What are the features of the Brocken Jack Russell Terrier: character description and reviews from owners

When the decision to get a Jack Russell Terrier has already been made, future owners must decide which dog with what kind of coat is best for them to buy.

Really, which one should you choose?

Fox terriers, for example, come in smooth and wire-haired varieties.

But Jack Russells also have an intermediate type of coat.

What is this - a Jack Russell Brocken?

How is it different from the smooth and wire-haired varieties?

Let's find out in this article.

Jack Russell smooth coat

The smooth coat of the Jack Russell Terrier fits tightly to the dog's body.

If you do not want to overburden yourself with additional animal care procedures (such as trimming and combing), then a Jack Russell Terrier with this type of coat is just for you.

There is a misconception that the smooth-haired terrier sheds less than the rough or brocken terrier. But this is not at all true. A smooth-haired dog sheds twice a year, for about a month.

And this is a common natural phenomenon that cannot be adjusted in any way.

Origin story

Jack Russell Terriers were bred in England in the second half of the 19th century..

The first breeder of dogs of this breed, the village priest John Russell, was interested in hunting and kept a pack of wire-haired dogs similar to fox terriers.

By infusing the blood of various breeds of terriers, he tried to improve the working qualities of the dogs and make them more suitable for burrow hunting.

Since it was not customary to wash dogs after a hunt, Mr. Russell made a lot of efforts to ensure that the representatives of the breed, later named after him, could have self-cleaning wool.

Apparently, the first brockens appeared already then: after all, among hunters, the working qualities of dogs were primarily valued, and not their exterior.

Only later, both the wire-haired variety of Jack Russell and Broken began to be exhibited at exhibitions and received titles along with smooth-haired representatives of the breed.

Currently, the intermediate type of coat is very popular, since the brocken does not shed and always looks elegant..

Jack Russell Wirehair

The Wire-haired Terrier looks very attractive.

The coat of the Jack Russell Terrier is quite long, hard and dense. The animal grows a beard and eyebrows.

Many believe that dogs with this type of coat shed much more intensely than their smooth-haired relatives. But this is just a misconception.

A wire-haired dog, unlike its smooth-haired relatives, requires special care. But they don’t shed, in the general sense of the word, if the trimming procedure is done in time.

The trimming procedure involves removing hair that is about to fall out. The procedure must be carried out once every three months. Between trimmings, the dog must be combed.

With this procedure, not only mature hair is removed, but also dead skin particles, which can cause allergies, are removed along with the hair.

This is precisely why dogs with this type of coat are more suitable for allergy sufferers.

Pet Personality

Jack Russell Brokens are active and lively dogs who love active games . They are loyal to their owners and friendly if they have been raised and trained correctly.

These dogs make wonderful companions for children who are ready to play with them for hours and run with them.

Considering that the Brocken is an intelligent and quick-witted dog and that it is easy to train, the training of this dog can be entrusted to a child who has reached at least ten years of age.


But it should be taken into account that these dogs have a highly developed hunting instinct, which is why the Brocken can rush to chase another dog, cat, or even a person.

This is why it is not recommended to let Jack Russells off leash in unfenced areas.

Brockens should not be allowed to do whatever they want: these dogs very quickly understand that the owner can be manipulated and then there will be no end to their tricks and pretense..

Read more about the character of Jack Russells here.

Jack Russell Brocken

The appearance of the brocken differs from the first two.

Dogs with this type of coat do not grow eyebrows or a beard. The coat is not as long as that of the rough. But it needs the same care as the coat of a wire-haired terrier.

Carry out a trimming procedure once every three months, and for the next 3 months forget about wool in the house.

Trimming can also be done independently. But this procedure is quite lengthy and labor-intensive. Requires certain skills and training. Therefore, many people prefer to contact a professional groomer.

A Jack Russell Terrier's untrimmed coat will appear dull and uneven. It can break and cause discomfort to the animal.

Cost of salon grooming

Professional grooming of a Jack is an expensive proposition. Thus, the average price of trimming in Moscow is 2,100 rubles, in St. Petersburg – 2,000 rubles. And the cost of a haircut is 2,000 rubles. and 1,500 rub. respectively.

A number of salons charge a separate fee for bathing - 600-800 rubles, and trimming nails - 350-500 rubles.

