Mini Pomeranian Spitz: description of the breed and the basics of proper pet care

The fashion for the smallest dogs has not spared Pomeranians.

Photos of adorable furry babies appear on the Internet and in the press, and it is not surprising that such dogs are in great demand.

However, some experts believe that breeding mini Pomeranians is not advisable and that they are more sickly than standard representatives of the breed.

Is this really so and is it really more difficult to keep such a pet than an ordinary Pomeranian?

Origin story and what it looks like in the photo

The ancient European Spitz could not be called small, since the weight of the smallest of them was 14 kg or more . These dogs guarded the house and accompanied their owners during trips.

Adapted to cold climates, hardy and strong, they have long been considered a peasant breed that has no place in the salons of the nobility.

Everything changed in the second half of the 18th century, when Queen Charlotte, becoming the wife of the English King George III, brought two German Spitz dogs to Britain.

Successful attempts to reduce the size of dogs of this breed were made in the 19th century, when Queen Victoria ascended the throne.

Being a great lover of decorative dogs, she founded a court kennel, and her dog named Marco, who weighed very little at that time - just a little more than five kilograms - became the ancestor of the smallest Spitz dogs.

By the beginning of the 20th century, their size had almost halved, however, it would still be impossible to call them “mini”.

True Miniature Pomeranians were developed in the second half of the 20th century and were first shown at international dog shows in the 1980s..

Finnish Spitz, up to 50 cm

In Russia, representatives of this breed are also called Karelian-Finnish Laika . This is a hunting dog that can hunt small fur-bearing animals, wild boar and some birds. Animals weigh from 7 to 13 kg, males are slightly larger - from 42 to 50 cm, and females from 38 to 46 cm.

The breed was bred for hunting, like most hunting dogs, they are very energetic, require long walks, have a desire to remain leaders, and are distinguished by courage and recklessness.

The Finnish Spitz is very noisy and loves to raise its voice for any reason. Many people love this breed because... its representatives are compact, do not take up much space, and are easy to transport.

The dog is medium in size, covered with fluffy fur of a beautiful “honey” shade. This is a cheerful and positive creature that does not tolerate rudeness. You can tell that an animal is irritated by its tail, which straightens at that moment.

Separate breed or genetic marriage? How is it different from other types?

Mini Pomeranians are not a separate breed . They are distinguished from other types of Pomeranian Spitz by their particularly small stature and fluffy, slightly cottony-looking coat.

Breeders distinguish three types of mini-varieties of oranges - fox, bear and the so-called toy.

This division has not received official recognition, however, most breeders practice this classification because it is convenient for them.

brief information

ICF classification5. Spitz and primitive breeds
4. European Spitz
Country of originGermany
Weight1.4-3.5 kg
Height17-24 cm
WoolLong with dense undercoat
ColorWhite, black, brown, wolf, orange, orange-sable, cream, cream-sable, black and tan, black-white, brown-white, white-wolf gray, white-orange, white-orange-sable, white-cream , white-cream-sable
Life cycle12-16 years old
Immediate familyGerman Wolfspitz (Keeshond), German Spitz miniature (small)

Description of the breed

Apart from its size, the Mini Pomeranian is not much different from the standard Pomeranian. He has exactly the same square body and similar head structure.

Depending on the type, mini Pomeranians may have different structures of the head, muzzle and ears..

"Bearish" type

“Bear cubs” are distinguished by a rounded, wide head and a shortened, flattened and slightly upturned muzzle.

The eyes of mini Pomeranians of this type are located close to each other, and the nose appears slightly snub-nosed.

Fluffy and thick hair growing on the cheekbones creates an optical illusion, which makes it seem as if the “bear cub” has rounded cheeks.

Many dogs of this type are cut short enough to enhance their resemblance to teddy bears, so that their coat actually looks plush and stuffed.


Fox-type dogs comply with the breed standard more than all other varieties of mini Pomeranians . They have elongated muzzles, a square body and elongated legs and tail.

Currently, the fox type of mini oranges is noticeably inferior in popularity to “bear cubs” and “toys”.


It is intermediate between “fox cubs” and “bear cubs”.

These mini Pomeranians have a muzzle that is longer than that of bear-type dogs, but more flattened than that of fox-type Spitz dogs..

The eyes of “toy” dogs are located slightly higher and have a wider set, which creates a characteristic expression that gives them a “doll” appearance.


