When puppies open their eyes after birth: timing and deviations

Usually a four-legged friend appears in the owner’s house with his eyes open, but there are different situations. A domestic dog produces offspring or a kitten will be picked up on the street. In this case, it is important for a person to know all the stages of development of his four-legged friend in order to monitor the correct development in the first months of life.

Why are puppies born blind?

Dogs, like other mammals, are born completely helpless. They remain completely blind for some time and navigate in space only thanks to their developed sense of smell. Babies are blind for only a short time, but during this period their eyes are protected from the adverse effects of environmental conditions. Other reasons that babies are born blind:

  1. Their gestation time is relatively short, it is 58-70 days. This time is not enough for the full formation of all organs, including the eye.
  2. A large number of gestating kittens. The female gives birth to at least 2-3 individuals, but more often 6-8 cubs are born at the same time. This number of fetuses does not allow them to fully develop in the womb.
  3. Closed eyelids promote protection. The kitten's body is very weak, therefore it is vulnerable to any infections that penetrate the mucous membrane. In addition, dirt does not penetrate through the closed organs of vision.
  4. While in the womb, the fetus does not live in completely sterile conditions. Therefore, through closed eyes, the cub does not risk becoming infected with the microbes that may be there.

All of the above reasons point to a natural mechanism for protecting the dog’s health. Babies begin to see only when their body and internal systems are fully formed to interact with the external environment. Epiphany does not come immediately, so the owner will have to be patient in order to control the process when the puppies' eyes open.

Developmental factors influencing the timing of eye opening

Various factors influence when babies begin to see the world around them. For example, in strong individuals with good physical characteristics, the process of insight occurs a little faster. In addition, females are characterized by early development compared to males. Therefore, their visual organs also develop faster.

Another reason influencing the formation of cubs is their living conditions. Here we are talking about the illumination of the nest, the physical condition of the mother dog, and sanitary and hygienic standards of maintenance. If a newborn is born and spends the first weeks of life in poor conditions, then its further development will be slowed down.

The period of gestation also has a direct impact on the opening of the eyelids. If the birth occurred earlier than the time prescribed by nature, then the formation of the visual organs will be delayed. And, conversely, in a post-term baby, development will occur a little earlier.

When and on what day do puppies' eyes open?

Newborn pets begin to see when their eyelids are fully formed. On average, this takes 10-14 days after the baby is born. However, there are factors that speed up or slow down the process of insight.

Process Features

The opening of the eyes in tetrapods occurs slowly and begins from the inner corner, gradually moving to the outer. A thin gap appears on one eyelid, which after a while opens completely. Usually the process occurs first with one eye, then with the second. But there are cases of simultaneous opening.

Immediately after epiphany, the kittens see the world around them blurred, distinguishing only light and shadow. Gradually, vision becomes clearer. After 3-4 days, babies begin to see well.

The owner of newborns should not be frightened by the veil and the dull blue color of the iris. The film will disappear once the puppies are able to fully focus their gaze on surrounding objects, and the color changes to a permanent color by three months of age.

Differences by breed

The rate of formation of the organs of vision and hearing differs among different representatives of breeds. It is important to take this into account when observing the growing process of a newborn baby. Knowing when puppies of different breeds open their eyes, the owner will be able to recognize problems in time and contact a veterinarian. The periods of insight are as follows:

  1. In Chihuahua babies, their eyes appear at 12-13 days. In the case of these babies, the gestation period that is longer than in other individuals plays an important role.
  2. Newborn spaniels develop at an average rate. Their eyelids open in the second week of life.
  3. German Shepherd cubs begin to see the outside world at 14-15 days.
  4. Toy terrier babies begin to see sight on the 14-15th day, but there are frequent cases of eyelids opening on the 20th day of life.
  5. Spitz babies develop a little slower. Their vision appears only on the 16th-17th day.

The indicated periods are fairly average. For each specific case, which depends on various factors, the situation develops differently. It has also been noticed that an ordinary yard dog opens its eyelids earlier than a purebred dog cub.

Why do the eyes not open immediately after birth?

The eyelids finally develop in the following weeks after the puppy is born. Lack of vision after 20 days already indicates the presence of any problems or even congenital defects. Also, the eyes may not open due to the development of conjunctivitis, due to accumulated dirt on the eyelashes, or due to the fact that microbes are trapped between the eyelids.

Sometimes, even when vision appears, puppy eyes stick together quite tightly, and attempts to open them can be very painful for the baby. There is also discharge of pus from the eyes. You can prevent problems from arising by treating them with strong tea leaves, chamomile decoction, antibiotic drops or furatsilin.

To make a chamomile decoction, you need to brew the prepared packet with boiling water for 30 minutes. Or pour a teaspoon of the mixture into a glass of water and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. The broth should be cooled to approximately a temperature that is a couple of degrees higher than body temperature.

