Sheba cat food: reviews from veterinarians, where to buy and composition

What will you learn from the article?
  1. General information about Sheba food for cats Types of Sheba cat food (Sheba)
  • Reviews of Sheba cat food
      What is the price?
  • What does a cat need to be happy? A warm corner, a loving owner and something delicious. We just want to talk about the latter and find out reviews from veterinarians and buyers. Sheba ready-made cat food is something that your pet may be interested in. And for you - a little information about this canned food.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    wet food does not contain enough beneficial elements that the animal's body needs. This is important to consider when choosing a menu for your pet. As the main diet, you should choose dry food, which contains a higher percentage of useful microelements.

    The main advantages of ready-made food for Sheba cats include:

    • affordable cost in comparison with other ready-made diets that belong to the premium class;
    • an extensive assortment that allows you to choose the most suitable taste for your pet and the appropriate release form;
    • absence of preservatives in the composition;
    • convenient release form;
    • soy products and grains are not used in the production process;
    • produced wet food allows owners not to control the amount of water their pet drinks;
    • the ability to purchase a ready-made diet in any supermarket or pet store.

    The main disadvantage of this brand of food is the composition shown on the packaging, which is quite vague. Unfortunately, the manufacturer did not consider it necessary to display all types and parts of meat that are used in the production process. It is likely that the preparation of the finished diet involves processed meat and a large amount of by-products that will not harm the pet.

    However, in order for the fluffy purr to have the opportunity to grow and develop normally, it requires a sufficient amount of high-quality meat in the daily menu.

    Disadvantages also include:

    • lack of a special line (for obese cats, spayed/neutered pets, animals suffering from urolithiasis);
    • impossibility of using food as a complete diet;
    • impossibility of feeding cats under 12 months of age.

    Sheba wet cat food - reviews

    Valentina Shcherbakova
    https://xn--80avnr.xn--p1ai/%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B8%D0%B7%D0%B2%D0%BE%D0%B4%D0 %B8%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%B8/Sheba_(%D0%A8%D0%B5%D0%B1%D0%B0)

    I bought Sheba food for my cat. I opened the jar and saw a homogeneous grayish mass. I just couldn’t stand it and tried a little bit to see what it was. It was simply waste from fish or meat production. I didn’t hear any taste, and my cat flatly refused Sheba’s food and for some reason began to bury it - just scratch it on the floor. He didn't like Sheba's food.


    We feed our cat only super-premium food, but the financial family crisis forced us to lower the bar and we turned our attention to this food. We bought a bag of chicken and turkey to try and within a day we were put on an IV. There was just vomiting and vomiting with blood! Tests, injections, consultations, IVs. We rescued the cat from the other world. I sin on food, because there was nothing else to poison myself with. My opinion is very negative!


    I have always had a good opinion about the Sheba brand: in 2014, I bought jars from this manufacturer for my cat several times. Recently I discovered that Sheba began to produce (perhaps it had previously produced) sachets at a lower cost. I didn’t plan to buy them, but at the checkout of one of the grocery supermarkets I was given food in a gift box (as a bonus). The cardboard box even had a “Not for Sale” warning on it. After the bags, I had to slightly correct my opinion.

    Impressions of a cat. The pet ate the wet food with pleasure, but the interest was exactly the same as when eating Whiskas, Kitekat or Felix. Resistance is futile? Maybe.

    Consistency. The classic pieces mixed with jelly did not surprise me at all. As a result, Sheba also did not differ in this parameter from the food produced by the manufacturers described above.

    Ingredients: meat and offal (beef minimum 20%, chicken and turkey minimum 5%)

    The pieces look solid, but still there is a feeling that they are made from some kind of mass, and definitely not from whole beef or chicken.

    The difference in price is noticeable: Sheba - 25-30 rubles vs other manufacturers - 11-20 rubles. I didn’t notice any premium quality, so I conclude that purchasing Sheba means overpaying for the brand.

    Bag vs jar. Of course, the contents of the jar are a higher quality product, even the smell has pleasant notes, while opening the bag always evokes strange associations. The smell is unusually harsh for humans, but definitely pleasant for animals. The jar has a pate-like consistency with more meat (no jelly).

    At the old rate, 1 jar cost about 50 rubles, but now it costs almost 2 times more - 85–95 rubles. Considering the ridiculous weight of the jar, I can say with confidence that the overpayment is colossal. Yes, this is a finished product, but I think that fresh meat will be much healthier than canned meat that has been processed, pasteurized, preserved and other ordinary horrors of the technological process.

    PS Unfortunately, photographs of the jar were not taken at the time, so I have to start only from my own memories.

