Description of the Bull Terrier dog breed: pet’s character traits and the basics of proper care + reviews from owners

When getting a dog, many people would like to know if it can act as a protector. Of course, the main indicator in this case is the dog’s readiness to fight. But don’t forget about physical fighting qualities. For example, many animal lovers are interested in which dog has the strongest bite. It depends on how hard she can bite her ill-wisher and whether she will injure him. Therefore, it will be useful to talk about this parameter.

A very impressive argument

Dogs with the most developed muscles

Representatives of which breed have a developed muscular corset? German boxers are among the most muscular animals. They are easy to train, balanced, and can be used as guide dogs. Boxers are true defenders of their owners; they are wary of strangers, but in the family circle they are playful and obedient if they have received the right upbringing. Dogs with developed muscles also include representatives of the following breeds:

South African Boerboel

  • Boerboel. African breed, banned in many countries due to increased aggressiveness. The height at the withers reaches 70 cm. The dog must be trained from an early age, but even this is not a guarantee of obedience and compliance with commands. No matter how much time it takes to train a Boerboel, it can still attack a person in a fit of aggression.
  • Bull Terrier. One of the strongest breeds of medium-sized dogs with a pronounced hunting instinct. Bull Terriers are sociable, agile, and easily adapt to new conditions. The Bull Terrier has developed body and jaw muscles.

Irish Wolfhound

  • Irish Wolfhound. The oldest breed, representatives of which grow up to 79 cm and can weigh about 55 kg. The dogs are used in the regiments of the Northern Irish Army, as well as to guard Buckingham Palace.
  • Staffordshire Terrier. A fighting dog with large jaws, a broad chest, and strong muscles. Initially it was used for hunting large wild animals.
  • German dog. A large breed of dog with developed muscles, height at the withers is at least 90 cm. There are representatives of the breed that exceed standard sizes. Thus, the Great Danes George and Zeus had a height at the withers of 110 and 111 cm, respectively.


Big Wendy, one of the English greyhounds, is recognized as the most muscular dog in the world. Due to a genetic mutation, her muscles are hypertrophied. Since birth, Wendy has had a disruption in the production of myostatin, a protein that controls muscle growth. Despite her menacing appearance, Big Wendy has a good disposition and is devoid of aggression.

Grizzly bear

Bite force – 81 atmospheres

This North American subspecies of brown bear is known for its incredible size and aggression. Despite its large size, a grizzly bear can reach speeds of up to 56 km/h. They feed mainly on berries and nuts, but also hunt. In Yellowstone National Park, they were spotted and filmed while hunting game.

Grizzlies are considered more aggressive than other bears. It is believed that due to their size, these bears cannot climb trees, which is why they developed this protective mechanism to get food for themselves. This is likely the same evolutionary path that gave the bear its powerful jaws, which help it defend against wolves and other attackers.

They can weigh from 270 to 450 kg. They can pose a danger to humans if frightened or if they are with cubs, but in general they rarely, if ever, hunt humans.

Description and standard

Bull Terriers are energetic, medium-sized dogs with a strong, dry constitution and an almost square body . They move confidently, smoothly and easily.

Representatives of this breed have pronounced sexual demorphism - males are larger, more powerful and more massive than females.

Breed standard:

  • the head is ovoid, elongated, the lower jaw is clearly defined;
  • the skull is rounded, sloping, the upper part between the ears is flat;
  • the nose is large, the nostrils are developed, the earlobe is black;
  • lips are dry and fit tightly to the jaws;
  • scissor bite;
  • the eyes are small, triangular, set obliquely and deeply, the iris is dark brown;
  • the ears are small, V-shaped, erect, thin, set close to each other;
  • the neck is strong, with well-developed muscles, long, arched, tapering from the shoulders to the head;
  • the chest is wide;
  • the back is short, strong, wide, straight;
  • The loin is wide, slightly convex, muscular;
  • tucked stomach;
  • the tail is of medium length, thick at the base and slightly tapering towards the end, set low;
  • the front legs are strong, even, the length is almost equal to the depth of the chest;
  • The hind legs are set parallel, the thighs are well muscled.

The standard does not regulate the weight and height of bull terriers, but these dogs must be as powerful as possible for their size.

Nile crocodile

Jaw strength – 340 atmospheres.

In the same experiment that measured the bite force of a saltwater crocodile and an American alligator, the Nile crocodile was ranked second to the saltwater crocodile. However, most sources claim that the force of its bite is three hundred and forty atmospheres! In size, the Nile crocodile is practically no different from the saltwater crocodile.

Accordingly, it can be assumed that the force of its bite is approximately within the same limits as that of its marine counterpart. It should be noted that Nile and saltwater crocodiles are interchangeable champions in terms of bite force, and their indicators will vary quite noticeably depending on how exactly the measurements were taken in the case of a particular crocodile. Nile crocodiles feed mostly on fish, but like their brothers, they tend to attack all animals that are careless enough to cross their path. These are mainly zebras, and even birds and small hippos.

The Nile crocodile has 64-68 conical teeth, of which 36-38 are on the upper jaw and 28-30 on the lower jaw.

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Features of choosing a really strong dog

When a dog is taken into a home, the owners decide on the purpose: whether it will be a decorative lap dog, or a guard and assistant. For the role of “security”, breeds with developed muscles, a strong grip of teeth and the habits of a protector are chosen.