Oleg: “My friends asked me to sit with a Spitz for 10 days. I took my dog ​​with me to the dacha, she was next to me all the time, affectionate and kind. She refused to eat dry food and only liked boiled chicken. Her owners trained her to do important things in a litter box and didn't take her out often, so she was afraid to go outside. The most significant drawback is the hair, which is everywhere, the dog shed for 2 months in a row.”

Victoria: “My dog ​​prefers only one owner and ignores other people. On the street she is aggressive towards all dogs, so we walk her separately. There’s a lot of wool at home, but no matter what, we all love it.”

Julia: “Our dog is almost 6 years old. She annoys her husband because of her loud barking. When she behaves quietly, she simply has no value, but every time the doorbell rings, a frantic howl begins. Without training, the animal will become impudent. And yet, different diets cause him stomach problems, so you need to choose one thing, either food or regular food.”

Character traits

Mini Pomeranians are characterized by such character traits as courage, loyalty and playfulness. But at the same time, they also have such negative qualities as stubbornness, cockiness, cunning and selfishness.

Mini Pomeranians most often become attached to only one person in the family, and are not going to share their beloved owner with anyone else.

Therefore, they are less suitable for keeping in a home where other pets already live. Also, mini Pomeranians are slightly more emotional than standard dogs of this breed.

Mini Pomeranians do not like to be teased or caused discomfort and, on occasion, can bite their offender.

This is why this variety of Pomeranian is not very suitable as a pet for families with children.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

“Mini Pomeranians are a currently fashionable dog breed. Some owners consider their pets to be something of a fashion accessory, forgetting that even the smallest dog is a living creature. Without training, mini Pomeranians become stubborn, disobedient, capricious and even aggressive. If such a Spitz is raised correctly, then a funny, teddy bear-like baby will grow into a loyal and friendly pet. However, due to the selfishness inherent in mini Pomeranians, they cannot be recommended as a gift for children, since these dogs do not tolerate rough treatment and can bite the offender.”

Interesting Facts

Spitz dogs love to bark because they love to hear their own voice .
In Anton Pavlovich Chekhov's work “The Lady with the Dog” we are talking about a Pomeranian Spitz.

Two Pomeranians from the Rothschild dynasty were rescued from the sinking the Titanic

Pomeranians have become the favorites of many celebrities . They live with Maria Sharapova, Sharon Osbourne, Nicole Richie, Sylvester Stallone, Mickey Rourke, Eva Longoria.

Previously, this breed was called the German Miniature Spitz .

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Beautiful and cute appearance.
  • Suitable for keeping in a city apartment.
  • Cheerful, energetic and lively.
  • Loyal and affectionate towards their owners.
  • Most mini Pomeranians are in good health.
  • You can choose a pet of any of three types: “fox”, “bear” or “toy”.
  • If you wish, you can trim your pet to your liking.


  • Can be cocky towards other dogs.
  • Their fur needs to be properly cared for.
  • Dogs with short muzzles may suffer from respiratory or cardiovascular diseases.
  • If raised incorrectly, they become stubborn, aggressive and capricious.
  • Not suitable as a gift for children.
  • They require careful and careful handling, as they are particularly small in size and at the same time very mobile.
  • They shed heavily.
  • Bitches often have difficult births.

Mini Pomeranians are more demanding when it comes to feeding than standard dogs of this breed..

Old age is no joy!

However, mobility, playfulness and other qualities are preserved only until old age. As a rule, dogs of this breed can live a relatively long life - from 12 to 15 years. At an age comparable to extreme old age, dogs become calmer and slower. What can I say, the years take their toll on dogs too!

It is becoming more and more difficult for the old man to get on his feet, climb steps, and even perform some basic trick. He spends most of his time alone. The dog's character also undergoes certain changes. It is very difficult for a dog to endure separation from his owner, and when he is left alone, his soul becomes anxious. When alone for a long time, he begins to bark, whine or howl.

Yes, old age is rarely easy for any person to bear. And what can we say about such cute animals with a delicate and vulnerable psyche?!

