What Malamute puppies look like: description of pets and basics of proper care

Despite the fact that Malamutes are representatives of large dog breeds, their puppies require no less attention than decorative breeds. Newborn babies are defenseless and helpless and need careful care.

Newborn puppies have a thick and fluffy coat of the same color as an adult representative of the breed.

Because these dogs' coats can come in a variety of colors—light gray, almost black or brown, red, sable, and even solid white—each pup is different from each other.

All puppies of this breed must have an undercoat - fuzzy patches of white with blurred boundaries. As a rule, they are located on the paws, head and lower body. In addition, a small amount of white fur may be present on the forehead or neck.

Description of the puppies and what they look like in the photo

Immediately after birth, the only criterion by which babies can be distinguished is the shade of their coat . Otherwise, they are similar to each other: they are absolutely dependent and defenseless lumps that lack vision, hearing and teeth.

Puppies have only developed their sense of smell and touch; they instinctively look for their mother and cling to her in search of not only food, but also warmth, since they do not yet have their own thermoregulation.

About 10-15 days after birth, puppies open their eyes . This is a rather slow process, the opening occurs gradually, from the inner corner to the outer, and the eye does not always open completely at once - most often a small gap appears first.

Normal vision in puppies does not appear immediately, but after 3-4 days. Around this time, babies begin to hear.

If the eyes are still closed by day 25, you need to contact a veterinarian.

History of appearance

The history of the origin of Malamutes is replete with many facts. These dogs were popular among both the Malemute tribe and the Eskimos. The main task of the dogs was to drag heavy loads and ride in a sled. The dog was used to help hunt seals and polar bears.

"Feverish" stage

The “Gold Rush” that hit Alaska contributed to the growth of the dog population. The fact is that gold miners assessed the external characteristics and working abilities of the breed.

There were a lot of people who wanted to mine gold and get rich. But not everyone was able to adapt to the harsh conditions of Alaska. Many were not even able to reach their destination. These events are described very well and colorfully in the book by Jack London.

There is also a negative side to the fact that the dog was so popular among gold miners. Gold miners began randomly crossing Malamutes with other dog breeds, wanting to increase their speed and endurance. It was quite expected that the number of purebred representatives of the breed has greatly decreased.

Present tense

But, as you know, everything in the world passes, and the gold rush passed.
The Americans switched to sports and became interested in luge competitions. There was a need to return the breed to purity, because only a true representative with pure blood could win the races with dignity. Targeted work has begun to increase the number of Malamutes. The breed achieved official recognition throughout the world in 1935. At the same time, the first standard was developed.

During the Second World War, there was an urgent need for sled dogs. A large number of Malamutes were sent to the front, from where they never returned. Callous people often left dogs to die of hunger.

There are known cases of simply terrible attitude of forwarders who have been to the Arctic towards Malamutes. Arctic dogs were simply blown up after they had completed their mission and provided the necessary assistance to people.

The next desire of mankind to restore the breed reached its peak at the end of the war. In 1947, work began again, requiring a large amount of material costs and human effort. The population began to grow, and in the early 70s it was already known outside the country.

The Alaskan Malamute breed was recognized as the symbol of the United States in 2010.

Dimensions and weight

Newborn Malamute puppies weigh on average 350-650 g . These data are averaged and in case of minor deviations up or down, there is no reason for the breeder to worry.

If the puppy’s weight differs significantly from the average data, you should show it to the veterinarian and make sure that the baby does not have developmental anomalies or serious diseases.

How it develops from 1 to 12 months

The table shows how a Malamute puppy's size changes as it grows.

AgeWeight, kgHeight at withers, cm
1 month2-3
2 months8-12
3 months15-18
4 months18-2053
5 months20-27
6 months22-2853
7 months24-2856
12-18 months30-4060-63 (males), 57-59 (females)

To what age do they grow?

Like puppies of other large breeds, Malamutes are characterized by rapid rates of development . Their skeleton develops especially quickly during the first months of life and by 7-8 months the puppy acquires the size of an adult dog.

The formation of the musculoskeletal system ends by the age of 1, but the dog’s development continues - its figure is formed, its chest is enlarged, muscle mass is built up.

This process can last for several years and depends on the quality of nutrition, regularity, quantity and activity of walks and a number of other factors.

