11 breeds of dogs whose eyes fall out: what to do when an eye falls out and treatment of proptosis

Each breed has a specific feature associated with the physiological structure of the body. One of these pathologies is considered to be an anomaly in the development of decorative dogs, whose eyes fall out due to the structural features of the bone orbits. This condition is dangerous - in the absence of proper treatment, the pet may lose its sight.

How can you help your pet if he is a representative of a “special” breed of dog that has a physiological problem with his eyes?

What is this phenomenon called?

In veterinary medicine, such an anatomical phenomenon as protrusion of the eyeball is called proptosis. This is a kind of displacement of the eyeballs forward from the bony orbits. With this feature, the dog's eyelids are located behind the eye equator, which prevents their spontaneous reduction.

So which dogs can lose eyes due to anatomical nuances in the structure of the skull? Proptosis is a specific phenomenon characteristic of dog breeds with weakly fixed eyeballs that are held in place solely by the eyelids, which increases the risk of mechanical damage to the eyes. Some of these “special” dog breeds that experience eye loss include Shar-Peis, Pekingese, Chihuahuas, Shih Tzus, Japanese Chins, Bulldogs and Pugs.


An injured animal has symptoms of varying severity depending on the degree of displacement of the eyeball:

  • pain and poor health;
  • the eye protrudes from the socket more than usual;
  • the appearance of blood around the eye;
  • frequent blinking;
  • loss of shine and moisture of the cornea;
  • swelling of the tissues of the eye and eyelids;
  • photophobia.

Why and which dogs' eyes fall out from the photo

According to veterinarians, proptosis is a peculiar pathology of the structure of a small and flat skull with shortened cheekbones. During the formation of bone tissue, the eye sockets are not placed deep enough. Under the influence of unfavorable factors, a dog with such bone nuances may have eyes that fall out from even the slightest overexertion.

Basically, this characteristic feature of the eye sockets is inherent in dogs with a rounded skull and a short muzzle.


The breed has a specific lack of a nasal protrusion of the skull. This feature makes it impossible for the eye socket to be protected during a mechanical shock. Owners of pugs need to control the dog’s behavior during walks. They love to play with branches or dry grass. The phenomenon of eye loss in a dog can provoke even a minor injury to the cornea.

Ensuring the health of a small dog with protruding eyes is very simple. It is enough to keep your pet clean - cut nails, clean ears in a timely manner, constantly bathe and put antibacterial drops in the eyes before a walk.


In dogs of this breed, the phenomenon of proptosis occurs most often. It is caused by deformation of the muzzle, where in the large eye sockets of the skull the eyeballs are supported solely by the muscular structure of the eyelid. Even slight straining or difficulty defecating can cause your dog to risk eye loss.

Shar Pei

Pathological eye loss is provoked by a structural feature of the skin. Large and small folds of skin interfere with the full development of the skull, which often leads to the appearance of strabismus and entropion. Shar Pei owners should be careful when holding their pet by the collar or walking it on a leash.

Shih Tzu

Due to improper development of the bone parts of the skull, Shih Tzus have such a feature as incomplete closure of the orbits of the eyes. Since a dog’s eyeballs are supported by the zygomatic muscles, the likelihood that the animal’s eye will fall out if there is a strong blow to the head is quite high.

Breeds Prone to Eye Loss

When purchasing small decorative pets, you need to know which dogs have protruding eyes in order to prevent the development of pathology and preserve vision.


The sad look of the pug is known to everyone; this is its highlight, which is also its Achilles heel. Pugs are the most famous dogs with protruding eyes.

The predisposition to proptosis is genetic, and all due to the fact that there is no protrusion on the muzzle near the nose, the function of which is to protect the organs of vision from mechanical damage.

Attention! During walks, pugs' eyes are often damaged by grains of dirt, sand, or grass. Due to such damage, eye inflammation and other ophthalmological diseases develop, and proptosis is their consequence.


The deformed structure of the skull and muzzle, coupled with wide eye sockets, are factors that greatly increase the risk of proptosis. The peculiarity of Pekingese is that they are more susceptible to eye pathology, because their eye muscles are weak and do not provide reliable attachment. Provoking factors:

  • difficult bowel movements, in which internal pressure rises;
  • jumping;
  • climbing stairs, especially several floors;
  • squeezing the neck with a collar.

