10 world record holders among cats and long-living cats

Nowadays, almost every family has a cat - even if not, almost everyone treats the four-legged furry with tenderness and even some delight. It’s hard to believe that cats once didn’t get along with people, but such times did exist... The process of domestication began approximately 10,000 years ago - evidence of this was found in different parts of the globe. During excavations in Egypt, archaeologists discovered feline remains next to human fragments. This suggests that at that time cats were already domesticated.

These four-legged pets are distinguished by their wayward character, bright appearance, and grace. Living next to a person, they do not cease to maintain their freedom. It is not surprising that many people want to see a cat in their home - an interesting and beautiful animal. Sometimes they show unusual abilities - cases have been recorded when cats fell from the 7th-8th floor and remained alive. Despite such miracles, you should not neglect caring for your pet. “A cat has 9 lives” is a beautiful belief, but not always plausible.

What do old cats look like? Where do they live (lived)? You will learn about this in our article. We have collected the oldest cats on our planet - we hope you enjoy spending time with short stories!

Kitty - 31 years old

Our selection opens with Kitty, a graceful cat who lived in the west of central England - in the county of Staffordshire. It is worth noting that this name suited her very well. The fluffy Englishwoman lived for 31 years - long enough for a cat! Its owner was a certain D. Johnson. Looking at her, it immediately becomes clear that Kitty received proper care and was in caring hands. By the way, in England they love animals very much and treat them as full members of the family. Despite her age, Kitty was able to give birth to two kittens at the age of 30, which deserves respect.

Haze and Blackie

There are long-lived cats in Russian-speaking countries. For example, there is a known cat named Dymka, who is already more than twenty-seven years old. She is often talked about in the Russian media. Next up is an English cat named Blackie. Despite its name, it is an animal with long white fur. She is twenty-five years old, and so far the only thing that bothers her is minor vision problems.

Natmeg - 31 years old

Another representative of the “felines” who lived to be 31 years old. Looking to visit his future owners, he had no idea that he would live here! Nutmeg (translated from English as “Nutmeg”) loved to travel in the company of his friend, the cat, and visit his owners’ house. The family couldn't help but pay attention to the serious cat with a persistent character. It was decided that he would become a member of the family! In recent years, Natmeg had only 3 teeth left and he was no longer happy with adventurous walks... When the cat died of old age - at the age of 31, his owners took the loss very hard - the couple did not have children of their own, and the cat took the place of a child for them.

What can you do?

For those owners who want to break the record of a long-lived cat, they should be guided by several principles. Namely:

  1. Nutrition should be organized depending on the pet’s age and physical activity.
  2. For long-haired cats, special food, vitamins or pastes are purchased that regulate the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, since the entry of a large amount of hair into the stomach can lead to its malfunction.
  3. Avoid weight gain, as this can lead to the development of diabetes, which reduces not only the quality but also the life expectancy of your pet.
  4. Vaccination is carried out according to the age and condition of the animal.
  5. Preventive examinations every six months.

Whiskey - 31 years old

A cat with an unusual name - Whiskey, lived for 31 years, but she had a difficult life... At the age of 5, Whiskey felt all the symptoms of the disease - she was faced with a disease of the musculoskeletal system (this disease limits mobility and motor skills). Her owner had already lost all hope that Whiskey would be able to live with her for at least a few more years, but thanks to her strong desire and love for the cat, she was able to take her out - this beauty lived for 31 years, surrounded by warmth and love.

Reasons for longevity

On average, street cats live 5-6 years, which is noticeably different from domestic pets, whose life expectancy reaches 16 years. Wild animals are more at risk. Their diet is not stable and includes the necessary nutrients, and there is an increased danger on the street.

Life expectancy depends on many factors. Reasons for longevity include:


This is often the deciding factor. There are cases where outbred cats lived for a long time. However, pedigree cats tend to have good health and live long lives.

Breed affects life expectancy


Animals that get the nutrients they need live longer. Life expectancy is affected by feeding rates and food quality.

Cat food


A pet that rarely plays or runs is more prone to obesity and other diseases. Active animals are in good health.

Active cat

Veterinarian examinations

It is worth having routine examinations with a doctor every six months. Such checks will help identify the presence of the disease at an early stage and avoid danger. And also don’t forget to get vaccinated.