Factors influencing growth

Malamutes, like other dogs, develop, grow, and gain weight unequally, unevenly - each according to its own “individual program.” The most important factors here are:

  1. Heredity. Large parents traditionally give birth to the largest cubs. Moreover, the genetic factor also influences the pace of development. But heredity does not determine the future of a puppy 100%: there are often cases when a large puppy, having reached 6 months, stopped growing altogether. Or vice versa: the smallest and weakest kitten in the litter not only caught up with its peers, but also became a more powerful dog compared to them.
  2. Quality care. From the very first days, the puppy must be provided with everything necessary: ​​complete and healthy complementary foods, comfortable living conditions, clean bedding. A conscious breeder takes care of timely deworming and vaccination: helminthic infestation and infectious diseases contracted at a young age can affect not only the speed of development, but also the general health of the dog.
  3. Physical activity. Malamutes, glorious representatives of the sledding breed, need periodic and intense physical exercise. In their absence, the puppy will grow up weak, frail, prone to obesity, and susceptible to disease.

Basic rules of care

Malamutes are unpretentious dogs that do not require much time and effort to care for..

Until about 1-2 months, the bitch takes care of the offspring, not only feeding the babies, but also warming them and licking them, stimulating bowel and bladder emptying.


Malamutes have a two-layer coat, consisting of hard guard hairs and soft fluffy undercoat, which, due to its density, protects the dog from frost.

The wool practically does not become dirty and does not form tangles, but it still needs to be regularly brushed and combed, since this not only affects the appearance of the pet, but also helps to avoid the development of skin diseases in it.

You need to brush your dog with combs, combs and brushes twice a week, and daily during shedding. You should start brushing your Malamute from the paws and gradually work your way up to the spine.


The nails of adult dogs that often walk a lot on the street wear down on their own . If this does not happen and before the puppy is allowed to go for walks, the nails must be trimmed with a guillotine nail clipper.

It is necessary to cut the claw at an angle of 45 degrees in the direction from the inside to the outside, without touching the blood vessels.

The procedure should be carried out for the first time when the puppy is 3 weeks old, then 1-2 times a month.


Wax, dust and dirt accumulate in the ears of Malamutes, so they need to be cleaned every 1-2 weeks with a cotton swab, after dripping a special lotion into the ears to help soften the wax.


Once a week you need to wipe the puppy’s eyes with a cotton pad soaked in a special product, chamomile infusion or just boiled water.


If there is excessive lacrimation, purulent discharge and other symptoms of pathology, it is necessary to show the puppy to a veterinarian.


To prevent the formation of plaque and tartar, you need to brush your puppy’s teeth every 2-3 days with a special paste and brush for dogs.

Characteristics of the Alaskan Malamute

Characteristics of the Malamute:

  • active, friendly dog ​​with high intelligence. She gets along well with people, since even during the formation period, the Alaska Indians reinforced such a trait as good nature in the breed. It was necessary, because the dog lived in close proximity to the person and transported him;
  • does not like to obey and is independent. In order to form obedience in her, it is necessary to pay attention to her upbringing in the first days.
  • The Malamute, whose characteristics would seem to indicate the opposite, is extremely non-aggressive and gets along well with children. He won’t even scare strangers by barking, he practically doesn’t bark;
  • The breed is characterized by a pack instinct, which goes back to ancient times, because the dog worked in a harness. The Malamute will feel great in a family;
  • Malamute does not like loneliness;
  • This breed is not a hunter and is completely unsuitable for guard purposes. They can even be friendly towards a burglar.

The Malamute's endurance and strong physique are characteristics that made it possible to transport loads several times its weight over long distances. Wide and powerful paws help to move along the surface of the snow without falling through.

The endurance of dogs has been used in various fields. The owners of Malamutes are not always able to provide them with harsh northern conditions, but the breed willingly participates in riding for children and cyclists, sledding sports, and tugging competitions. Even while hiking, a dog can carry a backpack and enjoy it.

Dense and thick wool protects against cold weather; in the warm season, the hair becomes thinner and shorter. Among Malamutes, dogs with gray and wolf colors are more common; black and white, gray and white, red and white, sable, sand, and red colors are also typical. The only acceptable solid color is white.

Within the breed, there is variation in height and weight, but the ideal indicators are height for males - 63.5 cm, for females - 58.5 cm. By weight: 38 and 35 kg, respectively. Alaskan Malamutes live from 12 to 15 years.

How to bathe properly?

Representatives of this breed are clean and have virtually no specific dog odor, so they should be bathed a maximum of once every 4 months, using a special shampoo suitable for their coat type.

The first bath is possible only after the end of the quarantine period after vaccination . It is necessary to lay a rubber mat in the bathtub or place a wooden stand so that your pet’s paws do not slip.

Then you need to wet his fur, apply and lather the shampoo and rinse the foam thoroughly. If necessary, repeat the procedure twice.