    The only joy. Unlike that horrible food that contained sugar, Sheba does not have it as an ingredient.

    Bottom line. A jar of Sheba is a priority for purchase over a bag precisely because of quality, but in terms of price it definitely loses.


    sachet - 2;

    jar - 4.

    The arithmetic mean is 3. I do not recommend it as a main food.


    Hello! I didn’t think that I would have to write a review about a food like Sheba. Now I’ll tell you why I had to.

    First, a little background. I have a wonderful Abyssinian cat, she eats Now Natural dry food, and I also pamper her with high-quality wet food.

    My mother has a cat Kuzya, I found him last year, a small, sick limp, and, naturally, he also gets the very best. And my father has a cat Asenka, she is already 9 years old, and all these years she has been eating only Royal Canin food. I tried to switch her to a higher quality food, but she is a lady with character, in short, the attempts were not crowned with success. But she looks great, cheerful and cheerful. Well, what can we do with her now, Royal is Royal. But she eats good, high-quality wet food.

    I supply all our cats with food and order it regularly from the Petshop online store. And so it happened that my father ended up in the hospital, and on the next trip to his house it turned out that not only had he forgotten to give the cat an anthelmintic, but he had also bought Asenka a whole bunch of Sheba food! As he explained, there was a promotion in the store, so he was tempted. The breadwinner... And he even boasted that the cat eats both cheeks! Well, what to do with it! ?

    And the cat really eats with great pleasure. As soon as he hears the creak of the bag, he immediately runs meowing to the kitchen...

    I read some positive reviews about this food, they say that the composition is good and there is no need to scold such an excellent food. But I don't agree. I'll explain why.

    Here, for example, is the composition of a bag of food with veal and tongue:

    meat and offal (veal min. 20%, tongue min. 5%), taurine, vitamins and minerals.

    And this with chicken and turkey:

    meat and offal (chicken min. 30%, turkey min. 4%), taurine, vitamins and minerals.

    But this does not mean at all that there is 30% chicken and 5% turkey. I am 100% sure that these are by-products, but which ones are unknown. And these are not natural pieces, which can be seen with the naked eye, but some artificial “squiggles”. The smell is terribly unpleasant, as if something has gone bad... 35% seems to be roughly clear what exactly it is, and the remaining 65%, what is it? Why did the manufacturer keep silent about this? Mystery.

    What did I want to say with this review and why did I even write it?

    I understand that not everyone can buy really expensive food.

    But there are wet foods in almost the same price category as Sheba, only of much better quality!

    For example, I often buy Organix wet food for my cats. I order a whole package of 24 pieces of metal jars with a key, 100 g - 32 rubles. And Sheba costs 25-27 rubles per 85 g bag... All the guys eat it with great pleasure.

    Or here’s another BioMenu food, also in metal cans, 100 g - 34 rubles.

    This food is in the form of a pate, and not all cats will like it, just not everyone likes this consistency. For example, my Cassandra likes me to dilute this food a little with milk (she doesn’t like pate, or prefers pieces, or a more liquid substance), and Kuzenka and Asenka happily eat it in its original form!

    The composition of these two foods is absolutely clear, there are no preservatives, E-shek flavor enhancers, and, most importantly, no mysteries. The price is practically the same, but the quality is much better than Sheba’s!

    So there is an alternative! Thank you for your attention to the review. I wish your pets health and longevity, to enjoy them and, of course, to please you!

    AsyaJust Asya

    I grew up and grew up in the village, my parents, as I remember, always kept all kinds of livestock: cows and bulls, sheep and rams, goats, ducks and chickens, turkeys and cats. At my core, I am a carnivorous meat-eater. At that time there were no large freezers, and when spring arrived, parents prepared stew. What am I talking about? Oh, and about the Sheba spiders.

    Since canned cat food for cats is somewhat different from ours, I think everyone knows the taste of meat, except vegetarians, of course. My taste buds, of course, are not a food analysis laboratory, but I still believe and rely on them. Somehow they haven’t let us down yet. I don’t encourage anyone to try cat food. Although what is mixed in our sausages and sausages is also a question.

    So, the taste of all types of Sheba spiders is liver, there is practically no meat. What you see in a pack of this food (see photo) is not pieces of meat at all, but soybeans richly “perfumed” with flavorings. That's why cats get hooked on this food.

    You can buy Sheba almost everywhere, the price is 85 grams. from 22 to 30 rub. for the spider! I hope you understand that such an inflated price is needed in order to recoup the costs of the beautiful advertising that you see on TV. For soy, you must agree, it’s a little expensive.