Sasha - 32 years old

In 1991, Sasha found a home and a mistress. The cat was found in poor condition and had health problems. The woman could not close her eyes to the cat’s misfortune and took her in with her. Wanting to bring the cat back to life, she fed it generously and cared for it. A little later, Sasha needed a serious operation - the owner was scared, but everything ended well! Sasha survived and lived surrounded by care for 32 years. During her life, the cat faced various diseases, but, fortunately, thanks to her caring owner, she always recovered.

Difficulty in care

Every cat requires grooming, but some breeds require more or less attention. Difficulty in content can both depress and delight - consider your desires and capabilities.

Cats that do not require special care

If you don’t want to spend your evenings combing wool or thinking about your pet’s menu, pay attention to the following breeds:

Short fur and sparse shedding

Cat for lovers of black clothes

Easy to care and maintain

Enough to feed and pet

Almost no shedding

Siamese cat

Suitable for even the laziest owner

This is an abbreviated list, but the easiest cats to care for are those with short hair and no quirks in appearance.

Long-haired cats often shed and require careful grooming, while hairless cats get cold and sweat. Pets with short hair are an excellent choice for a busy owner.

Difficult breeds to keep

Are you a passionate cat lover and ready to devote a considerable amount of time to caring for your pet? Then take a closer look at these breeds:

In winter it will never leave the battery

Freezes in the cold, sweats in the heat

A big cat has more fur

Thick fur sheds heavily

Lazy and fluffy

Scottish lop-eared

Curled ears need to be cleaned regularly

Sphynx cats are cold cats who want constant warmth and care. The Persian cat is complex due to its record length of fur, which constantly gets tangled into tangles. In addition, Persians have a flat face, which can cause them to get sick often.

It is not easy to care for cats with unusual ears: Scottish Fold or American Curls. Also, all long-haired breeds can be considered difficult-to-care cats.

Sarah - 33 years old

The gray and white cat lived for more than 33 years, gaining fame. She became famous as "New Zealand's Oldest Cat". One can only guess how much her owners loved her. Look how interesting her eyes are, revealing her serious character! Sarah was probably a capricious cat.

Interesting fact: a cat in New Zealand was declared a kleptomaniac - in 2 months she stole at least 60 items of men's underwear. She stored her trophies in the backyard of her master's house. The cat Brigit showed her passion before, when she lived with her owners in another city. I wonder why she was so attracted to things from the men's wardrobe?


Also a short-tailed group of cats. As a rule, bobtails are distinguished by their large size and dense, wet-resistant coat.

Tails can be of the following forms:

  • Stump. From 2 to 5 cm. There are breaks at an obtuse angle.
  • Spiral. The apparent length is 5–10 cm. There are numerous fractures, often at sharp angles.
  • Retracted bobtail. Near the base the tail is normal, after 5–7 vertebrae kinks begin.
  • Panicle. Length from 5 to 15 cm, breaks at right angles.

Bobtail breeds

There are several breeds of bobtails.


The head is wedge-shaped. The body is moderately long, the back is straight. Weight 3–8 kg. The coat can be short or semi-long.

Yankeebobs with semi-long hair should have a collar


The head is triangular. Individuals with eyes of different colors are often found. The body is oblong, muscular, but not massive. Weight 3.5–5 kg. The coat is short.

In Japan, this cat symbolizes friendship, in Korea and China - well-being.


The head is in the shape of an equilateral triangle. The body is strong and muscular. Weight 3–7 kg. The coat is semi-long and thick. There may be tufts on the ears, making the animal look very much like a lynx.

Thick, warm fur helped Kurilian Bobtails survive in the wild


The head is rounded. The body is rectangular in shape, but quite slender. The only colors allowed are Siamese. Weight 2.5–5 kg.

According to legend, these animals accompanied the princesses, and while they were bathing, they strung jewelry onto the cats' broken tails.


The head is triangular, the muzzle is narrow. The body is strong, the hind legs are noticeably longer. The coat can be short or semi-long.

Karelian Bobtail is the rarest variety


Bobtails are conspicuous companions. They love to spend time in human society and are painfully sensitive to loneliness.

The most independent bobtails are the Mekong.

Most of these animals are very active and love outdoor games. They are smart and often have developed logical thinking. Most often they respond well to training. Usually travel easily.

As a rule, they get along peacefully with cats and dogs. Most of all, the “Japanese” love the company of other animals, and they prefer to be friends with representatives of their own breed.

The hunting instinct is pronounced. Many bobtails are excellent rat catchers, and some - for example, Kuril and Japanese - can fish.