Owners take into account the following parameters of a potential pet:

  • Height. The dog at the withers should be at least 60 cm. Massiveness frightens trespassers. Broad bones, a mountain of muscles, a swift throw - such a dog is better than a security alarm.
  • Weight. Large animal heavier than 50 kg.
  • Character. Before purchasing a pet, determine the behavior inherent in the breed. It is better to choose an animal that can be trained. The owner must know that his commands will be carried out. Rottweilers and Dobermans provide such confidence. You always have to be on your guard with Huskies.

The gender of the friend is also important. Girls are more suitable for indoor living. Males live in enclosures and kennels outside the home.

If you are interested in the bite, the force of compression of the jaws of dogs, the table by breed will give a comprehensive answer:

Breed nameForce of jaw compression in atm.
Dutch Shepherd52
American pit bull55,5
German Shepherd56
American Bulldog72
Hyena dog75
English Mastiff131

The Turkish Kangal has the strongest bite. So far he has no equal in physical strength, endurance and jaw bite. This representative is the strongest among his brothers.

There are more than 400 dog breeds in the world - from pocket-sized specimens to huge animals with incredible power. Guards are selected from fighting dogs with great teeth clenching force. But this is a relative concept. The parameter depends on the height, weight and age of the dog.

Strong jaws are necessary for predators to hold, kill and tear apart prey; a powerful bite provides superiority in a fight with a strong opponent. But all this is important for wild animals, so why do some breeds of domestic dogs also have a “death grip”? The reason is genetics and long-term selection work. Dogs with the strongest bites are considered fighting dogs, that is, they have specially fixed features that turn the dog into a living weapon.


Dobermans stand out among their relatives for their loyalty and intelligence. It shows an aggressive character only in rare cases. Facts of attacks by Dobermans were noted when the owner or his property was in danger.

A rather strong appearance combined with aggression makes representatives of this breed potentially dangerous to others, but with proper upbringing they grow into excellent guards.

Bite force is a very important characteristic for any animal, because it is thanks to it that the animal not only seeks food, but also defends itself from enemies. We invite you to get acquainted with the list of the most powerful bites in the animal kingdom. Who do you think will be in first place?

Who do you think will be in first place?

1. 25th place - Killer whale, PSI: 19000 - unknown Scientists have still not been able to find out the exact force of the killer whale bite. There are only assumptions that the bite force of a killer whale can exceed 19,000 PSI.

2. 24th place – Piranha, PSI: unknown

The bite force of this small fish is 30 times its body weight. Although the exact strength of its bite is also still unknown.

3. 23rd place - Leopard, PSI: 300-310 One of the five "big cats" of the panther genus, known for its athleticism and speed. You should avoid meeting a leopard, as it is almost impossible to escape from it.

4. 22nd place – Tiger shark, PSI: 325 This marine inhabitant is considered one of the most dangerous predators of the ocean. In fact, the bite force of a tiger shark is only 325.

5. 21st place – Wild Dog, PSI: 340 Although the appearance of this animal is a little unsightly, in terms of bite it is not much inferior to pumas.

6. 20th place – Puma, PSI: 350 Puma is not only one of the fastest animals, but also has a strong bite. Thanks to their muscular jaws and long fangs, cougars can easily bite into meat, tendons and muscles.

7. 19th place – Wolf, PSI: 406 Wolves are excellent hunters, and their bite force is 406 PSI.

8. 18th place – Mastiff, PSI: 556 It is mastiffs, and not pit bulls or Rottweilers, that have the strongest bite among domesticated dogs.

9. 17th place – White shark, PSI: 669 The bite of sharks is not very strong, but they don’t really need it, because they inflict the main damage with their teeth.

10. 16th place - Leo, PSI: 691 The lion's bite is not the strongest and therefore it is only in 16th place on our list.

11. 15th place – Jaguar, PSI: 700

Jaguars have the strongest bite relative to body weight of any cat family.

12. 14th place – Brown bear, PSI: 850 The brown bear has a bite force reaching 850 PSI.

13. 13th place - Kodiak, PSI: 930 Kodiak is the largest subspecies of brown bear and one of the largest representatives of the bear genus.

14. 12th place – Amur tiger, PSI: 950 Amur tigers boast powerful jaws and very sharp teeth.

15. 11th place – Cayman turtle, PSI: 1000 The bite force of a snapping turtle reaches 1000 PSI.

16. 10th place – Bengal tiger, PSI: 1050 The largest representatives of the cat family are famous for their strength and power.

17. 9th place – Hyena, PSI: 1100 This not cute animal has teeth specially adapted for eating rough food and crushing large bones.

18. 8th place – Polar bear, PSI: 1235 These are one of the strongest and most resilient mammals on the planet and have a very powerful bite.

19. 7th place – Grizzly Bear, PSI: 1250 These majestic animals have very strong teeth.

20. 6th place - Blunt shark, PSI: 1250 This predator is considered one of the most vicious and deadly in the world, and its bite is in third place on our list.

Are you interested in knowing what the top strongest dogs in the world look like? It's always interesting what living beings are capable of: it's almost always much more than we can imagine.

And this is interesting, because it makes us understand: we ourselves can do much more than we think.

Especially if we observe animals as close to us as a dog.

First, it’s logical to look at the facts. The Guinness Book has established records for the strength of dogs. In 1978, a four-year-old St. Bernard named Raittes Brandy Bear

(Rayttes Brandy Bear) dragged a load of 2,905 kg placed on a cart five meters.

This is a record for the weight moved by a four-legged pet.