    Sheba's composition seemed to be better than that of the same whiskey.

    Beef and rabbit sheba: meat and offal (beef minimum 20%, rabbit minimum 5%).

    Chicken and turkey sheba: meat and offal (chicken at least 20%, turkey at least 5%).

    Veal and tongue sheba: meat and offal (veal minimum 20%, tongue minimum 5%).

    But do you people really think that in our country the production of animal feed is somehow controlled? You can write anything on packs of food for cats and dogs, as long as their product is purchased more than once. And to prevent cats from turning up their noses, flavorings are generously added to canned food. And so that the food is good, a lot, and always bought, the manufacturer cleverly sells it through grocery stores, so to speak, buy it for yourself and don’t forget about the animal.

    Personally, I like to buy food products for future use. I usually order online - pet stores are more convenient and cheaper. There is no need to rush around after work, looking for suitable food, or shopping. For me it is sacred that, first of all, the animals and the husband are fed and well-fed, and not get in the way.

    I am the owner of three wonderful non-party mongrel cats, I am not yet ready to keep a purebred cat, since the requirements for maintenance and care for them are very strict. Pedigree cats are more often susceptible to feline diseases than their non-pedigreed counterparts. I believe they should have appropriate food.

    I have always had cats, the most golden rule that I have learned is that cats from childhood get used to the food they are fed, and then it is almost impossible to retrain them.

    Therefore, whether or not to feed cats Sheba is up to each cat owner to decide for himself.


    My cat eats super premium food. But it can happen to anyone that they run out of money. So we suffered the same fate and there was no financial opportunity to purchase the usual food. I bought one bag of Sheba with chicken and turkey. The cat ate half the bag and almost died! First, vomiting began (this is a common thing for us, since it regurgitates wool). Okay, once is already a common thing for him. Then again at night. Then again. And then he vomited every hour, mixed with blood.

    There are no 24-hour veterinary clinics in my city, so I calmed the cat until nine in the morning and hoped for the best. Words cannot describe how we survived that night. There is zero money, clinics don’t work, you can’t get to a 24-hour pharmacy due to lack of finances. In general, from the very morning I borrowed a tidy sum and we rushed to the opening of the veterinary clinic. IV, five injections, terrible stress. Barium soldering during the day. In the evening again at the doctor’s table, an x-ray. Poisoning. The next two days will be difficult for us - more IVs, injections, tests.

    What I want to say with this story is that buying food for 21 rubles will ultimately cost me about 3,000 rubles. Next time, if I run out of money, I’d rather borrow money for good, high-quality food than feed my furry baby this poison again!



    There are no advantages


    One big minus!

    Hello, dear pet owners! I would like to share with you such a story, not very pleasant, I would even call it disgusting! I bought Sheba food (in bags), my cat loved it very much, she couldn’t put it down! I decided to pamper you once again! I opened the package in the evening and left half of it for the morning! In the morning I open it, and there are nasty white worms!!! I almost threw up! it's just awful! It wasn’t even 8 hours aft, and there it was already! I threw it away without a second thought and will never buy this poison again for any price! Don’t torture your pet, it’s better to spend money on expensive food than to pay twice or even three times more for treatment! Miser pays twice! I have already been convinced of this from my own experience, now I will not regret spending money on expensive food and I encourage you to do the same!!!!



    There are no advantages.


    Dangerous to the health and life of the animal.

    My cat really loved Sheba food. So I often spoiled her. This is what happened on the last evening of her life. It was a green bag: chicken and turkey. She usually does not eat everything at once, but stretches out the pleasure. In the morning the cat had to be urgently taken to the clinic. It was not possible to save. Diagnosis: acute poisoning. An autopsy confirmed this diagnosis. The cat did not eat anything else - this is 100%. Why did neither I nor the cat feel that something was wrong with the food? I don’t know, but I think the strong fragrances and flavoring additives did their job. It is possible that botulism is not always felt upon consumption. But the fact remains: my Cherry died. Do not buy this poison for your pets!

    Feed line

    A well-known manufacturer produces an extensive line of Sheba food. Below you can see the types of ready-made diets that can be purchased at almost any supermarket.

    1. Sheba mini portion . The weight of the pouch reaches 50 g. Even the most picky cat will like the pieces in the sauce.
    2. Sheba Pleasure is a wet diet containing 2 types of meat products. The pieces in the sauce are packaged in pouch sachets, the weight of which reaches 85 g.
    3. Sheba Appetito is a wet diet, the composition of which is similar to Pleasure, only the pieces are not in sauce, but in jelly.
    4. Sheba Naturalle is a food that contains 2 types of meat products. Slices of wet food are generously poured with sauce. The volume of the pouch sachet reaches 80 g.
    5. Sheba Classic is a type of ready-made diet, which the manufacturer designates as a haute cuisine dish. The food is packaged in lamister jars with foil material, the volume of which does not exceed 80 g.
    6. Sheba Delicatesso is a wet ready-made food for four-legged friends, which is sold in the form of pate or fricassee. The weight of lamister pallets with foil material reaches 85 g.