Grooming a Jack Terrier is not difficult, with the exception of trimming. Dead hairs need to be plucked every 3 - 6 months, and for show dogs - once every 1.5 months. Plus, the procedure is expensive – it costs from 2 thousand rubles.


The coat of the Jack Russell Terrier has such a unique ability as self-cleaning. For this we must say thanks to the creator of the breed. The Jack Russell Terrier is a hunting breed of dog designed for fox hunting. Previously, it was not customary to wash dogs after a hunt, therefore, when breeding this breed, preference was given to terriers with hair capable of self-cleaning.

Despite their white color, dogs of this breed do not need frequent washing. Many owners of these wonderful terriers have probably noticed that if the dog is with you in nature all day, and at the same time it bathes intensively and rolls in the sand, then the coat of the Jack Russell terrier quickly dries out, and the sand crumbles off, leaving no traces.

The creation of such wool was a matter of long-term breeding and selection. Being an active and inquisitive animal, the Jack Russell Terrier will always find a place to get dirty. But don’t rush to wash it right away, unless, of course, it gets dirty with some rotten stuff.

There is no need to bathe the animal often. Do this as needed. Frequent bathing dries out the Jack Russell Terrier's coat, removes the natural protective layer and leads to the formation of dandruff. After daily walks, it is enough to just mash the paws and painful areas. If the question of the need for bathing is urgent, you can read about how to properly wash your dog.

Description of the breed

These dogs were created in the 19th century specifically for burrow hunting. They had to drag the hunted prey (badger or fox) out of its own hole. One can only guess what strength and courage a small dog must have for such feats. However, they coped with their task perfectly, and therefore became the favorites of English hunters.

These dogs boast unprecedented endurance and passion. Hunting was never a heavy burden for them. On the contrary, they rush after their prey with joy and enthusiasm. It is worth noting that even in our time they have retained strong hunting instincts. During walks, these dogs are always in search of adventure; they love to sniff every bush and corner.

In general, their character is quite capricious; they will flawlessly carry out the owner’s commands only if they see him as a leader. They can be cocky with other dogs, so this breed needs early socialization as a matter of necessity.


  • If you are prone to allergies, then the Jack Russell Terrier with coat varieties such as rough and brocken is suitable for you. But these types of wool require special care.
  • If you are not afraid of allergies, and you are not afraid of the usual shedding once every six months. And you don’t have time to bother with frequent grooming of your pet’s fur. Then the Smooth Jack Russell Terrier is for you.

And it doesn’t matter what type of fur your pet has. The main thing is that he is the most beloved and most beautiful for you!

brief information

ICF classification3. Terriers
2. Small terriers
Country of originGreat Britain
Weight5-8 kg
Height24-30 cm
WoolSmooth, hard, with a break (broken)
ColorRed, brown and black spots on a white background
Life cycle12-16 years old
Immediate familyParson Russell Terrier

There are three varieties of Jack Russell : smooth-haired, long-haired (wirehaired) and brocken.


Smooth-haired Russells have relatively soft coats. It is smooth and fits tightly to the body. If such a dog lives in the yard, he sheds twice a year and lasts about a month.

With apartment maintenance, it lasts almost the entire year. Without proper care, this can clog up your apartment. To avoid this, such dogs need to be brushed daily with a brush with rubber teeth or a massage glove.

Trimming is not used for smooth-haired Russells - their hair is too short to be plucked by hand. Instead, a stripping procedure is carried out, that is, combing out using a furminator (a special dog comb in the form of a rake). It removes not only dead hair, but also undercoat. You should choose a model marked S (that is, small - for small breeds) and short hair (for short-haired ones). When kept at a yard, springing is necessary once every 2–3 months, when kept at home – 1–2 times a month.

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By height

Initially, the dog was intended for hunting in holes, so its compact dimensions were an indispensable condition. The animal had to freely slip into narrow underground passages and get out safely. According to established standards, the main parameters of a dog are: height 25–30 cm, weight 5–6 kg.

The small size of the Jack Russell made it easy to transport. In the old days, hunters carried their four-legged companion in a special bag and let him out when the need for his help arose. Nowadays, the advantages of the dog's compact shape are appreciated by residents of large cities. It is easier to keep a small dog in an apartment and, if necessary, take it with you on a trip.

In the wake of the general popularity of miniature breeds, some breeders began to breed smaller-sized Jacks. Buyers are offered miniature puppies weighing up to 3 kg, which are described as a new variety of the breed. In reality, there are no mini or micro Jack Russells.