In 1979, a Newfoundland (or diver) named Barbara Allens Dark Hans

(Barbara Allens Dark Hans) mastered a load of 2289 kilograms

. This is less than the previous record, you ask? Which is the strongest dog in the world between these two strongmen?

The St. Bernard weighed 80 kg, and the Newfoundland weighed only 44. In terms of the ratio of body weight to the weight moved, the second record holder, namely the Newfoundland Barbara Allens Dark Hans, is considered the strongest.

Character traits

There is a firmly entrenched stereotype in society that bull terriers are angry, unbalanced dogs prone to aggressive behavior.

However, despite their fighting past, they are cheerful, affectionate, playful and friendly animals, distinguished by their devotion and ability to find a common language with all family members.

Representatives of this breed are not characterized by aggression towards people . Such behavior has always been considered a serious fault and individuals in which it was observed were rejected.

Bull Terriers are smart and quick-witted dogs . They are highly trainable, but can sometimes be stubborn. Therefore, it is important to raise your pet correctly from an early age.

These dogs do not tolerate loneliness well. Out of boredom and idleness, he begins to look for a way out of his irrepressible energy through damage to property.

They need physical activity, regular active walks, including elements of training, running and other activities that allow them to get rid of energy and stay fit.

Metis of Alabai

Crossbreed with Caucasian

When crossing an Alabai with a Caucasian Shepherd, large, furry puppies are obtained. It is impossible to guess who the puppies will be more like, since with the same frequency both dogs that look more like Alabais and Caucasians appear. However, you should not expect any special surprises from this mating, since these breeds are very similar both in appearance and in purpose.

With a German Shepherd

In this case, you should be careful, since dogs are very different both in appearance and in character. Of course, most often these puppies take the best from their parents:

  • from alabai - courage, courage, ability to protect oneself, territory and owners;
  • from the German Shepherd - intelligence, activity, obedience and people-oriented.

Appearance also varies greatly, but puppies are often very large and darker in color.

With husky

The puppies turn out very cute and fluffy. In body type they are more similar to the Alabai, but the color is often taken from the Husky. Due to the nature of the husky, the animals turn out to be kinder, more playful, and less aggressive towards strangers, but do not forget that everything is individual, and the puppy can, on the contrary, turn out to be unpredictable.

With Labrador

Alabai and Labrador mixes turn out to be very large, but still smaller than Alabai. have a wider chest and a more Labrador-like behavior. That is, playful, very active dogs that easily get used to new people. The color is often fawn.

With a husky

It is almost impossible to predict what will happen from a mixture of these two completely different breeds. It is safe to say that these will be very large and hardy animals. Outwardly, such mestizos are still more similar to mongrels than to purebred dogs. By character they can grow up to be both brave and strong guards and affectionate and kind family members, in this case it all depends on the puppy’s upbringing.

Father - Cane Corso, mother - Alabai

Both breeds are working, strong, balanced. This crossbreed often produces very large puppies with smooth hair. The color of the dog is unpredictable, but most often dark. The muzzle is massive, square, the bridge of the nose is straight. Both breeds do a good job of guarding, so puppies often turn out balanced and easy to train.

With a mongrel

This mix can be very unpredictable. If the character of the Alabai is at least a little predictable, then with the mongrel it’s the opposite, the dogs are completely different. We can say with confidence that such mestizos will still look more like mongrels than stocky purebred dogs. Unforeseen character.
Still, mestizos are a matter of taste. Such dogs are definitely not suitable for breeding and exhibitions. Of course, they often get the best qualities from their parents, but do not forget that any mixed breed is an unpredictable pet, and it is unknown what qualities it may display. Also, when different breeds are mixed, their unique qualities are lost. If you want to be confident in your choice, then you should still pay more attention to purebred dogs.

The most resilient dogs

The hardiest dog breeds are sled dogs (Siberian Husky, Alaskan Malamute, Samoyed, Laika). They are genetically predisposed to prolonged physical activity, because people have used them for centuries to transport goods over long distances. At the same time, huskies are capable of running longer distances compared to other sledding relatives due to the specifics of their body structure. There are other breeds that are distinguished by high levels of endurance:


  • Weimaraner. They have developed muscles and average body dimensions (see photo). They need physical and mental exercise. They can be used as running partners.
  • German Pointer. A hunting breed, representatives of which are capable of developing great speed and covering long distances.

Hungarian Vizsla

  • Hungarian Vizsla. Capable of covering vast distances, running on “autopilot”. At the same time, it easily covers short distances at maximum speed even in hot weather.
  • Rhodesian Ridgeback. A medium-sized dog that can easily cover both short and long distances. Thanks to its short coat, it can easily withstand heat.
  • German Shepherd. These animals are used in law enforcement agencies precisely because of their endurance, combined with high intelligence. You can run with them, go hiking, and even put some of your camping equipment on the animals’ backs in a special pouch.

Wolf Hunt

Wolves are considered skilled hunters. They know the weak points of the victim, know how to identify them and always attack in a pack, but lone wolves are rare. An example of the ability to obtain prey by any means is moose hunting. Wolves understand that a direct attack can have a detrimental effect on their health, since moose have sharp antlers and very heavy hooves that can cause fatal injury. Instead of straightforward action, wolves starve their prey to death. The flock pursues prey, and such a drive can last for several days. As a result, weakened moose become easy prey.