    Note! The Sheba Classic ready-made diet is produced in Thailand, and Sheba Delicatesso in Germany.

    How to replace Sheba food

    If Sheba food is not available in the store or it is not possible to purchase it, then it can be replaced with other foods of different classes:

    • premium (Royal Canin, Gourmet);
    • superpremium (Leonardo, Brit Care);
    • holistic (Moonlight).

    Photo gallery: wet food to replace Sheba

    Royal Canin is the most popular premium cat food in Russia

    Gourmet wet cat food is produced in France and Russia by Nestle Purina Petcare

    positions its product as complete nutrition

    claims that its products are made only from natural, hypoallergenic and easily digestible ingredients

    You can buy Moonlight food only in a specialized store (most often it is delivered to order)

    Table: characteristics of replacement feed

    ClassThe product's nameAnimal protein includedUnwanted ComponentsAgeTreatment seriesPrice
    PremiumRoyal CaninUp to 12%YeastThere are options for kittens, adults and senior catsThere are preventive foods for cats of different ages, breeds and physiological characteristics.From 54 rubles for 85 g
    GourmetUp to 11%Cereal processed productsFor adult cats onlyFrom 45 rubles for 85 g
    SuperpremiumLeonardoUp to 11.5%There is food for kittens Finest Selection KITTEN PoultryFrom 80 rubles for 85 g
    Brit CareUp to 12%Modified starchThere are canned foods for adult cats and kittensFrom 77 rubles for 85 g
    HolisticMoonlightUp to 17%For all agesFrom 149 rubles for 80 g

    Reviews from veterinarians

    Veterinary experts unanimously say that Sheba’s ready-made diet is not suitable for daily feeding. What class does this food belong to?
    The manufacturer claims that this brand belongs to the premium class. However, the dubious composition, which the manufacturer for some reason has not yet deciphered, causes mistrust. Very often, animal owners who fed their cats Sheba food contacted veterinary clinics. Their animals suffered from pathologies of the digestive tract and urinary tract. Most likely, such diseases were caused by poor diet. Sheba does not contain a sufficient amount of useful elements that are required for normal development of the animal.


    There are no medicinal foods in the Sheba line, so it is not advisable to feed them to sick, sterilized cats. It is recommended to be given as a treat to keep your pet's fur in excellent condition, especially for breeds with long hair.

    The composition, rich in meat products, has a beneficial effect on the vitality of large breeds of cats. Manufacturers assure that Sheba can be given to cats of any breed.

    This food is not cheap, as it belongs to the premium class. But for a caring owner, price is not a significant criterion for choosing food for your pet; the most important thing is that the food is healthy.

    You can determine whether food is suitable for your pet based on the following criteria:

    • Many people give the right of choice to the cat herself, then monitor how her body tolerates certain food, while paying attention to the characteristics of her stool.
    • You need to monitor the animal’s behavior after eating food; if it is in a playful and active mood and not aggressive, then this means that everything is fine.
    • You can determine the health status of your pet by the smell from its mouth; if it has an unpleasant tint, then the food being consumed is not suitable for the cat.
    • Based on the condition of the fur, you can also determine whether this food is suitable for your pet; if the fur is shiny, does not tangle or shed, then the appropriate food has been chosen.

    “Sheba” is a food that has gained great popularity among cat owners; it belongs to the premium class category. The food is produced only in wet form, packaged in cans and sealed bags.

    Intended for animals older than one month and without health problems. It is advisable not to make it a complete meal, but only as a treat in addition to the main diet.

    Brief conclusions and feeding recommendations

    SHEBA® is a complete food that can provide your cat with the energy it needs throughout the day. The product has a number of advantages:

    • excellent taste that furry babies love;
    • a variety of textures: from the softest, melting (thin slices in a large amount of sauce) to larger pieces that require careful chewing;
    • rich assortment of flavors;
    • meat and offal are in first place in the list of ingredients;
    • high content of animal proteins;
    • without soy, spices, dyes and preservatives

    The food recipe is developed taking into account the needs of an adult healthy body. This food is suitable for cats of any breed over 12 months. Older cats that feel well and have no digestive problems can also eat SHEBA® meals.