The tiny dimensions of individual specimens are due to either hereditary pathology or prematurity of the litter. Individuals with pronounced dwarfism are easily injured, susceptible to various infections, and often have hidden defects in their body structure. They are difficult to socialize and train, and do not have the right to participate in exhibitions. The life expectancy of miniature Jack Russell terriers is much shorter than that of ordinary individuals.

When choosing a puppy, you should not chase fashion. It is more practical and safer to buy an animal that meets the standard. In this case, the owner will be able to avoid many problems and spend more than one year with his friendly four-legged companion.


The coat of this type of Russell is dense, with a rigid structure, and quite long (they are also called long-haired). The special charm of the wire-haired Jack Russell Terrier is given by expressive eyebrows and a beard, which the smooth-haired variety does not have. For the wire-haired type, trimming is required, that is, manual plucking of the dying coat.

This is a rather labor-intensive and painstaking procedure, but if it is carried out in a timely manner, the dog does not shed. In addition, the trimming process also removes dead skin particles that cause allergies in some people. The puppy can be trimmed for the first time at 3–4 months. If you accustom him to such plucking from childhood, he will not experience pain. Subsequently, the procedure is carried out approximately once every 3 months. Beginning owners are advised to invite a specialist groomer to trim the puppy, as well as before exhibitions. Otherwise, without the appropriate experience, you can greatly spoil the appearance of the dog, making it half-haired.

Please note that the groomer must treat the dog with patience and kindness. You can ruin the puppy’s psyche if, especially during the first procedures, you simply hold it by force and at the same time pluck it, not paying attention to fear and whining. Sensing the approach of the next session, the puppy will panic and violently break free, which will significantly complicate the owner’s life.

There is no need to bathe the dog before the procedure - clean hairs will slip out of your fingers. But after finishing trimming, you will need a warm shower, under a strong stream of water, to remove the rest of the plucked hair. If after the procedure the dog often shakes its head or scratches the plucked areas, inspect them. If there is no inflammation or other signs of illness on the skin, then this is simply a reaction to plucking and there is no need to worry - after a while this behavior will go away on its own. In winter, after trimming, the dog will need warm clothes for the street.

Daily care for a long-haired dog also involves brushing, including with a furminator, 2-3 times a week.


The Brocken's hairs are hard, but shorter than those of the previous type, and lie close to the body. In addition, each of them has a single break. These dogs do not grow a beard or eyebrows. Brokens require the same coat care as their wire-haired relatives, that is, regular (every 3 months) trimming and combing several times a week.

This type of coat is especially hard and rough. Raph is similar to a brocken, but its guard hairs are broken in several places and lag behind the body. This gives the dog a charming shaggy appearance. True, without trimming the look becomes caricatured. After plucking, these dogs resemble smooth-haired dogs.

Beginning owners should take into account: although trimming is not the easiest procedure, without it the coat becomes dull, flakes and breaks, which not only makes the dog look unkempt, but also causes him inconvenience. But wire-haired dogs are more suitable for allergy sufferers. Also note that hair plucking should not be replaced by a haircut - it changes the structure of the guard hairs, making them softer, and can permanently ruin the appearance of the pet.

Main varieties

There are three main types of brockens:

  • Light . This dog has a slight crease in the coat, so that visually it looks almost smooth, except that some of the guard hairs may bristle. Broken Lights usually have no beard or eyebrows.
  • Brocken . It looks almost like the wire-haired variety, but its coat is shorter and there is one crease on each hair. The coat does not bristle, but does not lie too tightly to the body.
  • Raf . These dogs have not one, but many creases on their rather coarse and hard coat, and the length of the hair itself is much longer, which is why the dog looks disheveled and shaggy (shown in the photo).

After proper trimming, all these dogs become visually similar to smooth-haired Jack Russells.


The Russell's coat is capable of self-cleaning, so he does not need frequent bathing - on the contrary, it dries out the skin and coat, causing it to become dull. In addition, this provokes the appearance of dandruff. Bathing is required approximately once a month with a special dog shampoo. It should have a neutral pH, without a pungent odor or drying components. Before bathing, cover your pet's ears with cotton pads to prevent water from getting into them. After going outside, the dog just needs to wash his paws. In slushy weather, you can use overalls.