If the flock has nothing to eat, then hungry animals can launch an attack without a corral. Predators attack deer in packs and easily bite their throats. The same thing happens with wild boars and other animals, including bears. What can we say about the Alabai - not a single dog can stand against a pack of wolves. After all, wolves are wild animals; they train, hunt, and know how to assess a situation all their lives.

And who is stronger - a wolf or an alabai, if there is a one-on-one fight? Wolves rarely go hunting alone, but if it happens that there is only one wolf, then it is better not to get caught. Loners are very strong, usually larger than their counterparts. Their enormous size is due to the fact that such animals consume more food, which they obtain themselves, without the help of other predators. The height of wolves can reach a meter at the withers or more, and their weight can be 80 kilograms or more. Such dimensions, combined with sharp teeth and strong paws, extensive hunting experience, make the wolf the most dangerous forest killer.

Bull Terrier Jaws

Experts say that the force of compression of a bull terrier's jaws is 21-25 atmospheres.

The widespread belief that representatives of this breed have a so-called “death grip” is a myth.

The results of numerous studies have proven that these dogs do not have any special features in the structure of muscles or bones, and the ability to bite small objects and small animals without unclenching their teeth is explained by natural strength.


You can only open the dog's jaw when it has grabbed the victim with a stick, using it as a lever, or a broken ampoule of ammonia - bull terriers cannot stand this smell.

Cane Corso

When talking about which dog has the strongest jaws, it is impossible not to mention this breed. True guards clearly divide the world into “us” and “strangers”.

You can safely entrust a child to them; they will lay down their lives to protect the owner’s offspring. Defeating a dog consisting of 50 kg of iron muscles, agility, fearlessness and incredibly sharp fangs is not an easy task. In the family circle the animal is calm and good-natured.

Capable of scaring away with just one look. Huge, lion-like dogs are able to make independent decisions and act according to the situation.

They should not be allowed to dominate; in this case, “Caucasians” are obedient and manageable. They do not have excessive aggression, but no one is allowed to offend the owner or encroach on his property. In terms of bite force, it is not inferior to the two previous breeds - 13.5 atmospheres.

Anatomy of a bite

Structurally, a dog’s body consists of bones, muscles and ligaments. This anatomical apparatus is most effective when there is a certain proportion between the parts of the body. The main thing is the relationship between the head and neck. Guard dogs have a large head supported by a short massive neck.

A dog's weapon is its jaws. When the skull is equal in size to them, the animal’s grip is deep and strong. In individuals with short jaws it is “dead”. Clenching his teeth, such a dog captures a small area, but with enormous force. At the same time, she loses her evasiveness, becomes vulnerable - she is not able to quickly let go of the victim and jump away. The breed of dog with a “death grip” is well known - the bulldog.

Important! Dogs with long muzzles (Russian greyhounds), with equal strength of chewing muscles, are inferior in bite to their counterparts with short muzzles.

The greatest bite force is found in dogs with a large skull and a wide opening of the mouth. But not every animal with such data is suitable for the role of a guard and protector - many of them are simply good-natured by nature.

How is jaw strength measured in dogs, why know this parameter

The bite force of a bull terrier or other dog cannot be measured at home - this requires special equipment, which is available to specialists. First, they have to anger the dog so that it can bite the proposed armband with a sensor as hard as possible. The bite indicator is immediately displayed on the screen.

Why do you need to know this parameter at all? This is important for owners of fighting and service dogs - if the dog has an insufficiently powerful bite, this is a serious defect - it will not be able to effectively perform its function.

Advantages and disadvantages

In addition to their original, extravagant appearance, bull terriers have the following advantages::

  • affectionate, friendly disposition;
  • lack of aggression and anger towards people;
  • lack of effort;
  • strength and endurance;
  • intelligence and intelligence;
  • ability to learn;
  • cleanliness;
  • easy care;
  • devotion.

Cons of the breed:

  • the need for competent education and socialization;
  • stubbornness;
  • aggressive attitude towards other animals;
  • tendency to overheating and sunburn;
  • intolerance of loneliness.

In addition, representatives of this breed are not suitable as watchmen and security guards.

Rating of dogs with the strongest grip

To understand which breed of dog has the strongest jaw, you need to understand the units of grip measurement. This parameter is measured in newtons (N), which are converted to kilogram-force. One newton is equal to 10 kgf.

Cynologists consider the measurement of bite force in atmospheres (it is found in the literature) to be incorrect. Atmosphere is a unit of measurement of pressure. It represents force divided by area. One atmosphere is equal to kg/1 cm2.

For your information! In international practice, the bite force of dogs of different breeds is measured in PSI - pressure “pounds per inch”.

The list of dogs with the strongest bite in the world is quite long.

German Shepherd

An obedient, disciplined animal. The shepherd dog does not offend people unnecessarily, since it is not aggressive by nature. The border guard dog clenches its jaws with a force of 1310 N. This is the best service breed in the army.

American Staffordshire Terrier

The animal is cruel and aggressive - breeders have long sought such qualities by crossing strong and vicious individuals. The breed was bred for dog fighting.

Staffordshire Terrier puppies are trained from birth, otherwise they pose a threat even to the owner, grabbing him with a force of 1250 N.

Dutch Shepherd

An experienced shepherdess ranks high in the ranking of dogs with a strong bite. The friendly animal rarely uses its 1150 N. Of greater concern to the owners is the tendency to wander - the pet constantly needs a leash.