It is difficult to prevent proptosis in Pekingese dogs; even careful adherence to preventive measures does not greatly reduce the risk of pathology in old age.

Shar Pei

In Shar Peis, the risk of proptosis is associated with two factors - the characteristics of the skin and improper care of the animal. The presence of numerous folds of different sizes is caused by low skin tone. Because of this, strabismus often occurs; the eyelids may roll up, which provokes disturbances in the location of the eyes in the apple.

Attention! Proptosis can be caused by actions of the owner such as frequently carrying the Shar Pei by the withers, spanking the neck or face.

Although the Shar Pei is a fairly large animal, it must be handled very carefully.

Shih Tzu

Congenital pathology of the organs of vision, which is manifested by incomplete closure of the bony orbit due to the special structure of the skull, leads to systematic stretching of the muscle fibers of the eye.

As a consequence, there is a predisposition to ophthalmological diseases, in particular to proptosis. Since the Shitzu often gets sick in the eyes, it is necessary to carefully carry out preventive measures.

Additional Information! Two other species that are susceptible to proptosis are Spitz dogs and Chihuahuas. The fact that the Chihuahua's eye has fallen out is due to frequent injuries to the organs of vision due to the shortened muzzle. A strong blow or jump are provoking factors.

Causes and symptoms of eyeball prolapse

The significant reasons for the formation of proptosis are:

  • careless grab of the scruff of the neck or hand carrying of the dog;
  • sudden jump of an animal;
  • insect bites in the periorbital area;
  • frequent tugging on the leash while walking;
  • squeezing the dog's neck with a collar;
  • stressful situation;
  • blow to the head and neck on both sides;
  • hot weather;
  • active movements of the dog when playing with children.

When a dog's eye falls out, signs of proptosis can be determined by the animal's behavior. The dog blinks more frequently, the eye socket protrudes forward and bloody fluid oozes from the eye. If timely medical assistance is not provided, the conjunctiva in the area of ​​the missing eye begins to swell, and the cornea becomes cloudy due to drying of the mucous membrane. The animal becomes apathetic and whines when light appears.

If a dog whose eye has fallen out is not provided with timely medical care, the consequences of proptosis can be:

  • loss of functionality of the damaged eye due to rupture or stretching of the optic nerve;
  • atrophy and complete blindness due to rupture of the central retina;
  • strabismus as a result of rupture of the muscle tissue holding the eye.

How to determine if an eye has fallen out

Eyeball loss is accompanied by a pronounced clinical picture; an attentive owner will immediately notice dangerous symptoms.

Signs of proptosis:

  • the eyeball protrudes greatly;
  • the injured eye is very watery, there are blood impurities in the discharge;
  • the animal whines, blinks frequently, tries to scratch the sore eye;
  • the cornea becomes dull and dry, severe swelling and redness of the conjunctiva are observed;
  • The animal does not tolerate bright light well.

Without proper and timely help, the dog’s optic nerve can stretch and completely rupture; against the background of retinal deformation, atrophy of the tissue of the eyeball occurs - all this will lead to loss of vision. Against the background of proptosis, the animal often develops cataracts, strabismus, and increased intraocular pressure.

Treatment of eyeball prolapse

In a veterinary clinic, eye loss in dogs is treated with urgent surgery, which consists of several stages.

At the initial stage of repositioning the eyeball, the dog is given local anesthesia. To remove dirt or foreign particles, the organ is washed with a solution of novocaine or dioxidine. Then hydrocortisone is injected into the eye and the adhesions of the eyelids are cut with a scalpel. Using a sterile napkin, place the eyeball in place. In order to prevent strabismus in the postoperative period, a suture is placed on the adhesions of the eyelids. Next, the postoperative area is secured with a protective bandage.

Features of first aid

It is important to know that when a dog’s eye falls out, there is no need to panic and self-medicate or waste time. The maximum time for eye adjustment that is harmless to the health of the dog is 1 hour from the moment of loss. Timely, qualified assistance will protect your pet from complications such as removal of the eyeball or loss of vision.