Basic colors

  • Black. It should be pure black, without interspersed with hairs of a different color. No white markings, even the smallest ones, are allowed in this color.
  • Black and Tan . On the main black background there are reddish or fawn markings. Spitz have tan on the inside of the ears, above the eyes, on the muzzle, chin and neck, as well as on the chest, on the paws and under the tail.
  • White. With this color, the coat color should be dazzling white, without signs of yellowness.
  • Soboliny . The guard hair is zoned gray, and the undercoat can be gray, cream or red.
  • Brown . Single color and, if possible, the most uniform color in various shades of brown or chocolate.
  • Ginger . This color can be described as bright, golden fawn or peach. It can vary in saturation and brightness of shades, and sometimes there is a lightening of the fur on the “collar”, “pants” and “tail”.
  • Blue . In fact, it would be more correct to call this color gray. It comes in different intensities and lightness: from silver-steel to lead or graphite.
  • Cream . It can be very light - almost white, or pale reddish or golden.
  • Zonal gray . Mini Pomeranian Spitz of this color looks like a wolf cub. He has blackened fur on his ears, around his eyes, on his eyebrows, and on the tip of his tail. But the undercoat and fringes on the lower part of the tail and on the collar, on the contrary, lighten to a light gray shade.
  • Two-color . On the main white background there are small spots of red, brown or black colors.

The currently popular merle color is not recognized as a standard and is regarded as a breeding defect.

Owners' opinion

Little “Pomeranians” cannot get along in the same house where lazy and passive owners live. Due to its activity, this breed needs a person with the appropriate character, which will allow the pets to splash out the accumulated energy, and completely! This can be confirmed by anyone or anyone who has such a sweet, loyal and brave companion of animal origin.

These are wonderful companions for human beings of any gender and regardless of age:

  • men;
  • women;
  • children;
  • teenagers;
  • To old people.

At the same time, such a pet has several individual traits of natural origin. First of all, it is worth noting the vertical position of the coat, which is why the dog looks attractive and “fluffy” in appearance.

In addition, in the absence of proper training, you can hear random barking all the time, which becomes excessive. And it should be noted that these smallest Spitz dogs have quite a ringing voice!

Now it is worth citing evidence in favor of the insight that dogs are capable of showing, even while in puppyhood. As soon as the pet feels the lack of persistence on the part of the owner during the upbringing period, he can begin to show his character. This manifests itself in the form of stubbornness or ignoring the execution of any command.

Life expectancy and health

The average life expectancy of these dogs is 12-15 years, but due to the fact that mini Pomeranians of the “bear” type with a shortened muzzle are currently especially popular, they can suffer from heart and respiratory diseases, which is why their lifespan may be less than average.

In general, mini Pomeranians can be susceptible to the following ailments::

  • Hypothyroidism
  • Tracheal collapse
  • Turn of the century
  • Heart diseases
  • Cataract
  • Atlantoaccipital subluxation
  • Limb dislocations
  • Cryptorchidism
  • Diseases of the teeth and oral cavity
  • Obesity

Mini Pomeranians can develop syringomyelia, a disease that most severely affects the central nervous system..

Other external physiological features

One can hardly deny the cuteness of the Pomeranian Spitz. The dimensions of an adult do not exceed 230 mm, which, in turn, allows such pets to be kept in “apartments” with limited space.

Muscular and square in shape, the strong body is equipped with fairly strong, well-developed limbs. There are pointed ears on the head. And in the oval eyes you can recognize an outgoing curiosity, which makes it impossible not to smile.

The color of the nose depends on the color of the animal. The small tail is rounded at the base. The thick, luxurious-looking fur, as well as the pronounced undercoat, were inherited from the distant ancestors of the Arctic.

Dimensions and weight for boy and girl

The Mini Pomeranian Spitz is outside the breed standard, therefore, height and weight for males and females are not regulated in any way.

Based on the size of foreign dogs, the height of mini-Pomeranians should be, regardless of gender, from 13 to 18 cm.

The height at the withers for boys is approximately 15-18 cm, and for girls - 13-16.

Mini Pomeranians should weigh between 1.8 and 2.3 kg.

Japanese Spitz, up to 38 cm

A small fluffy dog ​​with snow-white fur, which weighs from 5 to 8 kg and grows no more than 28-36 cm. Their advantage is that Japanese Spitz rarely bark, and if they are taught, they can completely abandon this habit. They love all members of their family, but avoid strangers and are dependent on human attention.

They cannot stand loneliness; if left alone, they will play pranks. Representatives of this breed have snow-white fur, which they hardly get dirty during walks, because... very neat.

These are positive, reserved dogs that make ideal companions. They get along easily with other dogs and pets, and children. Japanese Spitz are wonderful actors.

Care and maintenance

The coat of such a pet should be combed twice a week using a wide-toothed comb and a massage brush..

During the shedding period, you need to comb your dog daily, and it is best to remove dead undercoat using a soft slicker brush.


You need to bathe your dog as needed, usually 2-3 times a year, and after bathing it is recommended to dry the coat thoroughly with a hairdryer.