American Bulldog

This beautiful, muscular breed was created by crossing a pit bull and a mastiff. The fighting dog can bite with a force of up to 1460 N. In the hands of a good trainer, it turns into a cute pet.

Siberian Husky

In appearance and character, dogs are close to their wild relatives - wolves. Smart dogs are very willful, with a predatory instinct, and are difficult to train. In an aggressive state, huskies tear their prey to pieces with a force of 2180 N.

Huskies are hardy and love long journeys. They rarely bark; more often you can hear their almost wolf-like howl. Health is good at the genetic level.

German dog

A large dog is the pride of German breeders. Excellent watchdog qualities and a good disposition make it easy to keep an animal at home. But in the army and police, dogs of this breed are used more often than others. It can bite with a force of 1060 N.


Strong and balanced in character, boxers are the best fighting dogs. But in the house they understand that the man is the master, and the dog is a friend and guard. The lower jaw is incredibly developed - it compresses the mouth with a force of 1250 N.

Dogo Argentino

An animal of this breed is a carrier of genes of ten different colors. An intimidating appearance has nothing to do with a good-natured character. The main occupation is protecting the territory and hunting. The mouth will slam shut at 400 psi. This is less than the clenching force of a bull terrier's jaw.

Bull Terrier

A breed with an extravagant appearance is considered dangerous. A bull terrier's bite can be fatal - it always targets a person's carotid artery. A pit bull terrier is capable of not releasing its grip for three hours. In this case, a stick is used, using it as a lever to unclench the dog's teeth.

Important! Dogs are taught to control their behavior from a young age. They attack a stranger without warning.

How many atmospheres an angry bull terrier has in its jaw is of interest to people who want to purchase an animal. In 2022, 569 cases of dog attacks on people were recorded. 217 people were seriously injured by pit bull terriers. Sensors in special armbands of trainers accurately show how many atmospheres a pit bull has in its jaw - 25 atm.


The breed was not bred for fighting, so there is no cruelty in its character. Dobermans are smart, hardy, and good runners. They serve in the police, trained to detect drugs. There is no point in angering the dog - it is capable of chewing the bone of the offender. Bite - 1430 N - an indicator for service in the security and army.


Fantastic strength and endurance are combined with intelligence and peacefulness. But if his opponent drives him crazy, he will tear his flesh into pieces. The attacks are swift, the bite power is 77 atm., the grip is reliable.

Rottweilers are easy to train and obey their owners. An excellent bodyguard is not afraid of pain and does not run away from danger. A well-organized nervous system and the ability to make decisions allow Rottweilers to be used in border service.

Cane Corso

This type of home guard is distinguished by huge fangs. The world for them is divided into “us” and “strangers”. Corso are devoted to their family - they will protect the child to the death. Iron muscles, 47.6 atm grip.


In Denmark, as in many European countries, breeding this breed is prohibited. Uncontrollable anger and aggression is transferred to a person. In South Africa, the breed was bred to escort slaves. The plantations were also heavily guarded. No dog can catch a Boerboel in a field. In a throw, he knocks a person down. In a bite, the trap of teeth compresses with a force of 55.5 atm.

English Mastiff

The giant guard is frightening with its appearance. But he will not tear the enemy apart - he will drive him into a corner and guard him with a menacing roar until the owner appears.

When a fight cannot be avoided, the stranger will have to feel the 131 atmosphere of the bite. In the top list of the most “biting” dogs it comes right after the Turkish Kangal.

Central asian shepherd dog

She is better known as Alabai. Before purchasing a puppy, you should weigh the pros and cons of owning such a dog. It is difficult to keep it in an apartment - a large dog needs a lot of space and quality food. It is impossible to train an animal in 2-4 months; it spends its entire life figuring out who is the eldest in the pack.


More of a bodyguard than a watchman. He is people-oriented and needs their company. Order is strictly maintained in the controlled territory.

Self-possessed, calm, adequate, independent in decision-making. This breed requires a strict but friendly atmosphere and careful training. An excellent companion for adults and older children. The Rottweiler is friendly towards children, but may not distinguish between rough play and may react too violently. Compression force - 146 kg.

An excellent sense of smell, lightning-fast reaction, sensitive ears and strong jaws are the hallmarks of the breed. Just add here a remarkable intelligence, love for work and learning - and we get the ideal dog.

The shepherd dog does not choose one owner; it obeys all family members perfectly. She must have a job - guard the house, look after the children, accompany the owner. Without this, she gets bored and the dog's character deteriorates. The force of teeth pressure is from 120 to 315 kg.

Don't forget about pit bulls, bull terriers and American Staffordshire terriers. The jaw strength of these dogs is 120 kg or more. They have a strong grip, quick reaction, and are extremely maneuverable. It won't be easy to escape from them. However, dogs of these breeds, with adequate training, are absolutely not hostile to humans and will not attack without a serious reason.

It is impossible to say for sure which breed has the strongest jaw in a dog. There are dozens of breeds in the world that are suitable for protection. And a representative of any of them in a dangerous situation can set a record that no one will know about.

They are able to chew through steel, bite through a huge crocodile or bite through the thick skin of a hippopotamus... Let's look into the mouths of those who are capable of this thanks to their powerful jaws.

Photos and text by Alexey Osokin

1. Let's start, of course, with lions. These incredibly beautiful and graceful cats are real killing machines. No one can feel calm when they are around them. Lions even attack adult hippos. Nothing is impossible for them. At the same time, the bite force of a lion by African standards is very small - only about 40-50 atmospheres.