Most are quite sociable, often making rich intonation sounds similar to chirping or abrupt yelps, but not to a regular meow.

The quietest and calmest of bobtails are Karelian. If such a cat needs something from its owner, he would rather touch it with his paw than meow.


Short-haired bobtails are usually brushed once a week, while semi-long-haired ones are brushed once every 2-3 days. During the molting period, this is done daily. If necessary, you can bathe the animal approximately once every 2 months.

Mitz Matz - 33 years old

It is possible that Mitz Matz would have lived longer if he had not been euthanized by mistake in Switzerland. The cat was considered the oldest representative of the “felines”; he lived for 33 years. Veterinarians euthanized him, mistaking him for a stray animal, although this was not the case. For a long time, this fluffy cat lived at the railway station in the Tegervilen commune - the station employees loved Mitz Matz, took care of him and fed him.

One day Mitz Matz decided to go for a walk outside the station - a woman passing by took the cat to the veterinarian, mistaking him for a stray. After examining the animal, the clinic specialist decided to euthanize the cat. The news came as a shock to those who cared for Mitz Matz. The veterinary hospital staff did not feel guilty, reporting that the cat was already very old: he could hardly see, his ears and teeth hurt.

How to make a domestic cat long-lived?

  1. Vaccinate, as vaccinated cats live longer
  2. Mating – Veterinarians say that spaying and neutering prolongs the life of pets
  3. Feed correctly - premium food and natural food (cheap economy class spoils the animals’ stomachs and metabolism)
  4. Watch your weight – Overweight animals live shorter lives and get sick more.
  5. Avoid self-medication – If you notice changes in the behavior of your cat or dog, see a doctor.
  6. Outdoor games and sports - Running and jumping after the bow for at least ten to fifteen minutes a day is excellent gymnastics for the tail. It is advisable to run on a treadmill.
  7. Don't let them go outside – Cats that live only in the house and don't go outside live longer. They have less risk of getting hit by a car, eating poison, fighting with another cat, getting sick, getting lost, and much more.
  8. Sufficient level of clean water every day – Cats prefer to drink running water rather than standing water.
  9. Take care of your teeth – gum problems can be life-threatening, but they affect your overall health and can lead to serious complications
  10. Regular visits to the veterinarian – a full check-up once a year.

Missan - 34 years old

Missan's owner, Osa Vikberg, found her pet in the south of Sweden, near the town of Karlskoga, in 1985, when he was still a very small kitten. Years passed, the cat grew, remaining healthy. The owner at that time did not understand that her cat was a record holder! But one day Osa read a passage in the newspaper, which spoke with admiration about a cat younger than Missan. Then the owner thought that her pet also has the right to claim the title of “the oldest cat”... The owner said that Missan is a loner, she is shy, but loves dogs.

Neva Masquerade

Representatives of this breed have a muscular body and a wide chest. Large ears, bent slightly forward. There are always characteristic brushes at their ends. Almost the only feature that distinguishes the Neva from its Siberian cousins ​​is their coloring.

Characterized by a soft coat (semi-long, close-lying and waterproof, which provides effective protection from cold and moisture) and a long fluffy tail. Neva masquerade kittens are born completely white and only acquire their colors with age.

Friendly animals, without any tendency towards aggression. They easily come into contact with people and become very attached to them. They can find something to do even when they are alone at home. But they usually love company, easily settle into a human family, they get along well with other cats, and can also be friends with dogs.

Neva Masquerades are not aggressive, they like to play and patiently endure all kinds of affection, so they get along well with children.

Neva Masquerade breed size chart
Height at withers (cm)Body lengthWeight, kg)
Kitten (3 months)1,8

If a cat is let out of the house, it will hunt, but this is not the basis of its feeding. It should be remembered that he is by nature a predator and a meat eater, which means that the basis of his diet should be meat

And very important - adult cats do not drink milk. Not only do they not need it, but it is not even practical for them

Babies gain weight easily.

Grendpa Rex Allen - 34 years old

A cat born in 1964 has a very interesting name. In 1996, he died at the age of 34. The Sphynx was found on the street and brought to the Travis County shelter (located in Texas), from where he was taken by cat lover Jake Perry in the 70s. He tried to find the owners of the purebred cat - he succeeded, but Madame Sulinaberg went to Paris without finding her pet in the area (she accidentally forgot to close the front door when leaving the house. The cat ran out at that moment). She agreed for the cat to stay with Jake.