If a mother diligently cares for her newborn babies, then the owner, in fact, will not need to provide additional care. Since a caring mother licks her babies, removing excess secretions and thereby helping the natural opening of the organs of vision.

Do babies need special care these days?

The formation of visual organs is a complex process that takes some time. Epiphany does not always go smoothly, so the main thing for a loving owner is the desire to help his little friend.

But human participation is not always necessary. The main thing at this time is to provide full care for small dogs and simply monitor on what day the puppies will open their eyes. It is also worth taking care of the mother bitch.

At first, it is advisable to protect newborns from bright lighting by placing them with their mother in a dim, well-heated room. You should not open your eyelids yourself. If a purulent crust appears on the eyes, you can wipe them with an antiseptic solution. They do this until the kitten opens its eyelids.

If the eyes become very festered, swollen or do not open completely, you need to call a veterinarian at home. Self-medication or delay can result in dogs becoming blind for the rest of their lives.


Those who have been able to watch puppies from birth to older age know how this process occurs. Newborn puppies are completely blind. In place of the eyes are tightly closed eyelids. Gradually, the eyelids begin to fall apart, this happens from the inside to the outside. The process takes more than one day.

It also happens that the eye opens completely at once. It depends on individual characteristics. Puppies from the same litter do not necessarily have to open their eyes together immediately, as if on a click. Most likely, this process will go faster for some, and slower for others. Especially if there are a lot of puppies, then those who are stronger will begin to develop faster. And those who are smaller and weaker will be late.

Mom and babies

Usually both eyes open together, but it often happens that one eye is ahead of the other. This is normal and there is no need to panic about it.

In order to track whether everything is in order with the development of the pet, whether there is any reason for alarm, inexperienced owners are interested in a specific answer to the question: after how many days do puppies’ eyes open?

Shifting deadlines and other dangers

The main task on the part of the owner is to monitor all stages of the process. Sometimes there are deviations that require contacting a veterinarian.

Early opening

Epiphany earlier than 10-14 days after birth is influenced by various reasons. Most often this is a feature of the breed or a long gestation period.

If the owner sees open eyelids on a newborn, this is not a reason to panic. You just need to reduce the lighting in the room where the offspring is kept. This will protect your visual organs from excessive exposure to light. In addition, it is necessary to protect the nest with newborns so that the babies do not crawl out, harm themselves or injure the mucous membrane.

Late opening

One of the factors influencing the slowdown of the process is the health status of the baby. If a kitten was born weakened and was then exposed to infectious or viral diseases, then it begins to see a little later.

The living conditions of newborns and mother dogs also affect the condition of the baby. Excessive lighting, low room temperature and unsanitary conditions have the most unfavorable effect on the development of a dog.

Possible diseases

If after two weeks the newborn has not begun to see clearly, then you should take a close look at the four-legged pet. In some cases, signs of inflammation, souring of the eyelids or other problems are noticeable. Then you can’t hesitate to visit a veterinary clinic for an examination and diagnosis. Here is a list of possible pathologies:

  • tissue fusion;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • blindness;
  • injuries.

Before visiting the veterinarian, wipe the baby's face with a soft cloth moistened with chamomile decoction, a weak solution of furatsilin or potassium permanganate. Only a veterinarian can prescribe further treatment and medications.

Possible problems

Development of kittens by week and by day after birth

What eye problems may the owner of newborn babies encounter? Of great concern is the fact that all the deadlines have long passed, and the puppy still remains blind. This may be due to the following points:

  • The dog fell ill with conjunctivitis.
  • Microbes got into the gap between the eyes.
  • Specks and dirt have accumulated between the eyelashes.

Any of the above problems can be solved. The main symptom that you should pay attention to is purulent accumulations that form on the eyelids.

If this is noticed, the eyelids should be treated with one of the following remedies:

  • chamomile decoction;
  • Black tea;
  • furatsilin solution;
  • special drops containing an antibiotic.

Conjunctivitis in dogs

More detailed treatment if conjunctivitis is detected:

  • The eyelids are wiped with a furatsilin solution.
  • Drops with the addition of an antibiotic are instilled.
  • Procedures are carried out at least 1 time per day, but no more than 6 times per day.

With proper treatment, a positive result will be observed within a week. In this case, the dog will be able to open his eyelids on his own without any problems.

If problems with opening the eyes are associated with the accumulation of dust and dirt, then the eyes are washed with an herbal solution or tea 5-6 times every day. You can also use clean boiled water.

Important! A separate clean cotton pad is used for each eyelid.

The result becomes noticeable already on the 2-3rd day of treatment. The worst thing is if the dog's eyelids are fused. In this case, only a professional can provide assistance. In the worst case scenario, surgery may be required. If there is no purulent discharge, you can try wiping your eyes with plain warm water (preferably boiled).

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