    What to do if food is very expensive?

    Sheba food, whose average price is 50 rubles per 90 grams, is not affordable for all cat owners. If we convert the product into kilograms, which is how people usually start when calculating the cost of a purchase, then the price turns out to be fabulous - 550 rubles in Russia (or 300 hryvnia in Ukraine). An adult cat, according to the manufacturer's recommendation, needs 3-4 packs per day, that is, 270-360 grams. 2.2 kg per week, and 8.8 kg per month. Then the cost of a furry pet per month will be about 5 thousand rubles (or 2.6 thousand UAH). The amount is not small, so the question arises of what to feed the animal.

    The main product should be meat. Not boiled, but frozen. Ground bones or pre-purchased bone meal must be included in the diet. Vegetables at the owner's discretion. Cats do not have enough food enzymes to break down raw vegetables and fruits. If you add them to homemade food, then only in steamed form.


    The Sheba line is produced by Mars. It markets not only food for domestic cats and dogs (Pedigree, Cesar, Royal Canin, Chappi, Kitekat, Whiskas, Perfect Fit), but also food and drinks for people. The feed came to Russia in 1991. Representative offices are located in major cities of the country: Krasnodar, Samara, Novosibirsk).

    The official website is completely Russified, but the information on it is extremely scarce. For example, there is no accurate information: where the ingredients for making feed come from, the compositions are not written down.

    About the brand

    The Sheba brand was founded in 1985. Probably its name is a reference to the ancient state of Saba or Sabea, which at one time was ruled by the legendary Queen of Sheba, who is called “Queen of Sheba” in English. The owner of the trademark proclaimed the symbol of the Sheba brand to be a cat of the Russian Blue breed, which represents the brand in all commercials, is depicted on food packaging, and also became the star of creative advertising - “Sheba”! Karaoke cat - five reasons."

    The manufacturer claims that Sheba wet food contains only the highest quality ingredients, without soy, flavor enhancers, and other artificial additives, and is developed jointly by leading nutritionists and veterinarians at the Waltham Pet Nutrition Research Institute.


    Sheba cat food contains the following components:

    • meat and meat ingredients (beef, chicken, rabbit, turkey);
    • fish and fish ingredients (salmon, navaga, tuna, shrimp);
    • tapioca (the root of the cassava plant - fiber to improve animal digestion);
    • taurine (stimulates the digestive tract, sharpens vision, supports the heart and immunity);
    • omega fatty acids (improves metabolic processes);
    • vegetable fats (give hair shine, relieve inflammation);
    • vitamins E and A (have a regenerating and anti-inflammatory effect);
    • cereals.

    What to do if food is a very expensive pleasure?

    Sheba food, whose average price is 50 rubles per 90 grams, is not affordable for all cat owners. If we convert the product into kilograms, which is how people usually start when calculating the cost of a purchase, then the price turns out to be fabulous - 550 rubles in Russia (or 300 hryvnia in Ukraine). An adult cat, according to the manufacturer's recommendation, needs 3-4 packs per day, that is, 270-360 grams. 2.2 kg per week, and 8.8 kg per month. Then the cost of a furry pet per month will be about 5 thousand rubles (or 2.6 thousand UAH). The amount is not small, so the question arises of what to feed the animal.

    The main product should be meat. Not boiled, but frozen. Ground bones or pre-purchased bone meal must be included in the diet. Vegetables at the owner's discretion. Cats do not have enough food enzymes to break down raw vegetables and fruits. If you add them to homemade food, then only in steamed form.


    What is pet happiness? This is when he is loved, cared for and given enough attention. And how is the owner’s love for the fluffy expressed? In his constant and reverent care for his ward. Caring is expressed through comfort, which consists of such little things as a warm home, a soft sofa and, of course, tasty and healthy food. If you rely on reviews from cat owners, you can see that purring friends appreciated the taste of such a product as Sheba. In terms of external characteristics, the four-legged friend has improved digestion and a shiny coat that does not shed.

    According to the testimony of some veterinarians, the nutritional value of Sheba cat food is optimal for tailed friends. This food contains crude protein, vitamins and fiber necessary for your pet - these are the substances needed for proper metabolism and good digestion. It is worth noting that the composition of these canned foods in spider packages is much richer. Sheba food for cats smells delicious and looks quite edible even for humans. The cats gobble it up on both cheeks and also lick the bowls. This pleasure may not be cheap, but why not pamper your beloved pet at least sometimes? Do not skimp not only on your pleasures, but also think about our smaller brothers, whom we have taken under our responsibility. After all, a person’s mood and emotional state often depend on their health.

    ( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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