How to catch a cat - independent fishing and when you can’t do without a specialist?

Situations arise when animals end up on the street due to their excessive curiosity or instincts. Then the owner begins to think about how to catch the cat. Often there is a need to return a lost animal to its owner or catch a stray cat in order to take it to a shelter. You need to know how to properly catch a stray cat so as not to harm either her or yourself.

Is it possible to catch other people's cats?

If the cat was a domestic cat, but for some reason ran outside, it needs to be caught and returned to its owner. Such pets normally make contact because they are accustomed to people. To catch a domestic cat, you need to lure it with something tasty. Thick gloves should be worn on hands. Once caught, the animal is placed in a carrier. If a cat has spent some time on the street, has turned semi-wild and has become unaccustomed to the house, then you can catch it using a specially made trap.

It is more difficult to catch a feral cat and bring it home.

Watching a homeless animal

When catching animals, several goals are pursued: to provide medical assistance, to take them home. Some people treat animals first and then find a safe home for them. Novice volunteers are interested in the question: how to catch a wild cat for sterilization? All such intentions are noble. The main thing is not to catch a pet that the owners let out for a walk.

The first thing to do is to determine the reason why the cat is avoiding humans. It is important to understand the difference between fearfulness and aggression in an animal. If it is embittered, it poses a great danger to people. You cannot allow such an animal to bite you.

There are a number of diseases that are transmitted through the saliva of a predator, for example, rabies. Observe your cat's habits to assess his condition. If he has heavy breathing or poor coordination of movements, then you can tell your veterinarian about these signs so that he can diagnose the animal.

If the cat is drooling or walking around as if sleepy, then it is better to call a special service that deals with catching stray animals. They have special equipment and will do it professionally, and thus you will protect your health. Under such circumstances, do not even try to think about how to catch a stray cat.

What should you consider when catching?

Before catching a pet cat, you need to consider several factors, such as:

In order to catch a cat, you need to prepare equipment - traps and gloves.

  • Before you start fishing, you need to observe the cat, study its behavior and habits.
  • Prepare equipment: gloves, traps, treats.
  • It is worth remembering that a cat can be sick, perhaps even rabid. The animal may bite or scratch. It is not necessarily aggressive, it is a reaction to fear and a stranger.
  • If the capture was successful, you need to take the cat to the veterinarian for sterilization and further examination.
  • Ask those around you if they are familiar with the animal, so as not to catch someone else’s neighbor’s cat.

Veterinary examination

A medical examination is required, regardless of whether the cat was previously domestic or not. Only a specialist can properly conduct an examination and detect diseases, including fatal ones. Carrying a street cat home without inspection is dangerous, since not only the health of other pets is at risk, but also the owners themselves and their children.

The cat is immediately taken to the veterinarian

Attention! If a visit to the doctor is planned less than 12 hours after capture, then feeding is not carried out, only clean water is given.

If the doctor does not find any diseases, the animal is treated for fleas and worms. It happens that there is no veterinarian nearby. This happens in remote settlements. Then the animal is sent to quarantine. The cat is isolated in a separate room or at least a cage to prevent contact with other residents of the house. But it should be remembered that some infections are transmitted by airborne droplets - for example, calcivirus. The cat is given dishes for food and drink, and a separate tray is placed.

The first three weeks require quarantine

The duration of preventive isolation is 14-21 days. During this period, the animal is observed, behavior, appetite, and appearance are assessed.

Table 1. Dangerous symptoms when examining a cat in quarantine.

Name of organ, systemViolations
Wool, leatherBald patches, growths, dandruff, peeling, neoplasms
EyesTearing, discharge, redness, swelling of the eyelids, incomplete opening of the palpebral fissure, visibility of the third eyelid
Respiratory systemRunny nose, pus from the nose or crust around the nostrils, trouble breathing
EarsAbundance of sulfur, crust, especially in combination with an unpleasant odor
Musculoskeletal systemLameness, unnatural position of limbs, etc.
Nervous systemFear of light, water, depression, apathy
Digestive systemAppetite disturbances, diarrhea, bad smell of stool, presence of pus, blood, and other foreign products in it
Mucous membranesBlueness or yellowness
urinary systemBad smell of urine, presence of blood in it

They check the condition of the internal organs by feeling the stomach and observing the cat’s reaction. It is also a good idea to measure your body temperature. The norm is considered to be 38...39 °C.

The cat should have its body temperature measured

If any signs of disease or infection are found, then you should find an opportunity and still show the cat to the veterinarian. At home, without special tests, it is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe therapy. In severe cases, this can lead to the rapid death of the animal.

Attention! If an animal shows signs of rabies, approaching it is life-threatening! In such cases, immediately contact the sanitary and epidemiological station or veterinary service.

Ways to catch a wild cat

The cat needs to be fed for several days. Pieces of meat, fish, and milk are suitable. While the cat is eating, you need to talk to him and calm him down. This is necessary so that the animal learns to trust the person. When the savage gets used to it, you can set a trap for the street cat: a cage, inside of which there should be bait. It is recommended to cover the floor with a soft rug to make your pet comfortable. Even if the cat is friendly, you can’t pick it up with your bare hands, it’s unknown how it will react.