2. Cheetahs cannot boast of the strongest bite, but incredibly sharp fangs and incisors leave no chance for the prey...

3. Note: The cheetah's head is designed by nature so that most of it is occupied by the respiratory system, allowing it to run at great speed. There was no room left for big teeth.

4. Another cat that can kill an animal significantly larger than itself, and then drag the carcass up a tree - a leopard.

5. In terms of bite force, a leopard is the strongest cat in Africa - according to various sources, from 100 to 125 atmospheres.

6. The hippopotamus has the most powerful jaws. And although it feeds mainly on grass, the hippopotamus needs a powerful jaw for battles with other hippos and for protection from predators. They are said to be able to bite a huge crocodile in two. The bite force of these fatties reaches 125 atmospheres.

7. There are legends about the power of the crocodile’s jaws. And for good reason. These cutest creatures have a bite force of 340 atmospheres and this is the highest among all African animals.

9. Hyenas easily chew through strong bones and are even able to chew through the steel bars of cages.

10. The force of a hyena’s bite, according to various sources, ranges from 70 to 90 atmospheres, but incredibly strong and sharp teeth give the power to the bite.


Below is a list of the ten animals with the most powerful bite forces in the animal kingdom. There are animals that should also have been on this list, but they are not here due to the lack of research into the strength of their bite due to the problematic or expensive nature of this measure.

A notable exception is the great white shark, however, there is only theoretical data. The Tasmanian devil appears to have the most powerful bite relative to its body size (about 14 atmospheres).

Types and their description

There are 3 types of bull terriers allocated by the FCI:

  • English - fast and energetic dogs with a white coat, bred as a result of mating of a bulldog, terrier and Dalmatian;
  • Staffordshire - energetic but slow animals that have significant exterior differences from English bulls; the coat can be brindle, black, red and white, brown, red and other colors;
  • dwarf - a miniature copy of the English bull terrier with a coat of tri-color, white or yellow-brown color.

All these breeds are independent and only partly related to each other.

Color variations

In accordance with the breed standard, the skin pigmentation of bull terriers does not matter, and their coat can be:

  • white - the most common color in which the coat is solid white, but markings of any color on the head are also acceptable;
  • red - a coat of solid red color of any shade without spots or marks;
  • black - as a rule, such dogs have small patches of white on their bodies, therefore, despite the predominance of black, the color is classified as bicolor;
  • two-color - the wool is painted white and some other color;
  • tricolor - coat of white, black and red (brown) colors;
  • brindle - red fur with dark stripes, or vice versa, if there are white markings on the face, the color is called brindle-white.

Gray, fawn, blue bull terriers, as well as individuals with a white coat, whose colored spots are not located on the head, are not allowed for breeding.

Shepherds versus predator: reality

Many people ask, if Alabai fights against a wolf, who will be stronger? Here it is worth listening to stories from life. In many villages, residents have repeatedly seen wolves attack dogs, including tearing apart Alabais. Hunters have more than once opened up dead wolves and discovered bear fur inside.

Shepherds say that Alabai can protect the herd, but only if the wolf sees a person or is not very hungry. In other situations, predators tear apart dogs and take grazing animals.

At different times, wolves attacked people. Most often they kill children and women. Rarely does any beast attack men, perhaps because it understands who is defenseless and weak, and who can fight back or cause serious injury.

Is he good with children and does he get along with other pets?

Bull Terriers at home get along well with children, becoming excellent nannies for them. These dogs are patient and loyal to children's pranks.

Being cheerful and carefree animals, they quickly find a common language with kids and play with them with pleasure..

At the same time, it is better to get a puppy when there is already a baby in the family - this will help to avoid jealousy on the part of the dog and its attempts to regain the undivided attention of its owners.


At first, communication between the dog and the child must be controlled - the child’s unceremonious behavior can provoke an inadequate reaction from the bull terrier.

Bull Terriers are fighting dogs, the desire to win and be leaders is genetically embedded in them.

Therefore, they cannot stand the competition that other pets create, and the natural instincts of these dogs sooner or later take over. When they see cats, bull terriers lose control and become uncontrollable; dogs see them only as objects of hunting.

How to properly care

Bull terriers can live in an apartment without any problems, the main thing is the presence of the owner nearby and regular active walks . Moreover, these dogs are very heat-loving, and their short coat makes them unsuitable for outdoor living.

Wool and bathing

Bull Terriers should be brushed no more than 3 times a week using a stiff brush made of natural bristles - this improves blood circulation and gets rid of dust and minor dirt..

During seasonal shedding, you need to comb your pet daily with a special grooming glove.

Representatives of this breed must be bathed as they become dirty, maximum once a quarter, using a special mild shampoo for dogs.


To avoid the appearance of plaque and tartar, you need to brush your pet’s teeth once a week with a special brush and toothpaste for dogs.


Every morning, wipe with a cotton pad soaked in a special lotion or boiled water.


As a rule, the nails of adult dogs wear down on their own during walks . If this does not happen, they need to be trimmed every 3-4 weeks with a guillotine nail clipper so as not to touch the blood vessels.


Clean the inside of your ear weekly with a damp cotton pad. Do not use cotton swabs - any careless movement can lead to hearing loss for your pet.

Impact force

So who is stronger - a wolf or an alabai, what is the impact force of these animals?