Water and foam should not get into the puppy's ears and eyes..

Then the dog needs to be wiped with a terry towel and dried with a hairdryer, not allowing the undercoat to remain wet.

How to toilet train

Since the puppy is not allowed to walk outside until the quarantine after vaccination ends, you need to train him to use the toilet in the house.

If possible, it is better to limit the puppy's space by giving him a room or part of it . The floor there needs to be covered with newspapers and diapers so that the dog does not have the opportunity to relieve itself by.

Gradually you need to remove the diapers until only 1 remains, the place of which will eventually be taken by the tray.

If it is not possible to limit the pet’s space, you will need to place the maximum number of diapers throughout the house and carefully monitor where the puppy goes most often.


You should take your pet to the toilet and not allow him to leave until he relieves himself after sleep, feeding and active play.

When the quarantine ends, you need to train your pet to use the toilet outside, taking him out for walks after 40-60 minutes. after feeding and waiting for him to relieve himself .


When raising a Malamute puppy, you need to take into account the wayward nature of this animal and its desire to become the boss in everything. The owner of such a pet will have to be persistent and patient: at first, dogs tend to follow only those commands that they like. You need to start training your puppy right away to instill in him an understanding of who is boss in the house. At the same time, it is strictly not recommended to put pressure on the animal, beat it or force it to do anything by force.

Why does it howl and how to wean it off?

First of all, in such a situation, you should make sure that the animal is healthy and not injured. Also, in many cases, dogs can warn their owners of danger. Even small pets are able to smell, for example, the smell of burning in the house before people do. If the dog is healthy and there is no danger, there are several reasons why Malamutes howl:

  • The dog is bored and wants to walk or play. Howling often happens if the owners are in another room, busy or are not at home at all.
  • Sensitivity to moon phases. Many dogs react to the full month and may feel anxious and suffer from insomnia.
  • From happiness. Sometimes, with the help of a howl, malamutes notify a person that they are happy about his arrival or that they are going for a walk. Usually such a howl is short-lived.
  • The dog is scared. Not all animals express fear by barking; sometimes pets can howl protractedly if, for example, an alarm suddenly went off or a loud bang was heard.

There are several ways to calm your dog:

  • Increase physical activity: run, walk and play outdoor games more often. The dog will release excess energy and become calmer.
  • Praise the animal for good deeds, communicate with it more often, pet it and pay attention. Do not leave your dog at home alone for a long time so that it does not become lonely.
  • Use an anti-bark collar. This is a radical way. This device releases a small amount of current when the Malamute begins to bark. In many cases, the remedy is quite effective, but it is worth considering that this negatively affects the emotional state of the animal.

Why does he dig the ground?

Malamutes, starting from an early age, can actively dig the ground or, in the absence of such an opportunity, the floor. This habit is due to the fact that in the past, dogs of these breeds often found food for themselves underground .

They had to dig quite deep holes to get rodents out of them. Today, such a need has disappeared, but the pleasure from the excavation process remains at the genetic level.

In this regard, it is not recommended to get a Malamute if it is not possible to provide him with enough space for digging. You need to constantly walk the puppy where he can dig to his heart's content.

Ideal housing conditions are an enclosure with a dirt floor or a yard where the pet has freedom of movement.

How to properly train to stand?

You can start teaching the dog to stand up as early as 5–6 months. First, you should manually position the dog, keeping the front legs parallel and the hind legs back. Having achieved the desired position, you should hold the puppy for about a minute to consolidate the skill. After which you must reward the animal with a treat.

From the second training you can use a special collar. When equipped, it will be easier for the dog to keep its body in the correct position. Each time, the duration of the stance needs to be increased by 15–20 seconds, to eventually bring the time to several minutes.

What to feed for the first 3 months?

During the first 2-3 weeks, the puppy's food consists only of mother's milk. If for some reason this is not possible, you should purchase a substitute (for example, Royal Canin Babydog Milk) or use baby food without lactose and sugar.

When the puppy is approximately 20 days old, complementary foods in the form of calcined cottage cheese and goat's milk should be introduced into its diet..

Once the puppy reaches 1 month, the amount of complementary foods must be increased. Malamute can be given dry food pre-soaked in water, whole milk, calcined cottage cheese, boiled yolk, boiled minced beef, and low-fat broth.

At 2 months, when the puppies already have milk teeth, you can give scraped frozen meat, vegetables, fruits, herbs, dairy products, cereals, eggs.

After 2 months, whole milk should be excluded from the diet.

At 3 months old, Malamutes can eat all foods included in the list of foods allowed for this breed. All new foods should still be introduced into the diet gradually, observing the pet's reaction.