What to do when your dog's eye falls out:

  1. Immediately rest the affected eye and completely isolate it from any touch or contact. To prevent the dog from rubbing it with its paw, put the dog on a special cap.
  2. Wet a clean cloth or sterile bandage with saline (boiled water) and wipe around the eye.
  3. Gently lubricate the cornea with any ophthalmic ointment.
  4. To eliminate swelling, apply a dry cold pack around the eye.
  5. To prevent the cornea from drying out, apply a moistened cotton bandage to the eye.
  6. Before visiting the veterinarian, do not let your animal eat.

It is important to know that when treating a missing eye, you should not use cotton pads or cotton wool. Adhered fibers may cause irritation.

It is impossible to eliminate the phenomenon of eye loss in a dog on your own. Therefore, do not delay visiting the veterinarian. The sooner your pet receives qualified help, the greater the chance of quickly restoring the visual functions of the damaged organ.

Features of treatment

During the period of treatment for proptosis, it is important to correctly follow the schedule for visiting the veterinarian and taking medications. While caring for your dog after surgery, do not let him outside, monitor his behavior, follow a gentle feeding regimen and ensure complete rest.

In order to prevent a relapse during rehabilitation, do not allow the dog to play outdoor games with children and remove toys from the room.

After recovery, follow the veterinarian's recommendations for careful handling of the animal. Repeated eye loss is most often complicated by the irreversible consequences of impaired visual function.

What to do is strictly prohibited

It is prohibited to use products containing alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, or other antiseptics with aggressive compounds to process apples. There are no attempts to insert the eye into place on your own or touch it with your hands.

It is strictly forbidden to use cotton pads or pieces of cotton wool to wipe the eyes, as their particles can stick to the cornea, only aggravating the condition of the organ of vision.

Do not wipe with cotton wool or alcohol


Owners of special dogs should remember that repeated recurrence of a prolapsed eye can lead to necrosis of the affected optic nerve. Therefore, it is very important to follow preventive measures to protect your pet from proptosis.

Preventative measures to prevent eye loss in dogs:

  • caring for your pet;
  • do not pick up the animal by the scruff of the neck;
  • a ban on dogs participating in street fights;
  • a ban on jumping and gambling with animals for children;
  • instilling antibacterial agents under the pet’s eyelids before a walk;
  • the absence of toys and objects in the house that can damage the dog’s eyes.

Today, specialized veterinary clinics practice a method of preventing such a phenomenon as proptosis called canthoplasty. This is a method of surgically reducing the medal angles of the eye incision in order to create additional strengthening of the orbit.

According to veterinarians, canthoplasty is a fairly effective measure to prevent future proptosis. Typically, the question of the possibility of carrying out such an operation is considered only after a thorough veterinary examination of the animal’s health in order to exclude possible contraindications.

About the disease

Loss of the eyeball is a consequence of injuries or excessively active games, fights between animals. Under the influence of a traumatic factor, the eyeball falls out of the orbit and is pinched by the eyelids. Proptosis can also be caused by some ophthalmological diseases that cause muscle weakness. In theory, the owner of any dog ​​can face this problem. But it is most likely to occur in brachycephalic breeds, which are characterized by a shortened facial skeleton and bulging eyes.

Care and treatment of your pet

After the operation, the pet needs careful care and maintenance. He needs to be given antibiotics for the first week. This will prevent the risk of developing infectious inflammation. After the specified period, the veterinarian removes the bandage and performs anesthetic treatment of the sutures again. A new sterile dressing is then applied to the wound. The frequency of dressing changes is determined by the treating veterinarian until the wounds are completely healed.

Recovery of the damaged eye occurs within 15-30 days from the date of surgery. After healing, the veterinarian removes the stitches.

During the rehabilitation period, the dog owner is responsible for providing the pet with a calm environment. During recovery, the dog is prohibited from walking unless absolutely necessary.

Caring for a Shih Tzu dog

For the wool.
Dogs of the breed have long flowing hair, which requires special care. The necessary equipment is a comb and a brush with long metal teeth. You need to comb your dog strand by strand. Be sure to have a spray to comb out matted fur and tangles. The dog should be bathed at a water temperature that is slightly higher than the dog's body. After bathing, you need to dry your pet's body with a towel. You should not blow dry your dog frequently. Behind the claws. Haircuts should be carried out weekly with special nail clippers. The procedure is carried out very carefully.

Behind the ears. Once every three to four weeks, you need to pluck the hair in your ears using tweezers. Cleaning sinks is carried out with a specialized gel or chlorhexidine. After which they are treated with powder.