The success of a wolf in hunting is not only the ability to hunt, assess the situation, dexterity, but also the power of its jaws. During the strike, the predator cuts the victim with its teeth, and does not tear or bite through it, like dogs. Because of this, you should not underestimate the predator. After all, the injuries he inflicts bleed profusely, weakening the enemy. And if we ask who is stronger - a wolf or a dog, then it is worth remembering how a predator kills its prey. Often it only needs to bite the victim once for death to occur. No animal bites in this manner, not even closely related dogs. When Alabai bites, they pull at the withers, trying to squeeze the victim with their jaws. And if there is a fight between a wolf and an alabai, then at the first opportunity the predator will bite and move aside, waiting for the dog to weaken. If necessary, he will attack again, although usually wolves cut vital vessels the first time, causing severe bleeding.

Nine Dogs with the Most Powerful Grips

A bite from even a small, non-fighting dog can cause a lot of trouble. But there are breeds that have maximum jaw clenching force - an attack by such animals poses a real threat to life.


The strength of the jaws of Rottweilers has already been mentioned above - the average compression of their jaw is 1500 N (or 150 kgf). The bite of representatives of this breed is dangerous not only for its strength, but also for the specificity of its teeth: when attacking, the dog inflicts deep lacerations and tears out pieces of flesh.

Rottweilers have a scissor bite (the upper jaw covers the lower jaw), which allows dogs to easily tear out pieces of meat when biting.

American Staffordshire Terrier

Amstaffords began to be bred specifically to participate in brutal dog fights. The breed turned out to be aggressive and hardy. Without careful training, the Staffordshire Terrier will pose a threat to everyone, including its owners. The force of jaw compression in adult dogs of this breed is 1250 N.

The main effort when biting Staffords is aimed at jerking, that is, “tearing off” a piece from the bitten object (that is, their goal during an attack is to tear apart their victim)

Pit bull terrier

Pit bulls are so dangerous that keeping them is illegal in many countries. The reason is that dogs are difficult to control, and their outbursts of aggression occur instantly. The clenching force of the jaws is 1350 N. This is less than that of a Rottweiler, but there are more cases of fatal danger from pit bull terrier bites, since these dogs, sensing blood, stop hearing the owner’s commands and tear their victim like a shark.

According to Russian health statistics for 2022, pit bulls were involved in 217 out of 569 cases of attacks by domestic dogs on people. Moreover, in half of the episodes the victims are children.

News Agency "Russian Seven"


The Center for Disease Control and Prevention has already advocated for the danger of the breed.
Rottweiler attacks are the cause of death every year. Cases are known in Russia and abroad. The bite force of a Rottweiler is higher than that of a German Shepherd, reaching 1460 N. It is important to train the dog, otherwise the pile of power will turn into a huge danger for the owners and others

Rottweiler breeders should take into account the dogs’ unmotivated aggression, which is not recognized as the norm. They try to prevent aggressive representatives of the breed from breeding so that this property is not passed on to new puppies. At the same time, dogs often become pets and calmly tolerate children's antics.

Consider the incredible endurance of the breed described. This is considered a virtue, but when attacked it turns a person sideways. The same goes for strength.

It is important not to skip dog training courses when raising your dog regularly

Health and major diseases, life expectancy

On average, bull terriers live 10-15 years.

Representatives of this breed have good immunity and good health, but there are a number of diseases, the predisposition to which is due to genetics:

  • deafness;
  • acrodermatitis;
  • copper toxicosis;
  • blepharophimosis;
  • hypoplasia of the larynx;
  • cleft palate and upper lip;
  • dislocation of the elbow and kneecaps;
  • hip dysplasia;
  • polycystic kidney disease;
  • inversion and inversion of the eyelid;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • bicuspid heart valve dysplasia;
  • epilepsy;
  • obsessive-compulsive disorder;
  • astigmatism;
  • aortic stenosis.

As Bull Terriers age, the risk of developing mammary sarcoma and mastocytoma increases..

In addition, these dogs have very delicate skin, which is why in the summer they are at risk of sunburn, and are prone to developing allergic skin reactions - even a mosquito bite can cause itching, rashes and hives.

Wolf Power

When wondering who is stronger - a wolf or an Alabai, few people specify which type of predator the breed should be compared with.

There are a lot of wolves. There are those that reach a maximum weight of 10 kilograms. Alabai will definitely defeat such small animals. But they will not be able to defeat the polar subspecies of wolves. These are very large and strong animals. And maybe nature did the right thing by keeping them away from people: the range of polar wolves is the Arctic, tundra, except for areas covered with ice. Wolves live in vast polar regions and adapt to any kind of food. These animals are capable of not seeing sunlight for months and can withstand severe frosts. Polar representatives are up to 93 cm high at the withers, weighing up to 85 kg. To survive in such conditions, the predator needs a lot of large prey, which is why they hunt reindeer and musk oxen. In search of food, animals can walk up to 2 thousand square meters. km.

Whose bite is the most powerful and whose grip is the strongest?


Which breed has the strongest bite? In terms of jaw pressure power, the Kangal is the leader among all breeds - the compression of its teeth is 176 atmospheres. (at) This is a guard breed native to Türkiye. For a long time, Kangals were used to protect sheep flocks from wolves, bears and other predators. The following dog breeds have outstanding jaw strength:

English Mastiff

  • English Mastiff. The clenching force of his teeth is 131 at. Representatives of this breed rarely use their natural potential, because they lack aggression. They are affectionate towards children, obedient, gentle and devoted to their owners.
  • Rottweiler. Representatives of this breed are not in vain used by the police - the bite force of its teeth is 77 atmospheres.