Malamute females begin puberty around the eighth month of life. One to two weeks before the first heat, the pet begins to exhibit strange behavior and urinate frequently, which is completely normal.

The first heat takes place in two stages:

  1. Mucous and bloody discharge appears (at this moment it will not be possible to breed - the female will not allow the male to come to her). This lasts for about ten days;
  2. Transparent discharge appears (mating can begin).

However, experienced breeders do not recommend breeding during the first heat, otherwise the offspring will be weak.

For the first mating, you can ask the breeder which cable is best to choose. The most important thing is that both Malamutes are healthy.

How is the knitting itself carried out? Usually mating is carried out in the morning (on an empty stomach).

There are two types of matings:

  1. Free – when they tie up already experienced parents who are not getting together for the first time;
  2. Manual – when the bitch is inexperienced and the couple needs help.

In the case of the second one, you need to act carefully. First, the dogs must get acquainted (this should take at least two hours). Then, to avoid injury, put a muzzle on the female and attach a cable. First you just need to put his paw on his back. This creates the illusion for the female that the cable has straddled her. And then mating already occurs. It can last from 15 to 40 minutes , and it is better to repeat it after 24-48 hours . If the mating was successful, you can expect a replenishment.

After this, you need to prepare for the appearance of puppies. To do this, it is better to allocate a separate room or barn and create all the necessary conditions for children there.

In the first month of pregnancy, you should not reduce the load; this will not harm the health of either the mother or the puppies. But in the second month it is better not to burden her with heavy exercises and switch to a lighter diet.

Approximately 10 hours before birth, pushing begins, and the pet begins to behave restlessly. At this moment, it is better to take her to the sun lounger and not leave her side. You shouldn’t forcefully hold her on the lounger; it’s better to just turn the attention to yourself with your affection. But as soon as labor begins, it’s better not to touch the mother. And after childbirth, you shouldn’t bother your family either. The mother must understand the new situation and begin feeding her children.

After some time, you need to call the female to you and wipe her genitals with a warm, clean rag. To do this, ask one of your relatives to take the Malamute for a walk and check for weak or underdeveloped puppies. They usually don’t leave them, because the chance that they will survive is negligible.

Over the next month, it is preferable to feed the female Malamute with broths, cereals, cottage cheese and kefir, and only then switch to food. It is necessary to ensure that there is always water in the bowl.

How to feed correctly and how often

Whatever the puppy’s diet - natural or based on industrial feed - it is important to ensure that it is balanced and contains the necessary vitamins and minerals.

The number of feedings per day depends on the age of the dog:

  • up to 4 weeks – 6-8 times;
  • 1-3 months – 5 times;
  • 3-4 months – 4 times;
  • 4-9 months – 3 times;
  • from 9 months and older – 2 times.

Mistakes made when feeding your pet can cause serious illness..

Weekly menu for a puppy 4-5 months old

Days of the weekDiet
MondayVeal, buckwheat porridge, vegetable oil, low-fat cottage cheese, stewed vegetables, egg, natural yogurt, apple
TuesdayBeef, rice porridge, vegetable oil, cottage cheese, vegetables, kefir, apple
WednesdayBeef by-products, oatmeal, vegetable oil, low-fat cottage cheese, vegetables, egg, natural yogurt
ThursdayBoneless pink salmon, rice porridge, vegetable oil, cottage cheese, vegetables, kefir
FridayBeef, oatmeal, vegetable oil, low-fat cottage cheese, vegetables, curdled milk, apple
SaturdayVeal, buckwheat porridge, vegetable oil, fermented baked milk, vegetables, egg, natural yogurt
SundayTurkey, rice porridge, vegetable oil, low-fat cottage cheese, vegetables, fermented baked milk, natural yogurt

The serving size must be calculated individually for each dog, taking into account its weight, health and activity level..

Dog health

Overall, the Alaskan Malamute is considered a healthy dog ​​breed and often lives to be 12-15 years old.

Proper nutrition and care will definitely extend the years of your pet's life.

Representatives of the breed are still prone to certain diseases. The most common are the following:

  • hip dysplasia;
  • diabetes;
  • eye diseases;
  • skin diseases;
  • epilepsy;
  • bloating.

You should definitely monitor your pet’s health and promptly rid it of fleas and worms. It is recommended to drive roundworms quarterly for preventive purposes. For therapeutic purposes (if there are worms, or there was a very long break between runs), the parasites are driven twice, with an interval of 10-14 days.

The presence of fleas should also not be ignored, since in addition to the discomfort they cause the dog, these parasites often become carriers of various diseases.