Special organizations are usually involved in catching animals for sterilization purposes. Also, individual people who then release animals to freedom. This activity significantly reduces the number of stray cats and this is already good. After surgery, females are kept in hospitals for up to 6 days until they recover. The cats are released every other day.

But you can also take care to find a more comfortable home for the animal. While your pet is in the veterinary hospital, call shelters and find one suitable for her. Before surrendering the animal, keep the receipts issued by the doctor. Some organizations have established the ability to pay for the treatment of homeless animals.

Another way is to offer a caught and already neutered cat to friends or relatives. This way you can be sure that the animal will be in good hands.

Koshkolovka: how to do it?

From a box or crate you can build a cat cage, inside which food for bait is placed.
It is suitable to lure a wild cat that is afraid of people. You need to have such traps when living in the country or in your home, where wild cats often visit. You can build a cat cage from an ordinary thick box, take a carrier, or use a net. If you take a box to catch a stray animal, you need to figure out how it will close when the cat enters. Put some goodies in the trap, wait for the fluffy, as soon as he comes in, close the door. It is better to cover the top with a cloth so that the cat does not get scared. When throwing a net on a stray cat, you need to do it from behind. Animals have a good reaction, so if she sees this, she will simply run away. Under no circumstances should you grab the tail, because the pet will be scared, and perhaps even bite or scratch. When fishing, it is recommended not to forget about gloves.

The cat family loves valerian. There is such a way: buy an alcohol tincture, drop a few drops on the rug as bait, then put it in a trap.

Understand why sharpening a cat's claws is so important

Cats “speak” in the language of smell. On the soft pads of their paws there are glands that secrete an odorous secretion. The animal's sweat with a unique smell remains on them. Thanks to this method, cats leave their messages or unravel other people's information. This method allows you to mark the territory, indicating that the place is occupied.

Cats also scratch to relieve stress and keep themselves in good physical shape. While sharpening its claws, the cat tries to stretch the muscles on its back and paws as much as possible. These sensations give her real pleasure.

Cats scratch surfaces that are pleasant to the touch - keep this in mind when creating or purchasing a scratching post. And try to be as patient as possible: it will take some time for the cat to like the new item.

You will probably be interested to see how one cat is not bored, but tests the patience of a Buddhist monk: the video has gone viral on the Internet.

A way to catch your escaped kitten

Catching the house

If you call a shy cat, but he doesn’t want to go and is hiding somewhere, you can try to lure him out. The main thing is not to scare off. A bait is suitable for this. With its help, kittens are lured out from under the sofa or closet. While the fluffy ball is eating, you need to communicate with it and calm it down. You can try to gently stroke it or pick it up. If you are planning a trip, you need to put him in a carrier. Just sit it with its muzzle facing outward so that the cat can see what is happening.

How to fish on the street and in the yard?

To prevent the animal from running away, it is important to close all doors and windows, since jumping from the latter can lead to injury.
This can be done in the same ways: using treats and traps. An escaped cat with or without kittens must be lured. Sooner or later she will get hungry and come for a snack. When a pet knows its owner, it is more willing to make contact. But to avoid the animal escaping and getting lost, it is necessary to close the doors and windows. Cats jump out of windows, get injured and can simply get lost.

Pet carrier

A cat carrier can also be used as a catching device. It must be of good quality, made of hard plastic, equipped with a metal door and lid. The presence of these elements will allow you to use the basket according to the boiler principle. The removable lid will make it easier for the veterinarian when removing the animal from the carrier.

When catching homeless revelers, different goals may be pursued, but the principles of approach remain the same. If you live in a private house, you have a vegetable garden and a farm, then, of course, you do not need uninvited guests in the form of a wild predator. This comparison is quite appropriate for a feral cat. After all, it can cause harm to the household, for example, steal birds, and also trample down beds on a plot of land. If you find yourself in this situation, you most likely want to know how to catch a feral cat in your yard. Using a pet carrier is a very suitable option.

Luring a freedom-loving guest into a cage is not so easy. First you have to tame her a little. Only on favorable terms will the animal become more flexible. Pay attention to which side it enters the yard, and start placing food in a bowl approximately in this place twice a day. Place an open cage at a decent distance. Be patient, the luring process will take some time. When the predator begins to regularly feed on your site, begin to gradually move the bowl of food towards the carrier, then place it on the threshold, etc. The door should be closed only when you are sure of success. If you miss, all efforts will be in vain, and winning the animal’s trust a second time is very problematic, almost impossible.

Take a break

Catching a kitten can be an unpleasant experience for you. The expert recommends being patient not only with your kitten, but also with yourself. Make sure you have enough time to complete the plan.

For example, waiting for a mother cat may take some time. After this, try to take a break before you start using the trap. You shouldn't be angry. The more relaxed and confident you are, the smoother the whole process will go.

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