French Bulldog

  • French Bulldog. A dog of medium height with pronounced watchdog qualities and a jaw grip of 72 at. The French Bulldog's teeth are positioned so that the upper incisors are positioned behind the lower incisors when the mouth is closed.
  • Doberman. The power of his teeth when grabbing is 58 at. Dobermans grow up to 72 cm at the withers. With proper upbringing, these dogs respond adequately to external stimuli, get along with small children and do not show aggression unless necessary.

German Shepherd

  • German Shepherd. The pressure of her teeth during capture is 56 atmospheres. This is enough to break a bone in the body of a person or animal.
  • American pit bull. The bite force of an American pit bull is 55.5 at. This is a breed with impressive muscle mass, which was used in dog fighting without rules.
  • Dutch Shepherd. The pressure when biting this dog is 52 at. The Dutch Shepherd is used in law enforcement agencies, because these animals are distinguished by their quick reaction, sharp mind and endurance.

Tosa Inu

Breeds with a certain body and skull structure also have a strong grip. Dogs of medium height with a wide, short neck and powerful paws also have strong jaws. The death grip of the teeth of the Staffordshire Terrier, Tosa Inu, American Bandog, and Bull Terrier is due to the structure of the head, in which the size of the cranial region is approximately equal to the jaw. This ensures a deep and strong grip.

Top breeds

The main breeder of strong breeds was nature itself, conducting natural selection to determine which dog has the most powerful bite. Puppies with a stubborn character and strong jaws survived in a harsh environment. Over time, for security purposes, people bred breeds that frightened potential victims with the power of their jaws. The top 10 dogs with the strongest bite have been compiled. The list reflects the bite force of dogs of different breeds in atmospheres.

Dutch Shepherd. The herding breed, bred in the Netherlands, became in demand in the association of police dogs, where exclusively the working qualities of animals were valued.

Security authorities in the Netherlands use Dutch Shepherds due to their outstanding intelligence, powerful jaws, which have a bite force rating of 52, which is the bite force of dogs in the atmosphere.

The profile of service dogs is the search for drugs, explosives, people, security escort.

The value of dogs lies in their lack of conflict, the ability to get along peacefully with other animals, devotion and obedience to the owner.

American pit bull. It is believed that it is impossible to open the jaws of representatives of this breed and, accordingly, to separate the pit bull from the object of capture. Pit bulls have a grip strength of 55 atmospheres, which is average among muscular and strong breeds.

Dogs are valued for their dedication and willingness to give their lives for those who care for pit bulls.

The fear of the menacing jaws of dogs is exaggerated, although their power cannot be denied.

German Shepherd. A popular breed all over the world due to its intellectual development, strength, and grip. The bite force is up to 315 kg per cm², or 56 atmospheres, which allows you to break any bone and hold the enemy until the owner appears.

Shepherd dogs serve in the police and army due to their ability to resist the enemy and their interest in learning. German Shepherds are always ready to defend their territory and will not tolerate provocations from people or other animals.

They get along well with all family members, but are intolerant of small dogs and require physical activity and educational communication.

Nutritional Features

The Bull Terrier's diet can be based on industrial feed or natural products.

Each owner independently determines what the dog’s nutrition will be; the main thing is not to mix both types of feeding and ensure that the diet is balanced, nutritious and includes all the necessary vitamins, macro- and microelements.

Natural nutrition allows the owner to independently control the quality of food consumed by the pet and diversify the diet as much as possible.

With this type of feeding, the menu must include:

  • lean meat;
  • chicken or beef by-products;
  • boiled sea fish;
  • seasonal vegetables and fruits, herbs;
  • raw eggs;
  • vegetable oils;
  • dairy products;
  • cereals

You can give your pet hard cheese as a treat.

It is necessary to additionally give the bull terrier a vitamin complex, and up to 18 months - calcium.

Representatives of this breed are prohibited:

  • fat meat;
  • smoked meats, pickles, marinades;
  • sweets, chocolate;
  • seasonings;
  • River fish;
  • spicy and fried foods;
  • bakery and pasta products;
  • legumes

If the diet is based on ready-made food, it must correspond to the age, physiological state and health of the pet.

You should not skimp on feeding your bull terrier and purchase economy class food - these dogs are suitable for products of at least premium class.

The most suitable brands of food for representatives of this breed are Orijen, AATU, Applaws, Acana, Bozita, Solid, Genesis, GO!, Grandorf.

How to choose? Boy or girl?

To have confidence in the purebred and health of the puppy, you should purchase it from a specialized nursery or from trusted breeders . The most suitable age for purchasing a puppy is 2-2.5 months.

The future pet must be carefully examined for pathologies and compliance with the standard.

He must have:

  • 12 teeth – 6 at the top and bottom;
  • large ovoid head;
  • dense bone structure;
  • scissor bite;
  • small triangular eyes;
  • smooth and shiny coat without dandruff;
  • clean skin without rashes or irritation.

The puppy should be developed in accordance with its age; lethargy or excessive activity and intrusiveness may indicate developmental abnormalities.

The special structure of the head and ears of Bull Terriers often leads to deafness, so it is important to test the puppy's hearing by clapping your hands and looking at his reaction..

It should be remembered that males of this breed are more assertive, independent and stubborn, while females are much more docile and affectionate. In addition, it is recommended to choose a pet of this breed based on gender: males get along better with women, and females get along better with men.

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