suffering for the pet. This is also a guarantee of many years of joy from having such a cute pet in the family. A professional breeder with extensive experience is always ready to advise the owner.

Today you can buy short-haired and long-haired Chihuahuas. Long-haired Chihuahuas are twice as numerous as short-haired dogs, despite the fact that the latter is considered more resilient and robust.

Each specific breed of dog has its own characteristics that a breeder must be aware of before engaging in a breeding program. Chihuahuas are a very popular dog breed and therefore require a lot of care and knowledge.

One scientific article describes that some Chihuahua ancestors had deer-shaped heads, while others had apple-shaped skulls. Some breed enthusiasts have also hypothesized that the Chihuahua's "deer" head may be due to a cross between a Chihuahua and a Chinese Crested dog. Modern breeders are focused on breeding apple-headed Chihuahuas, as this type is now being popularized and accepted by the American Kennel Club.

The Chihuahua breed, like other miniature dogs, tends to reach puberty earlier than larger breeds. Typically this is around 6 months of age. Like any other breed, female Chihuahuas should never be bred during their first two or three heats because their fertility is then not high enough for a successful pregnancy.

Male Chihuahuas should be used for breeding as soon as they are fully mature - usually at one or two years of age. It is worth waiting until the puppy is fully grown to assess whether it is a good specimen for breeding.

The average litter size of Chihuahua puppies is between 1 and 3 puppies. Rarely does a bitch of this breed give birth to more than 4 puppies.

To guess how many puppies a Chihuahua can produce, you need to understand that in dogs, litter size depends on many factors: the fertility and size of the female, the quality of the male's sperm, their diet, health, etc.

Although Chihuahuas tolerate pregnancy and childbirth quite well, they may require obstetric care. Despite the fact that newborn puppies are very small, there are certain structural features of the female’s body. This is due to the tiny size of the dog's pelvis. Additionally, a Chihuahua's very small uterus may not dilate enough during labor, so an emergency caesarean section may be required.

It is important to agree in advance with the veterinarian about the possible operation. In most cases, especially with a small number of puppies expected at birth, a natural birth will occur without problems, but it is the breeder's job to prepare for unusual situations

Features of maintenance and care

For long-haired Pomchis, grooming involves weekly brushing; during the shedding period, this should be done almost every day.

Since dogs have large eyes, they water a lot, so you need to remember to wipe them every day with a swab moistened with warm water. Or you can purchase special drops.

It is important to accustom your puppy to these procedures from childhood.

It is important to clean your dog’s ears and trim his nails on time.


A small dog, despite its undercoat, gets cold quickly. In the winter and autumn seasons, she will need warm clothes, even special boots. During hot weather, keep your pet out of direct sunlight to prevent heatstroke.

You shouldn't make long walks. The Pomchi does not need physical activity, so it does not require long walks. You can teach your dog to relieve himself on the diaper in the apartment.

Weakened body

If a dog has lost significant weight after suffering an infectious disease, then we can say with full confidence that this happened as a result of a weakening of the body. A dog's resources, like those of a person, are far from endless. If the animal has suffered from any infection, then a certain period of recovery is necessary. You need to give your pet vitamins and feed it well. Walks in the fresh air should be long, lasting at least 30-40 minutes.

If a dog is taken outside only so that it has time to relieve itself, then you should not be surprised at its unhealthy appearance. Daily walks with the animal are the direct responsibility of the owner.

How to feed?

As for any other dog, nutrition should be balanced, correct and healthy. Also, your pet should have clean water at room temperature freely available.

Each owner chooses how to feed the pomchi - dry food or natural food. The most important thing to pay attention to is that food from the store should be super-premium, and natural food should be of high quality and fresh.

You also need to calculate the optimal amount of food. Feeding too much food will cause such a miniature dog to become obese.

Since the pomchi is small in size, its maintenance and nutrition will not put a dent in the owner’s pocket.

An adult pomchi needs to be fed twice a day, however, if you play with him for a long time, you should give the dog a snack. This will allow her to regain her strength. Cartilage or beef callus will be useful for your teeth.

In general, feeding a Pomchi is no different from feeding a Spitz or Chihuahua.


The birthplace of the breed is the island of the same name, which belongs to Canada. It was there that it was formed, and later in England a selection was made and a standard was developed.

In the former USSR, they also did not ignore the beautiful dogs and tried to create their own breed called the diver. The idea failed: attempts to make the dog angry did not lead to anything good: Newfies did not see the difference between someone else’s and their own and treated their owner aggressively

All that remains of the breed is its name, which is still in use.

The Newfoundland has a truly golden character: he is kind, loyal, patient and absolutely not prone to aggression. He readily serves people, devoting himself to the task without reserve.

Just like the Komondor, the Newf can sometimes ignore an order if it considers it inappropriate. Therefore, you should not jerk the diver without a good reason. But if a dog sees that a person is in trouble, then he will not need any instructions: he will make a decision on his own and act according to the situation.

This breed has a real passion for water. Therefore, trips to various bodies of water are real happiness for the dog. This breed will happily make friends with other pets from cats and rats to birds and reptiles.

Innate tact and super intelligence allows the diver to accurately understand the owner’s mood. And if a person is not inclined to communicate, the dog will not bother him.

Newfoundlands are sometimes called man-dogs. They also get offended and withdraw into themselves for a while until the offense goes away. Therefore, you should only punish a diver if there are compelling reasons, and sometimes you may not find them.

Training this good-natured bear is a fairly simple task. Just remember that there is no need to give orders without reason, for the sake of interest or in a raised voice. The Newfoundland is a highly intelligent dog and requires a calm and reasonable owner.

Video: Newfoundland

Price range

Since the Pomchi is considered a separate breed, their price does not differ from the prices of their ancestors.

Prices for dogs of different classes differ from each other.

So, a show-class puppy will cost you 70-80 thousand rubles.

A breed-class dog that you will not breed will cost 30-35 thousand rubles.

If you take a puppy from your hands (pet class) through bulletin boards, then this is the cheapest way to get a pomchi. A dog can be purchased in this way for 5-7 thousand rubles.

How to choose a puppy?

To choose the right Pomchi puppy, you need to first look at its parents. If they are healthy and adequate, then the offspring will most likely be the same.

Watch how the puppy plays and interacts with other brothers. He should not be lethargic and cowardly. But the manifestation of excessive aggression is also considered a defect.


The puppy should look healthy, its limbs should be intact, and nothing should stand out from the eyes and ears. Also look at his fur to see if there are any fleas or ticks.

The dog should eat well and also show a healthy interest in you as a new person and the world around you.

What goals are pursued when breeding Yorkie and Spitz mixes?

The process of breeding a cross between a Spitz and a Yorkie is quite painstaking and complex. First of all, it is necessary to carefully select purebred parents, otherwise the puppy may be born with any abnormalities, both in appearance and in terms of health.

The most common purpose of crossing is the appearance of the future dog. Yorkie and Spitz mixes, as a rule, have a pretty appearance, and the lion's share of modern female celebrities buy crosses for large sums. Such puppies are called decorative because dog breeds that have externally attractive features were selected in advance, and the puppy, accordingly, will receive excellent external characteristics from two beautiful breeds at once. Mestizos have a very attractive appearance and a bright personality, which is why they have gained such popularity at the present time.

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