Baclofen Statistics

  • taking one tablet – 50 mg, leads to a mild high with the onset of calm;
  • a dose of 80 ml – a state similar to that obtained after drinking alcohol, obtaining euphoria;
  • increase to 100-150 mg – cartoons, the appearance of highly expressed sociability. The brain “burns” with a bright flame in which pictures flash.

Three to four days of taking it (100-125 mg each) is enough for a terrible state with severe depression to set in after stopping.

Baclofen affects different people differently. This is affected by physical and mental state. It is very difficult to choose a safe dose on your own. Hence the frequent overdoses that result in disability and death.

Smooth Jack Russell Terrier

This dog is suitable for owners who do not have enough time for additional care procedures. However, it is important to remember that weekly brushing of your four-legged friend is the key to a well-groomed appearance and healthy coat.

Shedding is familiar to everyone, and if your smooth-haired pet lives in an apartment rather than a yard, get ready for this phenomenon to become your regular companion. For hair care, brushes with rubber teeth and furminators, which gently pluck out dead undercoat, are suitable.

It is enough to bathe your pet once a month, using mild shampoos without strong odors and with a neutral PH content. You can use dry care products , such as powder, which should be applied to the hair and combed thoroughly - this is the best choice if your smooth-haired pet does not like to bathe.

Fox terrier

Two versions of fox terriers are regulated. Species names: smooth-haired and wire-haired terrier. The International Cynology Union FCI classifies dogs as large and medium terriers. The ideal weight is 8.2 kg.

The dogs are well built. The head is elongated, with rectangular contours. The long neck holds the head in a proud, defiant position. The body is rectangular, the length of the body is 2.5 times the height. The limbs are high, the front ones stand straight, the hind limbs are slightly laid back, emphasizing the readiness to move.

Cocky fox terriers are quite common. Their current main occupation is keeping people company. The main requirements that dogs make of their owners are maximum movement and attentive care. Wire-haired dogs require hand plucking, which is done twice a year.

Wirehaired Jack Russell Terrier

This type of coat is sometimes also called longhaired. If you have such a terrier, then you need to take a responsible approach to care issues. “Gestures” look attractive, they have clearly growing eyebrows and a beard, but they often shed. You can make it easier for your dog to shed, and for yourself to clean your apartment, if you trim the hair in a timely manner.

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Jack Russells are accustomed to trimming from 3-4 months. If you do not have experience, then it is better to entrust your pet to an experienced groomer who will perform trimming and also provide a whole list of coat care services:

  • the washing up,
  • combing,
  • haircut,
  • treatment with cosmetics for skin and wool.

The procedure should be carried out once every three months, the rest of the time it is enough to comb the dog regularly.

How to choose?

It is recommended to buy a future pet from a nursery or from a breeder; naturally, the puppies should already have birth certificates and veterinary passports.

When choosing a Jack Russell puppy, you need to pay attention to how he behaves with his littermates and mother, as well as how sociable he is .

A healthy puppy is active and playful, with clear and clean eyes, ears and nose.

There should be no traces of rash or inflammation on the skin. The baby's movements should be well balanced and light.


Please note that one litter may contain puppies with different coat types.

Jack Russell – Broken (or Broken) and Rough

The Wirehaired Russell Terrier family is divided into:

  • Brocken. This is a breed with rather hard and coarse hair, tightly pressed to the body. Despite the fact that their coat is not as long as that of the Wirehaired Terrier, it requires no less care. If you trim every three months and brush regularly, you can forget what shedding is.

  • Raf. Unlike Brokens, the Rough's curly coat lags behind the body, which makes the dog shaggy and very funny. However, after trimming, such a terrier is almost indistinguishable from a smooth-haired one. Wavy hair, growing to a certain length, dies, becomes yellowish, and the dog looks unkempt.

Grooming your Jack Russell Terrier is another way to enhance your pet's appearance. Just like with trimming, if you have no experience, it is better to trust a specialist. You can perform both procedures yourself in 2-3 approaches, the main thing is to take your time and learn to see what kind of dog should become upon completion of the work. The undercoat should be even, some manipulations are carried out with a clipper.

There are several simple tricks, the use of which after bathing will improve your friend's image :

  • purchase scissors with safe, rounded tips to carefully trim the fur in the groin folds;
  • pay attention to the tail: overgrown fringes and the tassel should be cut off;
  • thinning scissors will help preserve the beauty of the neck and remove sloppy hair in the lower part;
  • After bathing, it is better to dry the animal with a towel rather than a hairdryer. Not only can you scare your dog, but it can also cause severe drying of the skin, which should be avoided;
  • When choosing a Furminator, consider the type of animal's coat: LongHair is for long-haired animals, and ShortHair is for smooth-haired ones.