Grendpa Rex Allen could only dream of such an owner! Jake always prepared his favorite food (for breakfast, the cat loved scrambled eggs and ham, asparagus and coffee). The long-lived cat appeared on television, in newspapers, and feasts were held on the occasion of his birthday. Rex Allen lived a long, rich life!

The oldest two-headed cat

Perhaps we’ll also tell you about the oldest strange cat, which differs from its peers by having two heads! Such a unique long-liver was “Frank and Louis” (photo attached), who was euthanized this year due to the discovery of cancer at the age of 15, which is not at all typical for cats with such pathologies. Typically, kittens born with muzzle duplication do not live more than 4 days.

The unusual cat owes its life to a female veterinarian, Martha Stevens, who took him in as a newborn kitten from the clinic where the little miracle was brought to be put to sleep. Martha believes that everyone has the right to life, even if everyone has turned their back on them. The owner left “Frank and Louis” on her own, which took more than 3 months, because at first the kitten could not coordinate its movements and eat. The cat has two mouths and noses, three eyes, but, as experts have found out, there is only one brain. The cat from the American city of Worcester lived a long, happy life and took pride of place in the Guinness Book of Records as the oldest cat with two heads.

Cream Puff - 38 years old

Translated from English, Cream Puff means “cream puff”. A cat with an interesting name lived to be 38 years old. Her owner was also Jake Perry, a cat lover from Texas. More than once his cats set records for life expectancy. He loves cats very much and does an excellent job of caring for them. Many believe that cats' longevity is related to their diet - Jake feeds them only healthy food. Interestingly, he gave Cream Puff turkey, bacon and even wine, explaining that cats needed to cleanse blood vessels and control blood pressure levels. Jake also makes coffee for the cats and turns on the TV for them.

Unfortunately, Cream Puff died in 2005, but you can be sure that she lived a happy life, surrounded by care and love.

Egyptian Mau

Named for its presence in ancient Egyptian art, the Egyptian Mau is a beautiful cat with a distinctive spotted coat. These cats tend to be comfortable with people and become an integral part of the family. Although some are prone to heart disease, the average lifespan of the breed is 12 to 15 years.

Lucy - 43 years old

It’s hard to believe, but Lucy lived for 43 years (by human standards, that’s about 180 years!) Despite her age, the cat never stopped running actively and even caught mice! This legendary cat lived in Wales and died in 2015. The long-lived woman lived with Bill Thomas, who took her into his custody. Thomas took Lucy as an adult, but he had no idea that she was so grown up! When he showed her to the vets, they were amazed by the fact that Lucy was born 40 years ago. The only thing the cat had problems with was hearing, but this is completely normal at this age.

Interesting fact: some breeds are long-lived. Thai lives up to 20 years - this breed is very smart, inquisitive and easy to train. The Siamese cat can also be considered a long-lived cat - it is readily adopted because of its external beauty, but, in addition to this, it also lives for more than 12 years. Another cat is the Asian Shorthair, which can live more than 20 years; the peculiarity of the breed is that it gets along well with other animals in the same home. The Japanese Bobtail and Asian Shorthair are also long-livers - they have their own interesting features. The Bobtail, for example, loves to swim, while the Asian is very attached to its owner and is characterized by increased “talkativeness.”

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Third place No. 3 Tiffany II

The top three longest-living record holders are closed by the oldest mustachioed-striped on the planet as of 2014 - then Tiffany II celebrated its 26th anniversary. The animal died this year in its sleep at the age of 27 years and two months. By our standards, she was already 125 years old.

The owner of the unique cat, Sharon Voorhees, still remembers how she bought Tiffany for $10 at one of the pet stores. The cat lived in the USA, San Diego, for the entire measured century. As we can see in the photo, Tiffany looks great for her age. The cat retained sharp eyesight and excellent hearing until the end of her life. She ate special cat food, spent time in the apartment and only occasionally went out for street walks.

The owner noted the cat’s courage and bravery, because she could calmly walk past the dogs, proudly raising her tail. In her 27 years, Tiffany has been in hundreds of fights, but has never been seriously injured, Sharon notes. And one day the cat disappeared for 2 whole years! Sharon no longer hoped to see her, but the cat suddenly returned as if nothing had happened. That's why some people call Tiffany the traveler cat.

In this video you will meet the oldest cat in Russia, 23-year-old Pushko.

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