Behind the teeth. Cleaning is done weekly during the pet's bathing period with a special toothpaste for dogs and a small soft brush. You can also use specialized sticks to brush your teeth every day.

First aid

Firstly, don't panic, and secondly, don't worry - if your Shih Tzu's eye falls out, you will definitely notice it. Your worries about this will be clearly unnecessary, since the dog will be more frightened than everyone else. So, the first thing to do is reduce stress as much as possible . If there is a veterinary clinic nearby, go immediately for help. Calculate the time it will take you to get to the doctor; if the interval is more than 30 minutes, before leaving you need to:

  • Cover the eye as quickly as possible with sterile gauze soaked in warm, clean water.
  • If possible, the eye (in a circle) should be lubricated with any eye product (drops, ointments).
  • If possible, spray a special solution of lidocaine onto the eyeball.
  • While you provide assistance, the swelling of the eye will increase. This process can be partially stopped in only one way - cold. However, do not forget that everything that touches the eyeball must be clean (preferably sterile), and the cold cannot be kept near the eye for more than 10 minutes (a break of 5 minutes). If you have a universal countercurrent (not diuretic) drug in your medicine cabinet, inject it in the optimal dosage; it won’t make you worse.


Viktor Adolfovich, 37 years old, Ekaterinburg

As soon as I bought my daughter a Shih Tzu for her birthday, she felt like a truly happy child. The dog, whom we named Kurt, doesn't give us any trouble. I can’t explain why there is a myth that a dog’s eyes can fall out, but we haven’t encountered this problem. I myself am not a doctor by training, but if I see that the dog’s eyes have begun to redden, I provide rest for our pet - I see that Kurt is overtired.

Kristina Aleksandrovna, 51 years old, Kemerovo

Our Bead - that's what we called the Shih Tzu because of its special large beady eyes - from the very beginning it caused us inconvenience. We fell in love with Businka for her charming look; it seemed to us that eternally surprised eyes were normal; all Shih Tzus have them that way. When the Beads found a friend, our neighbor Caesar, who has a good pedigree, we immediately noticed that his eyes did not fall out of their sockets so much. After another active game, Businka’s eyes began to fall out so much that I got a little scared. If I hadn’t separated her from Caesar in time, they probably would have fallen out completely - at least it seemed so to me. Now I’d better get off after Busenka.

Marina Belova, 19 years old, Rostov-on-Don

Previously, it seemed to me that what happened in one of the episodes of “Real Boys”, where the dog’s eye fell out, could be considered complete nonsense. Whatever the case! I always monitored the behavior of my neighbor's Shih Tzu and never observed anything like this. True, her unrealistically bulging eyes always touched me. Despite its pretty face, the dog was far from having an angelic character and could easily get into a fight with the neighbor’s shepherd dog. So one day her eye fell out. Neighbors said that the matter could not have happened without the help of a surgeon.

Ksenia Dementievna, 23 years old, Kharkov

We transported Antoshka from Dnepropetrovsk to Kharkov. Antoshka is our two-year-old Shih Tzu dog, who was given to my husband and me for our wedding. He always loved to be given attention, but on the train we couldn’t play with him like we did at home, so he just went crazy in the literal sense of the word. I finished it... I don’t remember what happened to me for sure after my pet’s eye fell out, but it took me a very long time to come to my senses. The husband was not at a loss and immediately used the Internet to find out how to give Antoshka first aid, because there was no veterinarian on the train. Fortunately, Antoshkin’s case was not an isolated one, and eye loss is common in dogs of our breed. In Kharkov, we turned to a surgeon who performed the operation. Antoshka’s eye sees all the worst things ahead!

Eyes need care!

The owner of a Shih Tzu must take care not only of his luxurious coat, but also of his eyes, since they are the most unprotected place. It is important to protect the puppy and not let him come into violent contact with other dogs: his eyes can be damaged even during active games. Wipe your eyes with plain water to prevent chapped eyes. Try to find a permanent hairdresser who will provide haircuts at least several times a year.

Doing this yourself, especially in the eye area, is extremely dangerous, because scissors or a comb can cause damage. When inflammation occurs, it is important to rinse and wipe the eyeball with chloramphenicol - these drops are used not only in the treatment of conjunctivitis in humans, but also for eye diseases in animals.

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