Also, every day you need to examine your dog's eyes, ears and teeth. They are cleaned only if they become dirty, and it is recommended to clean the ears and eyes using special compounds purchased at a veterinary pharmacy.

You can brush your teeth with a special brush using dog paste..

The claws need to be trimmed periodically; as a rule, this procedure is done 2 times a month.

Explanation of dwarfism

We now know which Spitz breed is the smallest - Pomeranian. However, where did the fashion for miniature sizes come from? During the reign of Queen Victoria, Spitz dogs from Pomerania were brought to England. And after some time, serious work was organized to breed a dwarf breed. But all this was due not only to size - there was a need to correct the appearance of the dogs to give the appearance of more expressive features.

The best representatives of the Spitz breed, which English and American breeders worked on, were very similar to modern Pomeranians. However, the First World War made certain adjustments to the ranks of these poor animals - most of them were simply destroyed. To restore the population, German breeders and breeders had to import dogs from European countries.

As a result of selective selection, the weight of the animal, including its size, decreased significantly (3 times). And now the dogs weigh no more than 5 kg. Currently, these representatives have already become the main stars of social networks no worse than Hollywood celebrities! And today, almost every Internet user knows which Spitz is the smallest.

Feeding your pet

For the first time after purchasing a puppy, it needs to be fed with the same food and with the same frequency as it was fed in the breeder’s house..

It is not advisable to change the brand of food, and, in any case, before doing this, you should consult a veterinarian.

If a dog eats natural food, it should only be fresh and of high quality. The daily intake must be divided into equal portions so as not to overfeed your pet.

At the same time, the menu of a mini Pomeranian must include lean meat, fermented milk products (cottage cheese, kefir, natural yogurt), as well as raw or boiled vegetables.

Small puppies are fed up to five times a day, but by the age of one year the number of feedings is gradually reduced to two.

If the pet eats ready-made food, then it is desirable that the food is intended for this breed and is no lower than premium class or, better yet, holistic.


Spitz puppies are adorable and in great demand. However, at this age it is very difficult to find out the breed characteristics, so it is important to buy an animal only from reliable breeders with a good reputation.

Choosing a puppy

To buy a healthy baby, it is important to check the following traits:

  • behavior: the puppy must be active and mobile;
  • teeth: white, healthy;
  • ears: clean inside;
  • coat: clean, fluffy, without dandruff and baldness;
  • healthy skin without damage;
  • there should be no hernia on the tummy, in the navel and groin area;
  • clean and shiny eyes;
  • cool and moist nose without discharge;
  • pink gums and tongue;
  • smooth legs and back.

Be sure to ask the breeder for a veterinary passport, which should contain records of vaccinations given according to the puppy’s age.

How to choose?

Considering that some dogs of this breed suffer from any diseases, when choosing a puppy you need to pay special attention to issues of its health.

It would be best to agree with the breeder to have the baby examined at a veterinary clinic before purchasing.

A good puppy looks proportional and his movements are free and easy . He should not be hyperactive, but a lethargic, sedentary baby is not the best choice.


Despite the fact that mini Pomeranians have a height below that specified in the standard and do not participate in exhibitions, you need to purchase such a puppy only in a nursery or from a breeder.

The main thing is that the baby must have a birth certificate, a brand and a veterinary passport..


From the description of the Spitz dog it is clear that this is a small animal, and therefore it will not have problems with bones and joints. However, furry animals have their own breed problems:

  • dislocations and increased injuries;
  • dwarfism, manifested not only in miniature size, but also bulging eyes, not overgrown fontanel, problems of the central nervous system;
  • improper growth of teeth due to long milk roots;
  • periodontal disease and tartar formation;
  • dry eyes;
  • characteristic cough due to stressful situations;
  • genetic alopecia;
  • epilepsy.

Despite this, the breed boasts endurance and strength of body. All of these problems are a consequence of miniature size and anatomical features, and not a predisposition to disease.

Breeding Pomeranians

If you dream of getting rich by breeding a Pomeranian, like any other breed, then this activity is unlikely to lead to success. To get puppies and sell them, you first need to invest a lot of money. This is the acquisition of livestock, raising, keeping, feeding, exhibitions, pedigrees, mating, childbirth itself and raising the puppies themselves. It’s scary to imagine how much money is spent on veterinary care!

Pomeranian females give birth to a maximum of 4-5 puppies. It’s not a fact that everyone will meet the standard, so some may go for next to nothing.

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