Under no circumstances should you skip vaccinating your dog. Timely vaccination is the key to your pet's health.

Vaccination schedule

6 weeksNobivac Puppy DP
8-9 weeksNobivac DHP + Lepto (R) DHPPi
12 weeksNobivac DHP + Lepto (R) DHPPi
14-16 weeksNobivac Lepto
1 year and beyondNobivac DHPPi + Lepto
D – canine distemper, H – hepatitis, P – parvovirus infection, Pi – parainfluenza, Lepto – leptospirosis, R – rabies

Only a healthy dog ​​can be vaccinated, and deworming must be carried out 2 weeks before vaccination..

Which dry food to choose?

Foods such as Pedigree, Chappi, Darling, ARO, which are budget economy class products, are not suitable for feeding Malamute puppies.

They do not contain essential vitamins and minerals, and instead of meat they contain low-quality meat waste, soy, flavorings, preservatives and flavor enhancers..

Malamutes can be fed only with high-quality food of at least premium class. It is best to purchase hypoallergenic food for large breed puppies. Products from the brands Acana, Orijen, Husse, and Forza are popular.


If the future owner of the Malamute is a livestock specialist, he can skip this subsection. Livestock specialists are taught to formulate animal feed, so that the future owner will be able to balance his dog’s diet. We recommend that others carefully read the information provided below:

  • The most significant disadvantage of natural feeding is its imbalance. The products may be expensive and of high quality, but the dog does not receive the necessary vitamins.
  • The cooking process takes time. With the modern pace of life, most people do not have enough time to cook their dog’s food themselves.
  • The breed is prone to overeating. What to feed Malamutes to keep their weight normal? It is worth giving preference to dry food.

How to train correctly and what commands to teach?

Malamutes are smart dogs, but their natural stubbornness, independence and tendency to dominate significantly complicate the learning and training process.

It is important to show the puppy from an early age that he cannot be the leader in the house and clearly define the boundaries of what is permitted..

To meAfter that. As the puppy remembers its name and associates itself with it, it is necessary to call it by its name as often as possible, saying “Come to me!” When your pet approaches, you need to treat him with a treat and praise him
NearYou need to say the command loudly and clearly and tighten the leash so that the pet is forced to walk near the owner’s left leg
SitShow the puppy a treat so that he raises his head, then lightly press on his rump, forcing him to sit
UghA command that prohibits any action. When the puppy does something forbidden, you need to grab him by the withers, shake him and say “Ugh” clearly and seriously.

You can also teach your puppy the commands “Right/Left”, “Tow” and “Stop”.

When is weaning from the mother?

In the first 20 days of life, the puppy is completely dependent on the mother, at least because her milk is his only food.

After the introduction of complementary foods, the puppies' relationship with their mother becomes less close, they begin to feed, walk and play independently. The task of the bitch comes down only to teaching the offspring basic norms of behavior.

The most suitable age to buy a puppy is 8-12 weeks . At this time, the baby is already completely independent and absolutely independent of the mother, but is not yet accustomed to the owners and has not yet developed and consolidated any behavioral habits.


Alaskan Malamutes are kind and peaceful. Previously, they guarded Eskimo settlements, but now they have lost their protective qualities. They are non-aggressive and are not “one-owner” dogs.

The Malamute breed exhibits unmotivated anger due to:

  • psychological trauma;
  • abuse;
  • lack of education.

These are pack dogs that require constant attention from the owner. They cannot be kept in a closed enclosure or on a chain. If the owner is unable to devote enough time to the pet, he will look for his “portion of love” from other people. But such behavior cannot be called betrayal. These are innate characteristics that you should familiarize yourself with before purchasing a Malamute puppy.

The dog's character is reminiscent of a good-natured, mischievous, but sometimes naughty child. However, an adult dog never loses self-esteem. Proud posture and head held high are his integral attributes.

Almost all Alaskan Malamutes cannot bark. But they howl and grumble expressively.

How to choose?

To be sure of the purebred and health of the puppy, you should purchase it from a specialized nursery. Before purchasing, you need to familiarize yourself with the living conditions of the dogs and find out about the health, character and other characteristics of the parents of the future pet.

In a healthy puppy the breed standard :

  • scissor bite;
  • shiny coat without dandruff or bald patches;
  • clean skin without rashes, signs of irritation, scratching, redness;
  • moist nose and clean, clear eyes;
  • There is no increased lacrimation, discharge from the nose or ears.


A small Malamute should be developed in accordance with its age, be active, curious and sociable.

Showing cowardice or aggression is considered a fault.

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