So, we looked at the types of coat of Jack Russell Terrier dogs and the basic principles of caring for them . We are sure that our tips will help you in caring for your pet, and your short-haired pet will be healthy and cheerful!

I have wanted such a dog for a long time, for 10-12 years, but I didn’t dare to have one in my apartment. The first reason was that apartments for dogs are torture; the dog needs freedom and space. The second reason is lack of time. A year ago I moved to a country house and got Russell. Wool is everywhere in the house and no matter how you comb it or what you feed your dog, wool is your companion until the last days of your dog’s life. So you don’t have to choose here, either you accept it and adore your dog, or don’t get a dog. And if we compare a dog that lives in a private house and in an apartment, then one thing can be said: the dog in the house is more physically developed. When I come to the city with her, I see “poor” Russells in the park who are always led on a leash and you can immediately see their lack of properly developed muscles. These dogs need room to roam and not just be walked on a leash. So, before getting such a dog, think more than once; an apartment is not the place for such a breed.

Ours lives in an apartment, is cheerful and cheerful, all muscles are developed, as he is very well-mannered and walks without a leash.

I really wanted a smooth-haired dog. They warned that it would shed. Still insisted on smooth-haired. Now the whole apartment, clothes, bed are covered in small, corrosive white fluff, which is almost impossible to get rid of. I run around with a vacuum cleaner almost every day! We bought a brush, we comb it outside, but it doesn’t help for long... Just guarding! The dog tries to jump on the bed in the middle of the night, so I’m sure that our bed is also full of this stuff. A friend has already built an invisible “Chinese wall” between us, which the dog is strictly forbidden to cross (from my side, of course). So he is trying to isolate himself from the upcoming wool intervention. Please share your experience on how you get out of this situation. Maybe you know how this can be regulated?

I really wanted a smooth-haired dog. They warned that it would shed. Still insisted on smooth-haired. Now the whole apartment, clothes, bed are covered in small, corrosive white fluff, which is almost impossible to get rid of. I run around with a vacuum cleaner almost every day! We bought a brush, we comb it outside, but it doesn’t help for long... Just guarding! The dog tries to jump on the bed in the middle of the night, so I’m sure that our bed is also full of this stuff. A friend has already built an invisible “Chinese wall” between us, which the dog is strictly forbidden to cross (from my side, of course). So he is trying to isolate himself from the upcoming wool intervention. Please share your experience on how to overcome this situation. Maybe you know how this can be regulated?

if you love your dog, then wool is not a hindrance - most likely you do not have a completely balanced diet - consult with veterinarians - maybe vitamins, maybe change the food, I recommend Vanchase with duck - there are vitamins and microelements - my dog ​​even has glossy hair if you have it on a straight girl, remember - it’s forbidden - all the sausage - it makes them itch and shed

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Julia, your main problem is that you allowed the dog to be with you on the bed, sofa or chair. This means that the fur will always be there. He will not stop shedding, brush him more often. I bought a special mitten and I take it off at least once a day the hair is falling off. Well, a vacuum cleaner is an integral part of daily chores.

I didn't know there were wire-haired Russell Terriers. I really want to get such a dog, but I’m afraid that I don’t have the strength to give the dog as much time as he asks for. After all, most of the time we are all at work. This is a very playful dog that needs to walk and run a lot.

A good dog and friend! If I have the opportunity, I will definitely get one!

Triming as the main part of grooming

Trimming your Jack Russell Terrier is a key aspect of grooming. It is not needed for the smooth-haired type, but is required for Brokens and Roofs.

Trimming refers to the grooming procedure of removing dead and matted fur - manually or with special tools. Essentially, this is plucking out old hairs. The procedure is necessary for all wire-haired dog breeds, because... they do not shed their coats themselves. Moulting for “jacks” is replaced by manipulation.

Without trimming, your pet's fur will grow long, become matted, yellow and dirty - in the photo, “Jacks” with unplucked hair look like mongrels. Hair renewal and blood circulation are also disrupted, and skin diseases are possible due to the accumulation of fat, dirt and impaired ventilation.

Trimming is carried out manually or with a special tool - a trimming knife or stripper. Because It is difficult to pull out hairs; rubber tips are placed on the fingers to prevent injury.

Trimming is painless, but uncomfortable for the dog. Therefore, she may whine and struggle.

The trimming technique is the same for both types of breed. However, the Brocken Jack Russell Terrier needs it once every six months, and the Roof needs it every 3 months. Show dogs have their fur trimmed every 1 – 1.5 months.

General rules

It is better to have it trimmed at a pet salon. But, if you get the hang of it, you can do it yourself. The procedure is carried out as follows:

  1. Jack Russell Terrier dogs are placed on the table. It should be up to the owner’s waist for comfortable work.
  2. Fix the pet. A leash is placed around the dog’s neck and the latter is tied to a hook or holder located on top of the table. If the Jack is prone to biting, a muzzle is required.
  3. They begin trimming from the body - from the withers to the tail. Then they pluck half of the head on the right or left, the front and back paws on the same side. After the second part of the body on the other side.
  4. The last thing they do is the face. First, the hair is removed from the back of the nose, then a beard and mustache are formed. They are plucked out completely, except for the whiskers. The head is plucked by hand so as not to scratch the dog with the stripper.
  5. The fur inside the ears, on the stomach and near the anus is not plucked, but trimmed with a clipper with a fine attachment.
  6. Pluck the fur coat evenly, avoiding bald spots.

Only a few hairs are captured at a time. Otherwise, they will be plucked unevenly and painfully.

The wirehaired Jack before and after trimming is radically different. The procedure lasts from 1 to 4 hours. This is a long time, but the manipulation must be completed at once, otherwise the fur coat will have time to grow before the next time and will look uneven.

Also adhere to the following recommendations:

  • before the procedure, do not bathe the “jack” - dirty fur is easy to grab with your fingers, while clean wool slides;
  • after the manipulation, the dog is dressed in overalls so that he gets used to the ambient temperature without a thick fur coat;
  • Upon arrival home, wash the dog with warm water from the shower to wash off the hairs.

For several days after grooming, your pet may itch or shake its head. If there are no rashes or irritations on the skin, and the ears are clean, this is simply a reaction to the procedure, which will soon pass.

First time

The first trimming for puppies is carried out on average at 4 months, when the baby fluff is replaced by an adult coat. But each Jack Russell Terrier dog grows and develops individually, so the dates are shifted by 4 weeks forward or back.

To determine that a puppy needs coat grooming, run your hand along the back; if you feel the guard hairs tingling, it’s time for your pet to go to a pet salon.

The first time is important. They trust the “jack” to a trusted specialist - he will calm the baby and perform the procedure painlessly. If you scare the dog or hurt him, in the future the pet will be afraid and resist with all four paws.

Jack Russell Terrier coat types and care.

Most often, future Jack Russell owners have many questions. For example, what types of coats are there in Jack Russell Terriers, what is the difference between a wire-haired Jack and a smooth-haired one, is their fur allergic? And yet, what type of coat should you choose a dog with?

Let's figure it out together.

Jack Russell Terrier coat types

The breeders who worked to create the breed primarily paid great attention to the properties of Jack wool. Therefore, today we have Jack Russells with wool that repels dirt, dust, small thorns and water well. Moreover, the dog's hair is capable of self-cleaning. This is due to the fact that terriers were used as hunting dogs that climbed into fox holes and, of course, were constantly in contact with wet soil and dry soil. Since in those days they did not pay enough attention to coat care, they preferred dogs with hard hair, which was able to clean itself best.

Pros and cons of dogs


  • Convenient small size.
  • Cheerful and cheerful: they willingly and play a lot with their owners.
  • Loyal and loving.
  • They are smart, quick-witted and well trained.
  • They make wonderful companions for children.
  • They don't shed.
  • Their fur itself cleans itself of dirt and dust.
  • They are easy to care for.
  • Brocken may well accompany its owner on a trip.


  • Hyperactive.
  • Without proper upbringing, he can start gnawing on everything and peeling off the wallpaper in the apartment.
  • It is necessary to spend a lot of time walking, training and playing with your pet.
  • The hunting instinct is highly developed.
  • Has a tendency to dig.
  • Cunning and quite mischievous.
  • Need regular trimming.

The main positive quality of the Brocken is that this dog is able to save its owner from any blues and boredom and that they make excellent companions.

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